☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: The Fix is in for 2022 #2137373
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Sorry I’m unfamiliar with that term. What is 2000 mules?“

    It’s a documentary by dnesh D’Souza

    in reply to: The Fix is in for 2022 #2137283
    ☕️coffee addict


    Did you see 20000 mules (I didn’t just heard about it) in order to say that there isn’t “a shred of evidence” now you might not want to believe it but that’s your choice just like I’ve been saying through my constant posts

    in reply to: Let’s Say Republicans Win the Midterm Elections? #2137242
    ☕️coffee addict


    You might be right but how will you survive until then?

    in reply to: The Fix is in for 2022 #2137182
    ☕️coffee addict

    They were there for 95% of the time. And that 5% they missed did not have any significant changes in the numbers. So Georgian poll watchers were there the entire time the mail-in “bump” happened!

    There have been numerous threads about this and as I’ve said before there’s no point in arguing anymore

    in reply to: The Fix is in for 2022 #2137135
    ☕️coffee addict

    “We weren’t able to see any fraud, therefore there must have been fraud”

    It wasn’t worded like that and you know it, they wanted to see the counting and was told “no” why couldn’t they make it fair at least and have each side have their own counters that everyone would agree to

    in reply to: The Fix is in for 2022 #2137079
    ☕️coffee addict

    Great, I’ve learned statistics (don’t use it though) and with statistics there is a margin of error (can be 10% and it’s still acceptable) however 10% (or even 5 or 1) can decide a race

    And to answer your first question, when things “go through the night (like the powerball drawing btw) when you can’t have observers from the “losing” side supervise (due to Covid of course) when mail in ballots just pop up, it makes one a big skeptic (would you accept a result if it happened to your side? I don’t really think you would (then again if my side won I would accept it 😉)

    סוף כל סוף no one is going to sway the other side

    in reply to: The Fix is in for 2022 #2137061
    ☕️coffee addict


    Have you learned statistics?

    Statistics only runs with the numbers put in if I want to find out something and I use the numbers favorable to me that makes it faulty (statistics can be skewed mind you that is called “made up”

    in reply to: The Fix is in for 2022 #2136858
    ☕️coffee addict


    I wasn’t addressing you, there’s no point of arguing about your “made up statistics” because you believe it to be made up whereas republicans believe otherwise

    None of us know how the election counting really work and it’s all speculation on both sides

    in reply to: The Fix is in for 2022 #2136844
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’m sorry but how much do you want to wager that all these races that are “too close to call” are going to called democrat when it’s over

    in reply to: 1 billion to tzedakah? #2136673
    ☕️coffee addict

    And now I lost all faith in the election

    in reply to: The Fix is in for 2022 #2136658
    ☕️coffee addict


    The narrative that is said is that trump was winning by a certain number, all that needed to be done was to make up a number greater than his lead

    Example: trump was winning by 10,000 votes so “find” mail in ballots that will be greater than 10,000 since “most mail in ballots vote for Biden”

    in reply to: The Fix is in for 2022 #2136604
    ☕️coffee addict

    “So it makes perfect sense that an overwhelming majority of the late votes are for Biden!“

    They’re not disputing the quality of the votes they’re disputing the quantity

    in reply to: Has it Been that Bad(Midterm Edition)? #2136605
    ☕️coffee addict


    Are you saying it’s not true and an excuse? Now granted Hashem is ממליך מלכים so he does work things in teva (you wouldn’t find Ted cruz as president championing liberal policies)

    in reply to: Made up greatness #2136598
    ☕️coffee addict

    That’s right but we’re saying the stories about ourselves

    in reply to: Made up greatness #2136576
    ☕️coffee addict

    There has been this story going around about people in nj who have been duped by a gas station attendant saying the guy in front of them didn’t pay and defrauded yidden because didn’t want to make a chilul Hashem, it doesn’t make sense because you always have to prepay

    There’s a story about Rav gifter that he had pictures of gedolim and he left one frame blank for himself, I asked his son in law (rabbi Reisman) and he said it’s not true

    in reply to: Waiting for Yishtabach #2136506
    ☕️coffee addict


    That reply wasn’t even directed at you

    in reply to: 1 billion to tzedakah? #2136472
    ☕️coffee addict

    And now they say someone won? Something is happening here and I lost all faith in the lottery

    in reply to: 1 billion to tzedakah? #2136450
    ☕️coffee addict

    Forget about the election, after the “delay” and no one winning, I’m starting to think that the lottery is rigged

    And they take money from you as opposed to voting

    in reply to: Has it Been that Bad(Midterm Edition)? #2136433
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Biden had a behira to be a centrist or not.“


    לב שרים ומלכים ביד ה׳

    in reply to: The Fix is in for 2022 #2136430
    ☕️coffee addict

    You know what they say

    If you can’t beat them, cheat

    in reply to: Waiting for Yishtabach #2136306
    ☕️coffee addict

    I say yishtabach then wait

    in reply to: History of the Shas Party #2136269
    ☕️coffee addict



    in reply to: Football Match #2135662
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: Meikil=Less Religious? #2135626
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’ve heard that when one is being meikil in one thing he’s being machmir in something else

    in reply to: Incredible! (Israeli election) #2135069
    ☕️coffee addict

    “2. If Balad has allied it self with another Arab party, and if Meretz had allied itself with another far-left party (e.g. Labor, which barely passed the threshold), the result would probably have been another stalemate.“

    True, and this showed the power of achdus and its role vis a vis gaavah

    In the end it’s a good time for klal yisrael in Israel

    in reply to: Incredible! (Israeli election) #2134900
    ☕️coffee addict


    What are you talking about?

    in reply to: chashivus #2134883
    ☕️coffee addict

    Try to be trolling in the cr less


    in reply to: Incredible! (Israeli election) #2134876
    ☕️coffee addict


    WhatsApp said 97% and website made afterwards says 86%

    in reply to: Incredible! (Israeli election) #2134875
    ☕️coffee addict

    Thank you Sam

    הממליך מלכים ולו המלוכה

    I’m happy that Hashem decided who should be in power

    in reply to: Incredible! (Israeli election) #2134765
    ☕️coffee addict

    Final Count: Right-Wing Bloc Has 64 Seats, UTJ Loses Seat, Lapid Concedes

    How is there a disparity between WhatsApp and the website?

    in reply to: POLL hocul-zeldin #2134166
    ☕️coffee addict

    “In fact, I believe the opposite will happen and whom will the conservatives and right wingers blame for destroying New York (and the USA)? The Jews, that’s who…they are not interested in blaming Coumo, Hochul, and non-Jewish liberals, they’ll pin the blame on Zeldin…I see the writing on the wall …“

    Right wingers will blame zeldin? A right winger? And by extension Jews?

    Are you ok?

    in reply to: POLL hocul-zeldin #2134164
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Someone who takes a pervert as a running mate, I can guarantee won’t fight the liberals against abortion and he won’t fight against LGTBQ policies, even when they effect children.“

    There are lgbtq people that believe that it shouldn’t be taught (and for sure not forced) on to kids, you know that right?

    in reply to: Can we please fix the Coffee Room? #2134107
    ☕️coffee addict

    “What should be fixed is the input box on mobile. It doesn’t fit in the container and you can’t see your whole message when you type.“


    Totally agree

    in reply to: 1 billion to tzedakah? #2134093
    ☕️coffee addict


    1) & 3) is the same reason, the reason you get half is because of the taxes taken off the lump sum

    in reply to: POLL hocul-zeldin #2133962
    ☕️coffee addict


    Religious Jews are supposed to do their hishtadlus and daven that the outcome will be favorable to them

    in reply to: Free ??? ?? ???? Sign #2133965
    ☕️coffee addict

    Hey sidi!

    in reply to: More Bar than Mitzvah #2133604
    ☕️coffee addict


    That’s not kuvult’s problem, he did what he was supposed to do, ask his Rav, he got a heter, his Rav will be held accountable not him

    in reply to: POLL hocul-zeldin #2133537
    ☕️coffee addict

    With all these Jewish endorsements for zeldin if Hochul wins the election expect her to hit us hard and do more than what she says she’s going to do regarding education

    in reply to: Is every Yid a big tzaddik? #2133536
    ☕️coffee addict

    And big tzaddik means like Noach in his generation (and keeping mitzvos in this generation is the same

    in reply to: Is every Yid a big tzaddik? #2133534
    ☕️coffee addict

    In the song it implied that only religious Jews are called yiddim

    1) they don’t say every Jew is a big tzaddik

    2) how are you Reb yid only mentions modern, litvish, sfardi, lubavitch and chassidish

    in reply to: anklesocks #2133367
    ☕️coffee addict
    in reply to: Sense of Humor #2133211
    ☕️coffee addict

    And what’s wrong with corniness?

    You would make a great dad (and hopefully a great granddad) if you aren’t one already

    in reply to: POLL hocul-zeldin #2132749
    ☕️coffee addict

    Dr Pepper,

    How does a governor fire a DA? I was told by a police officer that I know personally that DAs are elected and can’t be fired

    in reply to: “Torah World” = Nonexistent #2132513
    ☕️coffee addict


    You are talking about individual people, Dovid is talking about modern orthodoxy as a whole

    in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2132496
    ☕️coffee addict

    “ubiq: How many men do you know that lack a Yetzer Hora for women?“

    Well the G part in LGBT for sure do 😝😂

    in reply to: More Bar than Mitzvah #2132335
    ☕️coffee addict

    “For many of us, the excesses of some Chassideshe simchas involving thousands of people with bands, banners and tables overflowing with food and drink are a lot more problematic than some frum parents who engage a DJ with some strobe lights for their yinglach’s bar mitzvah.“

    How so?

    Goyish Jewish music is better than an abundance of food for guests? I’ve never heard anyone go off the derech from eating too much, I have heard though through listening to goyish music

    in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2132230
    ☕️coffee addict

    Idk if this is a troll thread

    1) it bashes a segment of klal yisrael

    2) this is the OP’s first post

    (The OP had his account for a month and a half though)

    in reply to: More Bar than Mitzvah #2132227
    ☕️coffee addict

    Darchei Torah’s policy for the students is that it isn’t allowed

    in reply to: More Bar than Mitzvah #2132228
    ☕️coffee addict

    Btw I like the header

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2132205
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Vote early, vote often (even if your not from Chicago).“

    Like Michigan and arizona

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