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  • in reply to: halacha thread by Sparkly #1180505

    “…this is not a minhag but a halacha in shulchan aruch…”

    -Mashiach Agent

    in reply to: halacha thread by Sparkly #1180502

    “…this is not a minhag but a halacha in shulchan aruch…”

    -Mashiach Agent

    “Do you look things up (or even learn them at all) before you claim that something is “a Halacha in Shulchan Aruch”? Fish and meat is not a Halacha, it is something that is Assur Mishum Sakanah. That has several Nafka Minos. And it is very, very, very clear (I cannot stress how clear it is) from the Shulchan Aruch and the Poskim that it is only Assur when they are cooked together”


    “can you please let me & everyone else know where we can find this in shulchan aruch or any sefer for that matter?”

    -Mashiach Agent

    I’m confused, are there two users name Mashiach Agent?

    in reply to: Physics #1178869

    Feivel and 000646,

    Maybe I’m missing something, but it seems that 000646 is trying to explain the results of the double slit experiment by saying that the photons emitted by SOMETHING affects the path of the particle/wave being studied.

    If I’m understanding this correctly, I don’t see how the presence of an observer would change anything.

    in reply to: Is the $7600 per couple offer on the main page a scam??? #1180728

    “I still hold strongly that we are all talking about the same coin scam, it’s just a matter of whether or not you’ve fallen for it.”

    Are you even reading what other people are writing here? Or are you too afraid you might fall for it?

    in reply to: Physics #1178864


    “For example in order to see something you have to bounce photons (light “waves”) off of it back into your eyes.”

    But those photons/light waves don’t come from your eyes. They come from a light source, bounce off the object to be observed, and eventually reach your eyes. Why would your eyes give off different particles than any other object?

    And even if you’ll say that your eyes give off some special particle, I was under the impression that the double slit experiment produced the same results whether observed by the naked eye or by a camera.

    in reply to: How are you shomer your einayim #1177759

    “i dont look at guys”



    So happy to hear that.

    (Although I find it hard to believe)

    in reply to: halacha thread by Sparkly #1180500

    “There is nothing wrong with having them on the same table.”

    What about on the same plate?

    in reply to: kiruv #1177961
    in reply to: Physics #1178862

    “”Observing” a particle is just a fancy way of saying “shooting smaller particles at it”. If the particle is small enough, the smaller particles (usually photons) knock it off course making it impossible to measure. Hence the Double Slit Experiment and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Theorom.”

    I’ve never heard this explanation. What kind of particles are you “shooting” when you observe something?

    in reply to: Feeling Down #1186160

    I don’t get 8 hours of sleep, so I think I’m gonna try the chocolate thing.

    in reply to: Physics #1178850

    Well maybe we don’t fully understand how light works

    in reply to: organic chemistry and or a and p #1198343

    Some tend to fall apart more easily, and feel more like sandpaper, but they’re cheaper, so each person has to decide what’s important for him/herself.

    Though Aspen and Silktouch are about the same

    in reply to: CR Relationship #1179995


    I actually still can’t tell if you’re a guy or a girl…

    in reply to: Physics #1178848

    “do you know that physics proves that their has to be a G-d in this world because they did a VERY famous experiment where they sent particles through a wall and saw that they reacted differently when nothing was watching them from when someone was watching them saying that stuff that your NOT looking at go to a different dimension when your NOT looking at it. its so scary and cool at the same time and it proves that G-d exists because how can this happen if their was no G-d????”

    How does this prove that God exists? It just shows that light behaves in a strange manner.

    in reply to: kiruv #1177948
    in reply to: Becoming an NCSY Advisor #1178670

    Why are you asking this VERY important question here? I’m sure whatever notification you are receiving contains some sort of contact information.

    in reply to: Feeling Down #1186158

    “Are you getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night?”

    Perhaps you missed the part when he/she said,

    “I come home to…children…”

    in reply to: Physics #1178843

    “is this a copy of my thread of organic and a and p???”

    Yes, I explained it in my first post.

    “In 1905, Albert Einstein determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and that the speed of light in a vacuum was independent of the motion of all observers. This was the theory of special relativity”

    So, Ms. Smartypants, how is that different from General Relativity?

    in reply to: Gender Gap $ � Selling Hair #1177692

    Men can’t?

    in reply to: Meno #1177473

    “why are you making a thread about yourself?”

    Because I haven’t posted in three days so I just wanted to make sure I was OK

    Turns out I’m fine. Thanks everyone for looking after me.

    in reply to: Best pranks not to do #1177431

    You should definitely NOT tie a fishing line to it so you can pull it and make it look as if the mouse is alive. That would be a BAD idea.

    Even WORSE would be to put it on someone’s head. Don’t do that.

    in reply to: learning Zohar Kabbala #1180293

    “The Chida, the Baal haTanya, and many others held that it was essential to learn Zohar even if you don’t understand it. We don’t know why. We just need to have emunah peshutah that this is what these great tzaddikim say.”

    I find it hard to believe that reading Zohar without understanding it is a better use of one’s time than saying Tehillim

    in reply to: kiruv #1177938


    Is that not an issue in every kiruv situation?

    in reply to: kiruv #1177935

    “You can start small now, person by person, since you are in close contact with non-frum Jews, you have lots of kiruv opportunities.”

    That sounds like great advice

    Sprakly, maybe start a club in your college, or something like that?

    in reply to: learning Zohar Kabbala #1180287

    “Even saying aloud one word of Zohar is metaher the neshama.”

    More so than one word of Chumash or Tehillim? Or any other Sefer of Tanach?

    in reply to: Twenty Questions – new round #1186555

    Ok I can do this

    **don’t think about tznius, don’t think about tznius**

    It’s hard not to think about tznius when you’re specifically trying not to…

    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176783

    “Meno – because you said that i would be marrying someone based off what they do”


    I didn’t say that, you said that.

    You had said a few weeks back that you felt very strongly about marrying a doctor, and then more recently you said it’s important to you that your husband makes a lot of money to support you and your kids. Now you are saying you don’t care what your husband does.

    I would like to make it clear, that I don’t see anything wrong with any one thing that you said.

    Want to marry a working guy? Fine.

    Want to marry a kollel guy? Fine.

    Don’t care either way? That’s also fine.

    My issue is that you seem to change your mind quite often, sometimes every week, sometimes more often than that. If you don’t have it figured out before you get married, who’s to say you won’t change your mind 2 weeks after you get married and decide that you want something else.

    Please treat this as advice, not an attack. If you’d like to retort and try to convince me that I’m wrong, be my guest, but I think you’re only doing yourself an injustice.

    in reply to: organic chemistry and or a and p #1198285


    I never took organic chemistry, but I still want to hear the choices for that question.

    (This is like pulling teeth…)

    in reply to: Is the $7600 per couple offer on the main page a scam??? #1180722

    “and sometimes are designed to hide the fact that it’s an advertisement.”

    “When the “article” says [COMMUNICATED CONTENT] it means it’s sponsored (i.e. an ad, though your special “kosher” software won’t block it, because it looks just like an article)”

    If you know what to look for, it’s pretty clear what’s an ad and what’s not.

    in reply to: organic chemistry and or a and p #1198277

    I still wanna hear the choices for that question

    in reply to: organic chemistry and or a and p #1198274

    First of all I was being sarcastic.

    But anyway, how could I answer that question if you don’t list the compounds?

    in reply to: cofee bean ny #1176594

    You still have to rely on some assumptions based on the circumstances.

    No matter how alert the Mashgiach is, it’s always possible to get something by him. Given the circumstances though, we can ASSUME no one is doing that.

    in reply to: cofee bean ny #1176592

    Just realized I missed a line in my post, but you can probably figure out what I meant.

    in reply to: Twenty Questions – new round #1186548

    Well I was trying not to think about tzniyus because you said it would confuse me. I don’t take well to confusion.

    in reply to: Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people? #1177022

    “What I also find, is that poorer people tend to be much much more obsessed with gashmiyus, as contradictory as it sounds. I find that when I talk with people that make minimal income, still in school, or learning full time in kollel, they have a higher tendency to bring up the subject of money.”

    Having the tendency to bring up the subject of money is not an indication that a person is more obsessed with gashmiyus than one who does not have this tendency.

    If you have a lot of money, you don’t have to discuss the cost of things because it doesn’t affect your ability to afford it. That doesn’t mean you aren’t obsessed with gashmiyus.

    in reply to: Twenty Questions – new round #1186545

    Ok I got this.

    Is it a Shabbos afternoon nap?

    in reply to: organic chemistry and or a and p #1198272

    “They say it’s based on the Carbon molecule.”

    What could be hard about that?

    in reply to: cofee bean ny #1176591

    “Even if Vaad of 5 towns or Vaad of Elizabeth visits DD randomly throughout the day, if there’s no shomer shabbos there, how do you know they’re not using the microwave for their own food when the rabbi isn’t visiting once or twice a day?”

    I think the logic is that since a Mashgiach can walk in at any moment, and they know that if they are caught doing that when the Mashgiach walks in, we can assume everything is ok. If you don’t use logic like this then there would even be a problem with a Mashgiach Temidi. What’s stopping a worker from secretly putting treif in the food?

    in reply to: hair #1176926


    You’re not married? I thought you said you are.

    Maybe I’m just confusing you with someone else.

    in reply to: phone #1176597

    What does going to college have to do with having a phone?

    in reply to: Twenty Questions – new round #1186543

    Is it chulent?

    in reply to: Ladies First – Is it respectful or not? #1178353

    I feel that there’s a difference between walking behind a woman merely opening the door for a woman so that she can enter first.

    in reply to: The Best Way to Search the Coffee Room for Topics and Posts #1176520

    Giving away all your tricks. I thought you just had a great memory.

    in reply to: Ladies First – Is it respectful or not? #1178349

    yeshivishe kup is also not following the rules

    in reply to: Ladies First – Is it respectful or not? #1178347

    “But, let’s assume for a moment that it’s technically completely muttar. Let’s assume that you never saw any specific source that it was assur. “

    Joseph isn’t following the rules, or he’s just not very good at pretending…

    in reply to: hair #1176921

    “maybe i am married and don’t cover my hair”

    Well then maybe you should shave it all off

    (I’m not suggesting you should do this, I’m just saying according to Sima Batsheva, this may be the right thing to do)

    Side question: Sima Batsheva, if they shave off all their hair, why do they still cover their heads?

    in reply to: Is the $7600 per couple offer on the main page a scam??? #1180714


    The coin deal being discussed here was a deal where you buy a limited edition coin directly from the US Mint and then sell it directly to a coin dealer and they would pay you more than you paid. The reason the dealer couldn’t buy it themselves is because there was a limit of one per customer from the Mint.

    People feel it was a scam because instead of selling the coin to the dealer, you could have sold it on ebay for more than the dealer was offering, so they claim that the dealer wasn’t being honest.

    in reply to: organic chemistry and or a and p #1198268

    Wouldn’t it be cool if someone in Philadelphia could contact someone in Baltimore. Any engineers here want to figure out a way to do that?

    in reply to: Now what happened to Lilmod? #1214948
    in reply to: Twenty Questions – new round #1186538

    Sparkly (and LU, if you’d like),

    I’m taking it upon myself to try to redirect off-topic conversations in order to keep threads like this one on-topic. I’ll probably quit in about ten minutes, but I haven’t as of yet. You can continue your conversation in the following thread, which I have created on your behalf:

    Explaining Jewish Holidays to Teachers

    Yours truly,


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