Forum Replies Created
November 27, 2019 12:04 pm at 12:04 pm in reply to: Why are the liberals going to bus dangerous youths from OOT into Flatbush? #1805074meir GParticipant
which yeshiva in flatbush is looking for space , every school is trembling at the “exodus” of young families , for the first time our major mosdos are running full page ads in the FJJ, schools that until a few years ago had 30 kids in a class and you couldnt get in have now 23 and more accepting
do u daven in flatbush ? isnt shul less full than 7-8 years ago ( aside from a few new ones )
flatbush is full of big houses with 2 people living there 6 months out of the year
did u notice the foot traffic on j 3 stores closed in the last 6 monthsNovember 13, 2019 12:26 pm at 12:26 pm in reply to: $5,000.000 donated to Trump by Orthodox Jews, can we afford it? #1800391meir GParticipantthe person hopefully innocently asking the question , has no concept of how business, or philanthropy or even how the frum non profit world works i could explain it a bit too long for a blog . so for those that attended or those that didnt all in all it was a wonderful event with long lasting ramifications and so many things that couldve flopped BORUCH HASHEM DIDNT ” kee lashem hamelucha
November 6, 2019 2:28 pm at 2:28 pm in reply to: What’s the plan if it snows the day of the Siyum Hashas? #1797937meir GParticipantkasheleg yalbinu!
November 4, 2019 10:11 pm at 10:11 pm in reply to: How much $$$ does a typical Frum family spend on groceries per week? #1797307meir GParticipanti actualy saved my receipts for the past week a family of 6 kids it was $ 670 inc shabbos ( that inc. pizza one night , a little sushi when it was half off, kids snacks, dips.. and that was mostly KRM – yes some stuff was from freezer bag brocolli, container cashews…
October 31, 2019 7:27 pm at 7:27 pm in reply to: How much $$$ does a typical Frum family spend on groceries per week? #1796377meir GParticipantif u include all food takeout, bakery… a family of 6 kids 500 is the lower end – and it goes up & up
October 31, 2019 2:04 pm at 2:04 pm in reply to: Out of Town – Chassidish community options? #1796163meir GParticipantlinden nj has 60 families / mt kisco in white plains area / kasho town in bedford hills / and even a pupa town – but your q is very vague and there are so many variables beginning on WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO MOVE OUT? a chasidish family has to have a major reason or reasons to live ir hakodesh metro area
meir GParticipantmany smaller mikvaos in brooklyn that are part of a shtibel open at a certain hr on erev rosh hashana maybe 12pm as an example so just get there a few min early.. secondly rav sharage feivel used to tell the bochurim in torah vodaas that in dinei geirus a bris alone is not enough you need ” tevila” . he said if mikva can make a goy to a yid it definitly has the koach to make a yid A BETTER YID. so go stay focused no one is really looking at you … =gut yom tov
meir GParticipantone more point you can ask the rav of a shteeble to open early for you if the privacy is a deal breaker most would happily oblige you
March 12, 2019 8:13 pm at 8:13 pm in reply to: What is the problem with the internet (rhetorical) #1694741meir GParticipantinsight from rav moshe wolfson shlita; In his shmuess to the shul 1. yidden have a mesorah in staying away from bad and choosing good ” sur mera..” THOSE WERE AlWAYS SEPERATE ” 2. however we dont have a clear mesorah on dealing with something that has so much good , potential, and necessity yet has so much potential evil ” ALL IN ONE” ” gefluchten in one device
3. everything is merumaz and has its roots in brias haolam ( p’ breshis) the mashgiach said the eitz hadas was a tree of knowledge and info ( similar to google) yodea tov vera , and similarly the internet and the smart phone is a ” peiri a fruit of that shoresh, lastly the mashgiach added that’s possibly why the symbol is AN APPLE WITH A BITE MISSING. his message was if its nec. use it a s a tool , not as a browsing form of entertainment , keep out of shul and tefilos should be undisturbed LASTLY that a person must realize that any aveira done with the internet is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY and dont blame it on ” the keli” as the kotzker told a talmid doing gilgul sheleg ” az doo hust choteh geven , farvoos peinigst to dein guf – the guf didnt do it YOU DIDFebruary 18, 2019 1:10 pm at 1:10 pm in reply to: Day camps ; BP vs. Flatbush – price, hours & program #1681334meir GParticipantjoseph i meant running dc as an extension of the school
February 17, 2019 2:44 pm at 2:44 pm in reply to: Day camps ; BP vs. Flatbush – price, hours & program #1680867meir GParticipanti made a number of calls and one kind administrator explained the cause for the price diff. with these few points;
1.all DC in bp are run as an extension of the school by the school and as a service primarily to the parent body.
2. the goal is to break even and cover the cost of their drivers , office staff, cleaning crew…yes addl staff get pd but they are not top heavy.
3. no rent the school does not charge its own dc rent its basicly the same entity
4. a big one ; they all own their BUSES so transp. is way down. flatbush its about 7200 for 4 kids not 9000 as i posted bp is about 1000-1400 a kid
6. programming, trips…& salaries are basicly the same but there is no director salary aside from the very big places
7. more eligible lunch program
as a frustrated parent i understand its time we learn something from bpmeir GParticipanttoo much space needed for the income ask yeled vyalda to open one in flatbush there you are not paying for the property …vehamavin yovin similar to a wedding hall in brooklyn cannot survive unless its under a mosad and you are using the basement of a yeshiva like all the atreres …..
April 25, 2018 6:16 pm at 6:16 pm in reply to: Upon discovering that your shul uses Carlebach niggunim #1511187meir GParticipantwe asked a senior godol who understands nigleh & nistar, who has big shimush from the previous door and understands shirah vezimrah for his hadrachah in our yeshivah , the rav said that now that r’ shlomo is in the olam haemes even those that had a kepeida to sing his nigunim bechayav would agree that, after petirosoh there is no inyan not too sing the nigunim
August 31, 2017 4:19 pm at 4:19 pm in reply to: The Age Gap and the Musical Chairs of Shidduchim👴👶🏻🎶💺💺 #1352514meir GParticipantthe point that one commenter makes about the musical chairs analogy ; and that is if the same girls are consistently left w/o a seat that is a very strong point. i think the biggest challenge is that there is anecdotal evidence that breaks all rules meaning for example ; poor girls get married , kids from divorced homes get married , fat people get married, working boys get married if you look around somehow even people with big chisronos LIKE MYSELF got married B”h. so aside from a gezera milmaaloh whats holding it up??? one final point how often do you go o a vort and look at the 2 sides and scratch your head thinking ” they told me they were looking for xyz this is so diff. i would never have put this togethor