Menachem Shmei

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  • in reply to: The Modern Orthodox “Mesorah” #2216949
    Menachem Shmei

    In mishnah Torah the rambam clearly understands chukim as laws without a revealed reason

    Something similar that I wrote recently in another thread:

    “Interesting example of the different styles: In the Moreh the Rambam explains that shiluach hakan is because of tzar baalei chayim.
    In Mishneh Torah (Tefilla) he writes that this reasoning is ridiculous, as it is obviously a gzeiras hakosuv that can’t be understood.”

    Another example from Mishneh Torah (end of Sefer Tahara):
    דבר ברור וגלוי שהטמאות והטהרות גזרות הכתוב הן. ואינן מדברים שדעתו של אדם מכרעתו. והרי הן מכלל החקים. וכן הטבילה מן הטמאות מכלל החקים הוא שאין הטמאה טיט או צואה שתעבר במים אלא גזרת הכתוב היא והדבר תלוי בכונת הלב. ולפיכך אמרו חכמים טבל ולא החזק כאלו לא טבל. ואף על פי כן רמז יש בדבר

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216934
    Menachem Shmei

    I’m surprised that you would accuse me of lying. I didn’t think that was your style.

    My point wasn’t to accuse you of lying. I was laying out the only possible options, because that fact that you stated simply isn’t true.

    Again, I don’t want the other readers to think that there is some sort of argument if Chabad retracted it or not.

    All 13 editions of Likkutei Sichos, from 1962 till the newest one (which was completely retyped), including the blue seforim printed by Kehos (I have it right in front of me) – contain this statement word for word.

    I don’t care who fabricated this story (I’m not accusing you, it could have been a misunderstanding on your part).
    I care to set the facts straight.

    This is a stupid thing to argue about since it’s a מילתא דעבידא לאיגלויי.
    If someone doubts me, go to the nearest Lubavitcher, every Lubavitcher has a chelek beis Likkutei Sichos from any given year (usually later editions) in their house.
    Open it up to page 511, and see the second paragraph for yourself.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216925
    Menachem Shmei

    He spoke esoterically and people could interpret his words one way or the other.

    He spoke in a way that his haters can misinterpret 39 years later when attacking him because he upset their campaigning in Israeli politics (1989).

    Find me any gadol in history whose teachings can’t be misinterpreted to sound like kefira by those who try to do so.
    I already brought the Minchas Elozor, Rabbeinu Bachya, Tanya, Noam Elimelech, Gemara, Zohar.
    How about the Rambam whose haters claimed that he denied techiyas hameisim ch”v?
    How about the Baal Shem Tov?
    כל הרוצה לטעות יבוא ויטעה

    He knew that some of his followers were praying to him

    Maybe if you repeat this lie another 10 times you’ll convince us Lubavitchers that it’s true, that we actually daven to the Rebbe.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216863
    Menachem Shmei

    So now we have a Machlokes of Chabad Poskim

    I thought that the first time I answered you (in post #2216786) was fairly clear and simple.

    I will try to explain one more time. If you still insist in not understanding, so be it. כל הרוצה לטעות יבוא ויטעה

    Since Sechel seems to be a Lubavitcher, I doubt he denies this fact:
    דאס איז עצמות ומהות אליין ווי ער האט זיך אריינגעשטעלט אין א גוף
    since this is printed clearly in a sicha (as Sechel himself mentioned many times, and gave us the source in Likkutei Sichos).

    What he (as well as I) does deny is your interpretation that “every Lubavicher refers to the Rebbe as god because the Rebbe called himself god.” (ch”v)

    If you want to truly know what this statement means, you will look at the Yerushalmi and Zohar that the Rebbe quotes there, and you will look at all the statements that I quoted in post #2213451, and you will look at the shiur from Rabbi YY Jacobson that I just wrote in a different post.

    One more time: Neither I nor Sechel are denying the truth of the aforementioned statement (דאס איז…), we are denying your interpretation and accusation.

    I don’t think I can get any clearer than this, so it’s my last try.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216861
    Menachem Shmei

    he problem is that a fair number of Lubavitchers understood it the wrong way.

    B”H Lubavitchers didn’t understand it wrong. Usually, the first time a Lubavitcher learns of these warped interpretations is when meeting someone who attacks him for “his views” that he never had.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216858
    Menachem Shmei

    maybe you can explain how that דעה נפסדה fits with the י״ג עיקרים

    Just as you can explain that all of the quotes I brought earlier in post #2213451 fit with the ikrim.

    (I tried linking it before, but it kept linking the entire thread)

    P.S. For anyone actually interested in the topic and is wondering, “Indeed, what did the Rebbe, Minchas Elozor, Noam Elimelech, Rabbeinu Bachya, Tanya, Yerushalmi and Zohar mean when they wrote all of these surprising statements?” –
    I suggest you watch an incredible shiur from Rabbi YY Jacobson on the topic: http://www.theyeshiva dot net/8291
    (Although he discusses the general topic with many quotes from gedolim throughout the generations, he indeed doesn’t explicitly quote the Rebbe’s statement. I guess so as not to turn off his litvisher audience)

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216795
    Menachem Shmei


    In the previous post where I posted, a link, this is the proper link:

    Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216786
    Menachem Shmei

    So now you’re backing off from your previous statement that the Rebbe himself stated that he’s god clothed in human form… Instead you’re saying that no Lubavicher holds like this…. Rabbi Dr. Berger named 8 senior Rabbis from the vaunted Oholei Torah who claimed that the Rebbe was god clothed in human form. Had he been lying he would have been sued for millions.

    This is ridiculous. Sechel never denied about G-d enclothed in a body.
    Why would you prove from “eight senior rabbis” when Sechel himself just quoted it from the most senior Chabad rabbi of all – the Lubavitcher Rebbe!?

    He denied your understanding of that statement, which is perfectly fine.

    Rav Hershel Schachter, [stated] that many Lubavichers daven to the Rebbe instead of to Hashem and this is Avoda Zarah.

    Does he mean that they go to the ohel and ask the Rebbe to intercede on their behalf to Hashem?
    This is true.
    Many major poskim allow/encourage this, and it has been accepted in klal yisroel for millennia, as I’ve proven once in an earlier post.
    (Incidentally, on the topic of the “Dovid Lichtenstein radio program” – it should be noted that he ran a program on this topic a few weeks ago.)

    Does he mean that when Lubavitchers daven shmoneh esrei, they think, “Rebbe, give us rain” instead of Hashem (ch”v)?
    This is a lie, and a libel against hundreds of thousands of kosher Jews.
    Whoever told Rav Schachter this slander will have to face judgment for fooling a gadol b’yisroel and using him to spread motzi shem ra on fellow Jews.
    With all due respect, how many Lubavitchers has Rav Schachter even seen davening? Let alone discussed it with, so he came to such a conclusion!? I have seen and discussed davening with thousands of fellow Lubavitchers, and I can assure that these claims are completely false.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216778
    Menachem Shmei

    Part of what they published – and I have copies, and have checked both sources. – the atzmus melubash beguf sicha, and the same sicha printed in a later volume, with the offensive passage redacted.
    If there’s nothing wrong with it, why was it redacted and never reprinted in its original form?

    You’ve mentioned this before, and it really annoys me, because if it were true it would mean that Chabad already admitted that it was wrong, which renders the whole discussion pointless.

    I have the 1962, 1985 and 2021 versions of Likkutei Sichos in front of me right now, and all of them have it written exactly the same.
    I’m either misunderstanding something, or your lying, or you heard it from someone who was lying, or saw a forged version.
    Please explain yourself.

    I’m not going to get into this whole discussion of why this isn’t avoda zorah chas v’shalom. Just as someone who holds of the Minchas Elozor, Noam Elimelech, Zohar and Gemara will attempt to understand and interpret their statements properly, while the haters can misunderstand and hate – the same is with the Rebbe.
    I have demonstrated this clearly in this post:

    Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

    I’m still waiting for someone to explain why it’s permissible to defend and interpret these statements, despite them sounding like AZ if taken at face value, as opposed to the Rebbe’s statements may not be interpreted.

    in reply to: Whats Rishus cold seltzer? #2216151
    Menachem Shmei

    The first time I heard of it was in a viral video of a guy expressing his incredible pleasure of sitting with a Rabbeinu Dovid and rishus cold seltzer in a plastic cup, and “checking out of life”

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216004
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>A complete 360 means you end up facing the same direction that you faced when you started!

    You’re right! Should have said 180.
    Though I’m sure that soon it’ll come fully back around 😄

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215960
    Menachem Shmei

    The only response was from a Rabbi Aron Moss who is a Chabad Rabbi

    The article you read was from, which is explaining the problem with television to non-frum people, so it is very watered down.
    Actually, I have long despised that article, since it describes the problem with TV as more of a cultural issue than a religious one.

    There are many places online where you can find more authoritative content on this.

    Once we’re on the topic of Lubavitch, I would suggest you look up a very sharp and comprehensive talk of the Rebbe where he describes many of the issues with TV.

    You can find a translated version by googling:
    television: the ruination of a generation – rebbe

    in reply to: The Modern Orthodox “Mesorah” #2215915
    Menachem Shmei

    Rav Aharon Kotler ZTV’L, in Mishnas Rabi Aharon (Vol. 3, Hesped on the Brisker Rav) states that the essence of Modern Orthodoxy is the same as the Reform and Conservative.

    I guess this is a point where he and the Rebbe agree.

    Here’s an excerpt from a 5717 letter of the Rebbe:

    “This is also the case with regard to the person to whom you refer in your letter, who obviously does not belong at all in the Conservative movement, nor in the so-called “New” brand of Conservatism, which goes under the name of “Modern Orthodoxy.””

    in reply to: Over the Top Lifestyles in Lakewood #2215901
    Menachem Shmei


    Your post sounds like the reaction of a Lubavitcher when someone complains that CH isn’t tzniyusdik. Lol

    P.S. I know nothing about Lakewood, as I wrote in this post:
    Just the comparison struck me as funny
    If a Lubavitcher would have wrote this, we wouldn’t hear the end of the problems with “Chabad supremacy” 😄

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215889
    Menachem Shmei

    I he was anointed King of the world it would not be a secret known only to a group that professes to have mastered the esoteric.

    No Lubavitcher holds that the geula can happen with a select few recognizing melech hamoshiach.
    Therefore, all Lubavitchers (even those who say yechi) still say “we want Moshiach now” and “ad mosai” (“how much longer is golus?”).

    So what do they mean when they say the Rebbe is Moshiach? I have never had the patience to explain this on the CR, and still don’t.

    As for the belief in Chabad circles that Judaism is not rational because it’s Kabbalah based, well this defies Rambam’s essential premise. If you guys are rejecting Rambam no problem, but then stop learning his works if you deny them.

    I have no idea what Chabad belief you’re referring to, but I’ll offer several points on the topic:

    1. Chabad, like all Jews, believes that Torah is devided into משפטים עדות וחוקים – aspects of Torah that are rational (don’t steal); aspects that are only rational after they were taught (Shabbos); aspects that are beyond our understanding, we obey them and fulfill them because Hashem commanded (kashrus).

    2. Chassidus places strong emphasis (I’m sure others also) that even the rational mitzvos should be done with an aspect of chukim – even though we understand, we are mainly doing it because Hashem said.

    3. Chassidus (based on kabbala) actually rationalizes many mitzvos which would otherwise seem irrational.

    4. I’m not sure which essential premise of the Rambam you refer to. If this is the premise of Moreh Nevuchim, it definitely isn’t the premise of Mishneh Torah (which is what we learn daily).

    Interesting example of the different styles: In the Moreh the Rambam explains that shiluach hakan is because of tzar baalei chayim.
    In Mishneh Torah (Tefilla) he writes that this reasoning is ridiculous, as it is obviously a gzeiras hakosuv that can’t be understood.

    5. Even if we did argue with the Rambam, this goes back to my point the entire time: Torah isn’t a color war game where everyone supports their team.
    It is possible to love the Rambam and learn his Torah, while seeing some elements of Torah differently from him.
    כך היא דרכה של תורה

    in reply to: The Modern Orthodox “Mesorah” #2215851
    Menachem Shmei

    On the topic of Modern Orthodoxy, here is an excerpt from an English letter of the Lubavitcher Rebbe from Adar 5738 to a woman who was becoming frum.

    (Disclaimer: Obviously, the exact definition of Modern Orthodoxy is blurry, so I doubt that everything written here applies to every person who calls themself MO)

    “P.S. Your using the term “modern orthodoxy” prompts me to make the following observation.

    Although this term is frequently used, if you reflect on it you will realize the inner contradiction in terms. For, orthodoxy refers to a full commitment to a life regulated by the Torah, Toras Emes, and its Mitsvoth, by which Jews live, whereas “modern” implies a compromise and adjustment supposedly in keeping with “modern” ideas. But where truth is concerned, there can be no compromise or accommodation, for even 99% of truth is not the whole truth, and therefore not truth at all.

    Needless to say, 99% is better than 98%, but one must not delude oneself in believing that it is the whole truth. Indeed, the Rambam rules that if a Jew accepts the whole Torah except one letter, he is deemed as if he denied the whole Torah. And one of the explanations of it is that truth and compromise are contradictory.

    The above does not mean that unless a Jew observes all the 613 Mitzvoth, he is not an observant Jew. Indeed, the Torah declares, “A Jew, though he has sinned, remains a Jew.” It states further that no sinner is rejected, and eventually everyone who had strayed will return to the fold. What is emphasized above is that any thought that the Torah is in any way “outdated” and needs to be “modernized” that is heresy and a denial of the Divine origin and eternal nature of the Torah and Mitzvoth. There is surely no need to elaborate to you further on the above.”

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215764
    Menachem Shmei

    Dear qwerty,

    Last week I said that few in this thread can match my logical ability or my love of truth… you quoted me as saying, “Few can match my logic and love of truth.” intentionally taking out, “in this thread.”

    I apologize if I made it sound like you claimed to be smarter than the entire world, this was unintentional.

    The reason why I took out the words “in this thread” is because it would have made the quote very awkward
    This is what you said originally:

    “I readily admit that most of the people in the thread have more Torah knowledge than I, but few can match my logic and love of truth.”

    You see what I mean?

    I’ve been reading here for a few years, and posting for over a year, and I am constantly impressed by the strong logic and truth seeking of most posters (including those who disagree with me, obviously).

    I sensed some arrogance (and disrespect) in the fact that you joined this discussion about 2 weeks ago, yet you’re already certain that you surpass most of us in logic and truth.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215769
    Menachem Shmei

    when I admitted to the posters that I’m ignorant with regard to learning having started relatively late in life. You twisted what I said to read, “You admit you’re ignorant about Lubavitch”

    Let’s do the whole “you said, I said” thing to clear this up:

    In connection to the nevuah question, you said:
    “The answer is simple because there was never any question of the Rebbe being a Novi while he was alive. This is nothing but an invention of his followers. What I believe the Rebbe did say, because I heard this from a Lubavicher, is…”

    I pointed out how silly it is to argue with me about what the Rebbe did or didn’t say, when it’s printed clearly (and shared link).

    [Happens to be a sicha from this week. Ask any slightly knowledgeable Lubavitcher what the Rebbe said on parshas Shoftim 5751, and he’ll tell you (if he’s not afraid of being open with you) that the rabbeim are nevi’im etc.]

    You excused yourself by saying that you don’t have any time to actually study the Rebbe’s writings.

    I countered that being ignorant about Chabad isn’t an excuse to attack it. Better use the little time you have learning the topic, not arguing the topic.

    Sorry if I came across as trying to twist the truth.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215698
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>Yes, Rabbi Miller and others of his type could give straight Mussar but that’s because their followers hung on their every word.

    You’re taking this conversation in circles.

    You attacked Rabbi Miller and the Rebbe for being cult leaders (ח”ו) because they instructed their communities how to behave, and a rov is “only meant to serve as a role model.”

    Now you admit that a proper rov is one whose talmidim hang onto his every word and follow his instructions. You only excused your rov (rightfully) that in your community it is unfortunately not possible.

    This is a complete 360.

    Also, I love how you keep telling UJM “You Lubavitchers”
    Because in your mind, if someone ever supports something a Lubavitcher says, he is automatically on the Lubavitch “team” or a “traitor”. You can’t fathom that UJM is far from being a Lubavitcher. Lol

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215617
    Menachem Shmei

    Paraphrasing qwerty’s last post (tell me if I got this right):

    Dear Avira,
    Menachem pointed out the irony how I admit to being ignorant about Lubavitch, after all, being such a busy man, I have no time to learn about it. Yet, at the same time, I have all the time in the world to attack that which I don’t know about. Why don’t I spend my little time learning instead of attacking?

    Being that I had no good answer to this, I retaliated by pointing out that he missed the title “rabbi” in his post.

    Of course, being a Lubavitcher, Menachem wouldn’t admit that he was wrong, and (despite adding rabbi in his next post) he insisted that it made no difference to him if he used the term rabbi or not, even though Kahane was killed al kiddush Hashem.

    And then, dear Avira, instead of defending our anti-Lubavitch team, you did the unthinkable: You defected to the Lubavitch team!
    Now, it’s okay to be against (Rabbi) Meir Kahane, but not if that adds points to the Lubavitch team!

    Avira, as a fellow anti-Lubavitcher, I must say, I’m disappointed in you…
    You should stand with your team through thick and thin, whether you agree with that specific view or not.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215440
    Menachem Shmei

    Either way it’s not a good look and the Lubavichers will say that you’re just a hater who decided to also pick on them.

    This post would be hilarious if you were kidding, but based on your history, I fear that you’re serious.

    As a Lubavitcher, I don’t mind if someone has problems with more than one group in Judaism.

    On the contrary, if someone says to overlook the problems of all other sects because focusing on them will detract from their hate on Lubavitch – that is someone who is just a hater. Ahem ahem.
    (I know, now you’ll demand an apology for implying that you’re just a hater…)

    Whereas if someone is ready to point out any issues he finds in any group, whether it’s Chabad, Kahane, or anything else – that means he actually cares about the truth.

    I would expect better from you qwerty (okay, not actually) – someone who claims that “few can match my… love for truth.”

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215264
    Menachem Shmei


    >>>I heard not that long ago that there is actually no reliable source that a Yid who was killed because he is Jewish goes straight to Gan Eden. I would like to a source either way.

    I haven’t seen anything on this, but maybe this Gemara could be considered a source, or remez?
    הרוגי מלכות אין אדם יכול לעמוד במחיצתן.
    This is talking davka about those who aren’t tzaddikim (because tzaddikim go anyway), as is understood from the continuation there (Pesachim 50a)

    >>>Menachem, I have to give it to you…

    I’m embarrassed to say this, but this compliment actually felt quite good, even coming from you 😏

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215259
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>I’ll share with you what my Rov said, “Chabadism and Millerism are both cults.” What he means is that the Rebbe’s and Rabbi Miller’s followers are both convinced that their mentors were never wrong.

    What does your rov have to say about this “cult”:
    לא תסור מן־הדבר אשר־יגידו לך ימין ושמאל
    אפלו אומר לך על ימין שהוא שמאל ועל שמאל שהוא ימין

    Are you ready to say that Moshe Rabbeinu was wrong (chas v’shalom) that we must keep Shabbos?
    If not, does that make “Moshism” a cult (ח”ו)?

    (If you answer that I shouldn’t compare the Rebbe to Moshe, you’re evading the question. A “cult” is a “cult”.)


    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215260
    Menachem Shmei


    I reread my earlier post about anivus, and I realized that something might be misunderstood.

    I wrote: “And the Rebbe said publicly that he lacks…”
    I did NOT mean that the Rebbe said this about Rabbi Miller (as might be understood from how I wrote).
    The Rebbe said this about himself.

    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2215210
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>is there any sefer that is accepted by the litvish community, like if it says something there, everyone listens

    Saying “the litvish community” is like saying “the frum community” or “chassidish community” (both of which would include Chabad).

    The “litvish community” is just a section of the broader “frum community” which is a section of the broader “Jewish community” which is a section of the broader “mankind” (l’havdil).

    In the litvish community itself, there are sub-communities of talmidim and followers of their own rabbanim and drachim.
    So, yes, each of those communities has a sefer or rov whose derech they follow.

    Just as Lubavitchers follow the Chabad rabbeim, students of Rav Miller will follow him, followers of Rav Belsky will follow his drachim, etc.
    If someone isn’t a student of such a prominent rabbi, he will still have his personal rov who he follows.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215209
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>It is reported that the Rebbe made predictions and performed miracles. Rambam writes (Yesodei hatorah 8) that signs are irrelevant, and Israel did not believe in Moses our Rabbi as a result of the signs that he performed.

    If I understand correctly, you are saying that according to the Rambam, performing miracles and predicting the future are not proof that one is a novi.

    If this is truly what you meant, this is called מגלה פנים בתורה שלא כהלכה.

    How do you have the chutzpa to publicly forge the Rambam like this?
    (I thought it’s only the Rebbe who you take random statements out of context לקנטר. Now I see that you do the same with the Rambam, רחמנא ליצלן.)

    For everyone else who isn’t sure what I’m talking about:

    The Rambam says that Moshe was the the head of all the nevi’im because he wasn’t believed because of miracles, rather because we, with our own eyes, saw Hashem speak to him at Mattan Torah (יסודי התורה ח).

    Then, Moshe commanded us: “נביא מקרבך מאחיך כמני יקים לך ה’ אלקיך אליו תשמעון”.
    The way to recognize a novi, Moshe told us, is if he performs miracles or predicts the future (יסודי התורה י).
    If he shows these signs, we know that he was sent by Hashem, and אליו תשמעון – we must obey him.

    >>>his followers believe that he is a god

    I already answered this enough times. No point going back there.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215208
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>Rabbi Miller said he wasn’t a Gadol and I agree with him

    And the Rebbe said publicly that he lacks yiras shamayim and isn’t a tzaddik.

    Does this change my perspective of him?
    Of course! I think much more highly of him!

    We call this anivus.

    See for example the incredible anivus of the Bal Haturim in his introduction:
    “I have no understanding… nor have I learned any chochma. I have no knowledge, I know nothing. However, despite all that was concealed from me, this is the work of Hashem… ”

    The Sifsei Chachomim in his introduction:
    “I cannot talk great things, because דרך נשים לי ודעתי קלה, I don’t have the power to stand in the chamber of the rabbis…”

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215138
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>the difference between chabad’s view on chabad and the rebbe, and the misnagdim is this… pretty crazy how people can deny such obvious facts.

    You’re judging Chabad from the inside and non-Chabad from the outside (internet or random meetings on the street).
    This doesn’t really count as an “obvious difference.”

    It is always easy to notice מעלות עצמו and חסרונות חבירו.
    I assume that just as obvious the maalos of Chabad are to you (and me) – the maalos of the litvisher derech or poilisher derech are obvious to them.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215074
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>So you would refer to R Elchonon Wasserman ZTL as HY’D without the honorific because the Nazis killed him?

    I didn’t say that anyone killed al kiddush Hashem can’t be called rabbi (that would be ridiculous).
    I said that being killed al kiddush Hashem doesn’t make you a rabbi.

    >>>the problem is…your Gaavah

    Was I the one who said that few can match his logic and love of truth?

    >>>By the way you also owe me an apology

    Is there anyone in the CR who doesn’t owe you an apology yet?

    >>>what do you think about the “FACT” that the Feinsteins, as currently constituted, don’t like Chabad? Curious to see how you’ll try to squirm out of that one.

    Why should I care what the Feinstein family thinks? Even if Reb Moshe wouldn’t have loved Chabad (which he did, very much, as is proven in my earlier post) I wouldn’t care too much.
    You don’t seem to care that Reb Moshe loved Lubavitchers, so why would I care if he would have hated them?

    If you choose your derech based on the feelings and likes of every relative of a rov, you will become a very confused soul.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215023
    Menachem Shmei


    Please call me Rabbi Menachem Shmei, since I have received smicha

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215019
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>To ujm…Don’t you Lubavichers…


    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2214992
    Menachem Shmei


    I don’t think you have to accept Reb Moshe’s view on Lubavitch (because (a) you can hold like someone else, and (b) you can say that Lubavitch has changed) –
    But it is quite difficult to say that Reb Moshe didn’t have an extremely favorable view of Lubavitch and the Rebbe.

    If you read the letters that I posted earlier (linked below), you’ll see that it’s much more than “lots of titles.”
    He clearly supported the Rebbe and his activities very strongly, including various campaigns that Rav Shach and others strongly attacked.

    Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214993
    Menachem Shmei

    >>> I am by no means a follower of Rabbi Kahane but he died Al Kiddush Hashem and you have the temerity to throw dirt on his grave.

    The title for someone who was killed al kiddush Hashem is הי”ד, as I wrote. Not “rabbi”

    However, I don’t mind calling him rabbi if it suits you better. Makes no difference to me.
    Rabbi is just a title, I’d even call a reform rabbi “rabbi”.

    As Avira wrote in another thread, titles don’t show to much on what you hold about a person.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214955
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>I don’t have the time nor the ability to study all the available sources firsthand

    If I knew nothing about eiruvin and I only have 20 minutes of free time every day.

    I have two options:
    1) Spend those 20 minutes learning about eiruvin.
    2) Spend those 20 minutes arguing about eiruvin.

    If I pick the second option, I will probably lose the argument most of the time. But I can always excuse myself that it’s not my fault, after all I am the greatest genius! Is it my fault that I’m not learned in eiruvin!? I have no free time to learn!

    This is called the arrogance of ignorance.
    (as RABBI Meir Kahane used to say.
    Were you upset that I missed “rabbi” or that I wrote הי”ד?)

    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2214924
    Menachem Shmei


    As I clarified at the end of my post, I am referring specifically to someone who accepts their opinions with kabbolas ol.

    i.e. If there are excellent proofs that it is wrong to shave (see at length in Hadras Ponim Zokon), and someone says “My posek is Reb Moshe, so I don’t care about your proofs, I’m shaving”.
    And then, when it comes to Chabad, he says that the problem with them is that “daas Torah” is against them.
    That is hypocritical.

    As I concluded, if someone is using his own logic it isn’t an issue.
    My problem is with those who choose a separate “daas Torah” for every issue based on their liking.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214861
    Menachem Shmei

    Meir Kahane הי”ד would often say:
    “Ignorance is tolerable.
    Arrogance is bad, but I can tolerate it as well.
    But the arrogance of ignorance is unacceptable!”
    (It’s possible he borrowed this quote from others, but he’s who I know it from)


    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2214868
    Menachem Shmei


    1: I agree with this point.

    2: I possibly agree with some of this, but I probably wouldn’t word it so strongly.

    3: I disagree with this. The Tzemach Tzedek says that shaving with scissors is deoraisa, and trimming is a safek deoraisa.
    He is generally a yochid in this matter. He makes it clear in his teshuva that this against the opinion of Shulchan Aruch.
    I agree that the Tzemach Tzedek is a very very great and holy yochid, and being that he is one of my holy rabbeim I accept all of his psokim, and I would love if the rest of the world followed suit, but I wouldn’t call him a rabim.

    It is possible that majority of poskim prohibit shaving and trimming (albeit not medoraisa) as can be seen from the sefer Hadras Ponim Zokon, but I wouldn’t say that everyone is obligated to follow them because of yochid and rabim.

    It may be very desirable to have a beard due to the overwhelming majority of poskim who encourage it, as well as other important maalos of beard, but I wouldn’t say it’s an obligation IF someone follows a rov who allows trimming.

    I would agree however that it is wrong when people play two sides on which rabbanim they use. Some people might accept Rav Shach as daas Torah who must be followed by all of klal Yisroel in regard to Chabad (even though Reb Moshe openly disagreed with him, as can be seen in my post in a different thread) yet when it comes to beards they are meikel like Reb Moshe (when Rav Shach wrote that it is ossur to be meikel and use any type of electric shaver).

    Obviously, this hypocrisy does not apply to someone who is against Chabad for his own logical reasons, instead of claiming that he’s just following “daas Torah”.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214743
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>What I believe the Rebbe did say, because I heard this from a Lubavicher

    Should I point out for the umpteenth time how ridiculous it is to THEORIZE about what the Rebbe MIGHT have said, when it is literally printed right here???

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214704
    Menachem Shmei

    >>> Rav Moshe was the unquestioned Gadol Hador except for a certain neighborhood in Brooklyn. Can’t recall its name. Oh yeah, that would be Crown Heights.

    Handwritten response of the Rebbe to a certain halachic question:
    האומנם אין ידוע שיש מכתב פסק דין בזה, שנדפס מהרב פיינשטיין?!
    “Do you not know that there is a psak din regarding this by Harav Feinstein

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214684
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>Did he have a special message from God for the Jewish People?

    Yes. All the questions here on what the Rebbe said are answered by what the Rebbe actually said. Learn the sicha. Unless questions appeal more than answers.

    >>>Tzaddikim tend to hide their light under a bushel.

    Correct. The Rebbe very rarely hinted to his tzidkus only when extremely necessary.
    Again, if you learn the actual sicha you’ll see that the Rebbe is speaking about the tzidkus of his father-in-law. Chassidim inferred from it to apply it to the Rebbe as well.
    Similar to how your father might not tell you how to respect him, but you learn from the way he respects his own parents.

    On this topic, while looking through Igros Kodesh (collection of Rebbe’s letters gathered from the recipients or archives) here is something shocking I came across (vol. 16, letter #5907):

    Yaakov Zerubavel was a leftist philosopher who fought vehemently against Yiddishkeit.
    In this 5718 letter to Yaakov Avraham Leselbaum, a relative of the philosopher, the Rebbe asks him to meet up with Zerubaval and details what he should tell him so he should rethink his views and stop spreading his nonsense. The letter finishes off:
    ולאות ולמופת לקרובו הנ”ל אשר בא העת לבקורת עוד הפעם על שיטתו בעבר, יהי’ לו החלום שבסמוך לדבורו עמו.
    “As a sign and miracle for your relative that the time has come to rethink his opinion – he will have a dream near the time that you speak to him.”

    I don’t know the end of the story, but a few months later, we find another letter to Leselbaum:
    נהניתי במאד לקרות בו, אשר סו”ס עלה בידו לקיים בקשתי ולמסור למר ז. שי’ את הדברים. וטוב במיוחד שלא נכנס לכל ויכוחים וכל שקו”ט, כי לא זו הכוונה. ועפי”ז מובן ג”כ, שגם להבא אין לו להכנס בוכוחים בזה. והרי עשה שליחותי וגם אני עשיתי שליחותי שלי.
    “You have fulfilled your mission and I have fulfilled mine…”

    The letters can be found in their entirety here:

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214654
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>It’s surprising that you’re defending him

    I know, you keep getting surprised when people defend posters who have different views than them.

    This is the difference between a political debate and a Talmudic machlokes (lehavdil).

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214637
    Menachem Shmei


    I don’t know if you read the entire discussion there.
    He explains that the title רואה is used about a novi when he uses his power of nevuah to help individuals.

    He also brings from Rambam yesodei hatorah that how does one become a novi? If he delves into Torah and careful in serving Hashem, he merits that ruach hakodesh rests upon him.

    Then he says that so too nowadays, there are people who are so perfect in their Torah learning and yiras shamayim, that Hashem gives them the same power of רואה (novi) to guide us in avodas Hashem.

    This is exactly what the Rebbe said. Since nevua is a foundation of Torah and the Rambam doesn’t give any time limits for it, rather he says that in any time that a holy man arises and performs miracles he is a novi – this teaches that even nowadays (though much less common since נסתלקה רוח הקודש) the spirit of nevua can rest upon great tzaddikim so they can guide us in spiritual and physical matters.
    This is especially proven from the Rambam who writes that as a PREPARATION for Moshiach, nevua will definitely return to Yisroel. אין ספק שחזרת הנבואה לישראל הוא הקדמת המשיח

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214636
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>When you admit that what you wrote about Rav Moshe was slanderous and you publicly apologize, I’ll respond to your challenges.

    You said that we need Reb Moshe to give his haskoma to the Rebbe being Moshiach, since he was the undisputed posek of gantz klal yisroel.

    If I understand correctly, n0mesorah just pointed out a true fact. That they probably wouldn’t care about his haskoma in Williamsburg, Bnei Brak, Meiah Shearim, etc.

    Then you went on to accuse him of attacking Reb Moshe, and when he tried to defend himself, you said that you would ignore his defense (which you obviously read) until he apologized for what you know he never said.

    Sechel also pointed out historical proof that Reb Moshe wouldn’t make a difference in this case: Reb Moshe has several psakim and letters supporting Lubavitch activities and immensely praising the Lubavitcher Rebbe, yet that doesn’t impress the haters in the slightest.

    To prove his point, below are some excerpts of what Reb Moshe wrote about Lubavitch (my point isn’t to prove anything to the other posters here, since they will say that he didn’t really know what was going on in Chabad, or Chabad changed.
    This is specifically for qwerty who claims to respect Reb Moshe so much):

    Regarding mivtza neiros shabbos, (which many rabbanim attacked, כדרכם):
    ואם הרבי סובר שהוא ענין גדול לקרב בזה לתורה ולשמירת שבת, מי יכול לומר שאינו כן. ויצליחהו השי”ת בכוונתו לקדש שם שמים, וברצונו להרבות שומרי תורה ושומרי שבת בישראל

    Letter to rabbanim to speak about mivtzoim following the Rebbe’s heart attack in 5738:
    בקשר עם מצב בריאותו של הגאון הצדיק האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש שליט”א, אשר שם לילות כימים בהרבצת התורה להחזקת היהדות, ובקירוב לבבות אחינו בני ישראל לאביהם שבשמים. הנני פונה בזה אל כבוד הרבנים שליט”א די בכל אתר ואתר, לדבר בבתי כנסיות ובבתי מדרשות, לעורר את אנשי קהילתם על דבר המבצעים הידועים של האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש לזכות את אחינו בני ישראל במצות תפילין מזוזה נרות שבת וכו’.. הרי בוודאי שכל פעולה במבצעים הנ”ל תחזק את בריאותו

    In 5740, when Rav Shach attacked lag baomer parades (as sechel mentioned):
    לכל חובבי תורה ומוקירי מצוה. זה למעלה משלושים שנה מארגנים ביום ל”ג בעומר תהלוכה פאראד …. חוב קדוש מוטל על כל המחנכים והמדריכים, בני תורה ולומדי הישיבות, אשר בידם לתרום ולעזור ל”תהלוכה” חשובה זו, לסייע בידי המארגנים כפי כחם ויכלתם, וגם לבוא ולהשתתף בזה, כי ברוב עם הדרת מלך. ויהי חלקם בין מזכי הרבים, להאדרת והפצת התורה בקרב עם ישראל”

    In honor of the first siyum harambam (which Rav Shach fiercely attacked):
    ברכתי ברכת התורה, שלוחה לכל המשתתפים בסיום המחזור הראשון של לימוד המשנה תורה של הרמב”ם.. ישר כחו וחילו של האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש שליט”א, שזכה וזיכה את הרבנים במצות לימוד התורה לשמה, ששקולה כנגד כולם. יהי רצון מהשי”ת שיאריך ימיו ושנותיו, שיפוצו מעיינותיו חוצה להרביץ תורה ויראת ה’ ברבים, עד ביאת גואל צדק במהרה בימינו אמן

    For the Rebbe’s birthday:
    הנני בזה לברך את הוד כבוד קדושת הגאון הצדיק מורנו הרב רבי מנחם מנדל שליט”א שניאורסאהן האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש, שבמסירת נפש נפלאה שומר את חומות הדת ומפיץ תורה ויראה בקרב עם ישראל. יברכהו ה’ יתברך באריכות ימים ושנים בהנהגת נשיאותו ברמה, ברוב פעליו המרובים לכבוד השי”ת ותורתו ומצוותיו, ואשר מקרב בהם הרבה מהנחשלים לאבינו שבשמים ולאהבת תורתנו הקדושה וקיום מצוות התורה למעשה, עד ביאת הגואל משיח צדקנו, ובנין בית מקדשנו, ולחוג חג הפסח עם כל ישראל כהלכתו. הכותב וחותם באהבה ובשמחה, בשמי ובשם כל הרבנים חברי אגודת הרבנים. משה פיינשטיין

    And for the Rebbe’s 80th:
    בקשר לידידי וחביבי מעלת הוד כבוד קדושת הגאון הצדיק האדמו”ר מנחם מענדל שליט”א שניאורסאהן מליובאוויטש, הנה ידוע בעולם אודות גאונותו בתורה ואיך שהוא באמת מתעסק גדול בתורה בגאון, שהוא עובד תמיד בתורה ושהוא באמת בעל תורה.. במשך השנים שאני מכיר את האדמו”ר שליט”א, שהקשר בינינו היה בידידות גדולה, היה לי כמה הזדמנויות להשתעשע עמו בענינים מסובכים בין בתורת הנגלה ובין בתורת הנסתר, ותמיד החשבתיו כרום גדולתו וגאונותו…לפיכך אני משתתף בשמחה להענין שנתקבל בעולם כולו, שיש שמחה גדולה שהשי”ת האריך ימיו לשנת השמונים. ואין מספיק סתם לברכו לאריכות ימים ושנים, שהיום לא מספיק ברכה זו, שמקוים שמלך המשיח יבוא מיד ובקרוב, ויזכה אז האדמו”ר שליט”א לעבוד לעולם ועד בתורה וביראת שמים.. ונברך שיזכה ידידי אדמו”ר שליט”א לאריכות זה, ושיזכו כל כלל ישראל לגאולה השלימה בקרוב מיד ביחד עם האדמו”ר שליט”א.

    Representing all the rabbanim of Agudas Yisroel:
    מעלת כבוד ידידנו וידיד כל ישראל הגאון הצדיק מורנו הרב ר’ מנחם מנדל שניאורסאהן שליט”א האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש. באנו בזה בשמנו ובשם כל הרבנים חברי אגודת הרבנים, לברך את כבוד קדושת תורתו הקדושה להגיעו לשנת שמונים ואחת, בחסדי ה’ יתברך עליו ועל כל ישראל הצריכים לכקתר”ה ולחכמי התורה. אשר השם יתברך יאריך ימיו ושנותיו של כקתר”ה בחיים דשנים ורעננים להשפעתו על ישראל עוד ביתר שאת וביתר עוז, וינהיג נשיאותו לטובת כלל ישראל וכבוד שמים עד כי יבוא שילה. הכותב וחותם בשמנו ובשם כל הרבנים חברי אגודת הרבנים. משה פיינשטיין, נשיא

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214559
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>a woman speaking to a group of men … is accepted by the vast majority

    I’m not sure what you mean. If you’re referring to a crowd of non frum men and women, though it’s not so common, it is possible that some shluchos do this. It’s possible that it’s wrong, it’s possible that they have a heter from a rov.

    If you’re talking about in front of a group of Lubavitcher men, I’ve never seen such a thing, so it’s definitely not something accepted by the mainstream.

    For example, they would never ch”v have a woman speak at the kinnus, or at the children’s rallies, etc. Unless you include a young girl saying the pesukim (at rallies, children come up to lead the other children in saying pesukim and maamorei chazal. Sometimes a boy leads the posuk, and sometimes a girl. Children.)

    Even if something like this happens, it comes from modernity. Yes there are modern orthodox Jews who call themselves Chabad because they generally follow the Chabad derech. Called Chabad lite.
    Where i think your completely wrong is that this has anything to do with the geula or “the boss”. On the contrary, the ones who care more about “the boss” and talk more about Moshiach tend to be the more frum ones. Those who are more modern will admit that the Rebbe isn’t too happy about what they’re doing (let’s not get into a whole thing on this, just answering what you brought up) and that it’s distancing the geula.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214555
    Menachem Shmei


    I didn’t understand the hesped as you did, but I’ll have to go back and reread it

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214553
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>Unlike most other rebbes who spend a majority of their time dealing with askonim on inyonei tzibbur and and regular supplicants, the Lubavicher rebbe sat in his room by himself most of the day. It makes sense that he prepared his sichos.

    I love this post. Usually people claim that the Rebbe isn’t a gadol because he spent too much time in askonus and no time learning. It’s refreshing to see someone who knows the truth, though I don’t know why you had to go to the opposite extreme.

    מענין לענין, just last night I was watching a Chof Av farbrengen from 5731 (commemorating the Rebbe’s father’s yahrtzeit).
    Four hours of pure bliss! It started with a hadran on Chagigah, and then the he built a lishitasayu of Shamai and Hillel. After explaining their general positions, he presented a machlokes between Hillel and Shamai from a each seder of shas, and showed how they all follow the same reasoning. Wrapped up with a lesson for how to look at another Yid based on the machlokes in Keitzad Merakdim.
    This was followed by a pilpul explaining the opinions of Rashi and Maharsha in a Gemara in Taanis with about 10 powerful questions on the Gemara which were all answered with one point.
    And much more. I thank Hashem for giving me access to this!

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214544
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>How are you qualified to make that comparison, and say that anyone today who holds like Ulah is a kofer

    Firstly, as n0mesorah mentioned, this has been accepted in klal yisroel for all generations.

    Now, some strong basic sources, I already mentioned them in my original post.

    Rambam said that one who doesn’t await Moshiach is a kofer (in mishneh Torah – halacha).
    We are obligated to say 3 times a day that we hope for Moshiach all day long, and that we wish to see it with our own eyes – clearly against that view.
    Ani maamin – אחכה לו בכל יום שיבוא

    Obviously, there are thousands of sources for this from pesukim, chazal, rishonim and achronim. But these sources that I mentioned show that this is accepted as mainstream halacha.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214467
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>R’ Chaim Kanievsky predicted…

    On the topic of Reb Chaim Kanievsky, I found something very interesting in the sefer אשכתבא דרבי – בני ברק תשמ”ו about his father (the Steipler). It is about 5 pages long, so I will summarize:

    The Rambam writes that it is a foundation of Torah that Hashem gives humans nevuah. He says that as soon as someone purifies himself etc. the ruach hakodesh rests upon him, and he is a novi. Hashem sends us these people to inform us the future, and even the physical needs of individuals, as we find with Shmuel and the donkeys of Shaul’s father.

    Since this is one of the foundations of the Torah, it is even applicable nowadays, despite the fact that we are in a state of concealment.

    In every single generation, Hashem planted great Jews who have this very power of nevua as the neviim of old.

    We know of the great powers of the Chofetz Chayim (-he goes on to recount some stories) as well as the Chazon Ish.

    And in our generation, we merited to have the Kehilos Yaakov who is way above the rest of the nation. In his perfection, he has served to be a רואה (-he explains earlier that this is another title used for neviim (ע”פ מצודות דוד), specifically when they are prophesying regarding physical matters).

    Many people think that he would just give brochos, but this is not the case. Rather, he is one of the רואים just as in the days of old, since this is an eternal part of klal Yisroel.

    ע”כ תוכן דבריו.

    It’s quite ironic, because if you learn the sicha of the Rebbe that everyone keeps quoting (but no one actually read of course, for the fear of being “led astray” (i.e. getting convinced)) – you’ll see that this is almost exactly the same idea that the Rebbe is conveying. Including the way they learn the Rambam, etc.
    (By the way, did you learn through Rambam hilchos yesodei Hatorah about the halachos of nevuah? If you didn’t, that’s a pretty good reason why you can’t seem to fathom the idea of current nevuah).

    I’m convinced that if you would actually read the sicha as well as the אשכבתא דרבי, you will switch your argument, and start attacking the Rebbe for just copying what was written about the Steipler 🙂.

    You can find אשכתבא דרבי on Otzar Hachochma for free (tablet.otzar dot com). Page צח ואילך.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2214462
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>The Chassam Sofer wouldn’t apply to your reasoning.

    My point was as follows:

    Unfortunately, there are people today (e.g. Yaron Reuven) who claim that Moshiach isn’t an exciting thing that we should be looking forward to, rather a terrifying thing that we should hope to never experience. They base this misconception on the aforementioned statements of Ulla and Rabba.
    (“If such great amoraim didn’t want the Geula, why should we?”)

    My answer was that the accepted psak throughout Jewish history was that Moshiach is something we should constantly be looking forward to (as reflected in our daily davening and Rambam).

    If someone would claim that it is valid to not want to experience Moshiach based on Ulah’s opinion, my response would be comparing it to the Chasam Sofer.

    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2214424
    Menachem Shmei


    I was never there. What do they have to say?

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