mesivta bachur

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  • in reply to: Tomorrow Segula for Parnasa, Saying Parashas Haman #2049925
    mesivta bachur

    ¨If I had a dollar for every email I will get today reminding me to say parshas hamon, I wouldn´t need a segula for parnassah.¨- An Anonymous Rav

    said over by R’ Dovid Bashevkin

    in reply to: 🦠😷Raise Your Hand if You’re in Quarantine!😷🦠 #2049927
    mesivta bachur

    the younger grades are but apparently midterms are more important than ¨health risks¨

    in reply to: Unicorns – Real or not? #2049928
    mesivta bachur

    ¨Just because you´ve never seen it, doesn´t mean it doesn´t exist¨ R’ Shaul Shimon Deutsch

    in reply to: Conspiracy theories #2042720
    mesivta bachur

    That I have an alter ego in which I am a teenage girl.

    in reply to: Levush #2041056
    mesivta bachur

    common saychel
    To quote our goan of a prez “c’mon [wo]man”

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2039437
    mesivta bachur

    The actual close talmidim like R’ Willig shlita and the Rav’s grandsons hy”d and shlita are the ones actually upholding the Rav’s mehalech and Torah; anyone who claims that the Rav would have supported women’s minyanim is not a true talmid of the Rav and simply twisting the Torah and the Rav’s Torah.

    in reply to: Balabatim, how do you learn? #2038637
    mesivta bachur

    Is that what you do?

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2038546
    mesivta bachur

    and yet sadly, today many people leave ou the Rabbi and desparigingly reffer to the Rav by his initials, (not the GRI¨D).

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2038510
    mesivta bachur

    CTR “there are a lot more boys in BMG currently enrolled in college than Ner Israel.” There are also more than 10 times more boys enrolled in BMG; I would be intrested in hearing percentage wise who has more.
    UJM “His rabbinic peers (equals) generally called him (in person to him and between themselves) simply by those two initials of his first names. There wasn’t and isn’t anything derogatory about that. The reverence in mostly referring to him as R’ Yoshe Ber is, for the most part, posthumous by those seeking to raise his stature.”
    And yet those beneath him should have no excuse to refer to him as such. If R’Yaakov Kamenetzky was called Yankel by his peers no bachur or yungerman or maggid shiur would chv¨sh call him by such a name.

    in reply to: Israels shocking poverty rate #2037290
    mesivta bachur

    The true anti-zionists will serve in the army and get a job as to avoid being reliant on the medina stipends. If you (ujm) will say all those in kollel should not accept stipends or well fair then I would be willing to hear you say the reason charedim don’t go to the army is zionism.

    This is not to condone or condemn charedim in the army just seeing who is a true Anti Zionist who is just shouting slogans.

    in reply to: What is the worst insult you can receive #2037225
    mesivta bachur

    Well… you’re just MO

    in reply to: Non-typical Wedding Ideas #2037166
    mesivta bachur

    And is the “normal system” the best option? Even if you don’t have to worry about going into debt, it’s not assur or even bedieved to have some individuality. Seriously, what’s wrong with having an abnormal chasuna?

    in reply to: Levush #2037178
    mesivta bachur

    I think that was the Maharal not the SA

    in reply to: Abortion Case #2037154
    mesivta bachur

    Reb E, is the Tzitz E a relative of yours?

    in reply to: Speed davening. #2036891
    mesivta bachur

    Lost spark.
    It’s a peleh he managed to get to shul before shir shel yom or aleinu depending on the nusach.

    in reply to: Black Ethiopian Jews #2036686
    mesivta bachur

    The “Afrikaners” moved there only a couple hundred years ago, the Ethiopian Jews (or non Jews, not saying one way or another but just pointing something out) claim to have been in central Africa close to the equator for thousands of years. It would make sense that the Ashkenazim started off relatively darker but after a long time in dark Northern Europe took on paler complexions.

    in reply to: “Jews” In Government #2036663
    mesivta bachur

    I personally would prefer to light their “Chanukah bush” but that would be arson and therefore illegal. You should always keep in mind how beautiful these universal symbols of freedom are when lit by VP Miriam bas Bilga.

    Happy Chanakah 29

    in reply to: Levush #2036667
    mesivta bachur

    So there is no real halachic plusses to wearing a long jacket?

    in reply to: Keeping my last name when married #2036656
    mesivta bachur

    The Maharsha took his mothein law’s name. And chassidim and chashuve kehilos hyphenate all the time, eg. Seret-Vizhnitz, Pinsk- Karlin and Brisk-Yerushalayim.

    in reply to: Tanach in Yeshivos #2033442
    mesivta bachur

    Thanks Novelty!

    in reply to: Tanach in Yeshivos #2033299
    mesivta bachur

    It’s to keep toxic masculinity in check. If boys were taught Tanach they would feel superior to girls in all ways this way woman will be able to have some edge of knowledge over their husbands.

    in reply to: What do you do to earn a living #2033268
    mesivta bachur

    eat. You can’t earn life without food.

    in reply to: Cofee room members #2032894
    mesivta bachur

    I also know for a fact that DBS is also 15 (sorry).

    in reply to: Cofee room members #2032892
    mesivta bachur

    To each their own I guess; I personally found being 5 a much more awesome experience.

    in reply to: YWN ads #2030870
    mesivta bachur

    My not-frum grandfather used to think talmid chacham meant a sick or poor person from all the emails he got to “save a talmid chacham with six kids and no kidneys” I think he was kind of horrified to hear his grand kids saying they want to be a talmid chacham when they grow up.

    in reply to: Cofee room members #2030868
    mesivta bachur


    in reply to: which jewish community to live in #2029901
    mesivta bachur

    Pittsburgh has a bigger kehilla than most of the Pennsylvanian places already mentioned, with 3 shuls a kollel and schools

    in reply to: How old is Jhono #2029846
    mesivta bachur

    I actually live around the block from the creater of RIK if you want I can ask him for an exact number.

    in reply to: How old is Jhono #2029808
    mesivta bachur

    Full name is Jonathon Weinsteinstien

    in reply to: Kid names #2029694
    mesivta bachur

    @Maivin. Can I quote you on that?

    in reply to: How old is Jhono #2029665
    mesivta bachur

    Jono is a film student who doesn’t seem to take any actual classes and just hangs around Rabbi Kadoozy’s basement with his pet gefilte named G-Fish.

    in reply to: Kid names #2029609
    mesivta bachur

    @bas, thanks I actually just looked in a siddur at the pesukim for names and just started writing them down until it was time for seder.

    in reply to: Nusach Sefard #2029097
    mesivta bachur

    My yeshiva davens Ashkenaz my family’s minhag is to daven nusach sefard. Tangentially I also where a gartel and have gotten derisive comments on that as well.

    in reply to: Where Klal Yisroel will be in 100 years from now #2028997
    mesivta bachur

    Yimos hamashiach and zman Beis Hamikdash are 2 different things.

    in reply to: Women Doing Men’s Jobs #2028489
    mesivta bachur

    >Aseres Hadibros (Ten Commandments, for the uninitiated.

    Last time I checked dibra did not mean commandment. If we had the aseres hamitzvos that would be different. while of course KA”V is a chiyuv, to say that the aseres hadibros are commandments shows a lack of initiation on your part.

    in reply to: Which Sesame Street character are you? #2027539
    mesivta bachur

    Best thread I have seen in a long time.
    Probably Cookie Monster but maybe Grover.

    in reply to: Confusion on Lubavitch. #2024460
    mesivta bachur

    ujm. The Jewish months are named for Bavli a”z and many English months are named for roman a”z and the english days of the week are named for Norse a”z.

    in reply to: The Salem Witch Trials #2023230
    mesivta bachur

    over all 19 people were executed in the Salem witch trials.

    in reply to: The Salem Witch Trials #2022267
    mesivta bachur

    the Salem witch trials were merely the biggest New world example of what had been happening all over Europe for the past few centuries. Sadly in Europe often yidden HY”D would be the witches burned t the stake R”L for witchcraft, with fake or no evidence. Similarly almost all the teenage girls accusing “witches” in Salem admitted years later to making it all up because they were bored.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019651
    mesivta bachur

    I don’t see why everyone is getting so worked up about CRT, it’s not being taught in OUR schools. No matter who where or when we will have racists. Racist whites who will shoot up shuls, and racist blacks who will shoot up stores and beat people up. WAKE UP (no pun intended) we’re in galus arguing about the supposed racism in our HOST country maybe we should focus on davening and learning and ranting about other stuff on the CR.

    in reply to: When did hats get so big? #2018686
    mesivta bachur

    It seems to me streimlach are also getting bigger the old streimlach look like fur donuts, today they’re essentially small tires with elegantly up swept fur.

    in reply to: why are there no daughters in the Hagadah #2018685
    mesivta bachur

    ujm please don’t get caught up in semantics.

    in reply to: attention #2018605
    mesivta bachur

    ” Let’s say you have a tenth grader standing on his desk in middle of math class and screaming” thanks for the idea spot on

    in reply to: ADHD can be an expression of the creative mind #2018607
    mesivta bachur

    If I didn’t have adhd would I be hear instead of chemistry? Who knows?

    in reply to: Married Women Shaving Their Hair Off #2018597
    mesivta bachur

    Still besides for the Jewish Taliban in Guatemala men look at their wives so how does this prove anything?

    in reply to: Planes over Jerusalem #2018501
    mesivta bachur

    Do you mean WW2? The Nazis yemach shemam bombed (lav davka Germans) bombed Tel Aviv and Chaifa during WW2

    in reply to: Married Women Shaving Their Hair Off #2018500
    mesivta bachur

    > Avrohom Avinu never looked at Sara Imainu

    We can’t use the actions of an adam gadol to learn out halacha lemaisah. In addition very little shaychus to this discussion, the question isn’t weather you can look at your wife (if you have one), it’s why some shave their heads if there’s a link here that I’m missing please let me know.

    in reply to: mesivta bochurim #2018498
    mesivta bachur

    It’s really just the beginnings of sentences that get me, I generally do capitalize names.

    in reply to: mesivta bochurim #2017899
    mesivta bachur

    I’m just used to google docs where they automatically capitalize for you

    in reply to: mesivta bochurim #2017171
    mesivta bachur

    also why does the fact that you got caught mean the rest of us have to. the atitude of if i cant have it noone can is anethema to a toradige lifestyle and definately not the mehalach a mesivta bachur should have

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