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  • in reply to: Small Claims Beis Din #1194693

    “Anyone wanna open one with me?”

    Sure. I’ve been a Dayan in many cases. We just need one more.

    in reply to: Halacha on warranty #1188744

    “The website for sukkah depot does not offer any fine print as to what they warranty,I could not find any link or tab to find additional information”

    If you click the menu button (the three horizontal lines) on the right side of the website heading, and then click warranty from the drop-down menu, it will bring you to the terms of the warranty.

    It does look like something weird is going on with their website though. Maybe Donald Trump hired Chinese hackers to hack into their website and change the terms of the warranty. I’ll paste the current text of the warranty below, just in case they are successful:

    Basic warranty

    Warranty for EASY LOCK sukkah

    Sukkah Depot will repair or replace this product free of charge (with a new or rebuilt parts) within 10 years from the original date of purchase , in the event of defect occurring in materials or during normal usage.

    Warranty for PANEL sukkah

    Sukkah Depot offers a 5 year warranty with regards to manufacturer’s defects (i.e loose screws /bolts, loosened rubber bands, etc.) or defects occurring during normal use, or failures due to water exposure (i.e bubbling, panel decay, etc.)

    Please note

    Basic warranty covers failures occurring due to defects in material or workmanship which occur during normal, reasonable use. It does not cover damage which may occur as a result of misuse, abuse, mishandling and services by anyone other than Sukkah Depot, any use that is not in accordance with the product’s instructions or purpose, or damage that is attributable to unusual acts of G-D (i.e hurricanes, earthquake, external flooding ect.). Signed warranty certificate and original receipt must be presented for validation of warranty.

    Warranty service can be obtained the first of Elul through the first of Tishrei. Please refer to the Telephone number listed below.


    “If this interpretation is incorrect or the guy actually does have commitment issues then my accusers are guilty of Motzie Shem Ra.”

    I doubt that’s true.

    I don’t know the halachos very well, but I can imagine that if you just make up a story about someone, that’s motzi shem ra, even if by chance the story turns out to be true.


    “And now all of a sudden he doesn’t have your number!!!”

    How did you get that from what she wrote?

    “FriendInFlatbush has it right without question.”


    in reply to: Apple Throwing Tish #1188908

    So it’s muttar.

    This entire thread is based on a false premise.

    Thank you Lilmod Ulelamaid

    in reply to: Halacha on warranty #1188739

    “So if the canvas ripped because of the poor workmanship of the poles, is that covered?”

    If the poles aren’t under warranty, probably not. Just like if your window gets shattered because of the poor workmanship of the poles.

    in reply to: Opening a Sefer that Comes on Shabbos #1188455

    Aren’t there also issues of T’chum?

    in reply to: Apple Throwing Tish #1188902

    Gosh, can someone please tell me where it says it’s assur to throw food?

    in reply to: Halacha on warranty #1188736

    “i also googled, and found one that has 3 years on fabric and 10 years on poles.”

    But the one I found said it’s the only Sukkah with a 10 year warranty.

    in reply to: Using pejoratives #1188379

    I don’t even know how to pronounce “Noahide”. Is the H silent? It would make sense that it is silent, since it is in the name Noah, but that makes it more difficult to pronounce.

    Maybe “Ben-Noach” would be better

    in reply to: goyish music #1188335

    I once got tinnitus (constant ringing in the ear) that lasted several days, after a Chanukah Chagiga in a Yeshiva. It was the worst when there was no background noise, such as when I was trying to go to sleep. That can seriously drive a person mad.

    in reply to: Halacha on warranty #1188733

    I just googled “sukkah 10 year warranty” and clicked on the first link that came up. I’m assuming that’s the one to which you’re referring. If you click the menu button on the right side of the website heading, and then click warranty, it will bring you to the terms of the warranty.

    The terms seem pretty basic, but it doesn’t say anything about only covering poles or any other portion of the Sukkah

    in reply to: goyish music #1188331


    Maybe, but it just seems like a silly reason to say it’s assur. There are so many things that change a person’s heart rate. I think it should be irrelevant in deciding whether the music is mutar or not

    in reply to: Being asked if you're dressed up for Halloween #1189083

    Do people really ask if you’re dressed up for halloween?

    That sounds very offensive, kind of like asking a woman if she’s pregnant.

    in reply to: goyish music #1188328

    I once found an English sefer lying around in a shul which discussed the problems with non-Jewish music. I was curious, so I flipped through it a bit.

    One of the things it said was something along the lines of non-Jewish music being physically unhealthy because the beats used can change your heart rate.

    I laughed.

    in reply to: Apple Throwing Tish #1188897

    I would just like to point out that no one in this thread has brought any source (let alone a good source) for the fact that there is something inherently wrong with throwing food.

    I’m not taking sides, I’m just saying that it seems there is a lot of bashing based only on feelings rather than facts.

    in reply to: Where is Sparkly #1189554

    “if you are starting to lose sleep over someone you dont even know then its time to also close your account”

    Unless you’re a Jew and you have good reason to believe that the other person is also a Jew.

    Not saying I agree that people should start worrying, just saying that you have the wrong idea.

    in reply to: Apple Throwing Tish #1188870

    I’ve heard you aren’t supposed to throw bread (not necessarily assur). Never heard it regarding food in general.

    Maybe we just teach our kids not to throw food because it’s bad manners.

    in reply to: Starbucks kosher? #1188789

    Dunkin Donuts doesn’t prepare meat?

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim boys #1187703

    bais yaakov girl,

    Sounds like a Chofetz Chaim boy would be great for you.

    in reply to: U'shmartem es nafshosaichem #1188101

    “You can eat that sort of diet and live for decades.”

    You can smoke 2 packs a day and live for decades.

    You can cross the street without ever looking both ways and live for decades.

    You can play Russian Roulette every Monday and Thursday and live for decades.

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim boys #1187698

    “So is CC kind of like the Litvish Lubavitch?”

    Uh oh. Here we go…

    in reply to: goyish music #1188317

    “What is The Final Countdown by Europe?”

    I would sing it for you but the coffee room doesn’t support that (yet).

    So I’ll just type it out for you (it’s just from memory so it may be a bit off):

    Vrooom…Dada Daa Daa

    Vrooom…Dada Da Da Daa

    Vrooom…Dada Daa Daa

    Vrooom…Dada Da Da Da Da Da


    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim boys #1187684

    “That sounds like it could be a Hilchos L”H issue.”


    in reply to: Which? #1188833

    In regards to Dr., Rabbi, and King, their titles don’t change because of their professions, it changes because of their degree/rabbinic ordainment/whatever makes someone a king.

    With professor, I’m not sure that’s considered a title any more than screwdriver manufacturer.

    in reply to: goyish music #1188313

    “Almost every frum Simcha plays the Music from The Final Countdown by Europe.”

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard The Final Countdown at a simcha.

    Baker Street by Gerry Rafferty, however, is played my many simchas.

    in reply to: U'shmartem es nafshosaichem #1188083

    Maybe they fulfill the posuk by trying to stop smoking and trying to eat more healthy/exercise.

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim boys #1187675

    I wonder what they mean by “that”.

    Have you ever asked?

    in reply to: How much do you spend on your lulav and esrog? #1187656

    Hey, what happened to CrookedHillary?

    in reply to: Now that Trump has been revealed…hope your NOT voting for him #1187305

    “And in an instant, so many of our brothers and sisters that count on food stamps, rent subsidies, EITC, medicaid, etc, will see their lifelines dry up”

    Not really. The president can’t just do whatever he wants. More likely scenario is that he will try to implement his crazy ideas, and then he will get shot down by congress.

    At least it will be entertaining

    in reply to: How much do you spend on your lulav and esrog? #1187653

    What’s a deri? I’ve never seen (or noticed) that word until this year.

    in reply to: Free Advice #1187192

    “Mashaiach; Why are YOU here?”

    That’s easy. He was sent on a mission from God to save all of us.

    He happens to be doing a fantastic job.

    in reply to: shidduchim #1186962

    “The problem is that over time the magic love falls off and they realize that they are the sole bread winner and that they need someone who will also financially support the family”

    The real problem is when one day you want a guy who works and the next day you decide you want a guy who learns.

    And then the next day you decide you can’t be yeshivish because apparently gothic people can’t be yeshivish.

    in reply to: Esrogim at the supermarket #1186839

    “So I guess in your case it’s the Jewish Esrog sellers that make sure each year that esrogim. Are being planted by the millions etc… And not forgotten”

    That’s exactly right.

    The esrogim we buy are grown in Jewish orchards. They have to be, in order that we can ensure that they are not murkav. If we didn’t need esrogim for Sukkos, there would be no reason for these orchards to exist. And since esrogim aren’t really good for anything else (besides maybe smelling nice), they would probably just go extinct.

    in reply to: shidduchim #1186960

    “someone who is gothic CANNOT be yeshivish”

    Why not?

    in reply to: Esrogim at the supermarket #1186837

    “do you know ANY other fruits that they don’t sell at the supermarkets cause their too exotic? i don’t”

    No, and I’m sure you wouldn’t know anything about an esrog if it wasn’t required by the Torah. It likely wouldn’t even exist anymore.

    in reply to: Siegelman's cake #1187380

    “Siegelman’s cake”

    Is that the long square one?

    I thought it was called a Vort Cake.

    I don’t think I had one at my Vort (in NY).

    Was my Kiddushin chal?

    in reply to: What happened to the CR? #1189043
    in reply to: Piyut of Vechol Maaminim #1186813

    “It doesn’t actually make any sense to sing it with Vechol Maaminim starting the verse!”

    Why not?

    The only issue seems to be that the lines aren’t paired up correctly, not that you’re starting with Vechol Maaminim

    in reply to: What is the Sukkah all about? #1186104

    I’m guessing it’s not appropriate to put a mikveh in a succah, right?

    in reply to: Sforim #1186869

    A siddur is very useful. After that I would recommend a chumash.

    in reply to: Speed Davening #1186137

    Speed dating is when you date while you’re davening, so as not to waste any time.

    in reply to: Feinschmeckers #1186349


    Seriously what is wrong with you?

    in reply to: uman for Rosh Hashana #1185732

    Um… Rosh hashana was last week

    in reply to: Speed Davening #1186117

    “Also, the working people should take davening as seriously as do the learning people.”


    in reply to: Speed Davening #1186112

    “If you learn you can come in 9, 9:10 , 9:30 or whatever. Saying you were late because of Davening is acceptable”

    I understand that it has become acceptable, but I don’t think it should be.

    Some people work for a living, others learn for a living. The learning people should take learning as seriously as the working people take working.

    in reply to: Speed Davening #1186108

    “frum regular davening takes 45 minutes”

    What’s “regular”?

    “Shul where people have to go to work go quicker than places where people learn afterwards and have more time.”

    Why do people who learn have more time than people who work?



    I actually just watched it again (I hadn’t seen it in a while), and you may be right that it was intended to be a joke, but part of the reason it’s such a good joke is that it’s totally true. Either way, I think it does a good job getting the point across.

    in reply to: organic chemistry and or a and p #1198460


    Sounds like you’re going through something really rough. College is really stressful by itself, and even more so when you have other things going on with your personal life.

    You had mentioned in another thread that you’re doing fine after a friend talked you through it, but it’s clear that you’re not doing fine.

    I think you should try to get some professional help.

    in reply to: Advil LiquiGels #1185927

    This question is probably unrelated, but is there any reason why someone would prefer those over the regular tablets?

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