☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: what advice do u wish you’d have received when you were younger? #2118714
    ☕️coffee addict

    Lay off the coffee, you could get addicted to it

    I would have saved myself a lot of headaches (due to caffeine withdrawal) 😜

    in reply to: Entitlement central #2118372
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Obama went from 68% debt-to-GDP to 105% during supposed recovery. Trump went from 105% to 107% first 3 years and then jumped to 129% in the covid year”

    Jackk would say that that was in 8 years while trump was in 4

    “Jack, in 2009 the Democrats were running the government.“

    Jackk is saying the bailout happened because of republicans keeping people in debt and the democrats “saved” them

    Anyways what I’m saying is don’t look at who was president at that time look at who controlled the house which ends up making the spending bills

    in reply to: Entitlement central #2118214
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Or on a national scale – the 2009 WALL STREET BAILOUT.“

    I would think a national scale would be the NATIONAL DEBT which constantly increases by leaps and bounds every year the democrats are in the house

    in reply to: Will Trump ever go to jail? #2117966
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Rather any decent person would demand those making such unfounded accusations present their evidence.”

    Like asking them to reveal the whole warrant affidavit?

    Trump Calls for ‘Immediate’ Release of Mar-a-Lago Warrant

    in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2117162
    ☕️coffee addict

    Reb eliezer,

    Isn’t it because he might have yichud with them?

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2116592
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2116577
    ☕️coffee addict

    “that’s Rabbi Twerski’s haggadah. Absolutely one of my favorites.“

    Correct, I got confused but rabbi Taub did come out with a Haggadah it’s called four cups

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2116576
    ☕️coffee addict

    Mods? That was totally uncalled for and I’m surprised you let it through

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2116486
    ☕️coffee addict

    Anyways even though Rabbi Twerski was niftar, Rabbi Shais Taub made a Haggadah and tied it into AA I think it’s called from bondage to freedom

    So why don’t you ask him what he thinks

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2116367
    ☕️coffee addict

    Below $4 as of August 18

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2116357
    ☕️coffee addict

    People view mussar as I’m bad and mussar helps me work on my middos to be a good person

    People view the 12 steps as I’m spiritually sick and the 12 step will make me spiritually healthy

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2116280
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Why are you learning mussar from 12 steps when you can learn it from sifrei kodesh, from tzadikim who are experts in Jewish middos, and the fight against the yatzer hora. Why go to something designed for mentally ill individuals??“

    It’s a lot easier to accept mussar if one thinks he is sick as opposed to being bad

    in reply to: Ancient religions to Judaism #2116148
    ☕️coffee addict

    “he’s the one who is taking psychology and using it to form a derech in mussar and milchemes hayetzer. What works for addicts is psychology and yes, above my pay grade.“

    One can learn a lot of mussar from the 12 steps

    in reply to: Are you ever wrong #2116075
    ☕️coffee addict

    ״My wife tells me that regularly״

    You have a smart wife 😜

    The reason I asked the question is because I see numerous threads where people are dead set in their view and don’t want to see the other side because then ch”v it would mean they’re wrong and they’ve been wrong for a while and that’s a scary thought

    Just my opinion btw

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2115917
    ☕️coffee addict

    Wow ujm,

    I would have never known you watched the wizard of oz but anyways I think she’s more like the knight on the bridge in Monty Python (which I never watched just heard about)

    in reply to: I don’t like Donald Trump, but… #2115402
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Even if showing early signs of dementia, at least Biden kept his promise to be “boring” since I really believe Garland is running this investigation w/o any WH input.“

    I have a bridge to sell you GH and I’ll even give it to you for half off

    in reply to: Inflation reduction act #2115033
    ☕️coffee addict

    “This is the reason we are born in the first place. So the government should help to make people be able to stand on their feet and not like the republicans who believe in ‘sink or swim’.“

    1) I guess you’ve never heard of מופס, Medicare welfare, food stamps, and section 8, and spoken to people that don’t mind government assistance as opposed to working

    2) if republicans were “sink or swim” then no one should be on government assistance in republican states

    in reply to: I don’t like Donald Trump, but… #2115000
    ☕️coffee addict

    Sorry, it can’t be the second one that was for Jan 6

    in reply to: I don’t like Donald Trump, but… #2114998
    ☕️coffee addict


    I don’t follow

    Wasn’t the reason for the impeachment trial “quid pro quo”

    Not sure what you’re talking about

    in reply to: I don’t like Donald Trump, but… #2114945
    ☕️coffee addict

    If trump used the FBI to go against Hillary or against Biden through his son I think the democrats would be ok with it

    Oh wait, wasn’t that what the second impeachment was about? That he was going against a political rival?

    in reply to: Inflation reduction act #2113998
    ☕️coffee addict

    “The primary cause of inflation is not enough supply, so we increase supply through government spending”

    Supply of what? Money or goods?

    in reply to: I don’t like Donald Trump, but… #2113997
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing [subject to the Presidential Records Act], that willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined” $2,000, up to three years in prison or “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”

    Did you say the same thing when Hillary destroyed her emails? Hard drive?

    in reply to: road trip minyanim #2113948
    ☕️coffee addict

    What are road trip minyanim?

    in reply to: I don’t like Donald Trump, but… #2113597
    ☕️coffee addict

    Worse was done in Russia against a Putin rival (he almost got killed and then they put him in jail) and there was no condemnation

    in reply to: Was Hordus a Jew? #2113307
    ☕️coffee addict

    Isn’t there a Mishnah in chagigah that says the chachamim told hurdos not to cry because he’s a brother (i know it was to make him feel better, but wasn’t there something that his mother was Jewish)

    in reply to: Roshei Hayeshiva #2113055
    ☕️coffee addict

    Sorry yabia he isn’t a troll

    To answer the OP,

    Rav Shmuel kamenetsky

    in reply to: Bein Hametzarim Trivia Question #2112906
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: Waze #2112875
    ☕️coffee addict

    You mean with a cloth?

    in reply to: Bein Hametzarim Trivia Question #2112847
    ☕️coffee addict

    Don’t want to start a new thread and don’t know which thread it should go in so I’m putting it here

    I saw on Arutz sheva that Zionism started with n tisha bav

    Take what you want out of that

    in reply to: Philanthropy for Kavod #2111823
    ☕️coffee addict

    I think if a rich Baal tzedakah publicizes his donation it shows that the mosad is worth giving to, just because baalei tzedah are rich doesn’t mean that they give money to any and every thing so those people are showing that it’s worth it to donate to this cause

    in reply to: Ah Gutten Chodesh MENACHEM Av! #2110554
    ☕️coffee addict

    “The point is for free expression of ideas, I have no issue expressing my beliefs, and when I ask one what his belief is and he wont answer something is strange.“

    I asked him the same question about believing that the Rebbe is moshiach and he answered me

    Yes, my name is based on the Gemara (ירושלמי ברכות פ”ב ה”ד) that says that Moshiach’s name is Menachem.
    (וכ”ה באיכ”ר פ”א, נא. משא”כ בסנהדרין צח, ב דשם גרסינן מנחם בן חזקיה)

    I chose this profile name for two reasons:
    1) Since my name is actually Menachem (get it? מנחם שמו?)
    2) It’s nice to remind myself about Moshiach when I’m online (every word makes a difference – “צריך כל אדם שיראה עצמו כל השנה כלה כאלו חציו זכאי וחציו חיב. וכן כל העולם חציו זכאי וחציו חיב . . עשה מצוה אחת הרי הכריע “את עצמו ואת כל העולם כלו לכף זכות וגרם לו ולהם תשועה והצלה see Rambam Hilchos Teshuva 3:4)

    “henceforth it is proof that the rebbe can be moshiach?”
    Maybe I’m trying to prove that I can be Moshiach…
    [Regarding the names of Moshiach listed in Sanhedrin, the Rebbe’s father Reb Levi Yitzchok writes that all the opinions are true – כל הדעות אמת הם ואלו ואלו דא”ח (לקוטי לוי”צ על מארז”ל ע’ קו)]

    Maybe he doesn’t want to turn his thread into a debate about the rebbe just like you told him to start a new thread so really what difference does it make

    in reply to: Ah Gutten Chodesh MENACHEM Av! #2110285
    ☕️coffee addict


    So to paraphrase a former First Lady that lost to the 45th president


    in reply to: Predictions: Democrat Rout 2022 #2110106
    ☕️coffee addict

    House 250
    Senate 53

    in reply to: RECESSION 2022 #2109966
    ☕️coffee addict

    And the democrats deal with manchin will only exasperate it

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2109581
    ☕️coffee addict

    “My suggestion – Joe Manchin. He is already holding the partial Presidency for 1.5 years and everyone except Progressive (40% of Dems?) are happy with that.”

    From YWN WhatsApp group

    In a startling turnabout, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin announced Wednesday they had reached an expansive agreement that had eluded them for months on health care, energy and climate issues, taxes on higher earners and corporations and federal debt reduction.

    The two Democrats said the Senate would vote on the wide-ranging measure next week, setting up President Joe Biden and Democrats for an unexpected victory in the runup to November congressional elections in which their control of Congress is in peril. A House vote would come afterward, perhaps later in August. Unanimous Republican opposition in both chambers seems certain.

    Just hours earlier, the expectation was that Schumer, D-N.Y., and Manchin, D-W.Va., were at loggerheads and headed toward far narrower package that Manchin was insisting be limited to curbing pharmaceutical prices and extending federal health care subsidies. Earlier Wednesday, numerous Democratic senators had said they were all but resigned to the more modest legislation.

    A democrat is a democrat is a democrat

    in reply to: JINO #2109183
    ☕️coffee addict

    Then I guess the question is who will more easily turn on us a frei yid or a non jew

    in reply to: Monkeypox — The new AIDS #2109152
    ☕️coffee addict


    Do you know how people contract monkeypox?

    in reply to: JINO #2109101
    ☕️coffee addict


    May I ask, is your name based on the Gemara that says moshiach’s name is Menachem, henceforth it is proof that the rebbe can be moshiach?

    in reply to: Lakewood #2109053
    ☕️coffee addict

    “ymr: They looked up to me and tried to emulate me.“

    This is the funniest line I’ve seen today

    Another interesting observation is that commonsaychel didn’t call the person a troll and is actually trying to help a newcomer

    If it wasn’t for the aforementioned comment I would’ve thought I’m in a parallel universe

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2109033
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Do you view Joe Manchin as a “profile in courage”?“

    Amazing question

    However I know the answer already


    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2108646
    ☕️coffee addict

    “She is a profile in courage, one of the very few on todays political scene. I disagree with her on many issues but can’t help but respect her for standing up for truth, justice and the American way.“

    In other words “she has a vendetta against trump and I hate trump, so the enemy of my enemy is my friend”

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108463
    ☕️coffee addict

    Reb eliezer,

    You sound like someone that believes in flat earth

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2108457
    ☕️coffee addict


    Write her in on your ballot

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2108218
    ☕️coffee addict


    I’m sorry, I didn’t know….

    But anyways are you saying that’s why your statement is true, because you have no one to be the other side politically?

    in reply to: Rav Shmuel #2108210
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Unless things changed in recent years, Rav Shmuel was easily reachable on his home phone. He usually picks the phone up himself when it rings.“

    Yeah, I called a number (7-8) of years ago and spoke with him

    IMHO R Shmuel is the epitome of gadlus with thinking of other people and being easily accessible

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2108198
    ☕️coffee addict

    “The Shevat Sofer interprets the pasuk אעשה לו עזר כנגדו when she is voicing an opposite view, she becomes a help. He can see the other side of an argument and does not get lost in tunnel vision by seeing one side only.“

    I take it your wife isn’t a republican which explains a lot 😉

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108145
    ☕️coffee addict


    Trump wasn’t mentioned


    There is winds and cloud covering involved too

    in reply to: Rav Shmuel #2108144
    ☕️coffee addict

    Thanks flyer,

    I got a number from google maps and the number goes to someone that doesn’t answer and it goes to voicemail

    I might have to change my plan

    in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108000
    ☕️coffee addict


    The sun goes closer and then further away as the year goes on

    in reply to: Rav Shmuel #2107984
    ☕️coffee addict


    I appreciate the Mazel Tovs but really want to know if the Yeshiva is operating or even if R Shmuel will be there

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