Menachem Shmei

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  • in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2249591
    Menachem Shmei

    the Mishna in Sanhedrin disagrees with you [that every Jew will merit Olam Habah]. It lists the people who don’t get a portion in Olam Habah.

    This is a complex and lengthy topic that deserves its own thread.

    But see this letter which proves this idea with many sources, and answers regarding the mishna Sanhedrin:

    in reply to: Why the Hostage Posters Are So Terrible #2249262
    Menachem Shmei

    myvoice: If a fellow lit your house on fire, and then had a change of heart and tried to extinguish it, and in the process his life is endangered and your survival is dependent on his, you would pray for him or just for yourself?

    yankel: If a fellow’s grandfather lit your house on fire, and then his grandson had a change of heart and tried to extinguish it, and in the process the grandsons life is endangered and your survival is dependent on his, you would pray for him or just for yourself?

    Yankel, you took the words out of my mouth.

    Honestly, I think that myvoice admits this at the end of his post:
    Understandably, this only refers to the Zionist army as an institution, if one knows a soldier and would like to pray for him, such behavior is definitely warranted.

    Myvoice, I possibly agree with you on this. The more generalized institution of the “state” may be deeply flawed, which is why I wouldn’t hang the Zionist flag or sing their anthem.
    However, the Jewish soldiers, Jewish teens straight out of school or yeshiva, who are currently giving their lives for protection of fellow Jews deserve our greatest admiration, respect, gratitude, and tefillos.
    What difference does it make what was the ideology of the people who created the government which organized these troops?

    in reply to: Why the Hostage Posters Are So Terrible #2249261
    Menachem Shmei

    The Zionist army, its shmad, and all the rest, are all against the Shulchan Aruch. Obviously, for Jews to defend themselves as per Shulchan Aruch is not in question. But the Zionist army is a non-starter.

    Hakatan, stop throwing around these buzzwords and explain yourself.
    Are you saying that you have ideological problems with most people in the army? (I do too)
    Are you saying that you feel that the general approach of the government in the “state of Israel” is antithetical to Yiddishkeit? (I do too)

    But what does that mean practically in relevance to the soldiers fighting?
    What you mean that Jews must “defend themselves as per Shulchan Aruch… but the Zionist army is a non-starter”?
    Are you suggesting that we should establish some sort of shomrim brigade to enter Gaza and fight in competition to the army?
    Similar to how the arabs (l’havdil) have Hamas and Islamic Jihad competing with each other?

    in reply to: Why the Hostage Posters Are So Terrible #2249260
    Menachem Shmei

    Over here the regular citizens are at risk. as well… So why would you question a Psak of the Godol HaDor to pray for the welfare of the entire Klal Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel?

    Again, I didn’t see the video. I’m am just wondering about the reasoning for a psak din that you quoted.

    I think we should definitely pray for the welfare of the entire Klal Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel.
    The very fact that you specified “in Eretz Yisroel” is because you recognize that they are currently in a more obvious state of danger than other parts of Klal Yisroel around the world, which is why we should do extra tefillos for them.
    Similarly, the soldiers are currently in a more obvious and imminent danger than regular civilians in Eretz Yisroel (to claim otherwise would be ludicrous), which is why we should especially have them in mind in our tefillos.

    And the fact that they are putting their lives on the line to protect millions of other Jewish lives (in accordance with Shulchan Aruch) is all the more of a reason to daven extra for them.

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2249155
    Menachem Shmei

    One of my rebbeim sent a letter to the last Lubavitcher rebbe, asking him about good goyim who keep the 7 mitzvos; if their neshoma is still from klipos tamaeos (שאין להם צד טוב כלל), like the tanya says in perek 1.
    He who wrote back to him quoting a sefer in chabad as saying that the neshomos of chasidei umos haolam have the same shoresh as that of yidden, though the neshoma itself is vastly different.

    Is this the letter that you’re referring to?

    (Also discussed in the Rebbe’s notes on שיעורים בספר התניא:

    in reply to: Joseph vs squeak Nittul Nacht Chess #2249154
    Menachem Shmei

    what do shluchim do in Russia or Muslim countries or in EY?

    Shluchim in Russia do Julian, if I’m not mistaken.

    EY does Gregorian.

    Muslim countries: Not sure what their minhag is l’poel.
    From here it’s implied that they don’t do nittel at all:

    in reply to: Why the Hostage Posters Are So Terrible #2249128
    Menachem Shmei


    I’m still wondering: Do you believe that it’s a halachic obligation for soldiers to go out with weapons and fight to defend cities where Jews live?

    If not, how do you explain שלחן ערוך או”ח הלכות שבת סי’ שכט where it says that even on SHABBOS, even in CHUTZ L’ARETZ, even if the enemies only come to STEAL STRAW & HAY (in a border city) – we are obligated to take arms and fight?

    in reply to: Why the Hostage Posters Are So Terrible #2249102
    Menachem Shmei

    Did everyone see the video of HaGaon HaRav Aharon Feldman shlit”a asking a shaila to Maran HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shternbuch shlit”a whether Yidden should pray for the soldiers? Rav Shternbuch paskened that we should rather pray for the welfare of all of Klal Yisroel.

    I didn’t see it. What was the rationale for this psak halacha? What’s the source in Shulchan Aruch?

    UJM, If I was at home with my family and we had a burglar in the basement, and you went downstairs with a knife to confront him and protect my family, I would DEFINITELY add extra tefillos for you – regardless of your ideology.

    This is in addition to the simple fact that tefillos seem to be more necessary for someone who is in greater danger than for one who’s in lesser danger, and the soldiers are obviously in greater danger than other citizens.

    in reply to: Joseph vs squeak Nittul Nacht Chess #2249002
    Menachem Shmei

    Unless you are lubavich or belorussian litvish.

    In any case, the Lubavitcher shita is to follow Nittel Nacht based on where one currently resides, so most Lubavitchers do Gregorian.

    Excerpt from Rebbe’s letter:
    ב) נ’ לפענ”ד שזמנו ע”פ הלוח היוליאני, שהוא ע”פ חשבון תקופת שמואל [ולא ע”פ הלוח הגריגוריאני, שהוא ע”פ תקופת ר’ אדא (אף שהוא מדויק יותר)], כיון שעפ”ז הוא חשבון התקופה בברכת החמה ועוד. – אבל י”ל שכיון שיוצא מהכלל ענין ניטל שקביעותו לא ע”פ מנין בנ”י אלא ע”פ מנין או”ה, א”כ יש להתחשב עם מנין או”ה הנוהג במקום דוקא, וכן אומרים בשם כ”ק מו”ח אדמו”ר שבארצה”ב אמר לנהוג הנ”ל ע”פ מנין המדינה כאן.

    From another letter:
    ע”פ מה שכתבתי ל… נראה לי שבכל מדינה יש לנהוג בהנ”ל ע”פ לוח האינם יהודים שבמדינתם, ואם יש ביניהם מנהגים שונים בזה, לנהוג בהנ”ל בלילה שאז חוגגים רוב האינם יהודים, ז. א. באותה הלילה שנתקבלה על רוב האינם יהודים, כי הרי ענין דאזלינן בתר רובא שייך גם באינם יהודים, וכדמוכח בסוגיא דאזלינן בתר רובא, ועוד ראיות ואכ”מ.

    in reply to: Why the Hostage Posters Are So Terrible #2248946
    Menachem Shmei

    You can’t compare the legitimate kingdom of Dovid HaMelech with the “band of thugs that descended there”, to quote the Brisker Rav.

    Are you purposely ignoring the halacha in Shulchan Aruch that I quoted?

    in reply to: Joseph vs squeak Nittul Nacht Chess #2248918
    Menachem Shmei

    X’mas day as either a religious or secular holiday and a day off from work, it is newly found time for limud torah (versus playing chess or video games).

    To the best of my knowledge, the minhag of playing chess etc. is specifically during the night (until chatzos), not xmas day (hence the name nittel nacht, not nittel tog)…

    in reply to: Why the Hostage Posters Are So Terrible #2248641
    Menachem Shmei

    the Jews who did survive those wars – that’s due to the lomdei and shmorei Torah and not the Zionists.

    If you mean that the Jews didn’t survive due to the Zionist SHITA – this may indeed be true.

    If you mean that Jews didn’t survive due to Zionist PEOPLE – i.e. the soldiers – this is equivalent to saying that your family doesn’t survive due to your financial support.

    The ruchnius of a war is fought by those sitting in yeshiva learning, and the physical war is won by the soldiers fighting with physical weapons.

    אילמלא דוד לא עשה יואב מלחמה ואילמלא יואב לא עסק דוד בתורה
    Were it not for David, [who studied Torah,] Joab would not have been able to wage war successfully, and were it not for [the military acumen] of Joab, David would not have been able to study Torah.
    (סנהדרין מט,א)

    Going to war to protect Jewish cities (in Eretz Yisroel or in chutz laaretz) is a HALACHIC OBLIGATION even on Shabbos!
    If it’s a border city, we must go to war on Shabbos even if the enemy just came to steal some STRAW!!! How much more so if they came to kill 1000﬩ r”l!

    שלחן ערוך אורח חיים סי’ שכט ס”ו-ז:
    עכו”ם שצרו על עיירות ישראל אם באו על עסק ממון אין מחללין עליהם את השבת באו על עסק נפשות ואפי’ סתם יוצאים עליהם בכלי זיין ומחללים עליהם את השבת ובעיר הסמוכה לספר אפילו לא באו אלא על עסקי תבן וקש מחללין עליהם את השבת: הגה ואפילו לא באו עדיין אלא רוצים לבא [א”ז]: יש מי שאומר שבזמן הזה אפי’ באו על עסקי ממון מחללין שאם לא יניחנו ישראל לשלול ולבוז ממונו יהרגנו והוי עסקי נפשות [ומ”מ הכל לפי הענין] (פסקי מהרי”א סי’ ק”כ):
    Regarding non-Jews who besiege Jewish cities: if they come for money, we do not desecrate the Shabbat [to protect ourselves], but if they came to kill or come with no presented reason, we go out with weapons and desecrate the Shabbat. In a city that is near the border, even if they just come for straw or hay, we desecrate the Shabbat. Rem”a: Even if they haven’t come but they want to come (Or Zarua). There is one who says that in our times, even if they come for money, we desecrate the Shabbat, because if we do not allow them to plunder the money, they will kill, and so it becomes a case of saving life. (In any event, everything is according to the situation(Piskei Mahara’i Chapter 156).)

    The Zionist “State” will be history, probably much sooner rather than later.
    Amen, speedily, with the coming of the TRUE leader of Klal Yisroel – melech hamoshiach, followed by the TRUE kibbutz goliyos.

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2248330
    Menachem Shmei


    You hit the nail on the head!

    I would add: Would you want to be used as a “Shabbos Goy”?”
    sure, especially when it comes with a glass of whiskey and a slice of hallee bread for my french toast.

    in reply to: 10 teves daven screaming oovinay yerushalayim #2248113
    Menachem Shmei

    Hmm… Why is the OP quoting a Rambam and possuk making people nervous?…

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2248049
    Menachem Shmei

    We should use this thread as an opportunity to thank Hashem for the opportunity to live in a country that allows all ethnic groups to live freely according to their cultures and religions, thus allowing us Jews to live as proud frum Yidden in USA without any persecution or government interference (for the most part).

    In the early years of the American Jewish community, many Jews thought that it would be impossible to do this. We would have to assimilate ch”v and live like the goyim, keeping our Yiddishkeit to the bare minimum. Even if keeping basic halacha, we would have to speak and dress and live like the goyim around us ch”v.

    Yet, Hashem has allowed us to prosper as an authentic Jewish community even in modern America.
    As the Rebbe Rayatz proclaimed when he came to America (to the shock and disbelief of many of his modernized American supporters): “אמריקא איז נישט אנדערש”

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2247120
    Menachem Shmei

    Menachem isn’t Chassidus sourced from a higher level than Kabbalah? Yechidah vs Sod?

    Discussed in קונטרס ענינה של תורת החסידות

    in reply to: Menorah in your face #2247119
    Menachem Shmei

    it a bunch of idiots who took it upon themself, and yes in your face never was a yiddisher middah, WE ARE IN GOLUS AND LETS BEHAVE THAT WAY

    The Rebbe addresses your discomfort with the change in the derech here:

    try and emulate the chabadsker who were around in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, you have a lot to learn from them.

    Mitzva tanks, rooftop menorahs and public menoras started in the 70s (with the Rebbe’s encouragement).

    Tefillin in the streets was started (by the Rebbe) in the 60s.

    Lag B’Omer parades were started in the 40s (by the Rebbe).

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2247054
    Menachem Shmei

    he wouldn’t advise six year olds to close their Gemaras and study Arizal.

    Factual correction for readers who may think that there’s truth in what Qwerty is writing. Let’s break this down:

    “study Arizal”
    Chabad yeshivos don’t teach kabbalah (Arizal, Zohar, etc.).
    They do teach chassidus (the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov, Baal HaTanya, etc.) – much of which is based on kabbalistic teachings, but taught in a way that is meant to be more understood for the common folk (with a proper teacher and background).

    “six year olds”
    The average Chabad yeshiva begins teaching chassidus to bochurim who are about 15 years old or older. Before that, they only learn Gemara, Mishnayos, Chumash, halacha, etc.

    “close their Gemaras”
    The average Chabad yeshiva (15 years old and up) has about six hours a day of Gemara and three hours of chassidus (as well as halacha, Chitas/Rambam, sichos, etc.)

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2246743
    Menachem Shmei

    Let’s not get into this endless topic which has merited countless posts in the CR.
    Make another thread for it.

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2246563
    Menachem Shmei

    Is flag such a goyishe idea? Shvatim had flags.

    Flags themselves are not the issue (at the Chabad Lag B’Omer parade, there was usually an American flag, Tzivos Hashem flag and Mesibos Shabbos flag).
    The zionist flag however was made specifically as part of a general movement to create a secular brand of Judaism, the flag is part of the symbols that we can be ככל הגויים ch”v.

    Now we have a group of American Jews who want to tell Israel how it should be run.

    It is the obligation of every Jew, especially a majorly influential Jew, to do everything in his or her power to ensure the spiritual safety and physical safety of the Jewish people anywhere in the world, especially in Eretz Yisroel which is every Jew’s homeland.

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2246384
    Menachem Shmei

    During times like these we need some kind of public display that’s a symbol . What would you suggest we use?

    Authentic Jewish symbols which have been our symbols for thousands of years. מצוינים במצוות.
    This week – a menorah.
    Generally: Tefillin, Mezuza, Tzitzis, Shabbos candles, etc.

    Judaism is not the language we speak, the flag we wave, the land that we live in, or the falafel that we eat.

    The more we wave the flag, the more we fool people that this secular, nationalistic, cultural nonsense makes them more Jewish.

    The world must know that their Jewish identity is ONLY EXPRESSED through the tools that Hashem gave us to express our identity – Torah and mitzvos.

    Those who use a flag say היינו ככל הגוים (ch”v); if the Americans, Italians, French, etc. express their identity through a flag and a culture, why can’t we?

    The answer is that we are completely different than any nationality. We are not just another nation with nice rituals and cultures that hold us together, rather a nation chosen by Hashem to serve Him in the way that He decided. Only those mitzvos should be used to express what makes us special as a nation.

    in reply to: Menorah in your face #2246371
    Menachem Shmei

    Just found a (English) letter from the Rebbe about this subject which I thought would be interesting.

    Here’s an excerpt (you can find the whole thing on Chabad dot org):

    “…Now, to come to the essential point. Why is it so important for Jews to have a Chanukah Menorah displayed publicly? The answer is that experience has shown that the Chanukah Menorah displayed publicly during the eight days of Chanukah, has been an inspiration to many, many Jews and evoked in them a spirit of identity with their Jewish people and the Jewish way of life. To many others it has brought a sense of pride in their Yiddeshkeit, and the realization that there is no reason, really, in this free country, to hide one’s Jewishness, as if it were contrary or inimical to American life and culture. On the contrary, it is fully in keeping with the American national slogan “e pluribus unum” and the fact that American culture has been enriched by the thriving ethnic cultures which contributed very much, each in its own way, to American life, both materially and spiritually.

    Certainly, Jews are not in the proselytizing business. The Chanukah Menorah is not intended to, and can in no way, bring us converts to Judaism. But it can, and does, bring many Jews back to their Jewish roots. I personally know of scores of such Jewish returnees, and I have good reason to believe that in recent years, hundreds, even thousands, of Jews experience a kindling of their inner Jewish spark by the public kindling of the Chanukah Menorah in their particular city and in the nation’s capitol, etc., as publicized by the media.

    In summary, Jews, either individually or communally, should not create the impression that they are ashamed to show their Jewishness, or they wish to gain their neighbors’ respect by covering up their Jewishness. Nor will this attitude insure their rights to which they are entitled, including the privilege of publicly lighting a Chanukah Menorah, a practice which has been sanctioned by the precedent and custom, as to become a tradition.

    I also must point out that I do not think that a Jewish community can disregard its responsibility to other Jewish communities in regard to an issue of kind, which cannot remain localized, and must have its impact on other Jewish communities and community relations.

    With esteem and blessing,

    M. Schneerson

    P.S. I trust you are aware of other instances involving Jewish practices in public, such as wearing a beard by Jewish servicemen in the U.S. military, wearing a Yarmulka in a court of law, etc., which Jews insisted upon, and won as their inalienable rights. Further information, if desired, may be obtained from the pertinent Jewish organizations, such as COLPA and others.

    …It is difficult to imagine that after what had happened in Hitler Germany, some Jews will still entertain the idea that making themselves as inconspicuous as possible, concealing their Jewishness, they would gain favor with their gentile neighbors, whereas the opposite view is more widely recognized. Besides, antisemitism and prejudice require no outside causes. However, to expand on this topic here would be too much of a digression from our main subject.”

    in reply to: Menorah in your face #2246355
    Menachem Shmei

    common, do you wear a yarmulke when you’re out in the street or do you cover it with a baseball cap (which is perfectly permissible halachically)?

    Personally, I wear a yarmulke because I feel that the pros of showing off my Yiddishkeit and the inspiration that other Jews derive from this (I have been approached MANY times in the street by Jews who just see me walking with a yarmulka or hat and want to learn more about Judaism) outweigh the cons of the possible hate or anger that it may arouse.

    Given the punchings and other attacks recently in neighborhoods like Flatbush and Golders Green, do you think the time has come for us to begin hiding our Jewish appearance in public?

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2246280
    Menachem Shmei


    I agree with most of what you wrote, but I would still disagree about the flag.
    The very issue with the flag was that zionist nationalism was being seen as a replacement for authentic Judaism. Our flag is Torah and mitzvos, not some symbol of a secular government.

    The fact that it’s seen as a “more general symbol representing the jewish people” is exactly what the Rebbe was afraid of. We already have 613 flags of Judaism (“מצוינים במצות”), no need to add secular ones to the bunch.

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2246279
    Menachem Shmei

    Yesterday Menachem Shmei said

    Qwerty, we already went through this topic at length in the past, no need to rehash it in this thread.

    You claimed that I tried convincing you of something, and you haven’t been able to show me one post where I’ve done so. Don’t fall back on your classic rhetoric.

    I’m still waiting for you to either find me a post where I tried convincing you, or retract what you said.

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2246188
    Menachem Shmei

    I only wrote this to demonstrate my integrity

    Sorry Qwerty you failed to demonstrate this.

    I didn’t try to convince you anything about the holiness of the Rebbe. I pointed out that you were misunderstanding sechel when you thought that he was retracting his opinion, and I pointed out that this must be a mainstream Chabad view since it is a quote from the Rebbe.

    Here is my original post (brackets added now. Go back to the original for context):
    “This is ridiculous. Sechel never denied about G-d enclothed in a body.
    Why would you prove [that this is a mainstream Chabad view] from “eight senior rabbis” when Sechel himself just quoted it from the most senior Chabad rabbi of all – the Lubavitcher Rebbe!?
    He denied your understanding of that statement, which is perfectly fine.”

    Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

    This does not constitute as “trying to convince me that the Rebbe is god clothed in human form” as you claimed.

    If I believe that you don’t even understand what this statement means (as I’ve written many times) – then how would I try to convince you that it’s true!?

    Sorry, try again. Waiting for a single post.

    in reply to: Reasons for the Dreidel #2246184
    Menachem Shmei

    Dear Ujm, That is a great reason except for the minor details…

    UJM’s reason happens to be brought down here:

    Not sure who this is or how reliable he is, but just putting a source out there.

    this is well before the advent of seforim
    In the source it says that they were learning בעל פה.

    the Yivanim weren’t searching for them learning Torah privately; and they would have killed them simply because they weren’t hellinized

    What’s your source?

    Isn’t the simple pshat of להשכיחם מתורתך that the Greeks tried preventing Jews from learning Torah? As the Rambam writes, בְבַיִת שֵׁנִי כְּשֶׁמַּלְכֵי יָוָן גָּזְרוּ גְּזֵרוֹת עַל יִשְׂרָאֵל וּבִטְּלוּ דָּתָם וְלֹא הֵנִיחוּ אוֹתָם לַעֲסֹק בְּתוֹרָה וּבְמִצְוֹת – they didn’t allow them to learn Torah.

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2246036
    Menachem Shmei

    You might want to check out your thread(question of an ignorant). Ypu spent about a month trying to convince me that the Rebbe is god clothed in human form

    Point out ONE POST where I try convincing you of this, and I will leave YWNCR for good.

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #2246018
    Menachem Shmei

    Please fix the “” at the end of the first line of my post here:

    Menorah in your face

    Thanks so much!

    in reply to: Menorah in your face #2245986
    Menachem Shmei

    because most poskim disagree

    Since when is halacha a number game, where if you find 8 names with one opinion and 5 names with a different opinion so you are forbidden from following the 5?

    Do all sfardim have to follow ashkenazi halacha because there are more ashkenazi poskim (or vise versa)?

    Do you know how many variations there are in halacha between different poskim?
    Do you think that in every question, we must compile a list of how many rabbonim say what, and then follow majority? Or does this only apply to issues that involve Lubavitch?

    My rov, and most Chabad rabbanim, paskened like the poskim who encourage making a brocha, so why in the world should there be an issue? Because you compiled a list with more names on the other side!?

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2245866
    Menachem Shmei

    Regarding the line, “All who expand on Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim are praiseworthy.” Rav Dovid commented, “People talk about what’s important to them.” When we look at the Lubavichers in this and other sites do they ever mention Hashem?

    אִם הָיָה קָטָן אוֹ טִפֵּשׁ אוֹמֵר לוֹ בְּנִי כֻּלָּנוּ הָיִינוּ עֲבָדִים כְּמוֹ שִׁפְחָה זוֹ אוֹ כְּמוֹ עֶבֶד זֶה בְּמִצְרַיִם וּבַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה פָּדָה אוֹתָנוּ הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא וַיּוֹצִיאֵנוּ לְחֵרוּת. וְאִם הָיָה הַבֵּן גָּדוֹל וְחָכָם מוֹדִיעוֹ מַה שֶּׁאֵרַע לָנוּ בְּמִצְרַיִם וְנִסִּים שֶׁנַּעֲשׂוּ לָנוּ עַל יְדֵי משֶׁה רַבֵּנוּ הַכֹּל לְפִי דַּעְתּוֹ שֶׁל בֵּן:

    When telling the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim, the foolish child is told that only Hashem redeemed us because if you told him about Moshe he would start accusing you of Avoda Zara.

    However, when talking to the wise child, only Moshe is mentioned, since the child is wise enough to understand that Moshe is just Hashem’s shliach (שלח נא ביד תשלח) to redeem the Yidden.

    [Of course, this is דרך הצחות.
    The Eibeshter is the center of my life and the life of anyone I know.
    Thanks to chassidus, I and my fellow Lubavitchers possibly think more about Hashem every day than the average frum Jew, because in our yeshivos, in addition to learning Gemara (which is Torah, but rarely discusses the נותן התורה) we spend time learning parts of Torah that specifically teach about Hashem (chassidus).  😳-mod

    Qwerty’s false accusations are just another example of his baseless hate for groups of Yidden which he disguises in his claim of helping them “realize the folly of their ways.” If he actually cared about them, he wouldn’t need to come up with false accusations.
    It also displays Qwerty’s lack of knowledge of how to check and search through a poster’s previous posts… Or maybe he doesn’t know that G-d with a hyphen refers to Hashem?]

    in reply to: Menorah in your face #2245872
    Menachem Shmei

    1) I’m afraid I find Rabbi Yair Hoffman’s article (to which the article you quote is a response) far more convincing.

    In other words, you think that it’s forbidden for Lubavitchers to follow the psokim of Rav Binyomin Zilber, Rav Sholom Messas, and other tremendous poskim (including most Chabad rabbonim)? Why?

    in reply to: Reasons for the Dreidel #2245723
    Menachem Shmei

    In EY where they day say that a great miracle was here it also adds up to Meshiach through the name Tzemach.

    And the name Menachem – “Menachem shmei” 😌

    Menachem Shmei

    The CR is a very diverse place where we debate many opposing views in Yiddishkeit.

    This is not a great place to find practical direction.

    Each one of us has the groups that we might think you should stay away from.
    As a Lubavitcher, I think a wonderful way to get closer to Yiddishkeit is with Chabad (I know Rabbi Levin, he’s a great guy!)

    Practically, I think you should find a local orthodox Jew (or better, a rabbi) whom your family is already acquainted with, even a little bit (I’m sure there’s someone), and ask him to connect you with someone to move forward with.

    Much hatzlacha,
    it may be a bumpy journey, but stay strong and don’t give up!

    in reply to: Menorah in your face #2245666
    Menachem Shmei

    My answer to your question is that we survived 2130 years without it is proof enough that we dont need it.

    Who survived? You and your small community of Jews who are still frum?

    Are you really oblivious to the fact that there are hundreds of thousands (or millions) of Jews in America who wouldn’t know about Chanuka if not for the public Chanuka campaign?

    Thanks to this campaign, these Jews not only know about it, but celebrate it with lighting menorah every night!

    Do you know the effect that this can have on a Jewish household!?

    Do you know how many hundreds of Jews in countries all over Europe and the US that I’ve lit menorah with in their homes thanks to the Chanuka publicity?

    It is completely absurd to say that since so many Jews knew nothing about Judaism for so many years and NOTHING was done about it, therefore we should continue doing nothing about it!!!

    in reply to: Menorah in your face #2245528
    Menachem Shmei

    Lighting the menorah anywhere other than a Jewish house or a Shul is simply a brochoh levatoloh

    1) Is it really a brocha l’vatola?

    Defense of “Controversial” Public Menorah Lightings

    2) No one makes a brocha on rooftop menoras. You’re bringing up a separate issue than the OP

    in reply to: Menorah in your face #2245529
    Menachem Shmei

    On Thursday night, I was turning out of a parking lot, and two children came running toward my car waving.

    Their mother told me that when they saw the menorah on top of my car, they began begging her for a menorah of their own, which she unfortunately didn’t have.

    Boruch Hashem, we had a menorah, candles and Chanuka guide (and some donuts 🙂) with us in the car, which they happily accepted and promised to light every night of Chanuka.

    The effect that lighting menorah for the next eight nights will have on this “secular” Jewish family, who possibly never celebrated Chanuka (or any other yomtov) properly before, is immeasurable.

    I cannot fathom why common, avira, or gedol are perturbed by this.

    Is it really because this wasn’t done in Poland and Hungary?
    In the heim, did they use internet forums to publicize their opinions on Yiddishkeit?

    Again, I ask all those who are upset:
    Do you believe that even if public menoras inspire many Jews in their Yiddishkeit, it still should not be done? If so, why?

    in reply to: Reasons for the Dreidel #2245374
    Menachem Shmei

    There is the famous בני יששכר where he explains that the four sides of the dreidel represent the four gentile kingdoms of golus. The point represents Klal Yisroel.

    נגה”ש is gematriya משיח (as RebE pointed out).
    When Moshiach comes, all the nations will recognize that their focal point and foundation is Klal Yisroel.

    He also says that there is special significance to a wooden dreidel (gotta go buy myself one!) since it’s connected to the posuk about Moshiach קח לך עץ אחד
    (בני יששכר מאמרי חדשי כסלו טבת מאמר ב סוסכ”ה)

    I’ve also heard (not sure where this is written) that since on Chanuka the miracle was fully מלמעלה, completely beyond nature – we spin the dreidel from the top. Whereas by Purim the miracle was in a more natural way, מלמטה – so we spin the grager from the bottom.

    in reply to: Menorah in your face #2245372
    Menachem Shmei

    my grandmothers public school class picture in Poland has the priest in the picture and lets go back a few centuries forced shmad

    Exactly. In those years, there was government mandated Christianity and countering that carried many risks.

    Nowadays, everything is decided based on popularity. This has nothing to do with religion. People decide their foods, clothing styles, political ideologies, etc. based on billboards, social media and public icons.

    This is a terrible unfortunate thing, and it creates a vacuum for millions of Jews who are searching for something to connect to in all of those public icons. If we don’t give them Yiddishkeit, they will grab other things.

    we are not in the business to compete with S.

    You’re making as if this is a S. thing in order to make it sound more extreme, as if we’re trying to make Chanuka like another religion’s winter holiday.
    It obviously has nothing to do.
    Sukkah mobiles on Sukkos, Lag Baomer parades, etc.

    The culture of Big Macs on billboards did not exist in the heim, and also Jews were much more in touch with their traditions. The ones who left was due to ideological disenchantment.
    Now, things are very different.

    Let me ask you: Do you feel that even if many Jews would get major chizuk from these icons and feel more in touch with their Yiddishkeit – we still shouldn’t do it since in the alte heim it wasn’t done?

    unless Santa is a frum guy like the one in Atlanta

    in reply to: Menorah in your face #2245318
    Menachem Shmei

    Jews these days need a tremendous boost of Geon Yaakov.

    When the goyishe mindset became that everything you like and believe must be fully blasted in public, this causes a major challenge for millions of Jews who look around and see goyishkeit on full display, while Yiddishkeit is buried away in their grandfather’s attic.

    To counter this, we need a full force proud display of Yiddishkeit to show loud and clear that Yiddishkeit is relevant and important today just as it was thousands of years ago.

    See here (ס”ח-ט):

    the gedolim of yesteryear would have done it.

    1) The challenges of today aren’t the same as those of yesteryear.

    2) Did gedolim of Europe take to the streets and make mass protests against the government? If not, why is this allowed by the gedolim of today in Eretz Yisroel?

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2244605
    Menachem Shmei

    I fully understand that Lubavichers will not be swayed from their beliefs, but why don’t you guys get into discussions that are nondenominational

    כל הפוסל במומו פוסל

    If you go through my replies, you will find me commenting on a wide variety of topics in many different threads.
    Of course, a very big and noticeable portion of my comments are regarding Lubavitch, since I’m a Lubavitcher and I love Lubavitch.

    The question turns over to you, Qwerty:
    EVERY SINGLE one of your posts since you joined the CR was in the three or four threads about Lubavitch. You have not posted ONE COMMENT in any other thread.

    Being that you aren’t Lubavitch, what’s the reason for this?…

    In summary: I’m obsessed with defending a certain Jewish group because I’m in love with it, you’re obsessed with condemning and accusing a certain Jewish group because you………

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2244235
    Menachem Shmei


    Do you intentionally spend so much time around Chabad (a Chabad shul, Chabad meals, etc.) in order to collect statements that you don’t like and put them online?

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2243735
    Menachem Shmei

    Qwerty, when you follow up your “innocent” question about the Holocaust with your classic “G-d in human” rhetoric, you make it clear that your entire goal is לקנטר, and you’re not actually interested in an answer.

    I’ve learned from the months I’ve spent on this site, Lubavichers rarely answer any question

    This is a good reason for me to not answer your question. After hundreds of posts that I’ve written to answer the silly arguments here, you still have the audacity to write this. What a disgrace.

    Anyone can go back to previous threads and see how your questions were answered time and time again.

    This reminds me of what the Rebbe once told Rabbi Tzvi Kahana by dollars (10 Sivan 5750):
    ע”פ דין איז “מילתא דעבידא לאיגלויי – לא משקרי אינשי”. איז ידוע אין דערויף די שאלה וואס מ’האט געפרעגט בא א גדול אין דורות שלפני זה: היתכן, מ’זעט דאך אז “משקרי אינשי מילתא דעבידא לאיגלויי”? האט ער אויף דערויף געענטפערט: דער תירוץ אויף דערויף איז א פשוט’ער, ס’שטייט “לא משקרי אינשי” – זיי זיינען ניט בגדר פון “אינשי”! עכ”ל, והמבין יבין

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2243570
    Menachem Shmei

    the Rebbe believed that the Holocaust was a Gezerah and therefore it shouldn’t be discussed. The Friediker Rebbe, on the other hand, basically held like Rabbi Miller that the Holocaust was a punishment from Shamayim for the breakdown of European Jewry.

    Again, as I mentioned in my previous post, nuance and context is very important.
    Your quotes of the Rebbe and Frierdiker Rebbe are anything but that.

    Did the Rebbe ever say that the Holocaust “shouldn’t be discussed”?
    Did the Frierdiker Rebbe ever say that “the Holocaust was a punishment from Shamayim for the breakdown of European Jewry”?

    Please provide the statements that you’re actually referring to, and then we can properly discuss it.

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2243569
    Menachem Shmei

    the expression pops up in indices and descriptions provided by editors, who assimilated in part into general community and lost sensitivity.

    My point is that using the term “kiruv rechokim” is not any assimilation. It depends on context.
    The publishers of the Rebbe’s seforim in Kehos can hardly be classified as assimilators.
    I showed how even the Rebbe used it in a certain context.
    Nuance is very important here. No one said the term is ossur, it is just disliked in certain contexts.

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2243145
    Menachem Shmei

    I agree, I brought quotes from L Rebbe about that. But, to clarify the issue, maybe someone can find L Rebbe’s quotes where he used the word kiruv?

    There are many. Here are some:
    לקוטי שיחות חלק ט”ו ע’ 496 (“הדרך לקירוב הלבבות ליהדות ומצותי'”)
    אגרות קודש חלק ח ע’ צז (“דורך קירוב קען מען אויפטאן מער ממה שע”י דיחוי וריחוק… לקרב את אחיו וב”ג תחי’ יותר לדרכי היהדות)

    It is necessary to point out that while there may be general dislike for the term קירוב רחוקים, this is not to say that it is completely taboo. The term does get used in Chabad circles in certain contexts (e.g. in the indexes in back of the the Rebbe’s seforim, you can usually find an entry called “קירוב רחוקים”).

    As a matter of fact, I have actually found one place (I think it’s the only one) where the Rebbe himself writes a private response using the term קירוב רחוקים!
    נלכה באורחותיו ע’ 220. וכ”ה בליקוט מענות קודש תש”מ ע’ 17:
    “כיון שמוכרח קירוב רחוקים, ובמילא צ”ל הפעולה צעד אחר צעד”
    However, in that context the Rebbe is specifically highlighting the idea that they are (meanwhile) רחוקים (he actually underlined the word) in the context of the manner of dealing with them.

    in reply to: Political Conversations of Old #2241967
    Menachem Shmei

    I remember a SCOTUS decision during his brief Presidency that stopped me from being forced to say Christian prayers in a public elementary school.

    “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence on Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country”

    What exactly makes this Christian? The fact that it’s in English?

    Sounds like a translation of Modeh Ani to me.
    “I acknowledge before You, living and eternal King that You have returned my soul to me with mercy, great is Your faithfulness.”

    CTL, were there other prayers that they forced you to say in your school?

    Menachem Shmei

    If they’re smart, they’ll inject them with subcutaneous tracking devices.

    And if they’re even smarter, they won’t tell us about it.

    Please answer the following questions, so we can evaluate your expertise in this area…

    Then entire idea of the CR is for people to hash out their non-professional opinions on random matters that they know little about. No one is claiming that this is a military panel.

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2241821
    Menachem Shmei

    But what does that have to do with Zionism?

    in reply to: I guess ChaBaD is Zionist now? #2241820
    Menachem Shmei

    I just saw in an internal shlichus journal a photo title; shaliach X and a mekurav at a yechidus

    The idea of kiruv in itself was never a no-no in Lubavitch.
    Perhaps we named our work “shlichus” while the name “kiruv” is mainly used by other organizations, but you’ll ALWAYS find the term “to be mekarev a Yid” or “someone brought a mekurav” – going back all the years.

    There may be more of a dislike in Chabad for the term “kiruv rechokim” since we try not to label a Jew as rachok.

    Hence, it WOULD be surprising if a Chabad magazine would say: “Shliach talking to rachok. Trying to be mekarev”

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