☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: Women davening with a minyan #2267115
    ☕️coffee addict


    There can’t be a happy medium?

    in reply to: President Zaphod: Hail to Myself #2266831
    ☕️coffee addict

    4) The federal government will supply free coffee for all coffee rooms members

    You got my vote


    And now you lost it

    in reply to: Women davening with a minyan #2266692
    ☕️coffee addict


    That’s my underlying question

    Why don’t you see more women in shul during the week? (Don’t say “how do you know they don’t” because I know in my shul which has a lot of elder members, and the shul which is across the street that is more centrist the mechitza isn’t even up)

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2266633
    ☕️coffee addict

    “@coffee addict reb nochum of tzenobel held the baal shem was moshiach after his passing, just becaseu it wasnt done before doesnt mean its against mesorah, what will you say when moshiach comes? against the mesorah, he didnt come for the past 2000 yrs.“

    I’m going to say it for the umpteenth time

    The notzrim have the same claim

    Regarding your first claim of R Nochum (never heard of him until you said)

    So you’re arguing with him? Make the besht your moshiach! (Obviously if r nachum can say it you can take him on too! As to the generation part he’s probably still alive as you say your rebbe is!

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2266451
    ☕️coffee addict

    They said their rebbe was moshiach after he died?

    In the words of qwerty (where has he gone?)


    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2266175
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Women going to work, whereas the posuk says kol kvoda bas melech penima“

    Lubavitch women don’t go to work? I know of some that do (I also know some litvish women that don’t go to work)

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2266166
    ☕️coffee addict

    “What did your rebbi say on purim 1956 [or another one of those years] about the hazon ish ?“

    “people can understand purim 1956 the way they want – out of context,“

    So tell us the context

    in reply to: Children are not here to “bring Nachas to their parents” #2265799
    ☕️coffee addict

    Parents feel like a failure if the child doesn’t turn out the way they want them to turn out, like they parented them wrong and that’s why they are different than them

    They use their children as a litmus test as to how well they parented

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2265625
    ☕️coffee addict


    “Not sure what you’re on about. This is basic math. The Alter Rebbe was Chabad Rebbe 1, so obviously the Rebbe is 7. What’s invented?“

    What Arso is saying is that was there anyone before the rebbe that had this concept of “Dor shvii”? It seems not and you being a loyal chassid will accept whatever your rebbe says as fact

    Now let’s say that a Rav in some city says that Moshoach is going to come from his city or was born to a lady named (insert his mothers name) so everyone should assume he’s moshiach you would say the guy is crazy

    So to over here, if the rebbe made up this concept of Dor shvii and there’s nowhere where it says this (outside of his sichos) it’s the same thing

    It’s shooting an arrow and drawing the target around it (which has been repeated a thousand times it just seems like you’re not understanding it)

    in reply to: Trump throws Kurds and Ukrainians under the bus, will Israel be next? #2264794
    ☕️coffee addict

    He can’t throw Israel under the bus because Biden already did it

    in reply to: Shomer Hanashim – שומר הנשים… #2264563
    ☕️coffee addict


    Don’t put yourself down,

    You have a lot of smart well thought out comments

    in reply to: Shomer Hanashim – שומר הנשים… #2264544
    ☕️coffee addict


    With all due respect…..

    This wasn’t your smartest comment

    in reply to: B7 i19 n28 g42 o63 #2264084
    ☕️coffee addict


    We know that for every “bad” thing there is a corresponding “good” thing

    In the “5 towns” there are way more than ״חמישים צדיקים״

    in reply to: B7 i19 n28 g42 o63 #2263924
    ☕️coffee addict

    There is a “five town beis din”

    in reply to: B7 i19 n28 g42 o63 #2263911
    ☕️coffee addict


    And you know all the costs that go into a grocery store?

    in reply to: B7 i19 n28 g42 o63 #2263890
    ☕️coffee addict

    Square root,

    Are you saying people can’t have an opinion on an issue notwithstanding a din Torah?

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2263854
    ☕️coffee addict


    I thought Lubavitch now holds that moshiach can come from the dead which is why I said Rav Shach

    in reply to: Obama: Fraud and Destroyer of America #2263526
    ☕️coffee addict

    Thanks that’s what I really wanted to know

    in reply to: Obama: Fraud and Destroyer of America #2263517
    ☕️coffee addict


    I’ve heard from numerous yidden how trump is like Hitler ym”s (both on this site and outside of it)

    So if you can’t take it don’t dish it out

    (Was yechiel’s comment a mod edit directed at him or was it yechiel directed at me?)

    both, but the part you saw was to him.

    in reply to: Obama: Fraud and Destroyer of America #2263385
    ☕️coffee addict


    So basically you like Biden because he’s not trump

    You probably would vote for Hitler Ym”s over trump

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2263337
    ☕️coffee addict

    “if the rebbe wasn’t a gadal, who was?“

    Rav Shach

    in reply to: Obama: Fraud and Destroyer of America #2263321
    ☕️coffee addict


    You love Obama and Biden you would never say that about them

    in reply to: Who gains by flooding the US with millions of Illegals?? #2263194
    ☕️coffee addict

    “I honestly hope republicans keep on losing as well, I want the left to realize their dreams to the fullest extent possible so folks like you can finally see the truth.”


    By then it probably will be too late

    in reply to: Obama: Fraud and Destroyer of America #2263042
    ☕️coffee addict

    To paraphrase yechiell,

    Obama and Biden…… FEH!

    in reply to: Who gains by flooding the US with millions of Illegals?? #2262883
    ☕️coffee addict


    So to understand what you’re saying, cities can vote for their municipalities and make laws on who can irregardless to whether it can be done nationally because the constitution doesn’t mention it

    I hope I understood it correctly, if so thanks for the American Law lesson

    in reply to: Who gains by flooding the US with millions of Illegals?? #2262764
    ☕️coffee addict

    The answer is obvious. The Democratic party needs their votes to stay in power.

    They’ll try hard to let them vote legally, but even if that fails, they’ll use them somehow to stuff the ballot boxes.

    UNITED STATES OF CHINA: Noncitizen Sworn into San Francisco’s Elections Commission

    in reply to: Time for Frum Magazines to Change their Standards #2262720
    ☕️coffee addict


    Do you know otherwise

    I’ve heard about it happening in Egypt too

    in reply to: Time for Frum Magazines to Change their Standards #2262467
    ☕️coffee addict


    What I said holds true for other Arab countries too I was just using it as an example

    in reply to: Time for Frum Magazines to Change their Standards #2262384
    ☕️coffee addict

    “If Rishonim hold that it’s acceptable for a husband to beat his wife, how dare you write “it’s not only not effective but grossly harmful in our time”? That’s every bit as heretical as saying that Chazal didn’t know how to build cars or nuclear weapons!”

    I was just having a discussion with my wife about parenting and I blame it all on feminism and TV

    The Mishnah is sotah says “in ikvasa d’meshicha…. Chutzpah will be rampant a son will disgust his father a daughter will stand up to her mother etc” and I said that is was all do to the two things I mentioned

    Those two things changed the psyche of people that made it that a father can’t hit his kids or his wife and therefore the family hierarchy is destroyed because women view themselves on equal level to the father and therefore kids devalue their parents

    If you look at Arab countries where there is no feminism and tv only shows what they want the kids are way more obedient (cue the kids in Gaza)

    Just my humble opinion, I’m sorry if I offended anyone

    And to answer gadolhadofi that’s how people changed and it answers how the rishonim can know nuclear physics

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2262182
    ☕️coffee addict


    How dare you compare Lubavitch to notzrim! I don’t want to hear it! It’s all made up connections

    Everyone knows that the Rebbe’s second coming will happen and J’s won’t because the Rebbe is Hashem in a body whereas J is only a son……

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2262147
    ☕️coffee addict

    Totally agree with gadolhadofi

    It’s no different than democrats arguing with republicans the other party is wrong and we’re right

    in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2261709
    ☕️coffee addict

    Liberalism is a PROGRESSIVE disease

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2261550
    ☕️coffee addict

    “He probably would think we’re all doing wrong, whether we’re here in the CR, or learning Tanya.“

    Or he would be marveling in the fact that we’re here in the CR or learning Tanya as opposed to doing multitudes of assur things on the internet or in the street

    You can’t judge yourself as opposed to earlier generations if the internet was around in the times of the gr”a who knows what would’ve been (especially with a stronger yetzer hara)

    in reply to: Time for Frum Magazines to Change their Standards #2261364
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Ghd, it doesn’t really matter whether times have changed, I’m not convinced that there was ever an inyan at any time in history for a man to require his wife to be confined to her home, as UJM seems to misinterpret the halacha to say“

    Doesn’t the Gemara list three different types of people one of the throwing out the wine with the fly inside and says that type of person locks the door on his wife so that she doesn’t leave and she’s מזנה תחתיו correct me if I’m wrong

    in reply to: Ribis Sheilo #2261334
    ☕️coffee addict

    (516) 239-2500

    Five towns Halacha hotline under Rav Binyamin Forst

    in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2260879
    ☕️coffee addict


    Aaq answered for me (was going to say the same thing in my own words, but I see aaq already did)

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2260552
    ☕️coffee addict

    Regarding what Keith wrote that “who cares who moshiach is, as long as they keep the Torah knocking them is sinas chinam”

    No one said we “Hate chabad” that if a Lubavitcher was drowning we would push him down and not save him, not even that we wouldn’t say “Hi” to them (or throw them out of a party (a la kamtza) what (mostly) everyone is saying is that chabad is fabulous except for the “rebbe is moshiach yechi” stuff which everyone else views as very dangerous and would like to save them from it

    I wouldn’t be surprised is in the times of the tzedukkim and early notzrim they did the same

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2260424
    ☕️coffee addict


    You know the history of the Baal Shem Tov?

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2260365
    ☕️coffee addict


    I don’t find it too distressing that they teach a “new form” as long as it’s “another way to serving Hashem” there were 12 shvatim going through their own path in the yam suf, no one said “my path is the only path”

    Additionally we say שבעים פנים לתורה

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2260083
    ☕️coffee addict

    I can so see the early notzrim saying the same thing as cs and sechel

    What’s wrong with saying yoshke is part of the trinity or that he’s Hashem’s son (we say bni bechori yisrael, and the passuk says עלמה etc.)

    Please finally explain the difference, is it because lubavitchers keep the Torah? What if someone came along like Peter did and says the Rebbe told him in a dream……?

    in reply to: Sending a message to an individual? #2259702
    ☕️coffee addict

    Why don’t you continue it here

    (Maybe 29 won’t notice 🤫)

    in reply to: What Happened To All My Sillinesses? #2259449
    ☕️coffee addict


    Over here?

    The same and different at the same time (if you know what I mean)

    Good luck finding your post 😒

    in reply to: What Happened To All My Sillinesses? #2259365
    ☕️coffee addict

    Welcome back sidi!

    in reply to: BY girl struggling #2259275
    ☕️coffee addict


    We’ll see if commonsaychel is right or wrong if the op follows up, so far she hasnt

    in reply to: What Happened To All My Sillinesses? #2259263
    ☕️coffee addict

    No LF,

    You didn’t LOSE your silliness, it didn’t go to waste,

    You grew from them!

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2259197
    ☕️coffee addict

    “you’re right, I should’ve clarified. By yetzias mitzrayim, there was only disappearance. My point was that you can’t always take what looks and seems like fact for granted, because before the eigel, Moshe looked like he was being buried by the Malachim in shomayim.”

    In this paragraph you’re saying the rebbe is still alive bgashmius

    Not even the notzrim believe that their messiah is alive physically

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry

    in reply to: BY girl struggling #2258983
    ☕️coffee addict

    IMO it’s because moros feel it’s the parents responsibility and parents feel it’s the moros responsibility so each side kicks the can to the other and the child suffers

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2258966
    ☕️coffee addict

    “I guess you missed the heavenly funeral bit. For starters“

    Cs I hope you’re not quoting a “new testament” when he redeemed klal yisrael from mitzrayim he “disappeared” he didn’t die, he wasn’t around for a few months between when he went to pharaoh the first time and when he went in front of him by maakos dam

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2258744
    ☕️coffee addict


    Disappearance doesn’t mean die (moshe rabbeinu didn’t die when he “disappeared”

    Yet again you sound like a notzri trying to twist Torah and meforshim to fit your beliefs

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2258661
    ☕️coffee addict

    I wasn’t making light, like qwerty was stating, I was showing how moshichists don’t sound that much different than early notzrim and the only reason I believe that they haven’t followed in that path is that there hasn’t been anyone to distance them from yoddishkeit (no one has told them that the Rebbe came to him in a dream and said to move shabbos to Tuesday)

    If this is what Lubavitch really believes, I find that to be really disturbing

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