Menachem Shmei

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  • in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2219553
    Menachem Shmei

    Think that your being a hasid of his , precludes you of objectivity in this regard

    I can say the same about you being a misnaged.

    I used to be naive , but made a uturn on this .


    Because you studied and listened to so many of his talks that you realized what he really meant?

    Or because you heard so many one-line excerpts of his statements?

    Or because you heard so much anti-Chabad rhetoric?

    in reply to: COLOR WAR LEVAYA #2219506
    Menachem Shmei

    I remember a camp legend when I was a kid (I.e. probably made up, but we all believed it) that they did a levaya breakout once, and when they opened the aron, they found the counselor dead.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2219501
    Menachem Shmei

    mainstream Jewry categorically rejects this

    Who is mainstream Jewry?

    The democrats?
    The litvishers?
    The mizrachim?
    The MO?
    The chassidishers?

    If it’s the latter, which one? Belz? Satmar? Sanz? Bobev? Gur?

    If you answer all of the above, how many things do they all agree on?
    Does Belz have to give up their derech because no one else in the list agrees with them (or else they would be Belz)? What about MO? What about Brisk? What about Rabbi Miller?

    Each one of these groups is different from “mainstream Jewry” whatever that means.


    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2219339
    Menachem Shmei

    Can anyone here point out a godol beYisroel over the last generations who pushed his greatness to the forefront as much as the Lubavicher rebbe did?

    This is twisting the facts and extremely disrespectful. Anyone who knows anything about the Rebbe knows his incredible anivus.

    All those things you quoted were actually said about his father-in-law. His anivus was so great, that he never publicly called himself the Rebbe. He constantly said that the Rebbe and nossi was his father-in-law.

    Even by the official “kabbolas hanesius” on Yud Shevat (after a full year of begging by the chassidim, and his constant refusal) he never officially said “I am Rebbe”. He just hinted to accepting it with a maamar.

    Yet, he stil continued to consider his father-in-law the Rebbe.

    The chassidim were the ones who pushed his greatness to the forefront. They gave him the same honor that he gave to his father-in-law.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2219003
    Menachem Shmei

    In no way are we enjoined to delve into the esoteric… but Chabad ignored all this and decided to go against the norm. It is now reaping what it sowed in violating the edict of our Rabbonim.

    You make it sound like all the rabbanim of klal Yisroel ruled that one is not allowed to learn kabbala, yet in recent years a bunch of Chabad fanatics ignored the rabbanim and started poking their noses in the wrong places.

    This is far from the truth.

    The Arizal already said: בדורות אלו האחרונים מותר ומצוה לגלות זאת החכמה
    (In these recent generations it is a mitzvah to reveal this chochma).

    Came the Baal Shem Tov and his many followers in the next generations who were Torah giants in nigleh and chassidus, and they felt that the time came to spread this Torah to Klal Yisroel more than ever before (because of the special inspiration that was need for our hard times, as well as to prepare for the geula).

    If Rav Reuven Feinstein (or any other rov) feels that this is unnecessary, does that compel Chabad chassidim to give up the derech of their own rebbes!?

    (Then you claim that CHABAD wants everyone to follow their rabbis!)

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2218806
    Menachem Shmei

    I don’t know how to read such postings. I learn woth Artscroll.

    Free translation from Chabad dot org:


    Many people seek to pinpoint and characterize the vir­tues and preeminence of each of the Rebbeim of Chabad, and in particular of the Nasi of our generation — my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ”מ — in various terms:2 the paradigm of self-sacrifice, a gaon, a man of exemplary character traits, a tzaddik, an individual endowed with divine inspira­tion, an individual accustomed to [performing] miracles, and so on.

    When one considers how the teachings of Chassidus de­fine what self-sacrifice really means, what being a gaon really means, and so on, these are indeed extremely lauda­tory terms.

    Nevertheless, the essential point is missing here. Apart from this being the essence per se, it is especially important because of the vital effect it has [in general], and in particular upon us, the community of those who are his chassidim and who are bound to him. That essential point is the fact that he is the Nasi, and the Nasi of Chabad.

    For a Nasi by definition is referred to as3 the head of the multitudes of Israel; in relation to them he is the “head” and “brain”; their nurture and life-force reach them through him; and by cleaving to him they are bound and united with their Source in the Supernal worlds.

    There are various categories of Nesiim:4 some Nesiim convey their influence in an internalized manner; others diffuse their influence in an indirect and encompassing manner.5 These differences may be further subdivided: some Nesiim endow their recipients with insights into the revealed plane of the Torah (Nigleh); some endow their recipients with insights into the mystical plane of the Torah, and some do both together; some instruct their followers in the paths of avodah and Chassidus; some direct material benefits to their followers; and so on.

    And there are Nesi’im who comprise several of these attributes, or even all of them.6

    This [essential] quality [of a Nasi] has characterized the leadership of the Nesiim of Chabad from the very beginning, from the Alter Rebbe up to and including my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, הכ”מ. They incorporated all the above attributes: they radiated both inward and encompassing influence — in Torah, in avodah, and in the practice of good deeds; [and they conveyed blessings both] spiritual and material. Consequently, [the Nesiim of Chabad] have been bound7 with all 613 organs of the soul and body of those who were connected with them.

    Every single one of us must know — i.e., must think deeply and fix his thought8 on this — that [the Rebbe Rayatz] is indeed the Nasi and the head; from him and through him are directed all material and spiritual benefac­tions; and by being bound to him (in his letters he has taught us how this is accomplished)9 we are bound and united with the spiritual root, with the ultimate Supernal spiritual root.

    Menachem Schneerson

    3 Tammuz, 5710 [1950]
    Brooklyn, N.Y.

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    [The letter appears in Sefer HaMaamarim 5710, p. 254; it is reprinted in Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XI, p. 209.]

    [See the discussion of these virtues in the conclusion of Letter No. 637.]

    See Tanya, ch. 2.

    Discussed at length in: Torah Or, Parshas Miketz, s.v. Mitzvas Ner Chanukah; Sefer HaMitzvos (Derech Mitzvosecha) by the Tzemach Tzedek, s.v. Mitzvas Ner Chanukah, sec. 3; and in the maamar beginning LeMaan Daas, 5669 [in Sefer HaMaamarim 5669, p. 39ff.].

    [Bivchinas makif, in the original.]

    As discussed in Torah Or (loc. cit.), end of sec. 7, Mashiach comprises the quali­ties of both ro’im and nesichim. In the Talmud (Sukkah 52b), Mashiach is reckoned among the nesichim, evidently because this is his dominant quality.

    [Torah Or, loc. cit., explains that the term ro’im (shepherds) refers to leaders who draw down influence that is internalized among the Jewish people. Nesichim (princes) refers to leaders whose influence is conveyed bederech makkif (in an encompassing manner). Although Mashiach will convey both these types of influence (i.e., he will be both teacher and king), his primary quality will resemble that of the nesichim.]

    [In the original (as a noun), hiskashrus.]

    [In the original, “know” is ladaas, implying attachment born of this kind of thinking; cf. Tanya, end of ch.3.]

    [See Letter No. 561 which discusses this bonding process.]

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2218699
    Menachem Shmei

    There’s been a little too much heat here today for me to get a logical word in, so I’m just gonna let everything slip by.

    There’s just one thing that I feel the need to comment on:

    In one such letter the Rebbe described the characteristics of a Nasi Chabad, and I’ll quote,”Every Nasi Chabad is a Baal Mofes, and he has Ruach Hakodesh. But the main thing to know is that the Nasi Chabad is the Nasi Hador.”

    Since the Rebbe was grossly misquoted here, I feel the need to bring the true letter that qwerty is probably referring to, dated Gimmel Tammuz 5710:


    רבים המחפשים ומבארים מעלות וגדולת נשיאי חב”ד בכלל, ונשיא דורנו, הוא כ”ק מו”ח אדמו”ר הכ”מ, בפרט בענינים שונים: איש המסירות-נפש, גאון, בעל מדות, צדיק, בעל רוח הקודש, מלומד בנסים ועוד ועוד.

    וגדלו ביותר שבחים אלו, על פי ההגדרה בתורת החסידות, מהו מסירות נפש, מהו גאון וכו’.

    ובכל זה – העיקר חסר כאן. ונוסף על זה, שהוא עיקר בעצם, חשוב הוא ביחוד משום שנוגע ביותר, וביחוד לנו, קהל חסידיו ומקושריו. וזהו – מה שהוא הוא הנשיא, ונשיא חב”ד.

    כי – נשיא בכלל, נקרא ראש1 אלפי ישראל, הוא בחינת ראש ומוח לגביהם, וממנו היא יניקה וחיות שלהם. ועל ידי הדביקה בו קשורים ומיוחדים הם בשרשם למעלה מעלה.

    והנה כמה סוגים בנשיאים2: אלו אשר השפעתם בבחינת פנימיות, ואלו אשר השפעתם בבחינת מקיף. ובזה גופא חילוקים: אם השפיעו בתורת הנגלה או הנסתר או בשניהם יחדיו, לימדו דרכי העבודה והחסידות, המשיכו השפעות גשמיות וכו’ וכו’.

    וישנם כאלו, שהי’ בהם כמה מבחינות הנ”ל, או גם כולם3.

    וזה הי’ מאז ועד עתה ענין הנהגת נשיאי חב”ד, מן כ”ק אדמו”ר הזקן ועד כ”ק מו”ח אדמו”ר הכ”מ ועד בכלל, אשר כללו כל הסוגים והחילוקים: השפיעו בפנימיות ובמקיף, בתורה עבודה וגמ”ח, ברוחניות ובגשמיות. ובמילא היתה התקשרותם עם השייכים אליהם בכל תרי”ג אברי נפש וגוף המקושרים.

    ועל כל אחד ואחת מאתנו כולנו לדעת, היינו להעמיק דעתו ולתקוע מחשבתו בזה, אשר הוא הוא הנשיא והראש, ממנו ועל ידו הם כל ההשפעות בגשמיות וברוחניות, ועל ידי ההתקשרות אליו (וכבר הורה במכתביו איך ובמה מתקשרים) קשורים, ומיוחדים בשרש ושרש השרש עד למעלה מעלה כו’.

    מנחם שניאורסאהן

    ג’ תמוז, ה’שי”ת,

    ברוקלין, נ.י.

    ראה תניא פ”ב.

    באריכות: תורה אור פ’ מקץ ד”ה ת”ר מצות נ”ח. סהמ”צ להצ”צ מצות נ”ח פ”ג. ד”ה למען דעת, תרס”ט [סה”מ תרס”ט ע’ לט ואילך].

    ראה בתו”א שם ספ”ז דבמשיח יש ב’ הבחי’, דרועים ונסיכים. – ובש”ס (סוכה נב, ב) נחשב בנסיכים, י”ל מפני שזהו העיקר בו.

    in reply to: False Claim about Jewish History #2218426
    Menachem Shmei

    Anyone is welcome to let everyone know what they think the real reason is and why there’s so much antisemitism among Muslims hate more then Christians.

    I’m not sure that this is accurate.

    הלכה היא בידוע שעשו שונא ליעקב

    The Muslim countries persecuted their Jews, the Christian countries persecuted their Jews (think inquisition, crusades, czarist Russia, holocaust, and much more).

    Interestingly, the Rambam has FIERY words about the Muslims after escaping the Almohads:

    ידוע לכם שהקב”ה הפילנו במהמרות עונותינו בתוך אומה זו שהיא אומת ישמעאל שרעתם חזקה עלינו והם מתחכמים להרע ולמאוס אותנו כמו שגזר עלינו יתברך ואויבינו פלילים ושלא תעמוד על ישראל אומה יותר אויבת ממנה ולא אומה שהרעה בתכלית הרעה לדלדל אותנו ולהקטין אותנו ולמאוס אותנו כמוהם . . ואנחנו בעודנו סובלים שעבודה וכזביהם ושקרותם למעלה מיכולתנו שאין ביכולת האדם כח לסבול…

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2218400
    Menachem Shmei

    in Tanya perek Beis it explains that all neshamos are one body and receive everything from Hashem through the “head” (Tzaddikim/ Rebbes) Neshamos.

    For all those who get nervous from chassidus seforim, here is an incredible Chasam Sofer (שו”ת או”ח סי’ קסו):

    He explains that according to the Maharal, one shouldn’t ask malachim to bring his tefillos to Hashem (doing so is “קטנות אמונה חלילה”), since this is only necessary for a human king, but Hashem accepts all of our tefillos directly no matter how low we are.

    But, the Chasam Sofer continues, a tzaddik is different. All Yidden are one body with one soul. When one Jew is in pain, it affects everyone.
    A poshute Yid is compared to the foot, while the tzaddik is the head. It only makes sense that when the foot (i.e. a Yid) is in pain, he asks the “head” (tzaddik) to daven for him, since it’s more appropriate for the head to enter the King’s chamber than the foot.

    דרך להעמיד מליץ בין מלך להדיוט כשאין ההדיוט חשוב וספון לפני המלך או אינו יכול להטעים דבריו כראוי ויען ישראל לפנים ממלאכי השרת ואינם צריכים מליץ לפני אוהב’ ית”ש והוא מקבל בסבר פנים יפות אפי’ בלשון עלגים וגמגו’ אם כן המליץ הלז אינו אלא קטנות אמונה חלילה אך כל ישראל שותפים וגוף א’ ונפש א’ וכשא’ מצטער גם חבירו מרגיש ועמו מצער ועד”ז המתפלל על חברו צריך שיחלה עצמו עליו פי’ שיראה כאלו גם הוא חולה וכיון ששניהם בצער טוב יותר שיכנס הראש משיכנס הרגל ע”ד משל הת”ח הוא הראש והמצטער שהוא עתה שרוי בדין הוא בבחינת רגל וקצת נזוף טוב להכניס הראש כיון ששניהם בעלי דברים ולא כמליץ בעד אחר

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2218380
    Menachem Shmei

    Menachem Shmei who want[s] me to study the sugya which “proves” that the Rebbe is…


    You saying that I’m trying to prove to you that the Rebbe is … is like if I were to say that you’re trying to convince us to watch TV.

    in reply to: Modern Art #2218269
    Menachem Shmei

    This thread has me completely lost.

    I’m having a hard time following the relevance of the different posts.

    I feel like I’m looking at a piece of modern art!

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2218268
    Menachem Shmei

    why was west coast chabad leader shlomo cunin not worried about publicizing his belief that “the rebbe runs the world,”

    This is definitely a mainstream Chabad statement, I won’t argue with you on that one.

    I don’t think he meant it in the way that you’re taking it.
    Honestly, I’ve seen people rail about this for years in the CR, while the statement doesn’t seem so problematic to me (as opposed to the “Who Elokeinu” line, or if he would have said that he “creates the world” or the like).

    Rabbi Cunin obviously isn’t saying chas v’shalom that the world isn’t in Hashem’s hands.
    He literally says 30 seconds earlier “דער אויבערשטער וועט העלפן that we will have gevaldike nissim…”

    With his “runs the world” statement he seems to be saying that being that they are the Rebbe’s shluchim, doing his work, the Rebbe takes a level of achrayus over them, and hopefully the world will see that the tzaddik protected them (unfortunately, we weren’t zoche to nissim).

    There is an idea of tzaddikim having a level of control and responsibility for what happens in the world (given to them by Hashem).
    This is the idea of צדיק יסוד עולם – that his zechus protects the world and keeps it going.

    There is a vort in Midrash Talpiyos, brought in many chassidus sforim (Kedushas Levi, etc.) on the Gemara כל העולם ניזון בשביל חנינא בני:
    מכאן יראה מעלת הצדיק לפני הקב”ה, ושמסר העולם ברשותו ושיעבד לו לעשות כל רצונו כו’. והטעם שכיון שהעולם נברא בשביל הצדיק וכולם נבראו לצוותו כמאחז”ל, לכן מסר הקב”ה כל העולם בידו ושיעבדו תחתיו לקיים כל מה שיגזור…
    It goes on to say that if only everyone in the world knew this, that the world is in the hands of tzaddikim, they would give the tzaddikim tremendous honor.

    I think that is his point. The hope that the people of the world will recognize that they’re under the reshus of the tzaddik.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2218095
    Menachem Shmei

    As I’ve clearly articulated, I will not get involved in any discussion about a dead Jew being god.

    I don’t think you understood my post.
    My point was showing you that there are statements from many other widely accepted Torah sources that may seem radical or ch”v AZ at first glance without proper background.
    Closing your ears and saying “I can’t listen to this gadol because something he said sounded like AZ to me” is very קליינקעפלדיק.


    P.S. Since some people here are indeed a bit קליינקעפלדיק, and especially naïve about Lubavitch – I feel the need to point out the obvious:
    It seems to me that Yechi’s post is sarcasm.
    Just putting it out there to set the record straight.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2218094
    Menachem Shmei

    And I remember an article that appeared in Beis Moshiach many years ago

    I assume that you were not a avid reader of Beis Moshiach. Probably, the way that you know about the idiotic article is because David Berger made a big deal about it (he mentions it at least three separate times in his book).

    “Beis Moshiach” was established as an anti-establishment magazine in the 90s by some people who felt that Kfar Chabad magazine (the official chabad magazine for decades) wasn’t radical enough for them.

    Nowadays, Beis Moshiach has become a bit more mainstream (while still very meshichist), and they would never print such an article today.

    The very fact that David Berger had to bring all of his “proofs” from various marginalized and anti-establishment material (such as Beis Moshiach, as well as from “Sichat Hageula” which was created to compete with the mainstream “Sichat Hashavua” etc.) – most of which wouldn’t dream of printing those statements today – shows how much this is accepted in Chabad…

    Interestingly enough, after David Berger mentions this article several times in his book, he points out (in the appendix) that the article’s author later retracted what he said, and in his later works he “vigorously denies that G-d can be a human being.”

    I know someone who says… “Baruch the Rebbe”

    I can’t deny that you know someone like this, but I do find it ironic that as a Lubavitcher who meets thousands of other Lubavitchers from many different groups (including some very radical “meshichists”) I’ve never met someone like this.

    Maybe the Lubavitchers who believe this are afraid to share their views with other Lubavitchers for the fear of being ostracized or something, which again shows how much this is accepted in Chabad…

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2218000
    Menachem Shmei


    I asked you this question several times, but haven’t received a response, so I’ll ask it a different way:

    You seem very strong that the statement “דאס איז עצמות ומהות אליין ווי ער האט זיך אריינגעשטעלט אין א גוף
    ” is most definitely AZ, and it’s impossible for there to be any alternative explanations.

    My question is, what if I were to say:
    “Hashem took the four letters of His holy name (הוי’) and garbed them in a hat and kapoto, and this is the Rebbe…”
    Or: “Who is the face of י-ה-ו-ה? The Rebbe.”
    Or: “When the posuk says that Hashem is in His holy chamber, this refers to the Rebbe when he’s in shul”
    Or: “How can the Rebbe heal people if he is mortal and only G-d can give life? Since a tzaddik is one with G-d, he has the power of infinity since his life is Hashem’s essence, therefore he can give life to a sick person.”

    Would you also call this AZ?
    And if not, why not?

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217957
    Menachem Shmei

    when they pray they have in mind hashem the way hes מלובש in mm”s

    Should I point out again that this is not true? That I don’t know a single Lubavitcher like this?

    You may be confusing with going to the ohel and asking the Rebbe to intercede on our behalf from Hashem, which is allowed/encouraged by poskim as I’ve mentioned in previous posts.

    But when a Lubavitcher davens shmone esrei, they don’t have in mind the Rebbe.
    No matter how many times this lie is repeated, it will not change the metzius.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217955
    Menachem Shmei

    I’ve downloaded the lecture and plan on listening to it.

    Great! Let us know your thoughts. I haven’t listened to it in a while, so I’ll need to relisten.
    Again, if I remember correctly, he doesn’t specifically mention the vort of the Rebbe. He gives a comprehensive overview on the matter as it is brought throughout Torah.

    does Chabad chasidus consider “atzmus umahus” to literally mean “essence and being/makeup (of G-d)”

    To the best of my knowledge, yes. Something along those lines.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217940
    Menachem Shmei

    To Menachem Shmei’s credit, he’s able to understand… Unfortunately the black hatters are so dogmatic

    I hope you don’t mind, but I’m gonna share a little secret:
    Technically, I’m a black hatter too!

    in reply to: Jewish books on the paranormal/mysterious/ufos/conspiracy theories #2217806
    Menachem Shmei

    why isn’t English a holy language?

    I think the difference between English and Aramaic, Yiddish, Ladino, etc. is that English is not unique to Jews at all. Even the “yinglish” that many frum Yidden speak is almost the same as regular English, with some minute differences.

    Whereas the other Jewish languages that were spoken by Jews who were secluded from the goyim are only vaguely similar to their root languages.
    Someone who speaks Yiddish will have a hard time understanding German, and vice-versa.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217753
    Menachem Shmei

    The Rabbi asked me a question and I told him that I know the answer but I can’t explain it He told me if you can’t explain it you don’t know it.

    עס ווענט זיך וואו מ’רעדט

    Many (most?) sugyos in Torah demand lots of background and discussion in order to understand properly. The CR is not very conducive to this.

    I would gladly give you a two hour shiur on the subject, but the anonymity of the forum prevents this.

    Therefore, if you actually care to understand, I suggest you listen to the informative and clear English shiur by Rabbi Jacobson that I mentioned earlier.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217751
    Menachem Shmei


    Something about you that I actually admire is that you seem to have a uniquely close and personal connection to your rabbanim, with a very open relationship where you take guidance for many aspects of your life.

    Not everyone is so lucky.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217607
    Menachem Shmei


    Whenever I discussed this statement, all I did was bring sources from previous gedolim with similar statements. My goal was to show that it’s ridiculous when people shut off to Chabad because of “AZ” but they are ready to blindly accept the same ideas when quoted from anyone else.

    I never attempted to explain the actual meaning of this, since it is a lengthy topic, as n0mesorah mentioned.

    I suggest checking out the shiur of Rabbi YY Jacobson that I mentioned in post #2216858.

    It is a long shiur, as is befitting such a topic. If you are indeed interested in understanding this, I would suggest you take the time to watch the entire thing.

    in reply to: I’ve learned something #2217463
    Menachem Shmei

    What is the standard for “normal” these days? Given some of the other craziness going on in the frum velt, the Chabadniks… seem quite normal. I’d be more concerned about some of the fringe elements of other chassidus and the Litvishshe tzibur…

    Listen, every community has its crazies. That’s how Hashem created the world.

    Even here in the CR, there are many posters whom I may disagree with on many issues, yet I consider them very normal and bright.
    There are some other posters (I have one recent poster particularly in mind) whom I consider completely nuts (at least they provide comic relief).

    Reb Mendel Futerfas would tell a story:

    In the town of Lubavitch, there was a “meshugener fun shtot”.

    He always tried to approach the Rebbe Maharash, but the gabbaim stopped him. Once, he saw the Rebbe passing in his carriage, so he jumped in.

    After conversing with the Rebbe, he jumped out, and was met by a group of chassidim who inquired what they spoke about.

    He said: “My colleague, the meshugener of Vitebsk, invited me to join him. Since Vitebsk is a large city, there’s enough “business” for both of us.
    First, of course, I had to consult with the Rebbe. The Rebbe said that I should stay since Lubavitch needs its own meshugener.”

    When asked what made him ask the Rebbe for advice, the meshugener responded:
    משוגע משוגע, אבער שכל דארף מען האבן

    in reply to: To add to the list of YU’s sins #2217414
    Menachem Shmei

    In addition to the issue of teaching goyim Torah, there seems to be a greater underlying threat here.

    Here’s some more from the article:
    “The new program is a joint initiative of YU and the Philos Project, an organization that says it “seeks to promote positive Christian engagement in the Near East.” Philos is a partner of Passages — a Birthright-style program that brings young Christians on group tours of Israel…
    The launch of the Christian students’ program is a sign of a growing bond between Orthodox Jews and religious Christians, who have increasingly found common cause on everything from conservative domestic politics to support for Israel.”

    This is part of the general evangelical pro-Jewish/Israel craze that is happening. This is probably the greatest current threat to the Jewish people.

    Jews haven’t died throughout history solely because they were born Jews. They died because they refused to accept Christianity, because we consider the death of our soul worse than the death of the body.

    The evangelicals, with all their “Israel support” etc. have a sinister mission to grab more Jews than ever before, which is worse, in a way, than the mass murders of previous generations.

    I personally know Jewish families who have pulled their children out of Hebrew School and placed them into church school, r”l, due to the influence of Jews for Jesus ym”sh.

    We have so many taka takanos in place to distance us from the goyim, even limiting the bread we eat.

    In an institution that calls itself a yeshiva, how can they make a program that encourages “interfaith dialogue” – a clear violation of לא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכם!?

    Hopefully, this terrible threat will be stopped in its tracks.

    P.S. I have nothing against YU, as I know very little about it. I am reacting solely to the information given in this article.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217213
    Menachem Shmei

    If you wish to be successful in raising the level of your learning, you need to limit your time in the coffee room.

    How dare you insinuate that qwerty doesn’t spend time learning!?

    He learns gemara for SEVEN HOURS a day.
    Runs a medical practice for several hours.
    Watches TV for an hour.
    Asks his rabbanim shaalos about what was discussed in the CR.

    Obviously, he only spends about 20 minutes in the coffeeroom.
    How then does he do so much writing?
    Well, thanks to his superior writing abilities and logic, it’s not much of a surprise. What you, the groceryman, can to in an hour, takes qwerty 5 minutes. Checkmate

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217148
    Menachem Shmei

    Lostspark, I demand that you apologize to all doctors for insulting the medical profession, and until you do so, you better not post anything here, or else you will not be zoche to join the geula, since all the doctors will chase you away from the MO moshiach. Checkmate.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217126
    Menachem Shmei

    When I joined this discussion you made a distinction…

    Qwerty, were you saving that all the while for when you’re asked a straightforward question that you have nothing to answer?

    Anyway, these are the posts where I explained the difference:
    #2210713 & #2211434

    Now, please point out to me a single post number where I called the Rebbe god (other than quoting the sicha in Likkutei Sichos vol. 2).

    If you fail to do so, I don’t care what excuses you have – it clearly shows that you can’t actually prove that “Shmei has consistently stated, in no uncertain terms…”

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217114
    Menachem Shmei

    Shmei has consistently stated, in no uncertain terms, that the Rebbe is god. I can agree with you that the Rebbe didn’t mean this

    Please point out where I said anything like this, other than quoting the Likkutei Sichos volume 2 and previous gedolim?

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217091
    Menachem Shmei

    I accept every expression of legitimate Torah Judaism. Chabad, of course, is excluded because, as Menachem Shmei has told us, they believe the Rebbe is god.


    You still haven’t explained why you consider the Minchas Elozor, Noam Elimelech, Rabbeinu Bachya, Yerushalmi and Zohar legitimate Judaism after everything I quoted from them in post #2213451…

    (I think I asked this about 5-6 times)

    Is this where I’m supposed to write “checkmate”?

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217089
    Menachem Shmei

    I have a question for Menachem, n0m, sechel and all the other Lubavichers on this thread…
    the official Lubavich line was that every generation must have someone who is fit to be Mashiach. So my question is, who is it in our generation?

    This isn’t a just a Lubavitch line (although we are indeed very into it). It’s a Bartenura, Chasam Sofer, S’dei Chemed, and others.

    Who it is? As I’ve posted quite a number of times, I feel uncomfortable answering this question in the CR, since it is a sensitive idea that needs a lot of background and is a lot easier to discuss in person.
    So, sorry, I’ll have to decline.

    P.S. I highly doubt that n0mesora is a Lubavitcher.
    Unless this is a game of chess with two teams, in which he might be pushed onto the Chabad team.
    But then I would possibly end up on the non-Chabad team, since I agreed with Coffee Addict somewhere above.
    Wow, the chess metaphor makes everything so confusing!

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2217059
    Menachem Shmei

    Yserbius, which of my statements are you responding to?

    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2216972
    Menachem Shmei

    I must admit, I side with ARSo on this one

    in reply to: BREAKING NEWS: TRUMP IS A JEW!!! #2216969
    Menachem Shmei

    Someone better check up if they were thinking of selling their chometz to him next Pesach!

    This one really made my day! 😄

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216966
    Menachem Shmei

    Had the Rebbe issued clearcut statements this mess would have been avoided, but he chose not to do so.

    It was clear enough for those it was intended for. The haters will always hate.
    What do you have to say for all the other gedolim I mentioned whose words could be easily misinterpreted by their opponents?

    I hope Moshiach turns out to be MO because a bigot like you won’t accept him and you’ll miss out on all the enjoyment of Geulah.

    Oy, Hashem yerachem. Please, take a deep breath and drink a glass of water before responding to people.
    Despite all of your great superiorities that you often write about (logic, truth, writing ability, etc. etc.), maybe even you sometimes go too far?

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216940
    Menachem Shmei

    Qwerty: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

    No always is it flattery. Sometimes, the best way to attack someone is with his own strategies…

    מיניה וביה אבא ניזיל ביה נרגא

    אם לרמאות הוא בא, גם אני אחיו ברמאות, ואם אדם כשר הוא, גם אני בן רבקה אחותו הכשרה

    כל מדותיו של הקב”ה מדה כנגד מדה

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216941
    Menachem Shmei

    Don’t be surprised by any tactic that Rabbi Shmei uses. He has to defend his god and his false religion.

    Easy way to win any argument that you can’t answer. Turn your opponents into the devil.

    Sorry qwerty, I don’t think ARSo will fall for this.

    in reply to: The Modern Orthodox “Mesorah” #2216949
    Menachem Shmei

    In mishnah Torah the rambam clearly understands chukim as laws without a revealed reason

    Something similar that I wrote recently in another thread:

    “Interesting example of the different styles: In the Moreh the Rambam explains that shiluach hakan is because of tzar baalei chayim.
    In Mishneh Torah (Tefilla) he writes that this reasoning is ridiculous, as it is obviously a gzeiras hakosuv that can’t be understood.”

    Another example from Mishneh Torah (end of Sefer Tahara):
    דבר ברור וגלוי שהטמאות והטהרות גזרות הכתוב הן. ואינן מדברים שדעתו של אדם מכרעתו. והרי הן מכלל החקים. וכן הטבילה מן הטמאות מכלל החקים הוא שאין הטמאה טיט או צואה שתעבר במים אלא גזרת הכתוב היא והדבר תלוי בכונת הלב. ולפיכך אמרו חכמים טבל ולא החזק כאלו לא טבל. ואף על פי כן רמז יש בדבר

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216934
    Menachem Shmei

    I’m surprised that you would accuse me of lying. I didn’t think that was your style.

    My point wasn’t to accuse you of lying. I was laying out the only possible options, because that fact that you stated simply isn’t true.

    Again, I don’t want the other readers to think that there is some sort of argument if Chabad retracted it or not.

    All 13 editions of Likkutei Sichos, from 1962 till the newest one (which was completely retyped), including the blue seforim printed by Kehos (I have it right in front of me) – contain this statement word for word.

    I don’t care who fabricated this story (I’m not accusing you, it could have been a misunderstanding on your part).
    I care to set the facts straight.

    This is a stupid thing to argue about since it’s a מילתא דעבידא לאיגלויי.
    If someone doubts me, go to the nearest Lubavitcher, every Lubavitcher has a chelek beis Likkutei Sichos from any given year (usually later editions) in their house.
    Open it up to page 511, and see the second paragraph for yourself.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216925
    Menachem Shmei

    He spoke esoterically and people could interpret his words one way or the other.

    He spoke in a way that his haters can misinterpret 39 years later when attacking him because he upset their campaigning in Israeli politics (1989).

    Find me any gadol in history whose teachings can’t be misinterpreted to sound like kefira by those who try to do so.
    I already brought the Minchas Elozor, Rabbeinu Bachya, Tanya, Noam Elimelech, Gemara, Zohar.
    How about the Rambam whose haters claimed that he denied techiyas hameisim ch”v?
    How about the Baal Shem Tov?
    כל הרוצה לטעות יבוא ויטעה

    He knew that some of his followers were praying to him

    Maybe if you repeat this lie another 10 times you’ll convince us Lubavitchers that it’s true, that we actually daven to the Rebbe.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216863
    Menachem Shmei

    So now we have a Machlokes of Chabad Poskim

    I thought that the first time I answered you (in post #2216786) was fairly clear and simple.

    I will try to explain one more time. If you still insist in not understanding, so be it. כל הרוצה לטעות יבוא ויטעה

    Since Sechel seems to be a Lubavitcher, I doubt he denies this fact:
    דאס איז עצמות ומהות אליין ווי ער האט זיך אריינגעשטעלט אין א גוף
    since this is printed clearly in a sicha (as Sechel himself mentioned many times, and gave us the source in Likkutei Sichos).

    What he (as well as I) does deny is your interpretation that “every Lubavicher refers to the Rebbe as god because the Rebbe called himself god.” (ch”v)

    If you want to truly know what this statement means, you will look at the Yerushalmi and Zohar that the Rebbe quotes there, and you will look at all the statements that I quoted in post #2213451, and you will look at the shiur from Rabbi YY Jacobson that I just wrote in a different post.

    One more time: Neither I nor Sechel are denying the truth of the aforementioned statement (דאס איז…), we are denying your interpretation and accusation.

    I don’t think I can get any clearer than this, so it’s my last try.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216861
    Menachem Shmei

    he problem is that a fair number of Lubavitchers understood it the wrong way.

    B”H Lubavitchers didn’t understand it wrong. Usually, the first time a Lubavitcher learns of these warped interpretations is when meeting someone who attacks him for “his views” that he never had.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216858
    Menachem Shmei

    maybe you can explain how that דעה נפסדה fits with the י״ג עיקרים

    Just as you can explain that all of the quotes I brought earlier in post #2213451 fit with the ikrim.

    (I tried linking it before, but it kept linking the entire thread)

    P.S. For anyone actually interested in the topic and is wondering, “Indeed, what did the Rebbe, Minchas Elozor, Noam Elimelech, Rabbeinu Bachya, Tanya, Yerushalmi and Zohar mean when they wrote all of these surprising statements?” –
    I suggest you watch an incredible shiur from Rabbi YY Jacobson on the topic: http://www.theyeshiva dot net/8291
    (Although he discusses the general topic with many quotes from gedolim throughout the generations, he indeed doesn’t explicitly quote the Rebbe’s statement. I guess so as not to turn off his litvisher audience)

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216795
    Menachem Shmei


    In the previous post where I posted, a link, this is the proper link:

    Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216786
    Menachem Shmei

    So now you’re backing off from your previous statement that the Rebbe himself stated that he’s god clothed in human form… Instead you’re saying that no Lubavicher holds like this…. Rabbi Dr. Berger named 8 senior Rabbis from the vaunted Oholei Torah who claimed that the Rebbe was god clothed in human form. Had he been lying he would have been sued for millions.

    This is ridiculous. Sechel never denied about G-d enclothed in a body.
    Why would you prove from “eight senior rabbis” when Sechel himself just quoted it from the most senior Chabad rabbi of all – the Lubavitcher Rebbe!?

    He denied your understanding of that statement, which is perfectly fine.

    Rav Hershel Schachter, [stated] that many Lubavichers daven to the Rebbe instead of to Hashem and this is Avoda Zarah.

    Does he mean that they go to the ohel and ask the Rebbe to intercede on their behalf to Hashem?
    This is true.
    Many major poskim allow/encourage this, and it has been accepted in klal yisroel for millennia, as I’ve proven once in an earlier post.
    (Incidentally, on the topic of the “Dovid Lichtenstein radio program” – it should be noted that he ran a program on this topic a few weeks ago.)

    Does he mean that when Lubavitchers daven shmoneh esrei, they think, “Rebbe, give us rain” instead of Hashem (ch”v)?
    This is a lie, and a libel against hundreds of thousands of kosher Jews.
    Whoever told Rav Schachter this slander will have to face judgment for fooling a gadol b’yisroel and using him to spread motzi shem ra on fellow Jews.
    With all due respect, how many Lubavitchers has Rav Schachter even seen davening? Let alone discussed it with, so he came to such a conclusion!? I have seen and discussed davening with thousands of fellow Lubavitchers, and I can assure that these claims are completely false.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216778
    Menachem Shmei

    Part of what they published – and I have copies, and have checked both sources. – the atzmus melubash beguf sicha, and the same sicha printed in a later volume, with the offensive passage redacted.
    If there’s nothing wrong with it, why was it redacted and never reprinted in its original form?

    You’ve mentioned this before, and it really annoys me, because if it were true it would mean that Chabad already admitted that it was wrong, which renders the whole discussion pointless.

    I have the 1962, 1985 and 2021 versions of Likkutei Sichos in front of me right now, and all of them have it written exactly the same.
    I’m either misunderstanding something, or your lying, or you heard it from someone who was lying, or saw a forged version.
    Please explain yourself.

    I’m not going to get into this whole discussion of why this isn’t avoda zorah chas v’shalom. Just as someone who holds of the Minchas Elozor, Noam Elimelech, Zohar and Gemara will attempt to understand and interpret their statements properly, while the haters can misunderstand and hate – the same is with the Rebbe.
    I have demonstrated this clearly in this post:

    Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

    I’m still waiting for someone to explain why it’s permissible to defend and interpret these statements, despite them sounding like AZ if taken at face value, as opposed to the Rebbe’s statements may not be interpreted.

    in reply to: Whats Rishus cold seltzer? #2216151
    Menachem Shmei

    The first time I heard of it was in a viral video of a guy expressing his incredible pleasure of sitting with a Rabbeinu Dovid and rishus cold seltzer in a plastic cup, and “checking out of life”

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216004
    Menachem Shmei

    >>>A complete 360 means you end up facing the same direction that you faced when you started!

    You’re right! Should have said 180.
    Though I’m sure that soon it’ll come fully back around 😄

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2215960
    Menachem Shmei

    The only response was from a Rabbi Aron Moss who is a Chabad Rabbi

    The article you read was from, which is explaining the problem with television to non-frum people, so it is very watered down.
    Actually, I have long despised that article, since it describes the problem with TV as more of a cultural issue than a religious one.

    There are many places online where you can find more authoritative content on this.

    Once we’re on the topic of Lubavitch, I would suggest you look up a very sharp and comprehensive talk of the Rebbe where he describes many of the issues with TV.

    You can find a translated version by googling:
    television: the ruination of a generation – rebbe

    in reply to: The Modern Orthodox “Mesorah” #2215915
    Menachem Shmei

    Rav Aharon Kotler ZTV’L, in Mishnas Rabi Aharon (Vol. 3, Hesped on the Brisker Rav) states that the essence of Modern Orthodoxy is the same as the Reform and Conservative.

    I guess this is a point where he and the Rebbe agree.

    Here’s an excerpt from a 5717 letter of the Rebbe:

    “This is also the case with regard to the person to whom you refer in your letter, who obviously does not belong at all in the Conservative movement, nor in the so-called “New” brand of Conservatism, which goes under the name of “Modern Orthodoxy.””

    in reply to: Over the Top Lifestyles in Lakewood #2215901
    Menachem Shmei


    Your post sounds like the reaction of a Lubavitcher when someone complains that CH isn’t tzniyusdik. Lol

    P.S. I know nothing about Lakewood, as I wrote in this post:
    Just the comparison struck me as funny
    If a Lubavitcher would have wrote this, we wouldn’t hear the end of the problems with “Chabad supremacy” 😄

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 735 total)