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  • in reply to: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur #1399818

    (Interestingly the word sheitel and the word Satan have the same gematria….)

    Also the word “snood”.

    What’s the gematria of “toupee”?

    in reply to: Fly in your drinking glass #1399678

    The other day a fly landed on top of my co-worker’s coffee cup, so he took off the lid and threw it out. I told him that the same thing has probably happened a hundred times while he wasn’t looking.

    Same as eating in any restaurant. You just have avoid thinking about it.

    in reply to: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur #1399654

    Hair is provocative – period.

    That would explain all the looks I’ve been getting since I started wearing this toupee.

    in reply to: The Room Temperature Food Mystery #1398831

    “When you eat cold protein, your body heats up.

    When you eat ginger, your body heats up.”

    Also guacamole

    in reply to: Fly in your drinking glass #1398819

    The fly. I had to use tweezers to get it out

    in reply to: Fly in your drinking glass #1398799

    I have a special folder on my desk that I use solely for killing flies.

    Today I got one stuck in my keyboard.

    in reply to: The Room Temperature Food Mystery #1398721


    in reply to: Exercising in a kosher way #1397459

    Just walk around the block twice

    in reply to: The Room Temperature Food Mystery #1397318

    It’s not really deep. It’s a science question with a logical answer.

    in reply to: The Room Temperature Food Mystery #1396978

    Why do we feel hot when it’s 90 degrees outside if our body temperature is higher than 90 degrees?

    in reply to: Cookie in a Cast Iron #1396857

    Challah Man!

    in reply to: Can you spot a credit card skimmer? #1396854

    Before you use any ATM, try to yank pieces off of it, and then try to pull the machine out of the wall.

    After you do that, look all around and say “cheese”, because someone will probably be filming you so they can send it in to YWN.

    in reply to: Can you spot a credit card skimmer? #1395505

    Just avoid using ATM/debit cards as much as possible. With most credit cards it’s very easy and hassle-free to dispute fraudulent charges.

    If you must use an ATM, use one inside a bank.

    in reply to: Why does Cholov Yisroel milk cost so much? #1395405

    food produced specifically for the kosher market will almost always cost more than food not specifically produced for the kosher market

    This is exactly the question I’m asking. Why does it have to be that Cholov Yisroel milk has to be “produced specifically for the kosher market”? What would it entail to take a regular milk production plant and switch it over to produce Cholov Yisroel milk? If it’s just a mashgiach temidi (or even several) and kashering the keilim, that doesn’t seem like a huge deal.

    I understand that a large portion of people who are makpid on cholov yisroel would probably not drink this milk anyway, just like they wouldn’t eat Heinz ketchup. But there might be a lot of people who drink cholov stam who would make the switch if it were more convenient.

    Maybe I’m missing something. Maybe I’m way off.

    in reply to: Dating a girl in the pizza shop #1395369

    going to a pizza shop for a date is not recommended because “it makes you look cheap & you don’t have money to go to a meat meat restaurant” not all meat restaurants are expensive.

    Wouldn’t it make you look cheap to go to an inexpensive meat restaurant also?

    And what if you actually don’t have money to go to a meat restaurant? You’re supposed to pretend you have money anyway? Sounds like geneivas da’as to me.

    in reply to: Dating a girl in the pizza shop #1395149

    How is going for pizza different than going to a restaurant? (Other than one being milichigs and the other fleishigs.)

    I once went to a restaurant that was milchigs

    in reply to: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur #1395146

    Most rabbanim in america do not hold this as a psak.

    Most rabbanim in America don’t hold of most things that Joseph posts.

    in reply to: Brooklyn vs. Queens #1395101

    The price of Cholov Yisroel milk is significantly higher in Queens than it is in Brooklyn.

    Maybe because of the eruv.

    in reply to: Why does Cholov Yisroel milk cost so much? #1394470

    1) That doesn’t really answer my question

    2) When you say “kosher food” I assume you mean kosher brands. Why can’t cholov yisroel be like kosher Coca Cola?

    in reply to: Stupid Inventions #1394087

    Ouch. That would mean hitting my head against my ceiling pretty hard.

    Check the weather forecast before you go to sleep. If they predict an earthquake, sleep on the roof.

    in reply to: Stupid Inventions #1393203

    But where would you land?

    in reply to: Telemarketers Should ASSUR Due to Something #1392947

    They have a private person’s name come up

    1) What Joseph said

    2) Who cares what number shows up? If it’s not a number that you recognize, what difference does it make whether it’s their number or someone else’s number? Unless you’re saying that they find people that you know and use their numbers, but I doubt they do that.

    in reply to: Stupid Inventions #1392925

    Solar powered flashlight?

    You know I would’ve gone 50/50 with you, but you had to go and ruin it for both of us. Thanks

    in reply to: Stupid Inventions #1392864

    I just thought of a great invention.

    I’m not gonna say it here because I don’t want someone to steal it, but you’ll have to trust me that it’s awesome.

    in reply to: Telemarketers Should ASSUR Due to Something #1392836

    I don’t see how masking their number is g’neivas da’as.

    If you see that a number is blocked, why would you make any assumptions about who is calling (other than assuming it’s not someone that you know)?

    You know once upon a time there was no such thing as caller ID.

    in reply to: What does CRF stand for? #1392658

    Hey I just saw a raccoon!

    in reply to: Is A Jew Permitted To Celebrate Halloween? #1392539

    I usually just put out a bowl with a sign that says “Take one.”

    I don’t even put anything in the bowl.

    in reply to: Is A Jew Permitted To Celebrate Halloween? #1392516

    People trick or treating want candy, not an arrest record

    Unfortunately there are some people who don’t know how to use their brains properly.

    All it takes is for one such person to do something stupid.

    in reply to: charities #1392366

    What if the coins were used for avodah zara?

    in reply to: Wearing tefillin all day #1392195

    I just have to ask….what made you think about starting a thread on this somewhat arcane question that is relevant maybe 10 times a year (given the typically a few days rosh chodesh may be on Shabbos)

    How many eruv tavshilin threads are there?

    in reply to: Wearing Wigs #1392045

    I should clarify, I have no problem with steak being chewy. Steak is supposed to be at least a little chewy. My point is that the chewiness of steak makes it a bad candidate for sandwiches. When you take a bite of a sandwich, you should be able to bite through the entire thickness of the sandwich with one even bite. You shouldn’t have to bite harder to get through the filling than you would to get through the bread.

    in reply to: Wearing Wigs #1392022

    I’ve never really understood steak sandwiches. Steak is generally too chewy for a sandwich.

    Maybe I’ve just never had a good one.

    in reply to: Master Plan #1391948

    iacisrmma, what was the point of posting that you have nothing to say?

    My thoughts exactly. I also had nothing to say, yet I didn’t feel the need to post about it.

    in reply to: Telemarketers Should ASSUR Due to Something #1391934

    How is it gneivas da’as?

    in reply to: charities #1391721

    Wait, so they send you money in the mail, while asking you to donate money to them?

    Someone should teach them a thing or two about fundraising.

    in reply to: The EXPLODING Opioid Crisis In The Frum Community #1391001

    Meno a nice way of saying drugs

    So why don’t they use words that people understand? That would be a good start in addressing the problem.

    in reply to: The EXPLODING Opioid Crisis In The Frum Community #1390885

    What are opioids?

    in reply to: Tchotchkes #1390332

    I have a fidget spinner

    in reply to: Penny Juice 💰🍹 #1389652

    Are there any lawyers in the Coffee Room?

    in reply to: Penny Juice 💰🍹 #1389605

    Destroying US currency is a crime.

    It’s not clear whether that applies to coins if it isn’t done fraudulently:

    §331. Mutilation, diminution, and falsification of coins
    Whoever fraudulently alters, defaces, mutilates, impairs, diminishes, falsifies, scales, or lightens any of the coins coined at the mints of the United States, or any foreign coins which are by law made current or are in actual use or circulation as money within the United States; or
    Whoever fraudulently possesses, passes, utters, publishes, or sells, or attempts to pass, utter, publish, or sell, or brings into the United States, any such coin, knowing the same to be altered, defaced, mutilated, impaired, diminished, falsified, scaled, or lightened—
    Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

    §333. Mutilation of national bank obligations
    Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

    in reply to: Penny Juice 💰🍹 #1389538

    I once heated up a penny with a blowtorch and the inside melted and just dripped out onto the floor.

    in reply to: What is skim milk? #1389501

    Why is it called 1% milk if it’s actually 99% milk?

    in reply to: Stop the SLEEPING in Shul! 🛑😴🕍 #1389499

    anyone have any tips he to help him stay awake for leining?

    Maybe if the baal koreh wasn’t so slow and davening wasn’t so shlepped out then he wouldn’t sleep.

    Someone should start a thread about that.

    in reply to: Stop the SHLEPPING In Shul! 🛑🐢🐌🕍 #1388602

    The way I see it, there are two types of people who talk in shul:

    1) There are the people who will talk in shul no matter what. They don’t take davening seriously, they aren’t really interested in davening, they come to shul because of social pressure or some other reason. The issues brought up by the OP have nothing to do with this type of person – they will keep talking no matter what.

    2) There are people who generally don’t talk in shul, and take davening seriously, and come to shul in order to daven. However, when certain parts of the “davening” (e.g. mi shebeirachs) are dragged out, these people feel that they are basically expected to sit there and do nothing, and therefore they turn to talking during those times (Of course they can do other productive things like learn during those times, but I think most people prefer to daven during davening and learn during their learning seder). For this type of person, cutting down on the “shlepping” very well may reduce the talking.

    in reply to: divorce prevention tips! #1388358

    A classic Shmuz or Chadian classes is when a classic teacher or rabbi teaches a backup who is engaged about obtain relating to marriage.

    I thought I knew what a chosson shmooze was. Now I’m not so sure.

    in reply to: Stop the SHLEPPING In Shul! 🛑🐢🐌🕍 #1388228


    He explained quite clearly the problems with a dragged out davening. It has nothing to do with being in a rush.

    in reply to: New York city brown garbage cans #1388222

    Back in the 1950s and early 60s each house had a concrete liner in the ground with a removable waste pail for food garbage (it had a step on lid to open).

    We had these growing up and I never knew what they were for (was a bit later than the 60s). We would just hide stuff in there.

    in reply to: divorce prevention tips! #1387596

    A good chosson shmooze is one that prevents divorces.

    in reply to: divorce prevention tips! #1387591

    Make sure you get a good chosson shmooze

    in reply to: Tempered Glass… Goes *BOOM* #1386658

    Kinda like a Prince Rupert’s Drop

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