☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: CPA vrs Masters in Accounting #2168825
    ☕️coffee addict

    I was in the same boat

    I got an MBA from Keller (an online college) and didn’t go for a CPA, no one wants to look at me due to having no experience and really whatever experience you have is more worthwhile than the degree

    I think going for a CPA is if you want to work in a place like Roth & co.

    in reply to: Once Again, I Will Not Be Getting Drunk on Purim #2168554
    ☕️coffee addict

    “On the other hand, those that the whole year barely drink, but on purim force themselves against their natural inclination to get drink purely lsheim Mitzvah, are true heroes.“

    I hold this same philosophy (I wouldn’t call them heroes though)

    in reply to: Once Again, I Will Not Be Getting Drunk on Purim #2168455
    ☕️coffee addict


    So then you don’t know that many people 😉

    Also why can’t he use a little wine and the rest grape juice and the smallest shiur

    in reply to: Medinah #2168353
    ☕️coffee addict


    I think you are playing down the Palestinians abilities

    They have captured soldiers and the soldiers went into the lion’s den where the terrorists can shoot from roofs etc. they went in the middle of the day and they gave a warning beforehand

    I’m extremely surprised no one got even injured especially if there were hundreds of Arabs surrounding them

    in reply to: Once Again, I Will Not Be Getting Drunk on Purim #2168333
    ☕️coffee addict

    To each their own wolf

    I don’t look down at you for not getting drunk please don’t loose down at those who do get drunk (if really doing it for the mitzvah)

    in reply to: Rants on Demand #2168197
    ☕️coffee addict

    I don’t think there’s an e in rantable

    in reply to: Medinah #2168174
    ☕️coffee addict
    in reply to: Melech HaMashiach #2168168
    ☕️coffee addict


    I think you misunderstood N0mesorah

    in reply to: White History Month #2167965
    ☕️coffee addict


    Who was making fun of black history month?

    This is the sad state of the democrat party always virtue signaling and trying to paint republicans as evil (republicans want to cut Medicare? Was there any proof of that?)

    in reply to: White History Month #2167952
    ☕️coffee addict


    February is black history month so there are black males

    in reply to: White History Month #2167838
    ☕️coffee addict

    You mean white male history month

    Women’s history month is next month

    in reply to: Medinah #2167745
    ☕️coffee addict

    I also want to add that it’s only by muktzeh (something that’s drabbonon because they did it as a geder to protect shabbos

    It’s not a blanket thing (even though we say יש כח לחכמים לעקור דבר מן התורה….)

    in reply to: Medinah #2167744
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Coffee, i hear your perspective, but i preempted it by saying that chazal cancelled mitzvos due to the mere possibility of people sinning. Klal yisroel’s shofar, 4 minim… Aren’t worth it if one jew *might* carry… Accidentally!!“

    I understand what you are saying, however

    “they aren’t canceling the mitzvah completely, only if it falls out on shabbos, and originally it was only cancelled outside of the mikdash, in the beis hamikdash they still did all those things (this was before galus edom)

    “Kal vechomer it’s not worth it for us to have eretz yisroel in order to keep shmitah etc if the MAJORITY will sin WILLFULLY, even if they’re tinokos shenishbu, which is far from clear. I think you’d agree that at least some chilonim aren’t, if they grew up somewhat religious.“

    Would you say the same thing about Kiruv? There’s a lot of people that will drive home on shabbos purposely? What about Pesach? People will eat chametz anyway!

    It seems like the chachamim did it specifically by shabbos and in a case where the mitzvah won’t be forgotten (every year Rosh Hashana falls out on a different day of the week, and there were two days outside of eretz yisrael) and if you say that we should “give up” eretz yisrael, no Jew would live there? If they would a not frum could also and it wouldn’t solve anything

    in reply to: Medinah #2167685
    ☕️coffee addict

    “How is having the land the greatest gift? what has it brought us? More people sin with it by not keeping shmita/terumah/maaser….isn’t that a net loss?“

    I see it as the opposite, now that we have land more people are keeping shmittah, terumos, and maaseros (and those that aren’t are tinoks shenishhbahs

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more people keeping shmittah than during the first beis hamikdash

    in reply to: Medinah #2167333
    ☕️coffee addict


    Nothing can happen outside of what Hashem wants, even the “מעשה שטן” by the עגל was orchestrated by Hashem (if you believe the שטן has power outside of Hashem I think you have the wrong religion)

    Now that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a test (like the עגל) but it’s exactly what Hashem wants and it might be that the state is “evil” and the test is to fight the state at every turn, but it knight also mean that the state should be used as way to be מקרב people that would be lost to assimilation if not for the state

    in reply to: Medinah #2167241
    ☕️coffee addict

    The question ultimately is was this part of Hashem’s plan? Can something happen that isn’t part of Hashem’s plan?

    I saw a vort recently (can’t remember where) that גם זו לטובה means that the only reason you’re viewing it as bad is because you don’t see the full picture, if you did you would see a masterpiece and ultimately this “bad thing” was really good

    To joe’s question of “ Does that make the Holocaust a good thing?” I have heard that if the holocaust didn’t happen there would have been so much intermarriage that we wouldn’t be able to recover as a nation, so in some aspects it was “good” (I apologize to the posters that had ancestors that perished in the holocaust I’m not trying to make hitler yms a good person, nor what he did was a good action, but it is all in Hashem’s plan)

    in reply to: Yeshivishe “Rayd” or “Reid” #2166880
    ☕️coffee addict

    Please explain

    According to my understanding no one can get to גן עדן

    in reply to: Yeshivishe “Rayd” or “Reid” #2166753
    ☕️coffee addict

    Reb eliezer,

    Look in פרק ג פסוק כ״ד the פסוק says לשמור את דרך עץ החיים why do you need something to guard the way to the עץ החיים they couldn’t get into גן עדן according to your pshat let alone the עץ החיים

    in reply to: Itamar Ben-Gvir #2166541
    ☕️coffee addict


    “If we could only have achdus then we
    would have no problems with the Palestinians“

    Personally IMO achdus only comes about through Torah
    ויחן שם ישראל נגד ההר-כאיש אחד בלב אחד

    By Purim Haman said עם מפוזר ומפורד which means there was no achdus and what happened afterwards קימו וקיבלו, קימו מה שקבלו כבר

    in reply to: Aliens/UFO/Extraterrestrial Beings #2166444
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Coffee addict, I have no idea what the gedolim said about the earthquake or the attacks.“

    Then I guess you don’t frequent the main site

    Posek HaDor On Turkish Quake: “The Navi Tells Us The Houses In J-m Will Be Destroyed”

    Hagaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein Shlit”a Pens Urgent Message in Light of Recent Tragedies

    in reply to: Aliens/UFO/Extraterrestrial Beings #2166445
    ☕️coffee addict


    I guess I misunderstood this part of your comment

    “We have chashuvah rabbonim and askanim offering conflicting reasons over the past week for the big Earthquake in Turkey, the terrorist attacks in EY and even why the Eagles lost the superbowl.“

    Maybe next time indicate that it’s cr rabbonim and askanim

    in reply to: Yeshivishe “Rayd” or “Reid” #2166400
    ☕️coffee addict

    Reb eliezer,

    So what was the point of the angels to block the way to the עץ החיים

    in reply to: Aliens/UFO/Extraterrestrial Beings #2166354
    ☕️coffee addict


    Are you knocking the gedolim that spoke about the earthquake and the terrrorist attacks?

    in reply to: Aliens/UFO/Extraterrestrial Beings #2166290
    ☕️coffee addict


    How do you know that they weren’t the ones to make such stories?

    Maybe sci-fi stories of aliens are really autobiographies

    in reply to: Yeshivishe “Rayd” or “Reid” #2165769
    ☕️coffee addict

    Reb eliezer,

    What I’m saying is that Adam Harishon ate from the עץ הדעת on the sixth day but Hashem let him stay in גן עדן over Shabbos which is why He put the angels by the עץ החיים because if he was kicked out of גן עדן right away why does anything need to be put by the עץ החיים?

    I hope I’m being clear

    in reply to: Itamar Ben-Gvir #2165634
    ☕️coffee addict

    “that is the problem. we should be trying our best to FULLY SECURE our communities and not allow these arab terrorists who openly call for our death to be living next to our sons and daughters. if Moshe, Yehoshua, Gideon, Shimshon and Dovid Hamelech were running EY today they would totally not accept the current security situation.“

    They would probably have klal yisrael do teshuva for an aveirah that was done or daven (like moshe with amelek)

    When klal yisrael does the רצון ה׳ there is no need for “security”

    in reply to: Yeshivishe “Rayd” or “Reid” #2165491
    ☕️coffee addict

    Reb eliezer,

    I thought Adam harishon was in gan Eden over shabbos

    in reply to: Melech HaMashiach #2165488
    ☕️coffee addict

    Square root,

    Are you talking about moshiach’s descendants or his yichus to Dovid and Shlomo?

    in reply to: Melech HaMashiach #2165329
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’m playing devil’s advocate here I don’t believe any of them are moshiach

    The Gemara says (a famous Shmuely unger song) כל המלמד את בן חבירו כאילו היוולדו

    If that’s the case his children can be his תלמידים

    in reply to: Yeshivishe “Rayd” or “Reid” #2165233
    ☕️coffee addict


    Takkah eppes grada a gevaldige Zach!

    in reply to: ChatGPT No Context #2165030
    ☕️coffee addict


    And what did you type in?

    in reply to: The עולם השקר #2164987
    ☕️coffee addict

    Reb eliezer,

    And if the source has lied to you before?

    And anyways where do you get that from?

    in reply to: ChatGPT No Context #2164701
    ☕️coffee addict


    How do you know we weren’t used as a test run?

    in reply to: Parashas Yisro Birthday Dvar Torah #2164448
    ☕️coffee addict

    Happy birthday!

    May the next one be in ירושלים with משיח צדקיהו במהרה בימינו אמן!

    in reply to: Marriage for widowed seniors… #2164443
    ☕️coffee addict

    So far we have Amil, ctlawyer, and Reb eliezer as widowed democrats

    Is there any republicans on this site that’s widowed or divorced?

    in reply to: Marriage for widowed seniors… #2164319
    ☕️coffee addict

    A match made in the cr!

    Who would be the shadchan (to get the shadchan gelt)? Ujm? (Ctlawyer can give him the money since he knows him personally) (and he did rake the test thread out of spam)

    Can we all be invited to the chasuna?

    in reply to: Marriage for widowed seniors… #2164118
    ☕️coffee addict

    Bsha’ah tova

    in reply to: ChatGPT #2164032
    ☕️coffee addict

    That is an amazing poem whitecar

    Did AI really generate it or did you think of that yourself?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2163796
    ☕️coffee addict

    “One big difference is that in MO shuls I am always greeted and given invitations. The more chareidei shuls think that if you found the shul, you can or did find everything else“


    I totally relate, I think MO are very big into individual hachnasas orchim but that goes into the geder of chessed and when you take chessed to the extreme it turns into znus (which is what we are seeing to a smaller degree with mixed interactions)

    ☕️coffee addict

    You use a rotary phone to type your comments

    Wow, that is something

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2163440
    ☕️coffee addict

    “And there aren’t Chasidim that shmooze or on their phone during davening?“

    I don’t know I don’t usually daven late, but I don’t think on the same level, where there can be 2 chassidim that shmooze or on the phone tgg he ere are 6 or 7 MOs

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2163373
    ☕️coffee addict

    I know I’m coming late to the discussion but I want to add my two cents

    There was someone (or a few people) who bashed cgassidim for davening after Zman tfillah, that’s nothing compared to YI who half the guys don’t put on their tefillin properly and are on their phone or shmooze with the guy next to them FOR THE WHOLE DAVENING

    believe me, if an MO doesn’t have to wake up early they would daven at 11 too

    in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2163328
    ☕️coffee addict


    His chavrusa was probably waiting for him

    He probably had a kosher phone without internet capability

    ☕️coffee addict

    You guys know that the 9 is next to the 0 right?

    in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2162865
    ☕️coffee addict

    “I say excuse me when I want to pass.“

    Reb eliezer,

    In your example if one lady moved so you can pass which gives you a space to walk between them would you pass, if not then what?

    in reply to: Shame on EVERY Democrat – re Islamist-bigot Ilhan Omar #2162658
    ☕️coffee addict

    “You now have a Toevah congressman from LI who has lied about EVERYTHING including his mother having escaped from the Nazis, etc.“

    You’re right Gadolhadorah,

    He probably lied about being a republican too….

    in reply to: Arrogance at its best! #2162275
    ☕️coffee addict

    Thank you for the reply (sorry I just saw it this morning)

    If I brought in Gordon Chang (just someone I’ve heard of that is knowledgeable regarding communist China) and if he wrote a book regarding China (which he probably did, not sure because I don’t know THAT much about him) and he said that the Biden administration is acting like communist China it would have weight?

    But anyways I’m glad you disagree with that view, I also view desantis as Trump without a lot of baggage and that’s why he appeals to me

    Just btw your comment about “All other republican politicians do not act in this manner.” Is obviously false (according to you) MTG? AOC?(I know she’s a democrat however I view her as your MTG) there are others we can argue about too

    in reply to: Herring #2162139
    ☕️coffee addict

    Like salty fish on a sweet cracker

    in reply to: WANTED — Looking to Hire Immediately #2162123
    ☕️coffee addict

    Dr Pepper,

    You believe the same things as trump so you’re basically the same person as him and jackk would never answer trump so he won’t answer you

    You are the satan incarnate

    ☕️coffee addict


    Re part one:

    You’re expecting people to learn a lesson, they don’t think and people that don’t think won’t learn a lesson

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