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CS, your views on Moshiach are in divergence from what Klal Yisroel held for 2,000 years. You are pushing yourself out of Klal Yisroel!
mdd1ParticipantNumber 1, I do moche on the CS’s bizui of the Torah !!! (What she said about learning Nazikin).
Number 2, “there is no public record of the Rebbe doing an aviera…”. That is the proof that he like Dovid ha’Melech killed his yetzer ha’ra (which is the Tanya’s definition of of a tzaddik). Are you for real?!?!February 4, 2025 9:01 am at 9:01 am in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2360144mdd1ParticipantCoffee addict, Hitler threatening to use military force against Chechoslovakia did not damage Germany either (at least, not in the short term).
January 28, 2025 9:18 pm at 9:18 pm in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2357664mdd1ParticipantUjm, she was a part of the crowd trying to break in. It was in heat of the confrontation etc.
January 28, 2025 1:42 am at 1:42 am in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2357179mdd1ParticipantUjm, there was a crowd breaking in, fighting the police. There was pandemonium. Nobody knew how far the rioters were going to go. Some were calling for Pence to be hanged or were looking for Pelosi. She was a part of that crowd.
In fact, the police should have been tougher on them.January 27, 2025 9:49 am at 9:49 am in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2356753mdd1ParticipantUjm, some of them were “on the front lines” fighting the police almost reaching the chamber of the proceedings. This is where she was shot.
Besides, the whole crowd were insurrectionists trying to take over the Capitol.January 26, 2025 4:44 pm at 4:44 pm in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2356240mdd1ParticipantUjm, those rioters were storming the Capitol intending to subvert the orderly transfer of power, and some threatened to hang Pence. The police were right to shoot!
and how do you like Trump demanding land from other countries?! (And no, he is not allowed to do it according to the Torah — look in Sanhedrin 59A).mdd1ParticipantAnd it is not a posuk — rather, a ma’amar Chazal.
mdd1ParticipantHappy New year, what are you saying? It does not say that once all the neshomos are out of the guf, Moshiach must come right away. It says he can not come earlier.
mdd1ParticipantAlways, what in the world are you talking about?!? I advised you to read a serious history book on the Eastern-European history. Have you followed my advice? By September 17, 1939, there existed only 2 possibilities: either those lands falling under the Nazis or being taken over by the Soviets. There was no third choice. Which hunger are you talking about?!? The hunger happened in 1932-1933.
Stop with your uninformed anti-Russian propaganda.mdd1ParticipantAlways, I do not condone the Stalin’s terror, but those territories were majority Ukrainian or Belorussian. Poland unfairly grabbed them after WW1. If the Soviets had not been there, it would have been the Nazis.
Plus, we were just discussing if those areas were a real war zone.mdd1ParticipantEX-Citylawyer, learn the facts. When the USSR forces entered the Ukrainian and Belorussian areas of Poland to prevent them from falling into the German hands, the was not real fighting there as the Polish government ordered their soldiers not to resist the Russians because it was pointless by that time. There were only some skirmishes – not a real war zone. And, for sure, not in the central Ukraine.
mdd1ParticipantHaKatan, before the Zionists the E. Yisroel was a 3rd-world place. Now, it is a first-world place.
mdd1ParticipantGadol…, cut out your apikorsus – you can’t dismiss a Gemora like that. Also, you misunderstood it. The Gemora says that Torah protects the Talmidei Chachomim themselves. There is another Gemora nearby which says that their Torah provides a degree of protection to others as well. It does not mean, however, that it is guaranteed that nothing can happen to them.
mdd1ParticipantAkuperma, Germans not supporting anti-Hitler conspiracies – a far-off sfeik-sfeik-sfeika argument. When one has no other arguments.
June 4, 2024 8:31 am at 8:31 am in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2288298mdd1ParticipantChaim87, any names of G-d must be spelled with a capital first letter.
June 1, 2024 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2287389mdd1ParticipantDaMoshe, +1!! Do not be fazed by all the krume attacks on you! I do not have time now to help you respond.
May 17, 2024 8:37 am at 8:37 am in reply to: The Four Contemporary Sovereign States That Contain Portions of Eretz Yisroel #2283965mdd1ParticipantHakatan, STOP twisting things — MOST of the kings of the Malchus Yisroel were self-appointed.
The Zionists caused the Holocaust?!? Yea, right, all the other aveiros were insignificant, but the the Zionism…
And you need to calm down.May 16, 2024 8:38 am at 8:38 am in reply to: The Four Contemporary Sovereign States That Contain Portions of Eretz Yisroel #2283653mdd1ParticipantHakatan Yerovam was not the worst of them.
May 16, 2024 8:38 am at 8:38 am in reply to: The Four Contemporary Sovereign States That Contain Portions of Eretz Yisroel #2283652mdd1ParticipantHakatan, most of the malchei Yisroel were self-appointed reshoim. You need to learn NaCh.
And, yes, of course, according to your ideology, it is better to have kings-reshoim from a legitimate dynasty who killed Neviim or attempted to do so than to have Netanyahu.April 19, 2024 1:02 am at 1:02 am in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2278881mdd1ParticipantUjm, let’s be honest — if not for the the Israel’s government money (and the Zionists building up the economy), the kollel system there would not have been able to exist. Let us be honest. Was there such a system in Russia or Poland 150 years ago?!?
LT, a miracle like kriyas Yam Suf?!? Yeh, sure. Obviously, you can’t take this guy seriously. And do re-read my post about ISIS!April 18, 2024 5:19 pm at 5:19 pm in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2278765mdd1Participant“The last 75 years saw less Jews killed” than any other period since Churbun — absolutely false! Over 20,000 were murdered. Between 1805 and 1880 it did not happen. Learn the Jewish history!
April 18, 2024 10:27 am at 10:27 am in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2278422mdd1ParticipantLT, about the casualty rate: ISIS wanted to fight urban warfare against Americans – to inflict casualties on them. They did not want to fight against the Israelis because they deemed the Israelis to be well-trained in that type of combat.
The article was an American one from 20 years ago – from the Americans who thought you could not create such a system! the statement from the staffer does not imply a neis golui! And I never said that no nissim ever happened in E. Yisroel in the last 70 years.April 17, 2024 12:58 pm at 12:58 pm in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2278221mdd1ParticipantHaLevi, you mean the “New methodology…” Rand’s article? I could not easily access it (the Adobe reader does not work well). It is an American article from 1994! Why don’t you bring something from 1916? At the beginning of the 90-s the Israelis suggested creating a missile defense system, the Americans said it was doomed to fail. So, the article fits with the whole discussion.
April 16, 2024 11:35 pm at 11:35 pm in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2278026mdd1ParticipantLT, so far you are the only person that I hear this from. Are you an aerospace engineer? Nobody else is saying this. Okay, by some people everything is a neis nigle.
And what happened with the nissin on October 7?April 16, 2024 11:22 am at 11:22 am in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277830mdd1ParticipantLT, is the Iron Dome performance also a miracle? An open one?
April 16, 2024 11:05 am at 11:05 am in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277825mdd1ParticipantLT, is that professor a Mizrachi kanoi? At most, it was a neis nistar. An open miracle is something totally she’lo ke’derech ha’teva! get it through your head! And, again, I do not know how unusual it really was. There are people I do not trust about such a situation. Again, Ukraine’s air-defences are NOT on the same level like the Israeli ones.
April 15, 2024 11:08 pm at 11:08 pm in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277685mdd1ParticipantLT, Israel has a very sofisticated air-defence system. Ukraine does not. Read the news. Taking down all those projectiles by Israel all the allies is not she’lo ke’derech ha’teva, is not an open miracle.
About the the casualty rate, I do not know enough about the issue, but the Arabs are not good soldiers. So…mdd1ParticipantUjm, Yitzhak Avinu said:”Ve’hoya ka’asher torid” — the crown went to Eisav.
mdd1ParticipantUjm, certainly. It was gezeirah min ha’Shamaim that they should be the world power at that time.
April 14, 2024 11:24 pm at 11:24 pm in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277297mdd1ParticipantLT, there were no open miracles during the Iranian attack. There was nothing she’lo ke’derech ha’teva.
mdd1ParticipantUjm, it is, obviously, only with siyatta di’Shmaya, but they managed to turn desert into a first-world country and defeat their enemies numerous times. Do not deny the facts.
mdd1ParticipantAvirah…, stop with your libel about the blood thurst!! Just some Zionists felt that in view of how the Arabs and the British acted they would not get the country that was promised to them in a different way.
and the violence was started by the Arabs who started to attack Jews once they realized the Zionists wanted to restore the Jewish state in the land.mdd1ParticipantAvirah…, the only reason the meat from Achav’s and Izevel’s table was kosher was because Ovadiyah ha’Novi was running the household operations.
And only 2 of the kings of Malchus Yisroel were anointed by Neviim. The rest seized power through coups or were offspring of such kings. They were less legitimate than Netanyahu. You need to learn the sources.February 28, 2024 9:44 pm at 9:44 pm in reply to: Trump throws Kurds and Ukrainians under the bus, will Israel be next? #2264908mdd1ParticipantAvirah, the Kurds being discussed here are America’s allies who fought against ISIS.
February 28, 2024 9:10 pm at 9:10 pm in reply to: Trump throws Kurds and Ukrainians under the bus, will Israel be next? #2264892mdd1ParticipantAvirah, the Kurds are not Muslim fundamentalists. Get your facts straight.
mdd1ParticipantAvira…, but if they knew all the science there is to know just by the virtue of being Talmidei Chachomim, why would they need to ask anybody?!?
mdd1ParticipantAvira, look up the Gemora – then you will understand the kasha.
It is true that it is all in the Torah. It does not mean, however, that every Talmid Chocham, even 2000 years ago, knew it all. Moshe Rabbeinu, Shlomo ha’melech — okay, but others?mdd1ParticipantAvira, Chazal said that they knew all the science there is to know? Where? Also, how do you explain the Gemora in Niddah 22B which I mentioned above? What we can say is that mestama min Ha’Shamaim they would not allow them to write a mistaken psak into the Gemora.
mdd1ParticipantAvirah, there are people in Lakewood and other places who know Shas.
Also, there is a Gemora in Nidah 22B which talks about 2 occasions when Chachomim did not know about certain medical metziyus and they asked the doctors for help. According to you, what happened?!? Why did they need the doctors’ explanations?mdd1ParticipantAVirah, it is all in principle in the Torah, it does not not mean every Talmid Chocham ,even in times of Chazal, knew it. And why in the world does thinking that Chazal did not know all the science there is to know make one into an apikores?!?! Is it one of the Yesodos Ha’Emunah? Buddy, there is a Gemora in Nidah that when Chachomim needed to know a certain biological/medical fact they had to rely on what the doctors of their time said!!!
mdd1ParticipantAvirah…, so you are saying that one is obligated to believe that Amoroim knew how to make nuclear bombs, computers etc.?!? I believe it is you who is twisting the sources trying to read things in there which were never meant.
mdd1ParticipantSeichel!!! Becoming a min, a kofer is not serving HKBH!! You show what is wrong with the Chabad approach indeed!!
mdd1ParticipantSEichel, for crying out loud! Azahorah shamanu not to understand those statements literally. The Christians went down that path!
You can love and fear HKBH even without learning Kabbola. And it is better to loose out on a portion of a mitsva than to end being a min!!!December 17, 2023 10:21 am at 10:21 am in reply to: Tear Down the Wall between Egypt and Gaza #2247372mdd1ParticipantKuvult, the mass immigration of Jews had been restricted from 1924 on.
mdd1ParticipantSechel83, there are statements in Medroshim and Gemoros which are Kabbola-based.
Gemora in the second perek of Hagiga is very clear that Kabbola is to be studied only by people who meet a number of strict requeirements.
Those who understand the sources that you brought down literally are minim whose wine is yain nesech etc.
Menachem, it is enough Kabbola for people to stumble in as we see here and elsewhere among the the Chabad people.mdd1Participant5783, it just shows in plain sight what happens when people who are not holding by it learn Kabbola.
mdd1ParticipantCommon siechel (Joe), did the Jews in the times of the Beis Ha’Mikdash or in the times of Rashi insist on wearing shtreimels? If no, why should it be done now? Did they insist on speaking Yiddish in times of Ravina? If not…
mdd1Participant1. I moche/protest against the bizoyon of a Talmid Chocham — Rav Sorotzkin!
2 Zeff, have you ever heard of the issur of being united with reshoim?mdd1ParticipantAvirah, their not sleeping in the sukkah has nothing to do with that Ramo. We’ve discussed it here!!