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Joseph, Israel should also implement a policy that no Jews are allowed in Jerusalem period…since we don’t know the exact location of HH”B…technically it could be anywhere, so at least we can throw out the kotel…that’s waaay too close.
medicineman613ParticipantMW13, I hate to burst the bubble you are living in, but I worked as a physician in Yerushalayim for 7 years, only recent back in the US. I treated many arabs there FOR FREE, with hundreds even thousands of $s spent on often single patient medications and interventions…many weren’t even citizens of Israel. My observation being a “neutral” care giver while Jewish myself, is that 99.9%, while not actively violent and committing crimes against Jews…actually hate their guts and given the opportunity and convenience would gladly participate in harming Jews. That point aside, there are rare arabs, who are educated, smart and actually really like the Jews in Israel…funny how those three go together.
medicineman613ParticipantMy apologies to the moderator for my false assumptions and attitude. Thanks
How refreshing, you’re welcome
medicineman613ParticipantI love how the moderators of this site deleted my post of Rav Moshe Tendler ascending HHB, the full video with him even giving a halachic ruling about where one can go. Trying to hide the truth is just as dishonorable as a lie. If anyone wants to view it, just google Rav Moshe Tendler of Monsey ascends HHB.
Thanks for the attitude and stereotypical assumptions. We don’t post outside links.. I deleted your post without even reading it.
medicineman613ParticipantThe evil in the world is the great deceiver. Black is white, white is black. Whenever a Jew is doing what G-d asks of Him her…it’s going to resist and fight him. The more important the task, the harder the fight. It doesn’t take more than a brief look in the Tanach, to see that whenever great people did great things, great evil was there to resist them, even to the point of death. If someone says it’s a crime for a Jew to just walk on a small part of HHB they are saying it’s a crime to be a Jew. If they throw rocks and attack a Goy who says “am Israel Chai” while walking on HHB, then it’s a crime to be a Jew in Israel. Laying down and being comfortable with such intolerance is against principals of Torah. When the Jews came back from Bavel and with the niviim started rebuilding the 2nd Bays Hamigdash, guess what, they faced huge obstacles even attacks back in that day as well. Being comfortable to lay down and give up 30% of the mitzvot in the Torah because some arab thugs tell Israel what to do with their own land is wrong.
medicineman613ParticipantTruthfully, going and removing the Ark from it’s hiding place (having been seen inside by multiple wittnesses in 1982 along with other gold objects but now burried behind 6 ft of concrete) inside of Har Habayis is more important than ascending. It would cause several things:
1. Establish the precise location of the kodosh kodoshim
2. Reinstill national pride and mass tshuvah in Israel
3. Establish a mishkan on HHB eventually a temple building
medicineman613ParticipantSaying that ascending to Har Habayis is wrong because it incites muslim wrath and is “provoking” them to anger and therefore endangers Jewish lives, is the same twisted logic that says that it’s wrong to move to Israel because that also provokes their anger and makes them violent.