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  • in reply to: Erez Yisrael or stay in Galut? #2184966

    Ymwe, bring us a clear source from Chazal to this claim that no Jew will be left behind. There are clear sources from TaNaCh and Chazal that say that the coming of Moshiach will be a time of great judgement and only those Jews who are worthy will be zoche to come.

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2183242

    Always, the Jews with the Polish citizenship left during the Stalin times — in the mid-forties.

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2182922

    CS, Rabbi Shneerson killed Stalin and brought down the Iron curtain?!?!? Said who?!?
    Rabbi M.M. Shneerson did not make all or majority of Klal Yisroel go in the derech ha’Torah or rebuild the Beis Ha’Mikdash or did other things which Moshiach is supposed to do. Enough of brainwashing!

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2181609

    Jackk, like I said, learn some history. Even from the American academic(!) sources.
    Also, think critically and don’t be naive.

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2181554

    jackk, knowing some history would not hurt (just not at the expense of learning Torah — learn history in the bathroom). The USSR swallowed the Baltic countries which are not really Russian (though had been a part of the Russian empire). Putin is trying to re-attach parts of Ukraine to Russia — both of which had been a part of the original Russian state.

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2181551

    Jackk, they killed millions of people invading Ukraine? Are you sober?
    According to the Western mindset, the USSR and modern Russia are all the same evil Russians.
    Stop swallowing the propaganda.

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2181430

    UJM, again, they were not running to join NATO when they had the whole USSR next to them, backed by the Warsaw Pact nations, and now they became nervous?

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2181393

    UJM, why would Finland want to participate in this stunt? Because the US and their Western allies, most likely, pressured and cajoled it.

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2180064

    A political stunt meant to stick it to Putin. They did not want to be in NATO during the times of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact, and now they want?

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2174466

    n0mesrah, and what goe on in Meiron?

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2174182

    Ben, it is a statement from the Zohar! These are very deep, not- simple yinyonim. For the third time — you can’t just pull out a Kabbolah statement, read it literally and draw conclusions. That is why Chazal (second perek of Chagigah) held that sisrei Torah are to be told only to few select individuals.

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2173870

    Ben, you do not know what you are talking about! You can not just pull out a quote from a Kabbolah seifer and take it ke’pshuto!! Any half am ha’orez knows that. What do you think I and Avira and a multitude of others do not know these statements?

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2173806

    Ben, on a different topic: did you ever wonder why most azahoros of TaNaCh and Chazal are on dererch ha’yirah?

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2173805

    Ben T., you quote Kabbalistic concepts here — excellent! Christianity and your Chabad avoda zora are all based on misunderstanig of exactly these concepts! How is your understanding of what your Rebbe is different from the concept of Trinity?

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2173399

    Ben Toiro, have you seen my post?

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2173068

    Also, Ben Toiro, don’t write so long, please.

    in reply to: The Five Most Likeliest Candidates to be Moshiach #2173062

    Ben Toiro, if the Lubavitchers were just “doviek be’avar ragleihim” of their Rebbes it would not be a problem. The problem is that by them, the Rebbe partially replaces Ha’SHem, R”l. If a Lubaticher does something he should not, they tell him:” you are starting up with the Rebbe…” or “you are asid le’iten es ha’din in front of the Rebbe…”

    in reply to: Medinah #2168912

    Avira, I am not going to argue with you whether it is night or day now. Enough is enough!

    in reply to: Medinah #2168890

    You follow Rav Belsky on this?!? Really? I also knew him. Ok?

    in reply to: Medinah #2168889

    Avira, there is no difference between the Satmar and Agudah on Israel? I do not know what Rav Reuven Grozovsky meant. Le’ma’ase it is totally not like that. You have to be honest!

    in reply to: Medinah #2168875

    Avira, My point is they have not been following the Satmar shita either. Stop pretending not to see it. They were not as madly opposed as you and your Satmar chavierim are.

    in reply to: Medinah #2168843

    Avira, have you noticed that most Gedolim do not follow the Satmar shita? Do you think there is a reason for it?

    in reply to: Medinah #2168842

    Avira and Ujm, I replied, but the Mod did not let it through.

    in reply to: Medinah #2168711

    Avira, Reb Yoel held that Zionism was a pirtza and he was allowed to say things which are not emes to fight it. Get it?
    And do not make out of him a big mekubal either.

    in reply to: Medinah #2168710

    Avira, have you looked at any sources besides the Satmar ones?!? Maharal does not say what you claim he said — it is a a big stretch, to put it mildly. Check it inside. The ta’anah about the UN and therfore the Arabs not counting — Reb Moshe held like that.

    in reply to: Medinah #2168707

    Avira, what about people talking during chazoras ha’shaztz, also a public abrogation of the will of H’ — are you as upset? What about if there are groups of frei Yidden in chutz la’Aretz — are the anti-Zionists as outraged as they are about the medinah?

    in reply to: Medinah #2168402

    Always, what in the world are you trying to say? Maybe learn the about Yehu or the rebellion against Atalya or about king Yoshia?

    in reply to: Medinah #2168356

    Avira, the choimer of the aveirah makes a difference.
    Also, if there are groups of frei Yidden in chutz la’Aretz, is it chillul Ha’SHem or it is only when they live in Eretz Yisroel it is a problem?

    in reply to: Medinah #2168153

    Avirah, Shmittah and trumos&maaseros are de’Rabbonon nowdays.
    In the US they would never ever agree to directly support that large chunk of population in kollel.

    in reply to: Jews Who Lived Under Muslim Rule #2156595

    Shimon Nodel, the historians say something along the Ujm’s lines, not yours. So, tone down the rhetoric, maybe.

    in reply to: Haredim denounce Ben Gvir Temple Mount provocation #2154842

    RBZS, how do you know he did not go to the mikve and went to the wrong areas? Also, not making a brocha does not invalidate the tevila.

    in reply to: 2 States #2149353

    Marxist, who said that the Israel would have the strength to fight off Germany, especially if they (the Germans) had gotten there full force? The Nazis almost felled the Soviet Union. It is ridiculous Zionist propaganda that : “Had there been a state, it would have prevented the Holocaust.”. Who said it would have?

    in reply to: 2 States #2148324

    Also, why do you not look at the famous case of Eliyahu ha’Novi that I brought down? He spoke badly only about a part of the Northern Kingdom of Aseres Ha’Shevotim.

    in reply to: 2 States #2148320

    Avirah, I am not telling you my chiddushim. Adas Korach? You find Klal Yisroel castigated all over Tanach — because there was a big toeles in saying and writing down those statements. When therei is no toeles though …The chiddush that it applies down to a small city is from the Chafetz Chaim. Just read carefully what I wrote.

    in reply to: 2 States #2148177

    About Eliyahu — it is in Rashi in Melochim 1, perek 19, on the posuk 16. There is also a Zohar about this episode which says that even though there is not a better tzadik than Eliyahu in all the generations, but he became very bad in the eyes of HKBH when he said kategoriya on the Jewish people.

    in reply to: 2 States #2148175

    I remember seeing it in the Chaftez Chaim’s seforim. I have to go back and find the exact places. Also, the mekoros from Chazal. The famous case of Eliyahu ha’Novi when he said that bnei Yisroel violated your bris and killed your neviim. He was obvously talking about reshoim. And the case of Hoshea ha’Novi from the beginning of perek Ha’isha in Pesochim. He was also talking about the reshoim.

    in reply to: 2 States #2148140

    Avira, the halochah applies to speaking about the Chareidim also. Obviously. Try to read what I wrote — it is a din about a tzibur.

    in reply to: 2 States #2148112

    Ujm and Avira, there is such an issur as limud kategoriya on Klal Yisroel. Namely, if a group of Jews (even if they are reshoim and even if we are talking about only the people of one town) do something wrong, it is forbidden to mention it unless there is big toeles in doing so. For sure, it is forbidden to make up slander about them.

    in reply to: 2 States #2147737

    Also, Avirah (of Phylistyn?), your claim that thet never bothered the old Yishuv is sheker. They never bothered them the way the later bothered the Zionists.
    Buddy, when you “flipped out” you lost your “balance” a bit. Time to work on it.

    in reply to: 2 States #2147734

    Avirah, I said they did not start the violence. The Altalina was kind of killing be’din malkus. I do not accept everything Reb Chaim said, and even him -you have to know how far he meant. Again, I do not deny the Der Yassin — but you have to look at the context! Why just jump to accuse other Jews — “bo u’ree ma bein poshei Yisroel le’neviey Umos ha’Oilam…”! I know many of them were reshoim ben adam le’Mokom, but you do not have to slander them like that! Comparing them to the Nazis and the Japanese invaders!

    in reply to: 2 States #2147685

    Avirah, and the expulsion from the rst of the Arab villages happened shortly after Der Yassin — during the Israeli independence war. The Arabs were asking for it — big time.

    in reply to: 2 States #2147683

    Avirah, Der Yasssin happened after almost 30 years of Arab attacks and in response to the murder of thousands Jews that had been slaughtered right before that! Historians you are getting it from are the revisionist, or lefty of anti-Semitic types. Again shame on you!

    in reply to: 2 States #2147600

    Avirah ,the Arabs started the violence and were responsible for the most of it. The Jews only responded. Shame on you!

    in reply to: 2 States #2147599

    Avirah, go learn some history (even from non-Israeli sources). Stop with your outrageous lies! The Arabs officially rejected the partition plans a number of times.

    in reply to: Cherem on sefer “Pshuto Shel Mikra” #2145471

    Catch yourself (indeed!), the mainstream opinion is that we are free to reject Midrashei Chazal? Who told you that?!?
    Avirah, (with his kanaus) do you have anything to answer to the Shlomo’s story with the two Battei Din in E. Yisroel?

    in reply to: Taking a Kulah from Across the Aisle #2145126

    Also, I agree with Aviira.

    in reply to: Taking a Kulah from Across the Aisle #2145124

    Yabia, following the Torah properly is an IMPERATIVE ISSUE for Klal Yisroel.
    1, if one Rov holds that something is muttar and 5 other Rabboinim hold it is not, it not just muttar.

    in reply to: History of the Shas Party #2139379

    DaMoshe, which terrible situation?

    in reply to: Barbaric Civilization #2138669

    Philosopher, vaccines have been saving lives! Stop with propaganda initiated by the barbarians.

    in reply to: Barbaric Civilization #2138668

    How about the mitsva of ‘lo sechaye kol neshama” regarding the 7 nations of Kena’an? Mitsva to execute those who are chayav misa? Kanolm pogim bo? Etc. AAQ and others, what do you say?

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