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Menachem ShmeiParticipant
You are a laughable ignoramus. You have no idea how to learn a meforash, yet you have the audacity to attack those who can. You refuse to accept words directly out of Ein Yaakov because it is on a site that has Lubavitch seforim!
I had my suspicions on who runs the site “Hebrew Books”. Sure enough, when you google “Hebrew Books” you see a major part of their library are Chabad texts.
Well, hate to break it to you: Otzar Hachochma also has Chabad seforim. Over 10,000 of them.
Any seforim store you go to probably has Chabad seforim.Now, feel free to throw out the entire Torah because it can all be traced back to some sort of association with Chabad.
After all, that’s what you have been doing this entire thread: Attacking classic Torah ideas just because they were quoted by a Lubavitcher.
You and Qwerty have reached levels of hate and insanity that haven’t been reached before in the CR.
Any normal person would take the time to fact check something to know if it’s true before attacking it out of ignorance.
Going back the menachem shmei’s link, it is titled “Ein Ya’akov – Part B-3 (RA-Kidoshin) ” how can it be titled iyin yaacov on “kidoshin” when the copy of the page shows the gemorah “taanis daf h”?
There are several mesechtos in one volume of Ein Yaakov.if anyone has another, non-Chabad, link to the rif’s and ayin yaacovs commentary on “yaacov lo meis” please link it
From the YWNCR rules: “Links are generally not approved. Exceptions are: Links to articles and other features (e.g. Coffee Room topics and posts) on YWN, and links to pages of a sefer on”
The CR must be run by Chabad, run away quick!!!
I cannot believe that these two sites that bring the entire talmud and rif’s entire commentary and the safaara which bring the entire eyin yaacov would leave out what they say on yaacov lo meis.
Obviously you couldn’t find it on those sites, because neither of those sites carry the Rif on Ein Yaakov, nor Iyun Yaakov or Etz Yosef. They didn’t “leave out” any lines.
Neither could I find on safaria in iyin yaacov anything on yaacov lo meis
Again, there is no Iyun Yaakov on Sefaria.
I love how you trust the Reform-run Sefaria, but you are suspicious of the Hebrewbooks pdf of the Vilna edition of Ein Yaakov, because Hebrewbooks has Chabad seforim on it.Menachem ShmeiParticipantPhilosopher,
In case you’re wondering where I clearly answered your “question” that Rashi/Rif etc. seem to argue with a posuk:
See my post from September 12, 2:31pm #2314383
Menachem ShmeiParticipantYankel,
You clearly haven’t understood my point.
I stated that I am not getting into the משיח מן המתים debate, I haven’t voiced ANY opinion on the matter.
I did voice an opinion on the statement of a Christian antisemite that the fundamental issue that Jews have with Christianity is משיח מן המתים.
I maintained that the fundamental issue is the religion itself, which is the only explanation for why the chachamim rejected Yoshkeh while he was still alive, and even killed him.
In response, you wrote:
“How can you ignore Ramban and Rambam ?
The reason we know that j is not mashiach is because he did not effect the nevuot about yemot hamashiach IN HIS LIFETIME !
He doesn’t say because he was a meisit umadiah , [which he very well may have been]”In fact, the opposite is true (according to the Rambam, who I was discussing. Ramban is another discussion):
According to the Rambam, the problem we know about Yoshke is specifically that he started a horrible religion that was completely against the Torah.
That’s why he was killed in beis din, as the Rambam writes there. He goes on to describe why it’s ridiculous to say that Yoshke is moshiach, but he doesn’t say that it’s because of his death. His death was not a reason for beis din to kill him, obviously.
I know what the Rambam writes about the killing of Ben Koziba, and that is a different discussion, unrelated to Christianity, which I will not go into.
P.S. Here is the Rambam, for the third time:
Hilchos Melachim ch. 11:
אַף יֵשׁוּעַ הַנּוֹצְרִי שֶׁדִּימָה שֶׁיִּהְיֶה מָשִׁיחַ, וְנֶהֱרָג בְּבֵית דִּין, כְּבָר נִתְנַבֵּא בּוֹ דָּנִיֵּאל, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר “וּבְנֵי פָּרִיצֵי עַמְּךָ יִנַּשְּׂאוּ לְהַעֲמִיד חָזוֹן וְנִכְשָׁלוּ” (דניאל יא, יד). וְכִי יֵשׁ מִכְשׁוֹל גָּדוֹל מִזֶּה, שֶׁכָּל הַנְּבִיאִים דִּבְּרוּ שֶׁהַמָּשִׁיחַ גּוֹאֵל יִשְׂרָאֵל וּמוֹשִׁיעָם, וּמְקַבֵּץ נִדְחֵיהֶם וּמְחַזֵּק מִצְוָתָן, וְזֶה גָּרַם לְאַבֵּד יִשְׂרָאֵל בַּחֶרֶב, וּלְפַזֵּר שְׁאֵרִיתָם וּלְהַשְׁפִּילָם, וּלְהַחֲלִיף הַתּוֹרָה, וּלְהַטְעוֹת רוֹב הָעוֹלָם לַעֲבֹד אֱלוֹהַּ מִבַּלְעֲדֵי ה’.
“Jesus of Nazareth who imagined himself to be the Mashiach and was executed by the court was also alluded to in Daniel’s prophecies, as ibid. 11:14 states: “The vulgar among your people shall exalt themselves in an attempt to fulfill the vision, but they shall stumble.”
Can there be a greater stumbling block than Christianity? All the prophets spoke of Mashiach as the redeemer of Israel and their savior who would gather their dispersed and strengthen their observance of the mitzvot. In contrast, Christianity caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humbled, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the L-rd.”Menachem ShmeiParticipantQwerty
About a year ago this was one of the questions [to Rabbi Avigdor Miller], “Why do Lubavichers think they’re better than other Jews? He answered, “Every Jewish group should think that they’re the best. That they learn the most etc.” Clearly, the person who asked the question was attuned to the Chabad attitude that they are the “Master Race of Judaism”
And clearly, Rabbi Miller, who answered the question, was attuned to the fact that followers of every derech should feel that their derech is the best, or else they should switch to a different derech, as I have written in the past.
And clearly, Qwerty is more satisfied with the question than the answer, because the question gives him another opportunity to express his hate for a holy Jewish sect.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantPhilosopher,
I cannot dissuade Menachem Shmei who is now arguing with a b’ferisha pasuk that says clearly that Yaacov died.
I am not arguing with that posuk. Rashi/Rif/Etz-Yosef/Iyun-Yaakov SEEM to be arguing with that posuk, and Ramban (whom I quoted) ASKS this question, and ANSWERS why it’s not a contradiction.
Of course, you IGNORE my answer to your question.
You clearly prioritize hate over classic limmud haTorah.First he argued that Yaacov wasn’t buried
In which post? Date, time, post number?
If you can’t find it, will you admit that you’re a LIAR? You LIE to slander fellow Jews? Just as you LIED about the Rif?
(P.S. If all of these are mistakes instead of lies, I apologize for accusing you of lying, as I expect you to apologize for mistakenly misquoting me and misquoting Rif)
Menachem ShmeiParticipantTo recap:
The Lubavitche believe that:…What is this a recap of? All the angry thoughts floating around your mind?
Actually, a proper recap of this thread would be:
Lubavitchers (and any other unbiased Jew who knows how to learn Torah) believe that:
Hashem performs miracles.
Rashi/Rif etc. aren’t nutjobs, ch”v.
If a posuk seems to contradict a Gemara, the Gemara shouldn’t be disregarded.
The chachamim opposed Yoshke and his new religion even during his lifetime (and executed him for it -Rambam).
Being part of a different derech than someone else doesn’t mean you’re obligated to attack any Torah that they quote.
It isn’t necessary to misinterpret one meforash in order to make him fit with an opposing one.
A challenge posed to Jews by a Christian antisemite is quite insignificant.
Artscroll Shas wasn’t written by Lubavitchers.
It’s okay to research something and look into the reasons and sources before attacking it as being false.
A Torah debate should mostly be about discussing ideas, not throwing derogatory statements and nicknames at the opponent.
Concluding every bombastic, soon to be refuted statement with a “Checkmate” is a lousy strategy.There are probably some more.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantHey mods, did all my posts to Chabad Media from around 10:30am go through?
Menachem ShmeiParticipantYaacov opening his eyes is in Sotah 13a. If you read Sotah 13a and you read there the meforshim on how it says Yosef was zoche to bury Yaacov and talking a lot about the topic, you see that Yaacov was actually buried.
No one is disputing that Yaakov was buried. It’s literally in the question posed to R’ Yitzchak, and it doesn’t bother him, because he’s still supported by מקרא אני דורש.
Yes, it says Yaacov opened his eyes and laughed when Eisov’s eyes fell out, and it’s something we can’t understand without the meforshim, but in no way does it prove that Yaacov was buried physically alive
Tosfos in Taanis uses that Gemara as another proof that Yaakov is alive (יעקב אבינו לא מת . . כדמפרש בסוטה גבי מעשה דחושים).
Some meforshim (those who DISAGREE with Rashi/Rif etc.) argue that Tosfos was only commenting on the הוא אמינא of the Gemara.
But if you learn Tosfos based on Rashi/Rif’s pshat, Yaakov opening his eyes is definitely a proof that he was physically alive.Menachem ShmeiParticipantויחי קאפיטל נ פסוק ט”ו: וַיִּרְא֤וּ אֲחֵֽי־יוֹסֵף֙ כִּי־מֵ֣ת אֲבִיהֶ֔ם וַיֹּ֣אמְר֔וּ ל֥וּ יִשְׂטְמֵ֖נוּ יוֹסֵ֑ף וְהָשֵׁ֤ב יָשִׁיב֙ לָ֔נוּ אֵ֚ת כׇּל־הָ֣רָעָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר גָּמַ֖לְנוּ אֹתֽוֹ׃
It’s a mefureshe pasuk in the Torah that Yaakov Avinu meis. You cannot argue on a pasuk in the Torah. The Gemara is an agadata.A) Agadata doesn’t mean it is false, it means we must look in the meforshim to understand what it means.
B) Many meforshim explain יעקב לא מת spiritually, others explain it physically.
C) When you have a seeming question on a Gemara or Rishon, you don’t need to disregard the vort. You can just ask. Maybe you’ll get an answer, maybe not.
Rashi/Rif/Etz Yosef/Iyun Yaakov[/Artscroll] definitely knew of this posuk, yet said what they said.D) Your exellent question stands even if you learn יעקב לא מת spiritually: The fact is that Gemara calls Yaakov לא מת, and Rashi on Chumash (and Tosfos in Gemara) proves it from the fact that the posuk doesn’t use the word מיתה regarding Yaakov, so how can it say מת אביהם!?
E) Ramban (who doesn’t necessarily interpret the Gemara physically) is bothered by the same question as you!
He answers:
ויגוע ויאסף. ומיתה לא נאמרה בו, ואמרו רבותינו יעקב אבינו לא מת, לשון רש”י. ולדעת רבותינו, הרי יעקב הזכיר מיתה בעצמו הנה אנכי מת והיה אלקים עמכם. ואולי לא ידע הוא בנפשו, או שלא רצה לתת כבוד לשמו. וכן ויראו אחי יוסף כי מת אביהם, כי להם מת הוא, או שלא ידעו הם בזה כלל.
“AND HE EXPIRED, AND WAS GATHERED TO HIS PEOPLE. But the word “death” is not mentioned in his case. Our Rabbis therefore said, “Jacob, our father, did not die.” This is the language of Rashi.
Now according to this opinion of our Rabbis, the difficulty arises: Jacob applied the term “death” to himself, as it is written, “Behold, I die, but G-d shall be with you!” Now perhaps he did not know it himself, or it may be that he did not wish to pay honor to himself.
Similarly, with respect to the verse, “And when Joseph’s brethren saw that their father was dead,” we must say that to them he was dead, or it may be that they did not at all know of this.”In other words, the brothers “saw that there father died” because that is indeed what THEY SAW!
As Rashi write on Gemara, they buried him because TO THEM he seemed dead. But really, he was alive.
This also fits with Rashi’s pirush in Chumash on כי מת אביהם, that they FELT their father’s death because of how Yosef was treating them.
This has nothing to do with if Yaakov is truly alive, rather with the perception of the brothers.Philosopher, in general, maybe try asking instead of attacking.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantPhilosopher: “At first I was impressed that you were able to refer to so many meforshim on this Rashi and Gemorah. But then when you mentioned that you don’t see the part of the rif that I mentioned I realized that it’s copy and paste from some “Chabad Torah”.”
Also Philosopher: “What I have said about the Rif’s commentary on Yaacov lo mes I take back. I have written what I saw in other articles but I cannot find the actual sources.”
Regarding this, Chazal said:
כל הפוסל במומו פוסלOr, as we say in English: “It takes one to know one (or think you know one).”
I am impressed though that you admitted the truth.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantArso and menachem shmei quote the ayin yaacov on the rif on yaacov lo meis but I can’t find that anywhere either
The Rif, Iyun Yaakov and Etz Yosef are all in the link that I posted. Sorry, I couldn’t find a clearer edition on Hebrewbooks. Check out any Win Yaakov with the classic meforshim.
Amazing how you attack first and ask later.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantRAMBAM is in hilch melachim . When a candidate for mashiach dies in war and did not bring about the promises of the nevi’im we know that he is not mashiach.
Yankel, how disingenuous!
I clearly said that I’m not getting into the משיח מן המתים debate.
I was responding to a question of why would someone who believes that משיח מן המתים is possible reject Christianity.
My point was that Christianity has much more fundamental issues than משיח מן המתים.
I even proved this from the Rambam.
You claimed that according to the Rambam. The problem with Christianity is not מסית ומדיח, rather only that Yoshke was killed.
I said this is ridiculous, because according to the Rambam Yoshke was killed BY BEIS DIN! Was he killed for claiming to be Moshiach AFTER death!?!?
You responded with an irrelevant Rambam about בן כוזיבא which has nothing to do with why we reject Christianity according to the Rambam.I am aware of the Ramban, and there is much to discuss about that, which I’m not getting into. This is why I asked you for your source in the Rambam, and you proved that you don’t have one.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantChaGPT: A good term for this might be blatherskite—someone who talks at length without making much sense but with a smooth and convincing manner. Another term could be sophist, which refers to a person who uses clever but misleading arguments, making it seem like their words hold deep wisdom. You might also describe this person as being verbose or circumlocutory, implying that they use many words without delivering much substance.
September 12, 2024 11:06 am at 11:06 am in reply to: Re: Geneiva is Geneva Switzerland according to AI #2314390Menachem ShmeiParticipantSo, if there is a statement that is not contradicted, then Google probably uses shtika kmodeh heuristic
Unfortunately, I doubt they are so sophisticated.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantI enjoy healthy debate but both sides must play by the rules. These are the rules, AFAIC, complete honesty and respecting the opposing viewpoint as well as the opponent are required.
Qwerty, thanks, I laughed so hard when I read this! 😄
They would consider anyone who believes Yaakov Avinu to be physically alive to be a nut job.
This doesn’t offend me, because I don’t have any personal belief on the matter. But Rashi does.
Just because your rabbis like the Rambam better, that’s not an excuse to speak this way about Rashi, Rif, etc.September 11, 2024 3:46 pm at 3:46 pm in reply to: Who Keeps the Wife Who Was Married Twice? #2314147Menachem ShmeiParticipantThis whole discussion mixes Torah with Ruchniyus.
They are mutually exclusive and NOT compatible…
We, Yisrael, follow the Torah. Not Ruchniyus.
The Tedokim were right about this one.Huh? What’s any of this supposed to mean?
Menachem ShmeiParticipantthis is the din of a heretic regardless of them also having the din of a “tinok sh’nishba”. Such a person does not have a portion in the next world
Source that all this applies to a תינוק שנשבה?
Menachem ShmeiParticipantThe links don’t mention one word about לא תסור.
אל החכמים שומעין בכל זמן שהרי כתוב ואל השופט אשר יהיה בימים ההם ואפילו אומרין על הימין שהוא שמאלMenachem ShmeiParticipantYankel,
When you study habad literature , you will see that after each and everyone of their rebeim’s expired name there is a navgam… It seems to me that no habad faction – even those who ostensibly agree that he died – would use this about their deceased leader .
Every sefer of the Rebbe is printed with a shaar blatt that says
“כ”ק אדמו”ר מנחם מענדל שניאורסאהן זצוקללה”ה נבג”מ זי”ע”.
Go into kehos (the official Lubavitch publisher, established by the Rebbe) and look through any of the Rebbe’s seforim.(This is with the exception of a small fraction of seforim printed by fringe individuals who are constantly in court with kehos for violating copyright. Those say שליט”א)
Menachem ShmeiParticipant“He’s a consummate liar and phony like his worthless ———“
(עפ”ל!!!)I’m still surprised that the moderators keep letting trash like this through.
Menachem ShmeiParticipant[Mods, not sure if this post went through the first time]
They do however state very clearly that WE KNOW that j is out because of the inadmissibility of a second coming
They, including Rambam? Where?
I quoted the Rambam to demonstrate my point, I would expect you to quote the Rambam to demonstrate yours.Whether yakov avinu is considered dead or not is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT here.
It’s relevant because Philosopher brought it up to say that it’s crazy to say that Rashi learns יעקב לא מת physically.
There is no problem having a debate in how to understand a Gemara and meforshim.
I didn’t expect it to get so heated, with people considering Artscroll’s interpretation deranged kefira, or claiming that a Rif that I posted doesn’t exist.Menachem ShmeiParticipantPhilosopher,
At first I was impressed that you were able to refer to so many meforshim on this Rashi and Gemorah. But then when you mentioned that you don’t see the part of the rif that I mentioned I realized that it’s copy and paste from some “Chabad Torah”
This is not true:
A) I spent lots of time researching and poring over the mefarshim to understand what they say.
I didn’t see the Rif brought anywhere other than the original Ein Yaakov which I linked above.
B) קבל את האמת ממי שאמרו – refute my points instead assuming where I got my information from.
OK, so whoever wants can look in the sefer eyin yaacov on everything that the Rif wrote on taanus 5 2 and yaacov lo meis.
I read and reread the Rif in the Ein Yaakov and I still can’t find what you’re referring to that יעקב לא מת was only until Eretz Yisroel (I do remember a different meforash saying that, not the Rif).
Would you be so kind as to quote the words that you’re referring to (as I requested once already)?Here’s the link to the meforshim again:
And again, here is Artscroll Taanis 5B fn. 18:
“Since this verse proves that Jacob is still alive, we must conclude that Jacob only appeared to be dead to those who embalmed him (Rashi). Other commentators explain Jacob’s immortality not as a prolongation of physical life but as a form of continued spiritual existence (see Maharsha).”September 11, 2024 10:25 am at 10:25 am in reply to: Re: Geneiva is Geneva Switzerland according to AI #2313903Menachem ShmeiParticipantBe careful what you write in public domain. Your grandchildren will be learning from LLMs that were trained on your posts.
Not just your grandchildren!
When Ishai Ribo had the concert in Madison Square, someone told me that there was kol isha at the concert. I decided to search it up, and googled “Did Ishai Ribo concert have kol isha.”
Google was just rolling out the AI overview feature, and it responded that yes, there was indeed mixed sitting and kol isha.
When I checked the source, it was a from a comment on the YWN article! 😄(I get that Google AI overview may be different than a regular LLM like chatGPT. Just thought this was funny)
Menachem ShmeiParticipantI think there’s a point Qwerty has been making recently that I can help clarify:
“Yes, the Torah (Tanach, Gemara, Midrash, etc.) is filled with references to the supernatural, but it’s our job to discern the truth within. Generally speaking, we’re expected to eschew the fantastic in favor of the mundane. Hameivin yavin.”
“We follow Rambam, who rejects any violation of natural law, even Bilaam’s talking donkey. The Gemara says, ‘Lama Li Kra, Sevara He?’ Judaism is a rational religion. This is the point that philosopher and yankel berel are making, and obviously, they’re right.”Qwerty keeps saying that Judaism is rational, and that we should try to rationalize the supernatural rather than interpret Torah as depicting changes in nature. He argues that this is the Rambam’s view, and thus the derech we must follow.
I want to clarify the issue here:
It’s important to remember that there are different opinions in Torah. If you’re quoting the Rambam, keep in mind that many Rishonim strongly disagreed with him.
Which one is right? אלו ואלו דברי אלקים חיים.
Even if you pasken/lean toward a particular opinion, that doesn’t give you the right to misinterpret the opposing opinion to match the one you like.For example:
Regarding the future Geulah, there’s a major machlokes between the Rambam and Raavad. The Rambam says the Geulah will be entirely natural, while the Raavad argues it will be miraculous.
If you lean toward the Rambam’s approach (based on the hadracha of your rabbeim) that’s fine.
But if you were to say that also the Raavad holds the Geulah will be natural just because that’s how the Rambam understands it—that’s absurd!The same applies in our discussion:
Can the Gemara about יעקב לא מת be understood spiritually? Absolutely!
As I’ve written many times, many (or perhaps most) of the meforshim (beginning with the Maharsha and Rashba) interpret it this way.
But does Rashi understand it spiritually? No! Rashi explains that Yaakov seemed dead to those burying him, but in reality, he was alive. (Even the Maharsha reads Rashi this way, which is why he ARGUES with him. See Artscroll!) This is also how the Rif, Etz Yosef, and Iyun Yaakov understand it, as they clearly wrote.You may prefer a more rational interpretation, such as the Maharsha’s, because of your derech, but don’t misinterpret Rashi and say that the literal interpretation is completely invalid!
Menachem ShmeiParticipantAlso, the nicknames Alter/Mittlele rebbes have a hint of upcoming finality, not sure what exactly happened
They got these titles during the leadership of the next rebbe. During their lifetime they were called “the Rebbe.”
ma nafka mina of the debate of whether a particular Rebbe will be a Moschiach? If my local Rav is destined to be a moschiach – will other Rabonim oblige to follow his psak now? Lo b’shmayim hi…
Not sure if I would base my derech on Dennis Prager, but this has indeed been my mehalech here. I don’t think I ever voiced my opinion in the Coffeeroom on the Who is Moshiach debate.
Menachem ShmeiParticipant@menachem-shmei Thanks for the links. I’ll repeat myself. There’s no such רשב״א, there’s no such רא״ש
You’re welcome.
How does repeating yourself help? Don’t those links (especially the Rashba) clearly hold that לא תסור is not only referring to בית דין?
Or maybe you can just claim that there is no such Rashba/Rosh and I’m obligated to believe you, because אפילו שיאמרו לך על הימין שהוא שמאל? 😀
Menachem ShmeiParticipantThe Gemara says ,”Lama Li Kra, Sevara He?” Judaism is a rational religion.
Lol, thanks for proving my point.
למה לי קרא means that you only need a posuk to prove something illogical, i.e., NOT everything in Yiddishkeit is rational!
למה לי קרא is saying, why do we need Torah for things that could be understood without Torah!The discussion in the Gemara Taanis is the FLIPSIDE of למה לי קרא סברא הוא: Rav Yitzchak acknowledged that according to סברא it would be ridiculous to say that Yaakov is alive, but he responds מקרא אני דורש – it may not be logical, but that’s what the Torah says!
He only needs to bring a posuk because it’s not logical! If this was rational, Rav Nachman could have responded to the hekesh למה לי קרא סבתא הוא!
Menachem ShmeiParticipantPhilosopher,
Menachem shmei, no, none of the meforshim say that Yaacov alive in his kever.
What about the Rif, Etz Yosef and Iyun Yaakov (all of which I linked above), and how Artscroll learns Rashi (as I quoted above)?
A body to be alive needs air, it needs food, it needs water, it needs to do bodily functions.
But the posuk testifies to a miracle. Hence מקרא אני דורש.
the Rif and others say the comatose stage was until he was bought Eretz Yisroel and was buried there.
Rif!? Not in the Rif that I saw. Would you be so kind as to point out which words of the Rif says this?
[I did indeed see this in a different meforash – can’t remember which – but the Rif clearly says that he was buried while still alive.]Menachem Shmei said repeatedly that Yaacov is PHYSICALLY alive so that he can draw a parallel from his rebbe to Yaacov
Completely wrong. You don’t even know my opinion about the Rebbe, and I never brought him up in this discussion!
YOU brought up the topic of Yaakov lo mes, and (falsely) claimed that no meforash interprets it physically. That’s what began this discussion.
This has nothing to do with the Rebbe or Chabad.
This is about understanding how meforshim learn a certain sugya in Gemara.Menachem ShmeiParticipantIn answer to those who have been yelling on the top of their lungs that only a deranged Lubavitcher would be crazy enough to understand Rashi in Taanis 5b that Yaakov Lo Mes was literal:
In addition to the meforshim that I brought earlier who explain what I said at length, here is the footnote in artscroll 5b (fn 18):
“Since this verse proves that Jacob is still alive, we must conclude that Jacob only appeared to be dead to those who embalmed him (Rashi). Other commentators explain Jacob’s immortality not as a prolongation of physical life but as a form of continued spiritual existence (see Maharsha).”
Exactly what I’ve been saying all along. Rashi is understood to mean that Yaakov is physically alive in his kever, he only seemed dead. Maharsha and others argue.
Was Artscroll hijacked by crazy Lubavitchers? Maybe. But I would think that then they would mention the Rebbe’s teachings every now and then.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantHow can you ignore Ramban and Rambam ?
The reason we know that j is not mashiach is because he did not effect the nevuot about yemot hamashiach IN HIS LIFETIME !
He doesn’t say because he was a meisit umadiah , [which he very well may have been]Not getting into the משיח מן המתים discussion (haven’t voiced my opinion, don’t plan on).
Are you saying that Chachomim were okay with Christianity until Yoshe’s death!? A) All accounts show that the chachomim opposed Yoshke during his lifetime. B) The basic understanding is that B”D put Yoshke to death. Why would they do this while he was still alive!?
You insist that according to the Rambam the problem with Yoshke is only that he is a dead “Moshiach”, not a מסית ומדיח.
But here is the actual Rambam (which I quoted earlier to prove my point):
Hilchos Melachim ch. 11:
אַף יֵשׁוּעַ הַנּוֹצְרִי שֶׁדִּימָה שֶׁיִּהְיֶה מָשִׁיחַ, וְנֶהֱרָג בְּבֵית דִּין, כְּבָר נִתְנַבֵּא בּוֹ דָּנִיֵּאל, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר “וּבְנֵי פָּרִיצֵי עַמְּךָ יִנַּשְּׂאוּ לְהַעֲמִיד חָזוֹן וְנִכְשָׁלוּ” (דניאל יא, יד). וְכִי יֵשׁ מִכְשׁוֹל גָּדוֹל מִזֶּה, שֶׁכָּל הַנְּבִיאִים דִּבְּרוּ שֶׁהַמָּשִׁיחַ גּוֹאֵל יִשְׂרָאֵל וּמוֹשִׁיעָם, וּמְקַבֵּץ נִדְחֵיהֶם וּמְחַזֵּק מִצְוָתָן, וְזֶה גָּרַם לְאַבֵּד יִשְׂרָאֵל בַּחֶרֶב, וּלְפַזֵּר שְׁאֵרִיתָם וּלְהַשְׁפִּילָם, וּלְהַחֲלִיף הַתּוֹרָה, וּלְהַטְעוֹת רוֹב הָעוֹלָם לַעֲבֹד אֱלוֹהַּ מִבַּלְעֲדֵי ה’.
“Jesus of Nazareth who imagined himself to be the Mashiach and was executed by the court was also alluded to in Daniel’s prophecies, as ibid. 11:14 states: “The vulgar among your people shall exalt themselves in an attempt to fulfill the vision, but they shall stumble.”
Can there be a greater stumbling block than Christianity? All the prophets spoke of Mashiach as the redeemer of Israel and their savior who would gather their dispersed and strengthen their observance of the mitzvot. In contrast, Christianity caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humbled, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the L-rd.”Menachem ShmeiParticipant@menachem-shmei There is no such רשב״א, there is no such רא”ש
How are you so sure? Did you check up the sources in the link I posted?
My earlier post was written quickly, without checking anything up.
Now I looked into this a little.The Rashba writes clearly that לא תסור applies to chachomim of all times:
(שכב)There is no specific source for תשובות הרא”ש, so it was hard to find, but maybe it was referring to here:
(סי’ ח-ט)
[Happens to be FIERY teshuvos!]and there is no ראשון by the name of ספר זכרונות.
Correct, I shouldn’t have written “many Rishonim”. That was my mistake (not from the sicha I was quoting).
Sefer Zichronos is by R’ Shmuel Abuhav (1600s). Here’s what it says: ShmeiParticipantArso,
Finally, in regards to that shiksa yemach shema, who cares what she asks? We reject yoshke because he was a meisis umadiach. All the rest is just icing on the cake.
Exactly as I said.
It’s interesting to see how we post similar responses at the same time.Out of interest, when did she have a debate with Boteach?
Last week, on Piers Morgan.
Was big news (though obviously not on YWN 😀).Candace was just another conspiracy theorist antisemite.
Shmuley was just Shmuley.
May he be eradicated from the face of the internet speedily in our days!Menachem ShmeiParticipantHow could Rashi believe that Yaacov EXPIRED (ויגוע), how could he believe that he was BURIED and EULOGIZED and still be PHYSICALLY alive?
What does expired mean? I brought meforshim that explain. You ignored them, of course.
Neither Rashi, nor any of the meforshim claim that Yaacov Avinu is still walking on this planet earth to this day in his physical body.
Correct. They say he is alive in his kever. As I brought from meforshim.
I can’t grasp why you find this so complicated.
One of us just doesn’t know how to learn a piece of Gemara with meforshim (as you eloquently described earlier in your post) and I suspect it isn’t me.
Also, still waiting for your response to my rebuttal of your accusation that only Chabad “dares to say” that Rashi in Chumash doesn’t always side with Rashi on Shas.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantI asked him a simple question, a question that was posed by Candace Owens to Boteach, “How can you insult Christianity because it believed in a “second coming” when you’re part of the Chabad sect which also believes in a second coming?’ Boteach didn’t answer the question, so I presented it to the 3 Chabad Stooges, particularly Shmei. For a few days he ignored the question but today he tried to pull the wool over our eyes by rephrasing the question, which had nothing to do with what Owens asked.
I’ll try to repeat my answer in the clearest way possible:
Candace assumes that the entire problem that Judaism has with Christianity is the second coming, so she asks that if you hold views that may sound similar to second coming, you may as well be Christian.
My point is that the fundamental problem with Christianity is not second coming. I proved this from the fact that the Jewish people opposed Yoshke and his religion while he was still alive, until beis din put him to death!
Are you saying that beis din put him to death because he believed in the second coming? That doesn’t make much sense.
Candace may as well ask “If Judaism and Christianity (lhavdil) both hold that murder is wrong, why do you oppose Christianity?
If you think that belief in a man who passed away as Moshiach doesn’t fit a certain maamar razal or halacha, bring that up (I think there’s a different thread on this topic, and I will not voice an opinion on the matter, as I said earlier).
But asking a question in Judaism based on a vort of Candace Owens doesn’t get you anywhere.Menachem ShmeiParticipantThe Rebbe spoke about this and brought many sources on the matter in Likkutei Sichos vol. 5 pg. 127 fn. 25-26.
See footnotes 25-26 here:
Some points mentioned there (I didn’t get to look up all the sources yet, so I’ll just quote as they’re written there):
1. Many Rishonim (רשב”א, רא”ש, ספר החינוך, ספר זכרונות) hold that the mitzvah of לא תסור applies in all generations, not just the Beis Din Hagadol.
ספר יראים argues.2. Many meforshei Rashi explain Rashi like the sifre – “only if it SEEMS.” However, from the fact that Rashi omits these words it seems like he doesn’t want to be mefaresh that way.
3. Indeed, the Gur Aryeh understands Rashi literally, ימין ושמאל כמשמעו, דאף אם הם טועים בדין – “literally left or right, even if they ERR in judgment.”
See the above link for more sources and discussion on the matter.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantARSo,
It’s so refreshing to have a normal Torah discussion!
Obviously, as you explained so well, if Yaakov is physically alive this is a major miracle and not understood whatsoever in natural ways, which is why R’ Yitzchak needed a posuk to prove his point.
Furthermore, I believe that embalming involved the removal of a number of inner organs, so how can someone be alive in that manner?
Interesting that you mention this. The Etz Yosef that I referenced earlier actually addressed this:
“על כן צוה לחנוט את אביו לא בפנים גופו אלא מלמעלה על גופו – אלשיך סדר ויחי”Sorry, but I don’t understand at all what you are saying here.
[Obviously my point wasn’t so clear. Sorry Qwerty for my last post to you 😉]
My point is that the problem with Christians is not that they believe in משיח מן המתים. If that’s the issue with them, why would Yoshke be killed by b”d while he was still alive?
I know this is a big sugya, and I’m not interested in diving into the entire Moshiach thing. I’m just showing that this Candace question is not as simple as it sounds.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantIf anyone wants to look up the Rif, Iyun Yaakov and Etz Yosef that I referenced to in my previous post about יעקב לא מת, you can see them here: ShmeiParticipantWe’ve asked Shmei to respond and he ignored our request. Today, out of the goodness of his heart, he answers, by rephrasing the question as follows, “Why do Lubavichers reject Christianity?” That was not the question.
No, I rephrased the question as why did BEIS DIN reject Christianity (even killing Yoshke), thus objecting to to the premise of your and Candace’s question.
My point was clear and concise. Easy for anyone to grasp. Not going down this rabbit hole.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantHe says that Rashi says Yaacov was buried (actually Rashi points to the word in the posuk saying that Yaacov expired but that it does not say he died, so he agrees that Yaacov expired) but at the same time Shmei says that Rashi says on the Gemorah that Yaacov is PHYSICALLY alive…never mind that that gemorah AND Rashi clearly state what being alive means and it is not that Yaacov is physically alive…to say that Rashi is saying on one hand that Yaacov was buried and on the other that he’s physically alive?! Rashi is not saying ” יעקב לא מת literally”. Does Rashi say the word “literally”? No, Menachem shmaya is saying that Rashi is saying the word “literally”.
A) I never said that Rashi was arguing on himself (in THIS case). All I said is that Rashi explains himself more in Taanis 5b than in Vayechi.
B) What do you prove from Rashi in Chumash writing ויגוע (“expired”)? If ויגוע means died, then what’s the difference between ויגוע and וימת?
The Rif, Iyun Yaakov and Etz Yosef all understand it literally, Yaakov didn’t die, his soul is still in his body.
They explain that the word ויגוע (“expired”) means “a deep sleep/faint” (ויגוע כאיש שנתעלף” “לא נסתלק רק גוע כמי שנתעלף”) which others mistook as death, which is why they enbalmed and buried him, which wasn’t an issue because he wasn’t moving anyway (“מה שנקבר ונספד הוא כי נתבטלו כחות התנועה”).
Another reason why they did all these things is so as not to degrade other tzaddikim who do die. (-עיון יעקב)
Coffee addict, you are so right that only a Lubavitche would argue that Rashi says one thing on the posuk and a different thing on the Gemarah as if Rashi is contradicting himself.
What dishonesty. I cannot take that….He tries to make it seem as if Rashi is arguing with himself and saying a different pshat on the Gemorah than the posuk!If so, then meforshei haShas and meforshei Rashi must all be Lubavitchers, since we find examples of Rashi on Chumash arguing with Rashi on Shas ALL OVER THE PLACE, and this is acknowledged by all the meforshim!
Some examples:
Maharsha, Sanhedrin 65b:
גמרא בעל אוב אחד המעלה בזכורו כו’. ורש”י בחומש פירש דורש אל המתים זהו מעלה בזכור כו’ ע”ש ודבריו ע”פ הברייתא בספרי ושלא כברייתא זו דבשמעתין דכן דרכו של רש”י לפרש הפסוקים על פי היותר פשוטו של מקרא…
Rashi on Gemara explains אוב different than his explanation in Chumash.
This is the derech of Rashi, to explain the pesukim according to the simplest meaning (פשוטו של מקרא).Maharsha, Sanhedrin 66a:
גמרא מה ת”ל איש איש לרבות בת טומטום כו’. ורש”י בחומש בפרשת משפטים כתב ומקלל אביו ואמו למה נאמר לפי שהוא אומר איש איש אשר יקלל גו’ אין לי אלא איש שקלל אשה מניין ת”ל ומקלל אביו גו’ סתם בין איש ובין אשה כו’ ע”ש והוא ע”פ המכילתא וכמה שכתבו שדרכו לדרוש בפירושו הדרשה יותר פשוטה במקרא…
Rashi in Chumash explains איש איש differently than the Gemara, because his derech is to explain the simplest pshat.Maharsha, Sanhedrin 72a:
גמרא ת”ר אין לו דמים כו’ … וזה הוא דרכו של רש”י בחומש להביא דרשה היותר פשוטה…
Rashi’s derech in Chumash is to bring the simplest pshat.Maharsha, Kiddushin 44b:
דרכו של רש”י ז”ל לפרש במקום זה כך ובמקום אחר שינה פירושו
Rashi’s derech is to explain one way in one place, and changes his pirush elsewhere.Rashash, Shabbos 83a:
הגרע”א ז”ל בגליון הש”ס העלה פירוש רש”י בצריך עיון גדול ואנכי לא ידעתי מה העיון הגדול דשם פירש כשיטת רבינו תם, ואם משום שסותר את עצמו, זאת תמצא בפירוש רש”י ז”ל הרבה
“I don’t understand R’ Akiva Eiger’s question on Rashi. If it’s that Rashi contradicts himself, this is very common in Rashi’s pirush.”Mizrachi, Bereishis 36:5:
“Torah mentions that Korach was the grandson of Eisav in two ways.
Rashi here says that it’s the SAME Korach who was a mamzer.
Rashi in Sotah says that there were TWO Korachs.
This is because here Rashi is explaining according to Bereishis Rabba, while there Rashi is explaining according to the story there in Gemara, which differs from the Midrash Rabba.”Philosopher, Coffee, will you admit that you didn’t know the classic style of Rashi’s pirush, and that it was wrong to attack Lubavitch (in this case)?
Menachem ShmeiParticipantIf anyone is struggling to understand DaMoshe’s point, I encourage you to click the @DaMoshe screen name and scroll through Replies Created. Do the same for @Menachem-Shmei. Do the same for @Qwerty613.
You will immediately understand what DaMoshe is referring to.
Menachem ShmeiParticipantQwerty,
I refrained from answering your question because I’m not interested in going down the rabbit hole of discussing Christian theology, nor do I wish to engage in the Who is Moshiach debate (something I haven’t shared my views on, for reasons explained in a previous post).
I would rather discuss a Gemara, a Rambam, a Rashi, a Maharsha, a Gra, a Likkutei Sichos, etc.
However, since you pressured me so much, I will give you a brief and honest response:
Candace Owens…asked America’s Rabbi why Lubavitchers reject Christianity because of its belief in a second coming
If Jews reject Christianity because of the second coming, why did beis din kill Yoshke In the first place?
That is my answer (it’s a rhetorical question).
P.S. Rambam Hilchos Melachim ch. 11:
אַף יֵשׁוּעַ הַנּוֹצְרִי שֶׁדִּימָה שֶׁיִּהְיֶה מָשִׁיחַ, וְנֶהֱרָג בְּבֵית דִּין, כְּבָר נִתְנַבֵּא בּוֹ דָּנִיֵּאל, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר “וּבְנֵי פָּרִיצֵי עַמְּךָ יִנַּשְּׂאוּ לְהַעֲמִיד חָזוֹן וְנִכְשָׁלוּ” (דניאל יא, יד). וְכִי יֵשׁ מִכְשׁוֹל גָּדוֹל מִזֶּה, שֶׁכָּל הַנְּבִיאִים דִּבְּרוּ שֶׁהַמָּשִׁיחַ גּוֹאֵל יִשְׂרָאֵל וּמוֹשִׁיעָם, וּמְקַבֵּץ נִדְחֵיהֶם וּמְחַזֵּק מִצְוָתָן, וְזֶה גָּרַם לְאַבֵּד יִשְׂרָאֵל בַּחֶרֶב, וּלְפַזֵּר שְׁאֵרִיתָם וּלְהַשְׁפִּילָם, וּלְהַחֲלִיף הַתּוֹרָה, וּלְהַטְעוֹת רוֹב הָעוֹלָם לַעֲבֹד אֱלוֹהַּ מִבַּלְעֲדֵי ה’.
“Jesus of Nazareth who aspired to be the Mashiach and was executed by the court was also alluded to in Daniel’s prophecies, as ibid. 11:14 states: “The vulgar among your people shall exalt themselves in an attempt to fulfill the vision, but they shall stumble.”
Can there be a greater stumbling block than Christianity? All the prophets spoke of Mashiach as the redeemer of Israel and their savior who would gather their dispersed and strengthen their observance of the mitzvot. In contrast, Christianity caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humbled, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the L-rd.”P.P.S. Responding that “according to some opinions beis din didn’t kill Yoshke” doesn’t refute my point.
September 9, 2024 10:41 am at 10:41 am in reply to: Terrorists Murdered Hostages Shortly Before They Were Located #2313109Menachem ShmeiParticipantInteresting thought about Muslim vs Christian Jew-hatred:
When large numbers of Jews, along with major Jewish infrastructure, were located in Christian Europe, most of the significant antisemitism came from Christians.
However, after mass migration to Eretz Yisroel, which is surrounded by Muslim nations, Muslims suddenly became the primary source of antisemitism.Perhaps this shift had less to do with Zionism and more to do with the fact that Jews face hatred wherever they are.
September 9, 2024 12:21 am at 12:21 am in reply to: Who Keeps the Wife Who Was Married Twice? #2312774Menachem ShmeiParticipantMenachem: Would you agree that both sides of the debate, including those that say the wife goes to her second husband, would agree it is best for the wife to remarry after becoming an almana (regardless if she became an almana young or old)?
I have no idea, but that does make sense.
That’s probably why the poskim were trying to find a hetter to go back to the first husband after תחה”מ, so that she should feel better about getting remarried.Menachem ShmeiParticipantYou say that Rashi says that Yaacov is physically alive and at the same time you say Rashi says that Yaacov was buried…
You’re so silly. Go back through my posts, this is what I was saying the entire time. ARSo can attest to this as well. This is exactly what Rashi says, and this is how he is classically understood.
The Gemara asks, wasn’t Yaakov embalmed and buried!? R’ Yitzchok answers, yes he was, but Torah says he is still alive.
Rashi says that they only embalmed him and buried him because they thought he was dead, but really he was alive. He didn’t die. This means physically.
How am I trying to play two sides? When did I say that Yaakov wasn’t buried?
I keep saying the exact same thing. Look through my posts, and you will see.
P.S. Here is my first response to you on the subject. You’ll see that I’ve been saying the same thing this entire time:
You wrote: …And yet i heard a Chabad rabbi claim that Rashi said that Yaacov is with us physically; that is a lie.
My response: “I guess it’s not just Qwerty who is arrogant about his ignorance.
Rashi (Taanos 5b) explains יעקב לא מת literally.
והאי דחנטו חנטיא סבורים היו שמת – they embalmed him because they THOUGHT he was dead.
נדמה להם שהוא מת אבל חי היה – it SEEMED to them that he was dead, but he was alive.Maharsha and others ARGUE on this pirush, and explain that his body did die.
This is the classic understanding of their argument, not unique to Chabad. Check any Artscroll.”
And what I wrote to ARSo a while ago:
“This is obviously the meaning. ר’ יוחנן doesn’t argue on the fact that Yaakov was buried in מערת המכפלה etc., rather he says that all of this WAS DONE because he seemed to be dead, but despite all of this he was alive (obviously miraculously).”Philosopher, will you admit that you misunderstood me, or will you attempt to prove that I did indeed change my mind? (If the latter, I want a date, time, and post number)
September 9, 2024 12:21 am at 12:21 am in reply to: Stupid Question, but would Appreciate any Smart Answers. #2312777Menachem ShmeiParticipantAAQ,
Well said.
September 8, 2024 4:11 pm at 4:11 pm in reply to: Terrorists Murdered Hostages Shortly Before They Were Located #2312710Menachem ShmeiParticipantYes, overall the Muslims were better to the Jews however they still murdered Jews and stole Jewish children, especially girls.
This is a very true and important point that the NK always ignore.
Remember the Rambam’s FIERY words about the Muslims after escaping the Almohads:
ידוע לכם שהקב”ה הפילנו במהמרות עונותינו בתוך אומה זו שהיא אומת ישמעאל שרעתם חזקה עלינו והם מתחכמים להרע ולמאוס אותנו כמו שגזר עלינו יתברך ואויבינו פלילים ושלא תעמוד על ישראל אומה יותר אויבת ממנה ולא אומה שהרעה בתכלית הרעה לדלדל אותנו ולהקטין אותנו ולמאוס אותנו כמוהם . . ואנחנו בעודנו סובלים שעבודה וכזביהם ושקרותם למעלה מיכולתנו שאין ביכולת האדם כח לסבול…
“No nation is as wicked as them or hates us as much as them.”Anyone who says that Muslims have historically always treated Jews nicely and peacefully is sadly mistaken.
September 8, 2024 4:11 pm at 4:11 pm in reply to: Stupid Question, but would Appreciate any Smart Answers. #2312709Menachem ShmeiParticipantI personally do try davening for non-frum hostages, as well as all Jews in Israel, as that seems to be in public opinion the right thing to do. But I do want to make sure I’m doing the right thing…Doesn’t sound like uncoditional love for anyone with Jewish blood. I assume the same applies to “lo saamoid al dam reiacha”.
Before coming to such a critical decision, I would speak to a rav moreh horaah, not rely on what people say on the internet.
can anyone give me a credible source that they’re still supposed to be in my hearts & prayers?
One is obligated to be mechalel Shabbos to save a Jewish life even in a case of safek (such as unsure if it’s a Yid or goy).
If a complete rasha is mekadesh a woman on condition that he is a complete tzaddik, it is kiddushin misafek because the person may have had a hirhur teshuva at that moment and become a tzaddik gomur.
How much more so regarding the hostages, which (a) how do you know what they believe in their hearts? And (b) how could a Jew not have a hirhur teshuvah when in such a miserable, critical situation?
So it is definitely much more than a safek.Also, these people are תינוקות שנשבו לבין העכו”ם (literally and figuratively) whom are considered אונס according to the Rambam.
The Chazon Ish writes that the “non believers” of today are not considered real kofrim due to the hardships of their surroundings.
There are many more sources (and your entire premise about ואהבת לרעך is wrong according to many opinions), but either way, it is definitely better to err on the side of protecting and davening for another Jewish life than the opposite ch”v.
The very fact that this was a question shows on a very faulty chinuch, or a serious troll. (Or both.)
Menachem ShmeiParticipantOnly a Lubavitcher would say rashi on Chumash is saying something different than Rashi on Gemara
Rashi is one person he doesn’t argue on himself and if you think that then YOU obviously don’t understand something!A) I didn’t say that they disagree. I said that I was discussing the words that Rashi said in Gemara which he doesn’t say in his pirush on Chumash.
B) Why don’t you do research before embarrassing yourself online? Everyone (who knows how to learn) knows that Rashi on Torah often differs from Rashi on Gemara, because he wrote each pirush for a different purpose:
Rashi in Gemara wants to explain the pshat of the Gemara, while Rashi on Chumash wants to explain the simplest pshat of the Chumash itself (as he writes in Bereishis: “אני לא באתי אלא לפשוטו של מקרא”), ommiting any pirushim that dont fit this goal.
He often explains the pesukim opposite of how the Gemara itself explains them, how much more so opposite of his pirush on Gemara!
This is a known fact to anyone who learns Chumash and Gemara with Rashi.Rashi is one person he doesn’t argue on himself and if you think that then YOU obviously don’t understand something!
This is absolute nonsense. There are many different darkei halimmud, and we often find one commentator who explains things in different ways in his different seforim.
Another example is the Rambam, who explains things one way in Moreh Nevuchim (which is a hashkafa sefer geared toward struggling Jews) and completely differently in Mishneh Torah (which is a halacha sefer), because both of these books serve very different purposes.
[See an earlier post of mine regarding how the Rambam explains Shiluach Haken in Mishneh Torah and in the Moreh.]Menachem ShmeiParticipantSo now you are saying I said said all along that his body expired as the posek says and not physically alive!!! Over what exactly are you still arguing with me on this? Unbelievable!
I am saying that the classic understanding of Rashi’s opinion is that Yaakov was physically alive, נשמה בגוף; he only SEEMED dead.
As the Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh writes, Yosef was allowed to kiss Yaakov (even though it is prohibited to kiss a dead person) because Yaakov didn’t actually die. They thought he was dead, but really he was in a deep sleep.
However, Maharsha believes that Rashi’s opinion is “דחוק” and gives his own pshat in the Gemara, similar to how you said. This means that Rashi and Maharsha have differing opinions.
September 8, 2024 9:33 am at 9:33 am in reply to: Who Keeps the Wife Who Was Married Twice? #2312408Menachem ShmeiParticipantIt’s a big question that has been brought up many times to poskim.
Many women didn’t want to remarry because they were worried that they would be stuck with their second husband in techias hameisim.
I think there are varying teshuvos on the topic without one single answer. It is a matter of debate.
Rabbi Avrohom Gerlitzky wrote about his at length in his sefer ימות המשיח בהלכה.
Here is a section:
אבל עי’ בשו”ת מצב הישר סי’ ז (ווילנא תרמ”א) אודות אשה שהיתה נשואה לבעל מופלג בתורה ויר”ש ושבק חיים ומונעת א”ע להנשא עוד הפעם מפני שמתפחדת שכשנזכה לתחיית המתים שלא תחזור אז לבעלה הראשון, והשיב שמצינו בזוה”ק בראשית (כא, ב) מכאן [אוליפנא] נוקבא דאתנסיבת בתרין בההוא עלמא אהדרת לקדמאה וכו’, ופי’ באמרי בינה בהגליון שם: פי’ שנשאת לב’ אנשים זה אחר זה חוזרת לעתיד לבעלה הראשון עכ”ל, וכן הבין גדול קדמון בספרו מפתחות הזהר (בענין זיווג וחבור חלק א’) שכתב אשה שנשאת לשנים חוזרת לראשון לעוה”ב.והקשה שם שהרי יש לאו לחזור לאשתו הראשונה אחר שנשאת לשני? והאריך שם לתרץ דמצוה זו אכן לא תתקיים לע”ל, אבל קשה לתרץ כן.
ובשו”ת רב פעלים ח”ב סוד ישרים סי’ ב כתב להמחבר אודות תשובה זו ושקו”ט בכ”ז בארוכה, ובנוגע לקושייתו שהרי יש איסור לחזור לבעל הראשון אחר שנשאת לאחר? תירץ דכיון שהגוף שיעמוד אחר תחיית המתים הוא גוף חדש, לכן כל קשר וזיקה שהי’ בין הגופים קודם מותם הרי הוא בטל והוה כנישואים ראשונים. וזהו רק בדברים שהם מצד הגוף אבל החיבור מצד הנפש אינו מתבטל אחר המיתה כי בנפש אין שום שינוי בין קודם מיתה ללאחר מיתה, ומצד הנפש ראוי שתתחבר עם בעלה הראשון, עיי”ש (וכתב דכ”ז לא איירי אלא כשמת, אבל אם נתגרשה מבעלה הראשון ודאי נתבטל הקשר). וראה לעיל סי’ נט שהובא זה, עיי”ש בארוכה.
דאי נימא כדבריו דבתחיית המתים אמרינן דפנים חדשות באו לכאן בודאי לכו”ע יצטרכו לקידושין, כיון דמצד הגוף אין זו אותה האשה, וכמו שכתב שם [אף דאכתי י”ל כאופן הא’ שההיתר של האשה בא בדרך ממילא], ומ”מ סב”ל להזהר שחוזרת לבעלה הראשון מצד נשמתם.
וראה לעיל סי’ נט-ס שמצינו דעות בזה אם בתחיית המתים אכן אמרינן פנים חדשות באו לכאן או לא. ובכללות נתבאר די”ל שזה תלוי בהמבואר בלקוטי שיחות חי”ח פ’ חוקת (ב) סעי’ י שכותב דבאופן התחי’ של תחיית המתים אפשר לומר בב’ אופנים: א) יישאר משהו בגוף ממציאותו הראשונה בעוה”ז, רק שיתוסף לכך תוספת והתחדשות בבנין הגוף. ב) תחה”מ תהיה באופן של התחדשות הגוף בכל הפרטים, ולא יישאר מאומה ממציאותו הראשונה של הגוף בעוה”ז, ומבאר שם שזהו פלוגתת המד”ר והזהר עם הפרקי דר”א פל”ד, עיי”ש בארוכה, דאי נימא כהדיעה דלא הוה פנים חדשות י”ל דאי”צ לקידושין.
ובענף יוסף (בעין יעקב) סנהדרין ר”פ חלק הביא מספר הנצחון דסב”ל שתשוב לבעלה השני כי מיתת בעל הראשון הוה כגירושין וכמו שבגירושין יש איסור לחזור לבעל הראשון אחרי שנשאת לשני כן הוא באלמנה שנשאת,[10] דלפי דעה זו הי’ אפ”ל ג”כ שאי”צ קידושין מהאחרון, כיון דלדיעה זו משמע דלא סב”ל דפנים חדשות באו לכאן, אבל לאידך גיסא הרי דיעה זו סב”ל דמיתה כגירושין כנ”ל. וי”ל דאין זה משום דסב”ל דמעשה המיתה הוה כגירושין ולכן יש איסור להחזירה, אלא דמעשה הקידושין והנישואין להשני הוה כגירושין, וכפי שנת’ לעיל דזה בודאי מפקיע אישות של הראשון, וא”כ י”ל דגם דיעה זו סב”ל כאופן הא’, וא”כ שפיר י”ל דאי”צ קידושין מהאחרון. וראה שו”ת גנזי יוסף סי’ ק”כ ונחלת בנימין ע’ פב.