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Ujm, I actually heard that the stripes and their order on our Ashkenazi talleisim are there for Kabbalistic reasons.
May 8, 2022 8:44 pm at 8:44 pm in reply to: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? #2084537mdd1ParticipantRegarding the avirah’s point (I am sorry I stopped following that part of the debate): NoMesorah, are you even an Orthodox Jew? Your views are way,way off.
May 8, 2022 8:43 pm at 8:43 pm in reply to: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? #2084536mdd1ParticipantNoMesorah, there is no debate whatsoever if Christianity is avodah zarah. The only debate is if this type of avodah zarah is prohibited to a ben-Noach. Yidden for generations would rather be killed than be mode in Christianity.
mdd1ParticipantUser176, what did you mean by that? Could you please elaborate?
May 8, 2022 4:49 am at 4:49 am in reply to: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? #2084155mdd1ParticipantNOMESORAh– indeed!! If you do not think that Christianity is avodah zorah, then you have gone so far off that there is nothing to discuss with you anymore.
mdd1ParticipantUser176, you are so wrong. When it comes to be melamed zechus, one needs to melamed zechus, but when paskening Halochah, one is to pasken the truth!
mdd1ParticipantAvira, the psak of the Chazon Ish is a big shvere kulah — according to him. even if somebody grew up frum and does aveiros (any aveiros), he is to be treated as a tinok she’nishbah.
User 176, one is to pasken Halochah alibah de’emes. It has nothing to do with the time of the year! Koach de’heteirah adif? So, according to you, if one opinion says an action is chillul Shabbos, and another – that it is okay, we should pasken le’kukah? Chas ve’sholom.May 6, 2022 1:03 am at 1:03 am in reply to: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? #2083820mdd1ParticipantHa’Levi, please tell us why Christianity is an avodah zorah?
TS Baum, so by the Christians only one person is a cheilek of God, but according to you every Jew is. OY WEY!!!mdd1ParticipantBA Mentsch, blasphemy?!?
mdd1ParticipantMarxist, many Poskim (Rav Moshe among them) hold that even if someone was brought up not-frum, if he is exposed to Yiddishkeit for a while, it causes him to lose his status of tinok she’nishbah.
May 5, 2022 1:17 am at 1:17 am in reply to: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? #2083237mdd1ParticipantN0mesorah, maybe the Christians also do not really mean what they say, and they are actually real monotheists?
May 3, 2022 8:11 am at 8:11 am in reply to: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? #2082134mdd1ParticipantN0mesorah, you are trying to bend yourself over backwards just to justify Chabad. Why did you decide that none of them mean it about the Rebbe? And your explanation of the Rabbi Belsky psak is simply not true.
April 12, 2022 1:08 am at 1:08 am in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2077689mdd1ParticipantAlways…, depending on the circumstances of the case.
As far as the train station attack goes: Kramatorsk is a very pro-Russian place in the Donbass region. Why would the Russians bomb their own supporters? And with missiles which are used by the Ukrainian army, but not used anymore (or almost never) by the Russian army.April 11, 2022 11:59 pm at 11:59 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2077623mdd1ParticipantHow do jurors choose to believe that something “was proven beyond reasonable doubt”? Using your brains.
April 11, 2022 5:09 pm at 5:09 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2077594mdd1ParticipantAmil Zola, maybe the tools of the Arabs and the Iranians that the other side, at least partially, adopted.
2cents, o please! I agree that many corpses were found in Bucha, but how do you know those people were not just caught in crossfire? Even if a couple of them appear to be executed, how do you who they are — maybe they were Russian POWs or Russian sympathizers who were executed by radical Ukrainians, and their bodies were planted in Bucha? Why in the world do you need independent investigators — everything is clear according to you? (the French team has just arrived – I am not sure if they are 100% independent, but, at least, something…)
Again, if the Ukr. authorities and the West were very careful and straight with what they say, I would be more inclined to believe them. It is not Putin’s intention to antagonize his “Ukrainian brethren” like that. Etc.April 11, 2022 1:31 pm at 1:31 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2077458mdd1Participant2cents and jackk, when Putin said that Ukraine was committing genocide in eastern Ukraine I found his clam to be preposterous. As I have made clear I doubt or reject claims that look fishy – whichever side they come from. My recommendation: think and don’t just swallow what you are being told.
By the way, the UN says Israel has been committing atrocities in Palestine.
You have nothing to object to my specific arguments.April 11, 2022 1:22 am at 1:22 am in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2077311mdd1ParticipantAlways…, are you for real?? Minute details?? Go and look the definition of “genocide”. And of “war crimes”. Also, something you and others here do not realize is that to Putin, most Russians and many Ukrainians modern Russia and Ukraine are two parts of the same country. Learning some history would help.
April 10, 2022 9:36 pm at 9:36 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2077264mdd1ParticipantModern, if you see the Ukrainian government and the West saying gross exaggerations or lies to your face, and then they tell you they discovered evidence of the atrocities being committed– there are big reasons to doubt their claims.
Modern and 2cents, Liz Cheney today said that the attack on the Kramatorsk train station shows that Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine. Your take on her statement, please.April 10, 2022 1:53 am at 1:53 am in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2077076mdd1ParticipantAlways_Ask…, blockading the coast is an act of war. Plus, why are you concentrating on conducting war in Europe, in Asia they are not human?
I am not saying I agree with everything Putin says or does, but the West and Ukraine should not have been provoking the Russian bear. They were asking, sort of, for what they got.April 8, 2022 7:33 am at 7:33 am in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2076879mdd1ParticipantAlways…, I really do not like going in circles. Russia has a number of reasons why they went into Ukraine. Did you care to find out what those are?
The killed people? You have to prove that they were intentionally murdered. Even if you have a proof for 4 cases, it does not extend to the thousands others.
How do you know that the buses can not go in because of the Russians, the Ukrainian nationalists and neo-Nazis (“Azov” battalion) may prevent them from going in to create an atrocities narrative. Random Ukrainians appearing in the media may be Ukrainian security services agents.April 7, 2022 8:20 pm at 8:20 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2076788mdd1ParticipantPi Ha’Gevurah should spelled with capital letters.
April 7, 2022 4:06 pm at 4:06 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2076665mdd1ParticipantApologize for what? To which kollelman? As far as the number of the dead goes, the burden of proof is on the prosecution — especially when it comes to the unusual and explosive claim of murdering 300-400 civilians in one village.
April 7, 2022 4:06 pm at 4:06 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2076666mdd1ParticipantAnd if it is not the official or encouraged policy of the Russian army, you cant blame Putin personally or Russiaas a country. Individual law-breakers need to be prosecuted.
April 7, 2022 1:41 pm at 1:41 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2076609mdd1ParticipantThe bodies could have been planted. Also some rogue Russian soldiers may have committed crimes, but not the execution of a lots of people, and also not as a policy of the Russian army. Look at the news — there are alleged Ukrainian atrocities against Russian POWs dating back to March 30 and so on.
April 7, 2022 12:43 pm at 12:43 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2076541mdd1ParticipantAvraham in MD, what we know is that the hospital and the theater were bombed, the Ukrainian authorities conveniently did provide information about the presence of their military men there — whether they were there or not — thus omitting important details to possibly create propaganda.
If you were following the news more closely, you would know that Russia by now faces a shortage of precision-guided munitions. Also these munitions help only so much to limit the damage — they are not lasers.
As far as Bucha goes, let me be clear: the Russians are certainly capable of committing war crimes, but in this case I have my strong doubts about the whole story. Firstly, read my previous post as to why the Ukrainians can not be trusted. The Western governments were also playing a similar game. When — some time ago — Russia attacked a Ukrainian army base next to Lviv, Blinken’s response was: “Stop the brutality!”. Which brutality — a completely military target had been struck! As soon as Putin declared war, UK prime minister declared it “a horrific invasion”. What was horrific about it at the time? Also the huge amount of alleged victims — 300 to 400 — only in one village. And they claim in other places it is even more! This sounds very fishy.April 6, 2022 9:00 pm at 9:00 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2076334mdd1ParticipantAvraham in MD, READ what you quoted — it implies exactly what i wrote. One is not prohibited from bombing a hospital or a school if there are enemy combatants there unless excessive force is used,
April 6, 2022 12:46 am at 12:46 am in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2076013mdd1ParticipantAlways_Ask…, the theater in Mariupol — how do you know there were no Ukrainian combatants nearby? Why in the world would the Russians bomb a purely civilian place in very heavily pro-Russian Mariupol?! We are not talking about Lviv (Lvov) where I would understand why they would have a yetzer hora to do so.
The Russians stopping the convoys trying to take people out? And you know that how? Because Zelensky and his cronies told you so?April 5, 2022 10:49 pm at 10:49 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2075975mdd1ParticipantAvraham in MD, Russia also has a number of reasons/justifications for their invasion. You and others here were to quick to swallow the Western/Ukrainian propaganda.
April 5, 2022 6:30 pm at 6:30 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2075956mdd1ParticipantAvraham in MD, the Russian army behavior is not up to the Israeli standards, but there was no solid proof of war crimes yet. If enemy combatants take up positions in or near a hospital, you are allowed to fire at them. You have to learn the laws of warfare to know what constitutes a war crime.
April 5, 2022 3:02 pm at 3:02 pm in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2075859mdd1Participant2cents, did you support the US invasions of Iraq and Afganistan, the Israeli invasion of Gaza and bombings of Lebanon? Plenty of civilians were killed there etc.
Hiju, please be more specific.April 5, 2022 5:53 am at 5:53 am in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2075566mdd1ParticipantAlways_Ask…, destroyed buildings (or even dead bodies) prove nothing. You need to have a proof that someone intentionally targeted purely civilian targets or used disproportional force — like dropping a huge bomb on a single enemy soldier hiding near an apartment building. The US and Israeli armies also destroy buildings too, you know.
April 5, 2022 12:47 am at 12:47 am in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2075529mdd1ParticipantJackk, who said they just intentionally targeted civilians — there is no proof of that yet!
April 5, 2022 12:47 am at 12:47 am in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2075528mdd1ParticipantJackk, Putin views the Ukrainians as a brotherly nation. Your accusations have no basis in reality. Learn more about the background of the conflict.
Gadolhadorah, you are so wrong!! The Ukrainian government have been lying like crazy from the very beginning of the war. Zelensky accused Russia of committing genocide!(Do you know what genocide is?) When Russian shells or a missile land someplace in Ukraine, they start yelling “war crimes, crimes against humanity”. The Ukrainians clearly can not be trusted. They totally could have staged the whole Bucha incident.February 6, 2022 9:12 pm at 9:12 pm in reply to: RNC Censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger #2058051mdd1ParticipantSmerel, one does not need articles or investigators to know what Trump is. He said enough in front of numerous cameras and tweeted enough and did enough things which are officially known from which it is clear what he is.
February 6, 2022 9:11 pm at 9:11 pm in reply to: RNC Censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger #2058049mdd1ParticipantTS Baum and Smerel, El. Cheney’s views are solidly Republican in the traditional sense. Trump’s are lav davka. Cheney is not a Trump boot-licker, though. That is the whole story
February 6, 2022 12:08 am at 12:08 am in reply to: RNC Censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger #2057875mdd1ParticipantSmerel, why in the world would Cheney suddenly embrace the Left-Liberal agenda?!? Are you for real? Stop spewing the lunatic Trump propaganda which can not withstand the smallest scrutiny.
mdd1ParticipantChas ve’sholom, to speak about Ravina the way some posters did here.
December 19, 2021 11:17 pm at 11:17 pm in reply to: Trump Incitement VS. Sanders Incitement #2043309mdd1ParticipantAbba S, denial is not a place in Egypt. The Capitol police almost did not use their firearms. The Trump supporters beat up the police and forced their way in. Enough already.
mdd1ParticipantHaLeivi ,do you know that the US Capitol was stormed and overrun on Jan. 6, 2021?
Trump did know they would do it? Anybody a little intelligent should have seen that it totally could happen.December 12, 2021 10:57 am at 10:57 am in reply to: 80 Years Today of Pearl Harbor Invasion #2040734mdd1ParticipantAnonymosJew and others, I answered your questions about the “gezeirah min Ha’Shamaim”, but for some reason the Moderator did not let my post through.
December 12, 2021 10:40 am at 10:40 am in reply to: 80 Years Today of Pearl Harbor Invasion #2040675mdd1ParticipantUjm, your statement is patently wrong.
mdd1ParticipantAnnonymosJew, there was a gezeirah min Ha’Shamaim on the Europen Jewry. However, also there was a gezeirah min Ha’Shamaim that a part of the European Jewry had to be saved. One of the ways the latter was accomplished was by involving the US in the war (due to the bombing of Pearl Harbor).
mdd1ParticipantUjm, it was true only at a certain point in the war.
mdd1ParticipantAkuperma, the US was not trying to provoke Japan. It was trying to help China which was facing brutal Japanese aggression.
December 1, 2021 12:25 am at 12:25 am in reply to: what is the cause of income inequality in the jewish commnuity? #2036507mdd1ParticipantUjm, “kach hee darka shel Torah: pas ba’melach…” refers to someone who learns to become a Talmid Chocham — that, if that what it takes, he should do it. It does not refer to ba’alei batim.
3 hours of working a day? That is if you can make enough money to support your family that way.mdd1ParticipantYabia Omer, this trait of Ashkenazim is a ma’alah. It is called guarding the mesorah to prevent deviations and guarding against sin — as opposed to anything-goes Judaism (like in many of your communities). Ok, not mamash anything goes, but too lax.
mdd1ParticipantAviraDeArah, there is an obligation to learn all of the Torah. Also, Rashi in parshas KiSisa brings down a ma’amar ChaZ”L saying that a Talmid Chocham must be adorned with knowledge of the TaNaCh. And nobody learns it overly in Yeshivos.
mdd1ParticipantIt may be mentioned in the Da’as Zkeinim mi’Ba’alei ha’Tosfos. Two Rabbonim clashed about it.
mdd1ParticipantSome did. There was a machlokes about it, though. It may also mentioned in the Kinnos of Tishah be’Av.
mdd1ParticipantAvirahDeArah, Jews did such things during the Crusades and the pogroms in times of the Middle Ages.