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  • in reply to: Do the moderators enjoy giving subtitles #1207541

    “Does lilmod ulelamaid’s subtitle come from “learning lishma”? For Hashem’s sake. With the right intention.”

    No. There is a line in Ahava Rabbah (before Sh’ma in Shacharis):

    “…Lishmoa, Lilmod, Ulelamaid…”

    It means “to listen”

    in reply to: Good places to go on shidduch dates [suggestions] #1206258

    I just burst out laughing at work. Everyone thinks I’m nuts.

    in reply to: Good places to go on shidduch dates [suggestions] #1206255

    “like i said, my initials”

    Mhm sure

    in reply to: The LATEST shidduchim thread! #1206824


    That’s a great idea. If all girls would do that, there would be no crisis.

    in reply to: Good places to go on shidduch dates [suggestions] #1206245

    “you can probably contact them directly”


    in reply to: Symbolism in The Torah #1206169

    “I have always wondered how Pharoah could’ve only been 3 amos in height.”


    in reply to: Good places to go on shidduch dates [suggestions] #1206241

    “I found this website called and wanted to know what everyone thought about it.”

    I would give some suggestions to the person who created the site on how the site could be improved, but he probably wouldn’t see my comments here anyway. I mean what are the chances that he is reading this thread.

    in reply to: I saw donuts… #1206194

    Do they not sell pizza socks on ebay?

    in reply to: Vague Title #1206282

    “Who is Ted Talk?”

    Google “TED Talks”. They are lectures on a wide variety of topics and are usually given by particularly good speakers who are very knowledgeable on the topic.

    After you’ve watched a few of them, google “Every TED Talk You’ve Ever Seen” and watch it.

    in reply to: Buying a new hat in lakewood #1206088

    “Anyone please?”

    What are you asking for?

    in reply to: Toyroh #1206268

    Do the seforim at least taste nice? Maybe that would bring back your love for learning.

    in reply to: MENOrah 🐠📣 #1207021

    I don’t see anything that says JTube on the Aish website. I’m really curious to see what this is about

    in reply to: Hold my beer… #1206159

    “Hahaha I love how you can detect my sarcasm.

    *Slow Clap*”

    I love how you don’t understand the concept of sarcasm. Or slow claps.

    in reply to: Hold my beer… #1206155

    “Beer is limited to 4 percent alcohol”

    Most beers have more than that. Does that mean they don’t have any normal beers there?

    in reply to: Why does lakewood need so many hat stores #1206012

    I feel like this whole thread is just one big misunderstanding.

    in reply to: Vague Title #1206279

    This reminds me of a TED Talk called “Every TED Talk You’ve Ever Seen”

    in reply to: Hold my beer… #1206153

    “Where I come from you can’t drink alcohol #UtahLife”

    I think that’s only for Mormons

    in reply to: MENOrah 🐠📣 #1207019

    “Interestingly if you rearrange your username you get Nemo, from Finding Nemo :)”

    in reply to: Why does lakewood need so many hat stores #1206009

    “Nitpicking – looking for small or unimportant errors or faults, especially in order to criticize unnecessarily.”

    With that said, I’ll ask again: Who’s nitpicking?

    in reply to: MENOrah 🐠📣 #1207009


    in reply to: Why does lakewood need so many hat stores #1206006

    Who’s nitpicking?

    in reply to: Why does lakewood need so many hat stores #1206001

    “Or maybe people in Lakewood like hats.”

    There are people in Lakewood who wear hats every day.

    in reply to: Why does lakewood need so many hat stores #1205999

    It’s more complicated. Different shapes work for different people. Also, even if you get two of the exact same hat, there is often some variation.

    I only buy clothes online if there is a really good return policy (e.g. Amazon, Nordstrom, Macy’s).

    in reply to: Rules for Davening #1206911

    If one is davening shemoneh esrai (Nusach Ashkenaz) with the chazan, what does he say at the end of kedusha? Does he say l’dor va’dor like the chazan, or does he say atoh kodosh?

    I would assume he says l’dor va’dor, because it’s part of kedusha, which is like a whole bracha that replaces the brocho atoh kodosh.

    Just wondering if anyone else has any insight.

    in reply to: Fourth night Chanukah prayer #1205685

    You can ask for anything you want, whenever you want

    in reply to: Why does lakewood need so many hat stores #1205997

    How do you buy a hat online? Don’t you need to try it on?

    in reply to: Video of Throwing Towels #1205971

    “That video is an extreme example, presumably taken at a yeshiva without supervision, rather than a shul. As someone commented on the article: many would fulfil this minhag by half heartedly throwing a towel or two, not the litzonus and disregard for safety shown on that particular video.”

    This is a good point.

    I’m not making any comments about the video or the minhag, but if someone would put out a video of the stuff that goes on in some shuls (including litvish shuls) on Simchas Torah, I’m sure many people would have similar reactions.

    Maybe we should abolish Simchas Torah?

    in reply to: Have we argued enough about Chanukah? #1206060

    Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky tells a story where he went into a Sukkah in EY and he sees a picture of “the S-man” on the wall. He asks a kid who it is, so the kid responds “I don’t know. Some rebbe”

    in reply to: Why does lakewood need so many hat stores #1205995

    LB- “Why wouldn’t a store with more baseline expenses, such as higher rent and employee salaries (and employees), not charge more per hat to account for their greater profit needs?

    Then again what about other motivators for pricing? Some people, regardless of the cost to maintain their business, may need more profits to support their families.

    Or sometimes stores add more to their prices to account for expected losses due to various factors, including damaged hats.”

    Because all these things would cause demand to go down, in which case they would have to lower their prices if they want people to step in the door.

    Bottom line is: people don’t really care why you’re charging more unless you’re doing it to directly benefit them (e.g. better return policy, better customer service). And if you are actually doing something extra to benefit the customer, demand goes up, justifying the increase in price.

    It’s all supply and demand.

    in reply to: Why does lakewood need so many hat stores #1205990

    Prices are generally set by supply and demand (except in cases where the government gets involved). It’s actually a quite simple concept.

    in reply to: What would you do? #1205117


    “It doesn’t mean that I agreed with your post!”

    What? You said two things that directly contradicted each other. I just quoted those two things. This is the same thing LU was doing. No one is manipulating anything.

    By the way, I honestly think you could win this debate if you gave good arguments. I think those arguments exist, and I think you know them, you’re just not doing a good job getting them out.

    in reply to: Have we argued enough about Chanukah? #1206050

    “while my chocolate chip cookie recipe comes off of the Nestle chocolate chip bag”

    Best recipe ever. I don’t understand why anyone would use any other recipe.

    in reply to: Halacha for the masses #1205872

    “Just consider the example of a published halachic work. There are financial and time (to write, edit, publish and distribute) constraints. It’s just not feasible for an author to think of let alone cover every imaginable custom and exception.

    Even were such a thing possible, the resulting tome would be so huge that just searching for a specific ruling would be a daunting and time consuming task.”

    I think it’s more than that. When a Posek answers a shailoh, he’s not answering a shailoh, rather he is answering a person. It’s not like he’s a computer that takes in all the relevant factors and spits out the correct halacha. He has to know what kind of answer would be appropriate for that particular person. Since every person is unique, there are literally an infinite number of shailohs that a Rov may encounter.

    in reply to: Why does lakewood need so many hat stores #1205989

    Someone started a thread about hat stores in Lakewood recently, maybe you should post your question there (I have a feeling you might even know the person who started it):

    in reply to: What would you do? #1205114


    “Of course there are! So e/o should learn CPR & first aid.”

    “I don’t see anywhere that you must learn CPR!”

    in reply to: What would you do? #1205106

    “Now tell e/o what’s the difference between the two cases!”

    Ubiquitin already explained the difference very nicely a few posts up. Though I’m still not sure I agree fully, because one of his main points is that CPR is easier to learn that flying a plane, which is true, but it is still not easy enough. The level at which most people learn CPR is not really adequate to help in a real life situation, and to expect them to learn more than that is unreasonable.

    “but there is a Chiyov”

    Is there really? Maybe there is a chiyuv to become a doctor and a firefighter also.

    in reply to: Have we argued enough about Chanukah? #1206046


    Well since you didn’t say it, let me ask you: Do you put lavender syrup in your coffee?

    in reply to: Have we argued enough about Chanukah? #1206043

    What’s with all this lavender? Are you the one who said you put it in your coffee?

    in reply to: Hot water #1204845

    DY, what if you want to drink the water?

    in reply to: Hot water #1204842

    “The tank less sounds like a Plumbing Keurig.”

    It’s actually better because you don’t have to use those expensive K-cups

    in reply to: The Most Thankless Jobs #1205014

    “Maybe if I tip the regular garbagemen on my route, they will overlook transgressions. Instead of tagging the can as a violation, and leaving it on the curb, they might just tip it into the truck and cover the forbidden trash with other garbage”

    Don’t know how it is in other places, but in NYC the trash collectors aren’t the ones who issue the fines. They have “officers” from the sanitation department who drive around and check.

    in reply to: The Most Thankless Jobs #1205013


    in reply to: What would you do? #1205101

    “Her case with the pilot is purely hypothetical!

    I hope you Now understand the difference!”

    The case with the pilot is not hypothetical. It actually happened.

    On October 5, 2015, Pilot Michael Johnston died during an American Airlines flight between Phoenix and Boston.

    “Next – practice it a lot.”

    It’s a lot to ask from a person to practice a lot just to prepare for an unlikely occurrence.

    in reply to: Hot water #1204837

    The tankless heaters are supposed to be more efficient also, because you’re only heating up the water that you’re using.

    They also take up less space because there’s no tank.

    in reply to: What would you do? #1205098

    Health – “What does a pilot losing his ability to fly have to do with this topic? There is absolutely no correlation!”

    There is actually a very strong correlation. They are both emergency situations which will result in death if appropriate immediate action is not taken. Now you explain why they are different. (Actually you don’t have to, because ubiquitin already did an excellent job explaining it)


    Thank you for the response. You make excellent, clear points, and I’m pretty much convinced now.

    There’s just one more thing I want to point out. There’s a difference between KNOWING the proper steps to take in an emergency situation and being ABLE to take the proper steps. Being a trained EMT means more than just knowing the steps, it means being able to stay calm and think with a clear head. It’s just not easy for the average person to do that, and I don’t think someone should be criticized for immediately calling Hatzalah rather than trying to remember all those steps in an emergency situation.

    in reply to: Hot water #1204835

    There is something called a tankless water heater. They sell them at Home Depot (in the US). I’m sure they have them in Israel too. I’ve never used one but they’re supposed to heat the water almost instantly. It doesn’t use a tank, it just uses a heat exchanger to heat the water as it flows through a system of pipes.

    in reply to: Pilot Drops Dead #1204824

    “Call 911. Tell ’em you’re waiting till they send someone to help.”

    I hope you’re not using your cell phone on the plane. It can mess with the radio systems and cause the plane to crash.

    in reply to: What would you do? #1205077

    Health – “If someone collapsed, I posted what any logical person should do.

    If you’re saying it has to be taught – then every boy & girl, ages 8-10, should be taught it!”

    Then by the same logic, every boy & girl, ages 8-10 should be taught how to fly a plane.

    LU – “If you have a reason why you think that Meno’s argument is not a valid argument, please state it. But to keep repeating your initial assertion is not a response.”

    Thank you very much.

    in reply to: What would you do? #1205073


    “That’s illogical!

    Our case is s/o is on the ground!”

    Sorry, maybe I should have been more clear.

    I was saying that according to your logic, everyone should learn how to fly a plane in case they are in a DIFFERENT situation (i.e. not the same as the one being discussed thus far), where a pilot drops dead mid-flight.

    Also, the exclamation points may not mean anything to you, but they make you come across like an angry, confrontational person. I guarantee people will respond to you differently if you stopped using them as much as you do.

    in reply to: Tochacha #1204338
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