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  • in reply to: Question on R Miller (maybe joe will answer) #1580720

    however R Miller disagrees

    R’Miller holds you would get kareis if you’re not happy you got a bris?

    in reply to: Question on R Miller (maybe joe will answer) #1580652

    If someone takes off maaser for you without your knowledge and you don’t complain about it you get the mitzvah

    What does “get the mitzvah” mean?

    in reply to: Some thoughts about the internet #1580638

    Maybe someone should start a petition calling for President Trump to delete the internet.

    in reply to: The Kosher Guys #1579812

    Joseph, There is a restaurant in Boro Park called Mc Fleishig and no one has any problems with it.

    I find that hard to believe

    in reply to: Does anyone know Ruthie Pearlman’s books? #1579710

    I’ve got a great idea how to prove I am who I say I am. Put an undisclosed but large sum of money into my paypal account at [email protected] and I’ll acknowledge the amount on here. Would that work for you? It must be larger than $100 though

    That wouldn’t prove anything. I am actually the real Ruthie Pearlman. Send $100 to my Paypal at [email protected] and I’ll tell you how much it is.

    in reply to: Buying a home in South Florida #1574963

    is there any reason to wait to buy a single family home in your desired community?

    Since I don’t know any of the specific details of your case, I’ll list a few reasons which may or may not apply:

    1) You can’t find a house that you like
    2) You have no money or job
    3) You’re 97 years old
    4) You don’t have any use for a house
    5) You have an enormous fish tank full of goldfish and it would be prohibitively costly to move it
    6) You like elevators

    Those are just a few off the top of my head. I’m sure there are more.

    in reply to: Going on Vacation without a Minyan #1574615

    I respectfully suggest that for many of us, its easier to daven with kavanah by ourselves w/o a minyan as compared to the talking, gossipiing, walking in and out, etc. one encounters these days at many minyanim

    Sounds like a good cop-out.

    Many of us have more than one option when it comes to minyanim. If the talking is so bad that it affects your concentration, the alternative should be davening at a different minyan rather than davening at home.

    Personally, I can’t remember the last time I encountered talking in shul which disrupted my concentration.

    in reply to: Mentchin #1573212

    Do you have a right to be in Kollel if you are Not a Mentch?!?

    You’re asking if women should be allowed to learn in kollel?

    in reply to: Bar mitzvah gift #1571930

    Which shtender?

    in reply to: Zenni Optical Glasses #1567869

    Which optomotrists aren’t specific on a prescription?

    Sometimes when I take my kids to the doctor, the doctor asks which band-aid they want.

    Some optometrists do the same thing with prescriptions.

    in reply to: Poll: A YWN Bulletin Board besides a coffee room? #1567452

    In the coffee room, once you state your opinion, it gets lost among a million other pieces of information.

    So basically you’re complaining that there are too many people in the Coffee Room

    A bulletin board would allow YWN participants an independent space to voice their opinion or information about a subject they know about. It would remain on indefinitely, though it would move down as new entries are added to the board.

    This sounds like an excellent description of the Coffee Room

    in reply to: $15 an Hour Minimum Wage #1567431

    They aren’t paying enough for people to live in that’s why there are so many people who work full time at places like Wal Mart and are on food stamps and Medicaid

    Well then maybe the employees should be looking for a different job.

    There are states and counties with higher minimum wages and their economies haven’t fallen apart.

    I hope you understand that this is not an indication that minimum wage is a good thing.

    50 yrs ago the minimum wage was higher and someone the economy grew.

    I hope you understand that this is not an indication that minimum wage is a good thing.

    in reply to: Zenni Optical Glasses #1567395

    Are we talking about the same thing? I thought this thread was about Zenni.

    in reply to: Zenni Optical Glasses #1567383

    Even the lenses. Both that and the frames only cost 3-15 dollars to make.
    The mark- up in insane.

    I know that must be true, because they have to make money. I just don’t understand how they could do it. You can’t mass produce prescription lenses cut for specific frames. They must use either some kind of very sophisticated machinery, or very cheap labor, which is not so easy because cutting lenses takes some degree of skill.

    Also I don’t get why you think that’s insane. At the end of the day everyone is happy. Do you expect them to sell you glasses at cost?

    in reply to: Zenni Optical Glasses #1567359

    I get headaches from zenni as well as other online glasses stores. The local Jewish stores have a better quality lense.

    Most likely has to do with the prescription rather than the quality of the lens. I’ve gotten glasses from several online companies and my vision was crystal clear with no issues.

    The quality of the frames is inferior to name brands, but for the price it’s definitely worth it.

    I have always wondered how they are able to do it at such a low cost. I understand that they can get a frame for pennies, but what about the lenses? Those can’t be mass-produced.

    in reply to: $15 an Hour Minimum Wage #1566913

    Syag –
    The caregivers are hired by an agency and they determine the rate based on government reimbursement. We just run the programs they are staffing. Most of these types of programs run at a deficit. Adding extra money to the pay rate would close the program.

    In your case the problem is not that minimum wage is too low, it’s that the government decides how much to pay these people. It just happens to be that the amount they pay is directly linked to minimum wage.

    in reply to: $15 an Hour Minimum Wage #1566683

    In my field, caregivers and direct support professionals for special needs adults get paid minimum wage. Upping the minimum gives us more chance to hire qualified individuals who may actually stick around for more than 8 months

    This makes no sense. If you benefit by paying more, then pay more. Why would it make a difference what minimum wage is?

    in reply to: $15 an Hour Minimum Wage #1566118

    When you share the wealth, it’s good for everyone.

    This is incorrect.

    When you spend money on goods/services that are worth money, it benefits the economy and everybody wins.

    When you spend money on things that are not worth money, you’re just moving money around, not providing any benefit to the economy.

    Here’s a simple example to demonstrate: Assume the fair price for an apple is $1. If I buy an apple from you for $1, we both win – I got an apple, and you got $1. However if I buy an apple from you for $100, you win and I lose – you got $100, and I got a bad deal on an apple.

    Seattle has a $14 minimum wage. Some guy had a restaurant. When they passed a bill for the $15 minimum wage, he thought he would lose money. Turns out he opened another five.

    I hope you don’t really think that passing that bill suddenly made this guy rich enough open five more restaurants.

    in reply to: What bracha is…. #1566111

    The brocha also doesn’t change because of the brand name.

    in reply to: Double parking #1562490

    And he was holding his talis and tefillin. Sooooo………yeah. Jewish.

    Maybe he was a goy who was delivering a tallis and tefillin to a sick Jew in the hospital.

    in reply to: Shabbos Nachamu #1558552

    ok i understand that many take vacation after the 3 weeks. but why davka shabbos nachamu?

    זריזין מקדימין למצוות

    in reply to: 7-Eleven #1557492

    Don’t they have regular straws also, for soda and stuff?

    And do moderators actually drink slurpees?

    in reply to: 7-Eleven #1556550

    Maybe their straw engineering department is not up to industry standards.

    Eh. I find that hard to believe.

    Anyway, here’s my theory:

    When you use a regular straw to drink, the bottom of the straw sits almost flat on the bottom of the cup, leaving a very small effective opening at the bottom of the straw. This works fine for liquids, but doesn’t work well for semi-frozen drinks such as Slurpees, which tend to clog up such a small opening.

    The purpose of the “spoon” is to raise the bottom of the straw off the bottom of the cup, creating a larger effective opening, allowing the drink to flow through without clogging.

    I’ll be expecting a call from Reader’s Digest.

    in reply to: 7-Eleven #1556219

    I don’t think that’s what it’s for. Try using a regular straw to get all the icy bits at the end and then try using that “spoon” and tell me which works better.

    in reply to: 7-Eleven #1556164

    “a funnel-like cone to scoop up icy remnants”

    Where’s this quote from?

    in reply to: Plastic straws bring joy to people. #1555845

    Attempting to recycle results in a huge waste of resources. A good portion of the stuff you put in “recycling” just ends up in landfills anyway.


    There are portions of the cave which are filled with water and are too narrow for a diver to get through with an oxygen tank


    Have divers string together large plastic pipes…

    Why not just have them all walk/crawl out through the tube?

    in reply to: Is it muttar to block illegal driveways? #1553334

    Isn’t it illegal to block your own driveway as well?

    No (at least not in NYC – see the law quoted above).

    in reply to: Is it muttar to block illegal driveways? #1550887

    4-01(b) states the definition of a driveway:
    Driveway. Every entrance or exit authorized pursuant to applicable law and used by vehicular traffic to or from lands or buildings abutting a roadway

    4-08(f)(2) states the law regarding parking by a driveway (emphasis mine):
    (2) Driveways. In front of a public or private driveway, except that it shall be permissible for the owner, lessor or lessee of the lot accessed by a private driveway to park a passenger vehicle registered to him/her at that address in front of such driveway, provided that such lot does not contain more than two dwelling units and further provided that such parking does not violate any other provision of the Vehicle and Traffic Law or local law or rule concerning the parking, stopping or standing of motor vehicles. The prohibition herein shall not apply to driveways that have been rendered unusable due to the presence of a building or other fixed obstruction and, therefore, are not being used as defined in §4-01(b) of these rules

    in reply to: Is it muttar to block illegal driveways? #1550820

    that’s not how it works.

    Actually it is (at least in NYC).

    A curb cut with no driveway is not legally considered a driveway.

    in reply to: Is it muttar to block illegal driveways? #1550812

    In NYC you can search the DOB website and find out if there was a permit to create a driveway. It’s not so straightforward and the information isn’t always there, but it can sometimes help if you get into trouble.

    in reply to: How important is it to you to have a Nice Car #1549332

    Ya know, there are quite a few numbers between 5 and 30.

    in reply to: Taxing shopping bags #1546626


    The law can very easily be worded so that it makes sense. I really don’t get what your issue is with this whole thing.

    I agree that the law would be annoying, but I don’t think you’re making any good arguments against it.

    in reply to: Changes to the YWN site #1544190

    There’s a suggestion box over in the corner where the trash can ought to be.

    Don’t put any cans or bottles in it. They get fined for that.

    in reply to: Shidduch crisis affecting bochurim #1542936

    Why is a smart phone with a filter a contradiction to being erlich??

    Well if it blocks ads then it’s stealing

    in reply to: Why is the cost of hats so high? #1541487

    What ever happened with the foldable hats? Has anyone tried them?

    in reply to: Lack of Decorum #1539246

    Ok how about this: Is it better to use a regular gemara in shul during chazaras hashatz, or an Artscroll gemara at home while your kids are listening to Uncle Moishy and jumping around like meshugenas?

    in reply to: No Sinas Chinom #1538873

    What does the phrase, “Sinas Chinum applies,” mean?

    in reply to: No Sinas Chinom #1537966

    Sinas Chinam only applies when someone gives you Tochacha, it doesnt apply when you give it to others

    But what if you are the others and the others are you?

    in reply to: Lack of Decorum #1537808

    You know, you could have approached me in shul instead of going straight to the internet and embarrassing me publicly, but I’ll address your points anyway.

    Yes, I’m married and have lots of money. I wasn’t wearing a hat because my dog ate my hat. My dog also ate my Oz V’Hadar gemara, that’s why I was using an Artscroll gemara (I was covering the English side with my siddur).

    And just for your information, I came late to davening and I was saying Sh’mona Esrai with the Shaliach Tzibur, so it technically wasn’t during Chazaras Hashatz for me.

    in reply to: are you worried about current events? #1535282

    .22: Good for rhyming, bad for self-defense.

    in reply to: Isn’t Smoking אסור?!?!?! #1533002

    I did not say R. Moshe says its mutter.
    I wrote “Not osser according to R. Moshe”


    in reply to: Do a lot a people really hate their jobs? #1532902

    “So many people hate their jobs.” You’ve heard it before, haven’t you?

    I haven’t

    in reply to: Attn: Zdad – quick question #1532864

    People pay a huge premium just to have someone else rely on the heter that they don’t feel comfortable using themselves.

    What does salmon cost in a non-kosher fish store?

    in reply to: Dont Sell Chassidus #1528776

    nobody belives when the Rebbe is dancing for an half an hour back and foreward with a gartel or without

    I believe it

    Non Jews are going to Clubs Bars Dancing shikar….. YIDDEN ARE GOING TO REBBES

    מי כעמך ישראל


    I wash off the oil too. It’s too salty


    They sell Rolls buy 2 get 1 free , any roll you want at most stores

    No they don’t

    Fresh Salmon costs less than $6 a pound

    No it doesn’t


    I get like 18 pieces of Sushi for like $11

    The average price of sushi is much higher than that.

    I buy herring fillets for around $6 a pound (just fish, nothing else). They taste great straight out of the package. Maybe you should switch to herring.


    Thats why someone should switch to Sushi, Its cheaper

    Um…. if you calculate the price per pound of just fish in a roll of sushi, it probably comes out to something like $50/lb

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