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  • in reply to: THREAD: Not for Anti-vaxxers #1624006

    I don’t have to read the second half of his words, the first is damning enough. He’s saying that sorry, we lied to you, a disease which now damages one in 36 (up from one in 10,000) which we still continue to deny has been aggravated by the insane vaccine schedule, we hid the data. But hey, keep pumping that poison into your kids. It will only harm one in 36 kids. Are you believing this stuff??

    Ok, now you’re just showing that you don’t understand how math works.

    That you readily admit that and still choose to vaccinate is your choice.

    I don’t readily admit that, I’m just debating you on your own terms.

    I just don’t have to agree with it.

    That’s fine. Just stay away from my kids. And everyone else’s kids for that matter. Thanks

    in reply to: THREAD: Not for Anti-vaxxers #1623979

    Just wanted to post the quote from William Thompson:

    “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.
    I want to be absolutely clear that I believe vaccines have saved and continue to save countless lives. I would never suggest that any parent avoid vaccinating children of any race. Vaccines prevent serious diseases, and the risks associated with their administration are vastly outweighed by their individual and societal benefits.

    It’s mind boggling to me that all the people referring to the first paragraph completely ignore the second paragraph.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1623263

    Free tuition at CUNY ended in the 1970s because NYC was broike…

    Nice to see the yeshivish accent finally rubbing off on you 😉

    in reply to: Lahav, Bnos Avigail, Ateres Seminaries. Type of girls who attend? #1623040

    Have you looked into Bnos Popa?


    Are there any chabad people in the Coffee Room?

    in reply to: Gluten free challah and treats: Give in to my cravings? #1621269

    You know what would stop you from craving gluten-free stuff? Stuff with gluten.

    Compare them side-by-side and you’ll never go back to gluten free.

    in reply to: Interesting science #1620640

    From the reference point of the man standing in the middle of the train, he is standing still. Yet the strike that hit the front of the train still reaches his eyes first

    In less than one second? That would mean light is travelling faster than the speed of light in train man’s reference frame. That’s impossible.

    I think this is what Avram is saying, and I think it works out:

    The discrepancy is not in when the light hits each observer’s eyes. Train man will see two lightning strikes simultaneously and platform man will see two lightning strikes simultaneously.

    The discrepancy is in when each observer sees the light hitting train man’s eyes. From train man’s reference point, the light beams from both strikes hit his eyes simultaneously (that’s why he observes the strikes as occurring simultaneously). From platform man’s reference point, the light beams from both strikes do not hit train man’s eyes simultaneously. In other words, platform man sees the strikes occur simultaneously, but he does not see them reaching train man’s eyes simultaneously.

    in reply to: My erev Rosh Chodesh minhag #1620613

    Gosh, some people, I tell ya

    in reply to: Interesting science #1620279

    I’ve been thinking about it more, and I’m having trouble with the train example.

    First let’s take a simple case: Light travels 186,282 miles per second. Let’s say I’m running in a straight line at 1000 miles per second, and lightning strikes exactly 186,282 miles ahead of me. How much time passes (on my watch) before I see the lightning? The answer, I believe, is exactly 1 second, because light travels the same speed in every reference frame – that’s Einstein’s chiddush.

    So now the train example. To make it simpler, lets say the train is 372,564 miles long (2 x 186,282 miles). The guy on the platform sees both lightning strikes simultaneously after 1 second – simple. But why doesn’t the guy on the train also see them simultaneously? Why is it different from my case? Is my conclusion in my case incorrect?

    in reply to: PLEASE ADD A “LIKE” BUTTON!!!! #1618005

    If whatever message you want to get across is not worth the few seconds it takes to type it, it’s probably not worth saying at all.

    in reply to: who is "The Gadol Haddar" of America #1617439

    I have one question that no one will be able to properly answer. Who decides who is and who is not the “Gadol”?

    What do you think the purpose of this thread is?

    in reply to: Interesting science #1616248

    “Yes, but the man on the platform will not see the strikes at the same time. This should prove that it is not only movement which can change your perception.”
    Well of course his position in space also affects his perception. If you and I are both standing still at different spatial distances from an event, we will observe that event at different times. Einstein’s chiddush is that speed also affects perception.

    “Also, if the man on the train had super long hands and one was in front of the train and and the other in back, he would feel both strikes at the same time.”

    מהיכא תיתי?

    in reply to: Interesting science #1615721

    I was thinking more about the train mashal and i don’t get it. Suppose the man on the platform was not at the middle of the train, but closer to the front. He would also see the strikes not as simultaneous, but rather he would see the front one first because it’s a shorter distance. this should prove that the train example has nothing to do with the train moving.

    In your case the two men would still observe the events differently (i.e. different intervals of time between the two lightning strikes) due to the fact that the train is moving.

    anyone know what a wormhole would do and how you can make one?

    PM me

    in reply to: Women wearing tzitzis #1615200

    When will people sleep?

    in reply to: Seminaries for more reserved girl #1614572
    in reply to: Should liberals grow up already? #1614478

    All generalizations are bad.

    How about this one:

    All generalizations are bad.

    in reply to: Interesting science #1614351

    There is a similar concept which is actually observable.

    Gravity affects the passing of time just like speed does. If an astronaut goes to outer space with a very accurate clock, while leaving an identical clock on Earth, when he returns there will be a small discrepancy between the two.

    in reply to: Shabbos Guest – Bring gift for host? #1613762


    in reply to: Shabbos Guest – Bring gift for host? #1613710

    zochin l’adam shelo b’fanav

    in reply to: Antisemitic threat or not? #1613664

    Maybe antisemitic. Definitely not a threat.

    in reply to: Shabbos Guest – Bring gift for host? #1613612

    זכין לאדם שלא בפניו

    A talmid chochom should know that

    in reply to: Shabbos Guest – Bring gift for host? #1613582

    It is prohibited to give a gift on Shabbos. Klahr halacha.

    You can have a third party be zocheh the gift on behalf of the host before Shabbos

    in reply to: Shabbos Guest – Bring gift for host? #1612527

    If someone mailed me a handwritten thank you note after having been a guest for one shabbos meal, I would immediately assume that the person was neurotic.

    in reply to: Is it Bittual Torah to learn to be a Marksman? #1612472

    I can’t speak for anyone else, but I personally have plenty of other sources of bittul Torah to be concerned about before this.

    in reply to: Seminary Sept 2019 #1609728
    in reply to: Eretz Yisroel dating vs. American dating #1609591

    No, Joseph. You’re misunderstanding me.

    The point I’m trying to make is that the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel are following Halacha by not allowing a woman to leave the house without explicit permission from a man.

    in reply to: Are mug trees good for coffee mug storage? #1609440

    Doesn’t seem like an efficient use of space.

    in reply to: Eretz Yisroel dating vs. American dating #1609428

    Ok here you go:

    The American system is terrible because it shows respect towards women, whereas women are supposed to respect men, not the other way around.

    Happy now?

    in reply to: Eretz Yisroel dating vs. American dating #1608728

    How is the system in Eretz Yisroel any less “adopted from the goyim” than the system in America?

    in reply to: Mega Millions – Bitachon Question For You #1608448

    I don’t even want to win

    in reply to: Looking to sell a between 100-250 used Excellent condition seforim #1607050

    The concept of karma is rooted in avodah zarah

    in reply to: Lubavitch Hats #1603872

    bochurim will prefer the not tucked in shirt to convey that bochurim should not obsess with their appearance

    untucked shirt = not obsessing with appearance?

    Eh, I’m not buying it.

    in reply to: Tipping Camp Waiters #1602758

    Privilege of working as a waiter?


    in reply to: Has the CR slowed down a bit? #1602669

    As far as I know I’m also the youngest one here. And the oldest one here. I have no idea how old anyone is. For all I know everyone here can be the exact same age as me.

    in reply to: Tipping Waiters/Waitresses Properly #1601359

    Meno so we should all be sheep and follow

    Glad that we agree

    in reply to: Tipping Waiters/Waitresses Properly #1601342

    Why is the customer responsible for the salary level or compensation level of employees at a business he’s only a consumer at? Logically that’s entirely the responsibility of the business owner, not his customers.

    Maybe you’re right, but once there is an expectation that people will tip, and salaries are set based on that expectation, it is completely improper not to tip just because you don’t agree with the system.

    in reply to: Tipping Waiters/Waitresses Properly #1601328

    Maybe every employee should get a tip? Maybe the cashier at a grocery should get ripped as well

    Maybe you’re right, but that’s not really relevant to this discussion.

    The fact is that waiters’ salaries are based on the assumption that they will be supplemented by tips. This is not the case with other employees.

    in reply to: Tipping Waiters/Waitresses Properly #1601276

    The prices of kosher food leave less money for customers to tip

    Worst argument ever.

    The tip should be factored in when you figure what you’re able to afford.

    If you believe that someone deserves a tip, not giving it to them just because you spent your money elsewhere is selfish at the least.

    Also just a side point about tipping: that extra few dollars means a lot more to the waiter than it does to you.

    in reply to: Doing my hishtadlus #1598353

    Hishtadlus or hishtadlut?

    in reply to: Why are there no Gibson guitars in Jewish Music bands #1597920

    They’re heavy

    in reply to: Should pregnant women fast on Yom Kippur? #1595227

    i’m not sure what the link has to do with anything

    The point of the article was to show that the number of babies born on YK is higher than that of a normal day, implying that fasting tends to cause women to go into labor. I was asking if this fact has any bearing on the halacha.

    in reply to: Best Welfare Rules #1592569

    …find it obscene to read about the too frequent episodes of fraudulent activity among some mosdos to actually inflate the rolls of those eligible for welfare…

    Wait, are we talking about receiving welfare or committing fraud? Those aren’t the same thing.

    in reply to: Best Welfare Rules #1592507

    This was NEVER the yiddeshe model in the alte heim…

    They also didn’t eat tofu chulent in the alte heim, but that doesn’t seem to bother you.

    in reply to: Cracking knuckles during davening – The New Mishugas!! #1592498

    What does this have to do with davening?

    in reply to: Pizza handlers and gloves. #1589041

    I was once at a pizza place that served breakfast, I ordered eggs, the guy touched the cooked eggs with his gloved hand, put the eggs on my sandwich, then licked the glove.

    I still ate it.

    Has anyone here even gotten sick or noticed a difference in the pizza because the workers behind the counter didn’t wear gloves?

    in reply to: Frolicking Selichos Concert #1588184

    To each his own.

    in reply to: Cars Blowing Past School Buses With Lights Flashing #1585028

    There is a widescale issue of school bus drivers driving with their flashing lights activated while they’re driving rather just when they’re stopped to pickup or discharge children.

    I have never, ever seen this. Why would they do that?

    Though I have seen drivers refrain from activating their lights and stop signs so as not to inconvenience other motorists.

    in reply to: Cars Blowing Past School Buses With Lights Flashing #1584982

    Well the buses can stop at an angle to prevent cars from passing, but then people complain that it’s illegal blah blah

    in reply to: OTD Child #1583625

    The sushi one Ive seen more in Israel than the US

    So you’ve seen it at least 3 times?

    in reply to: Question on R Miller (maybe joe will answer) #1583383

    coffee addict,

    This is word for word from the pamphlet “and it’s not just any mitzvah that you protested against. You have to know that the mitzvah of milah is one of only two mitzvos in the Torah for which you get kareis for not doing. It’s a very important mitzvas asei if he refuses to let himself be gemalt then he’s chayav kareis and hereyou were refusing it, you didn’t want any part of it

    Honestly I have no idea what that last sentence means (it seems to be missing some important punctuation/words), but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t say that you get kareis for regretting having had a bris milah.

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