mesorah 123

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  • in reply to: Rav Moshe Feinstein-Chalav Stam Story #1149324
    mesorah 123

    I found the following story online. As such this the “mekor”

    The story occured Tuesday afternoon February 28 1978 or 21 Adar I 5738. He had justy finished giving a shiur on Atzutz Nakuv, when he asked for a coffee. ONe of the younger bachurim jumped at the oppurtunity and ran off to prepare it. Shortly after having the coffee the Rosh Yeshiva felt unwell and vomited. This was very unusual and created a big tumul. At first soem suspected the milk as it had been sitting out all day, but others drank the milk and were fine. This was really starnge. It was then that the mistake was realized. This young bachur and never prepared the Rosh Yeshiva’s coffee before and was understandibly nervous at the task at hand. He didnt double check the milk and accidently used a private bottle of instead don the Yeshiva’s cholov Yisroel milk.

    in reply to: Rav Moshe Feinstein-Chalav Stam Story #1149280
    mesorah 123

    Eretz Hak. Please define a “ba’al nefesh”. Reb Reuven and Dovid drank c”s most of there life and now they feel baal nefesh applies to them. Reb Moshe drank C”S. No one intelligent or intellectually honset disputes that. As did most ppl in that time.

    in reply to: Rav Moshe Feinstein-Chalav Stam Story #1149278
    mesorah 123

    Jewish thinker. The story is false and not famous but infamous for its falsity. I am a good friend of R’ Moshe’s great grandson (Fishelis) and he said it is false. Every person who drinks chalav stam gets big zchusim for not engaging in pseudo – frumkeit and for following Reb Moshe’s psak. As an aside even w/o Reb Moshe you also have the pri chadash to rely on.

    in reply to: Rav Moshe Feinstein-Chalav Stam Story #1149268
    mesorah 123

    Reb Moshe drank chalav stam thats a fact that any of his family members can attest to. Moreover, R’ Dovid and R’Reuven drank chalav stam until recently b/c “baal nefesh” means an older person with a certain ziknah. The revisionism here is appaling. What is a “baal nefesh” ? Ask his own choldren. R’ Shirkin from Toras Moshe would call this a “heter sh’ayn hatzibur yecholim la’amod bah”.

    in reply to: Ner Yisroel and Chofetz Chaim #988458
    mesorah 123

    Ner Yisroel is filled with serious bnei torah who are baalei middos, lamdanim, value scholarship and recognize the Torah mandate of being resposnible for supporting a family and klal yisroel. Also Ner Yisroel is part of the broader yeshiva world. Many talmidim also learn in the MIr, Mercaz Hatorah, Toras Moshe, Bais Yosef etc…. Reb Tzvi Berkowitz is one of the biggest talmidei chachomim and meyvinim in the country.

    Chofetz Chaim is also a fine yeshiva yet they exist in a bubble as the students are wholly in their system and do not integrate well in other yeshivos.

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