mesivta aliyah

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  • in reply to: Jewish music #1892803
    mesivta aliyah

    any goyish song with jewish words is a goyish song its naive to think words make such a diffrence of course a treif song is treif but its what thoughts the composer puts in to the music when he writes it not the words that define jewish not jewish

    in reply to: Get accepted into Brisk #1891937
    mesivta aliyah

    ppl have this mindset that bochurim today are terrible and dont learn lishma and halevi they should be like the bochurim of yesteryear i dont know about u i peresonnaly know hundreds and hundreds of bochurim who sat in their room with their kosher flip phone trying to hear although it was unclear their chavrusahs anr rebbeim and yes most of the tome no one was ooohing and ahhing them pls respect our bochurim

    in reply to: Alma Mater song #1891935
    mesivta aliyah

    deaf man in the shteeble and really any abie claassic song

    in reply to: WhatsApp Profile Picures #1884449
    mesivta aliyah

    Not sure y this is even a discussion and y shouldn’t a lady post pics of her family for her friends to see I hope u don’t have a hava amina men are looking at ladies pics!!?!

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #1884442
    mesivta aliyah

    And @nomesorah btw did u read up on the book a very Yesodosidick book stam also

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #1884441
    mesivta aliyah

    And @nomesorah btw did u read up on the book a very Yesodosidick book stam also

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #1884437
    mesivta aliyah

    I don’t chap your point are u upset that bochurim dress nicely or not nicely

    and @n0mesorah
    I don’t know where acceptance comes into this just Bc I dress like a Yeshivah bochur and we are stressing that that is important doesn’t mean if someone comes in dressed like a yuck then we won’t let him daven Chas Vshalom we accept all pp!
    The argument is that the levush of a bochur is important and there’s a reason 4 it

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #1884077
    mesivta aliyah

    thats your reading material

    in reply to: Whos getting hurt most #1883174
    mesivta aliyah

    U want to tell me another demograph that is affected more yes ppl have more personal tragedies then us bochurim but as a demographic

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #1883063
    mesivta aliyah

    dear no mesorah
    myb u should read some english biographies on gedolim and learn up on our history/mesorah

    in reply to: Whos getting hurt most #1883065
    mesivta aliyah

    thx for the support!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #1882918
    mesivta aliyah

    Would u like to explain yourself @huju bc I don’t see how that has any play in this matter and also a not frum person counts for a Minyan

    in reply to: The black hat. #1882594
    mesivta aliyah

    a ger who knows style pshh wow

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #1882561
    mesivta aliyah

    Again it was a shvere matzav and the maskalims students wore uniforms and looked like they were very Chashuv and when the baal habatim looked they saw there Chashuve students going to university so Reb Yeshoua leib said that bochurim need to wear nice clothing at that time the bochurim were wearing leftover rags from the baal habatim and were eating the meals by their houses so he said that they are looking at the bochurim and they aren’t gonna have respect we need to have respect for bochurim so he started getting the bochurim nice clothes having meals in Yeshivah and giving a stipend to them what I was trying to say is that to combat the maskalim bochurim need to to establish a matzav of kavod haTorah if bochurim were still wearing rags then what would the matzav of the frume litvish community be now… Do u want to answer that question???

    in reply to: parents and cell phones #1882575
    mesivta aliyah

    can we agree that now its a equal problem?

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #1882499
    mesivta aliyah

    u missed the point ofc we need to still be mechbad bochrim im talking as a parent bochrim are the essence of yiddishkeit and also as brewewd cofffe said u have no mesorah… mesorah is the most important part of yiddeshkeit once we shtell avek e matzav we stay with it

    in reply to: Yeshivish Clothing #1882252
    mesivta aliyah

    the reason y the yeshivish oilam hatorah has a dress code is in the maharil diskins days the maskalim were attacking the yiddish community and they were looking at the maskalims university students in their fancy uniforms and we needed bochurim to have shtutlz…… would u rather have no frum bochurim???????????????

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