Forum Replies Created
☕️coffee addictParticipant
what is your definition of “bummy” clothing
(please dont say clothes that a “bum” wears b/c thats just putting the same word in the definition)
☕️coffee addictParticipantWhy is that bummy?
idk, i’m just guessing.
what else can it be, i dont think s/he is talking about onesies (can see the baby’s legs, oh no not tzniusdik)
☕️coffee addictParticipantHow does Baby clothig get bummy?
well to name one it has stuff written on it (I got a shirt that says “if I don’t sleep nobody sleeps” or ap icture of a chipmunk that says chubby cheeks)
☕️coffee addictParticipantsing to him!
works for my baby
any soft song will do (like hamalach hagoel, v’zakeinee)
☕️coffee addictParticipantdid you try Carter’s or Osh Gosh
just to name a few
☕️coffee addictParticipantbut you know what? I have a skirt. it is four inches below my knee. my sister thinks it’s too short. my mother thinks it’s fine. i wear it on shabbos. to shul. none of the women have ever told me anything. the rebbetzin has never told me anything, nor has she given me any looks when i go over to her to wish her good shabbos. i am complimented on this skirt.
you know what? when it comes to tznius, ppl are on different levels. what some ppl see as short, others might think is ok. what some ppl see as tight, some might see as fine. when i look at someone, i don’t measure how long her skirt is. what hits me first is whether or not the whole outfit gives off a nice, put together, bais yaakov look (obviously, if i saw someone with a skirt that was so obviously too short, she would not fit in this category).
Hashemlovesme, the big difference is you’re a girl it’s not supposed to be attractive to you it’s supposed to attract guys (basically i’m saying you can’t use your personal experience regarding yourself or any other girl for that matter you need a frum guy’s opinion (i don’t think a brother will do, they don’t look at their sisters attractively)
☕️coffee addictParticipantjust a side note:
It’s a very bad idea to follow this “minhag” it conjurs up a feeling of sefarim burning by the same goyim
just think how do you think you would feel if you saw a sefer torah being burnt
☕️coffee addictParticipantLol!
I was just talking about thus with my chavrusa, and we made a comment along the lines of oomis, what hashgacha pratis!
☕️coffee addictParticipantI heard that there’s one by Shulamith but i think you need a membership
☕️coffee addictParticipantpashuteh yid you know you have a week left.
☕️coffee addictParticipantA duck walks into a bar and asks the bartender “do you have any crackers”. The bartender replies “no this is a bar, we only serve alcohol” the duck returns the next day and asks “do you have any crackers”. The bartender repeats himself and says “no this is a bar, we only serve alcohol” The duck comes in a third day and asks again “do you have any crackers”. The bartender angrily answers back “no we don’t have any crackers and if you ask the question one more time im going to nail your beak to the wall”. the duck leaves and comes back the next day and asks “do you have any nails”. To which the bartender replies “no” then the duck asks
“do you have any crackers”.
☕️coffee addictParticipantbaron, I love that one
you have just entered the blonde zone
Three blondes are going to disneyland, they see a sign that says disneyland, exit left so they turn around and go home
☕️coffee addictParticipantThey have the same right as the rest of the religions in the world to build a place of worship.
that’s true but they can build it someplace else.
We are living in Galus and we do not have the right to run the world!
noone is saying we are running the world we using our entitlement of free speech and this post is asking what are your views on the mosque
☕️coffee addictParticipant
this project seems too pro-arab if you ask me and it doesn’t matter what we say about the mosque
☕️coffee addictParticipantlol I think you should start a thread for corny puns only 😉
That reminds me!
who’s the father of all corny jokes?
August 29, 2010 1:33 am at 1:33 am in reply to: Which Singers Are Your Top 3 Favorites, (list by order) #1109049☕️coffee addictParticipant1) Yosef Karduner
2) MBD
3)Abie Rottenberg
☕️coffee addictParticipantI’m joining the thread now too,
Building there is simply in poor taste. Poor taste is not illegal in this country, as evidenced by the jokes that start to go around when there is an election.
if were talking about legalities then it is also perfectly legal to carry guns
yet there are metal detectors in public places and they tell you you can’t have guns here
I understand 1 is sensitivities and 1 is safety but were basically talking if it’s legal or not right?
☕️coffee addictParticipantmbachur- lol I think you should start a thread for corny puns only 😉 but then it wouldn’t be used during pesach b/c it would be kitniyos at least over here it’s taarovos
☕️coffee addictParticipanthere’s another pun (sorry)
once there was a tribal leader named Benny. Benny was appointed tribal leader because of his massive amount of facial hair.
One day Benny is goiong for a walk with one of his advisors, and while on his walk the asks his advisors “you know this hair is starting to annoy me, what do you think should i shave it a little, no one would be able to tell” The advisor looks at him in shock and says “No, our legend states that if the tribal leader shaves his hair something really bad will happen to him, therefore no one in the past has done it before” Benny decides to do it anyway and all of a sudden he turns into a teapot.
The moral of the story “A Benny shaved is a Benny urned”
☕️coffee addictParticipantwhat’s the definition of “sicha” i don’t think if it’s l’toeles it applies
☕️coffee addictParticipantAnd I happen to disagree with you very strongly. Every single person I know who has divorced after a short marriage has said to me that they did not feel they had nearly sufficient time to get to know the boy or girl, because the shidduch system pushed them along too quickly, and since everything looked good “on paper,” and the parents were eager for the learning boy or the girl with a good job,they took the chance. After they got married and realized what they really had gotten themselves into, they were very disillusioned by the reality of married life to someone about whom they really knew very little, other than the facts that were good on paper. The shidduch system as we know it is NOT working well at all. Never have there been so many single frum boys and girls. We do not live in the shtetl anymore, and what was accepted then is not acceptable to many now. Take off your rosy glasses and really look around at how many FRUM kids in their late twenties and thirties are not married.
actually with my wife, just with my phone conversations the connections became greater, first when i was talking to her i had no connection then i felt i was talking to a friend and in the end i felt like she was my sister and the whole dating process took 2 nad a half months b/c i was from out of town, but i hear that in towners take two weeks so i agree for in towners it’s too fast but years is a stretch
☕️coffee addictParticipantsof davar, what is? filters or non-tzniusdik pictures?
if you’re talking about the latter (which i think you are) lo sinaf is with someone elses wife. it probably falls under the geder of lo sasooroo or that your house should be clean from filth (parshas ki tzeitzei)
☕️coffee addictParticipantyou sign up, link to your bank acct then you deposit money from your bank acct then you lose all your money if you don’t know what your doing (that’s how it wen’t for me)
☕️coffee addictParticipantthanks R. moderator if she said no i would’ve put up the site
☕️coffee addictParticipantFirst of all, you are unfortunately and tragically incorrect, the divorce rate among the Yeshivish has become increasingly higher in recent years. I myself know at least half a dozen couples who broke up within the year of marriage.
that might be true (i don’t know who you know or what you define as yeshivish (were not getting into it btw again)) secondly i would believe that the reason for this is based on people being more focused on themselves (either looks or not wanting to change themselves not on the shidduch process)(which is the same reason as the shiiduch crisis)100 years ago when they had shadchanim and the guy never saw the girl until right before they got engaged the divorce rate was exteremly low so there is some element of the goyishe velt in there.
did you ever listen to R. Orlofsky’s speech on platonic relationships btw?
☕️coffee addictParticipantoomis,
it’s possible that there are opinions that say marraige is a mitzvah for the man, some say it’s a hechsher mitzvah for the man and some say kiddushin isn’t a mitzvah at all
☕️coffee addictParticipantYep, you’re absolutely right. Many do develop into something more. Engagements and marriage! How wonderful! And how sad that anyone should think that is a bad thing. Two of my children married their platonic friends, when they realized that they had developed feelings of attraction to the friends they really cared about. Nothing is better than marrying your really good friend, because you know there was something more to the relationship than merely raging hormones
Exactly, ask any goy how long they’ve been living with their girl/boy friend and they’ll tell you years! and yet the divorce rate is still high among goyim as opposed to the yeshivishe velt where there is few platonic relationships the divorce rate is low
☕️coffee addictParticipantsorry if i didn’t phrase my wording correctly.
nashim daatan kalos mean women are emotional (do you agree that women are more emotional than men even though there are some emotional men there is a higher percentage of emotional women in comparison to men)
so therefore i quoted
Recently, I have heard about terrible online swindles in the news, where foreign crooks swindle lonely, vulnerable women into transferring large amounts of money to them. How do they do this? They form a false connection with the women through excessive small talk. They chatter for hours online, and the woman thinks she has developed a real, deep bond, when in reality, there is nothing there at all. The chatter obviously has a lot of power.
☕️coffee addictParticipantthanks for the clarification i can only try
Dr. pepper put in the stuff to be happy for that he had a baby i was wondering if it was a boy or girl
mazal tov
☕️coffee addictParticipantWe all know that forming a real connection with another’s wife is a serious aveirah. I think the misha states “al tarbe sicha im haisha” because some people might mistakenly believe that small-talk doesn’t form any connection. Recently, I have heard about terrible online swindles in the news, where foreign crooks swindle lonely, vulnerable women into transferring large amounts of money to them. How do they do this? They form a false connection with the women through excessive small talk. They chatter for hours online, and the woman thinks she has developed a real, deep bond, when in reality, there is nothing there at all. The chatter obviously has a lot of power.
im sorry if this sounds offensive but that is why the gemara says nashim daatan kalos
☕️coffee addictParticipantpashuteh yid,
its while the garment is worn
☕️coffee addictParticipantgood one sister bear
here’s another punny one
A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex. Her friend said, “Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?”
“HELLLOOOOOOO……,” answered the blonde. “They’re watch dogs!”
☕️coffee addictParticipanttheprof,
simanim are basically segulos with a source, then.
☕️coffee addictParticipantthere are two gemaras that i know off the top of my head dealing with it 1 is the gemara in berachos that says if someones worried about ayin hara he should say i’m a descendant of yosef hatzadik which ayin hara has no power over (says as a general statement even though might not be a descendant)
the second gemara i’m just learning in bava basra that one neighbor can force the other neighbor to help him build a wall between their two properties b/c he’s afraid of hezek ayin which some meforshim say is maaris ayin (others say it means wants privacy)
☕️coffee addictParticipantsorry sister bear the punch line is down there where everyone’s waiting to be served punch 😉
☕️coffee addictParticipantsegulos have some source because EVERYONE has a minhag to do simanim on rosh hashana
☕️coffee addictParticipantthank you!
I’m not demanding sources for maasehs i’m demanding sources for halacha
“To paraphrase the Chofetz Chaim: Just as one may not denigrate another person, one may not denigrate oneself”
sounds like a halacha to me
☕️coffee addictParticipantyeah R. moderator how did you change this to saying lashon hara about yourself wouldn’t this go under the LASHON HARA READ AT YOUR OWN RISK post
☕️coffee addictParticipantfine R. Moderator i can’t fond a source, you win!
but isn’t it strange that the chofetz chaim didn’t put it in his sefer (he did multiple reprintings, i know, of the mishnah brurah granted it’s not shmiras halashon) usually one would learn halachos from a sefer on halacha not a maaseh
☕️coffee addictParticipant“To paraphrase the Chofetz Chaim: Just as one may not denigrate another person, one may not denigrate oneself…self denigration is not anivus (humility). Anivus is self-effacement, which is a commendable trait; self denigration is not.” where is this quote from the Chofetz Chaim Ive always heard the story about the Chofetz Chaim dengrating himself on a train and someone slapped him and he said one can’t say lashon hara about himself but then i heard someone say that his grandaughter said that story isn’t true
so i want a source
☕️coffee addictParticipantfor one a superstition is saying this thing is making it happen
where as opposed to going to the kosel for instance you want Hashem to listen to your tefillos and the best place to do it is at the kosel b/c Hashem has more rachamim for people that daven there. Im guessing the 40 days is b/c moshe rabbeinu davened for 40 days and was answered
this is my humble opinion
☕️coffee addictParticipantsorry for the corny joke (it’s my style)
a frenchman and a czechoslovakian were going on a bear hunt. Along their hunt they are spotted by two bears, a male and a female and are promptly eaten. Later that day the search teams go out to search for the two and find the two bears with stomach aches, so they cut open the female and find the frenchman. Therefore they concluded one thing and one thing only…………..
The Czech was in the male
☕️coffee addictParticipantoomis,
i dont know about you but i didn’t feel that way (maybe it’s a girl thing)
☕️coffee addictParticipantstep 1: Daven
step 2: deny everything
(you’re allowed to lie mifnei darchei shalom)
☕️coffee addictParticipantPasuteh Yid ,
why would they think they were ugly and not some other problem and find out what it is and then work on him/herself
☕️coffee addictParticipantpopa I sort of did in a way
☕️coffee addictParticipantI figured i wouldn’t know the guy since i’m not from where you are and probably never even heard of the guy.
You know there’s an issur of lifnei eeveir so whenever someone would check it you might be getting a lav, right?
☕️coffee addictParticipantbtw there are ads for isiah 53 in flatbush too
I love arguing with them
Just start out what do you believe JC is, the son of G-d, G-d himself or the messiah
to whatever answer you can just mop the floor with them
☕️coffee addictParticipanti’m just starting to read the posts but this is my take on it.
if the guy/girl had to fly in i would definitely say yes there should be a protocol (Actually happened to me and i was stuck on the second date with no one to go out with)
if not then I think 1 date is fine if it’s not a matzav, but if the guy/girl is being nitpicky i say give it a second try
☕️coffee addictParticipantCham had EY even though Hashem promised it to Shem
malchitzedek melech shalem was shem and shalem is yerushalayim
noach divided the world into 3 parts and shem got EY Hashem didn’t promise it to him he “gave” it to him