☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: Do You Have A Picture In Your Mind? #1003833
    ☕️coffee addict

    Ten bucks whoever comes near to describing me,

    and how are you going to send us this ten dollars?

    but anyways I’m guessing you look like someone thats new to the scene 😉

    in reply to: Jokes #1201488
    ☕️coffee addict

    lol baron,

    the thanks was probably meant for smartcookie!

    (I’ll take it anyways, wait…… is that genavas daas?)

    and as i said in a different post that m stands for the first letter of my first name, good guess though and i made this screenname before i went to yeshiva in Miami

    in reply to: Gadol Seeker #726521
    ☕️coffee addict

    go to whitepages.com and put in his name

    in reply to: J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS #843392
    ☕️coffee addict

    sorry, jets are going to be shot down BY THE PATS

    in reply to: Do You Have A Picture In Your Mind? #1003785
    ☕️coffee addict


    I don’t care if the poster is some deranged being, doesn’t matter to me so i dont bother thinking about it

    in reply to: Gadol Seeker #726517
    ☕️coffee addict

    theyre probably listed in the phonebook so search their names online

    examples are

    R Dovid Feinstien

    R Reuven Feinstien (Staten Island NY)

    R Shmuel Kaminetzky (Philladelphia, PA)

    R Aaron Feldman (Pikesville Md)

    in reply to: Your Favorite Color Tie? #808128
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’m a woman but I’m married to a man and ishto k’gufo so I’m like a man, okay?

    asara kavim sichos yordu l’olam, tisha natlu nashim

    if you still have part of that tisha kavim youre a woman even if ishto k’gufo

    in reply to: Bauch Dayan Ha'emes #726482
    ☕️coffee addict

    baruch dayan haemes

    in reply to: Does It Bother You When… #726439
    ☕️coffee addict

    A divorced guy marries a never married girl?

    why should that bother me?

    If it works why not

    in reply to: Jokes #1201486
    ☕️coffee addict

    Olam Hafuch Raeesee!

    I was walking in the street and saw a lady with her dog in a baby carraige

    then a little while later I saw a boy on a leash

    in reply to: Your Favorite Color Tie? #808103
    ☕️coffee addict

    hey dunno, are you a guy or a girl, from your other posts it seems like ur a guy

    but anyways stay out if you want to

    in reply to: Your Favorite Color Tie? #808102
    ☕️coffee addict

    Do I really have to stay out? I love blue ties!


    personally i like gold, or white ties

    in reply to: Leave the Guys Alone! #726224
    ☕️coffee addict

    I dont know why my comment wasnt posted if the mods could please explain that would be nice

    in reply to: Random Fact Thread #863483
    ☕️coffee addict


    I sure hope not! (b/c then it’s not today and tomorrow)

    better would be is today is Sunday tomorrow is Monday 🙂

    in reply to: Story time – NEW WORLD GAME JAN 7 #1174757
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: Bracha from Rav Ovadia Yosef #725499
    ☕️coffee addict

    R’ Chaim Kanievsky davens mincha every day in the Lederman shul in Bnei Brak,

    and then is rushed out by his gabbai knocking everyone down

    in reply to: Interviews: Funny answers to trick questions #972468
    ☕️coffee addict

    Most seminaries have so many applicants that they’ll just say they don’t need someone with such an attitude, and move on to the next girl.

    i beg to differ, seminaries might want someone with a sense of humor

    in reply to: Bracha from Rav Ovadia Yosef #725494
    ☕️coffee addict


    that’s how i did it.

    I know that R shternbuch will only talk to you if you ask a shaylah

    a great way to get a bracha is to win the oorah chinese auction 🙂

    in reply to: Accounting Jobs for Women #725249
    ☕️coffee addict

    did you look at luach.com?

    in reply to: Silly Dikduk Questions #728949
    ☕️coffee addict


    I thought the post was about silly dybbuk questions

    than I saw it was by wolfish and had to do with ramses and i looked at the title again

    in reply to: Things to Do in Miami #723695
    ☕️coffee addict

    hmmmmm, good question,

    I live in Miami Beach and can’t think of anything off the top of my head but will get back to you

    in reply to: a jewish president #723852
    ☕️coffee addict

    i second deiyezooger

    in reply to: Bungalow Colony Job for Girls #723207
    ☕️coffee addict

    look in the yated or hamodia around summer time

    in reply to: Falling in Love- a Jewish Concept? #724560
    ☕️coffee addict

    you know what happens when you fall in love…… you break your leg

    in reply to: People with Yichus #724136
    ☕️coffee addict

    Are geirim not frum?

    The Wolf

    you have to agree that could be an exception

    in reply to: People with Yichus #724126
    ☕️coffee addict

    I was told by R Shraga Neuberger (he said this in shiur, not just to me) that everyone that’s frum nowadays is b/c of some ancestor that was a gadol

    in reply to: kosher lamp #724920
    ☕️coffee addict

    good point mod-80

    in reply to: kosher lamp #724908
    ☕️coffee addict

    I got one for my RY as a chanuka gift and was told that he use it in his bedroom.

    I think it’s funny how we find all these loopholes…

    like an eruv?

    in reply to: Should a Yid own a Dog? Woof Woof! #1168782
    ☕️coffee addict

    The dogs didn’t bark when we left Mitzrayim

    correct, and because of this we give dogs treifeh meat (so therefore we had to have owned dogs)

    and the gemara says shouldn’t own a kelev Ra mashma could own a kelev tov

    in reply to: Kol Isha #723263
    ☕️coffee addict

    mbachurs halacha is correct its from the rabeinu yona in the third perek in brachos

    baruch shekivanti!

    ‘People like you shouldnt be out int he first place’

    I don’t understand the message’ Can someone please explain?

    the person who posted this was trying to make a joke (like other commentators), albeit a sick one, by saying that someone that asks this is being overly machmir and shouldn’t walk out of his house b/c maybe he will see or hear something he shouldn’t

    Why is a halachic shilah being addressed to the anonymous commenters here? This is a question for ones own rav!

    I thought i said the same thing Idk why the moderator took it out

    in reply to: Midwood or Flatbush? #722817
    ☕️coffee addict

    wait a minute! miami keeps the same day of purim as flatbush too!

    Are you inplying that Miami is a suburb of flatbush? (I know we gety a lot of snowbirds but i don’t think that qualifies it as an extension)

    in reply to: Kol Isha #723252
    ☕️coffee addict

    i don’t think there’s an issur to hearing i think it’s listening (B’poel)

    in reply to: sharing music… #722770
    ☕️coffee addict

    its been asked countless of times, its a big machlokes and ask YLOR,

    for sure if u would buy the CD just for that song then it’s assur to copy it

    in reply to: A Jew's Calling in Life #723446
    ☕️coffee addict

    good line tmb

    in reply to: A Jew's Calling in Life #723443
    ☕️coffee addict

    To be a light onto the nations (has never changed)

    in reply to: good dating places #722702
    ☕️coffee addict

    ice skating at Chelsea Piers

    I don’t know if that’s so tzniusdik

    how about build-a-bear, thats where i went with my wife when she was in florida

    in reply to: Jokes #1201480
    ☕️coffee addict


    good one it got me chuckling

    in reply to: CPA exam advice #722183
    ☕️coffee addict

    mbachur, you are in an MBA program using a BTL? I am looking into getting an MBA can you tell me more. Is your school a top ten. Don’t they require work experience usually to accept you. What did you have that they accepted you (high Gmat etc.)

    I actually got into keller in florida with an exception (It took a looong time and was a little hard to get), a got a 4 in yeshiva (sort of a joke) and i took some undergraduate courses in Miami Dade College and got basically good grades, so they are accepting me on condition i get a 3.5 average on my first two courses and i got on A- on my first class so we’ll see how i do on this one

    in reply to: Thank You Hashem for Global Warming #723050
    ☕️coffee addict

    global warming is a belief not a fact!

    you can’t impose beliefs on other people, only facts

    in reply to: Thank You Hashem for Global Warming #723049
    ☕️coffee addict

    Um hate to break it to you but global warming acutaly predicts that there will be *MORE* snow globally. By warming up the tropical areas there will be more water vapor in the air, which has to fall out somewhere, and if it is cold there, well you get snow

    i live in miami beach and its in the “tropical area” and its actually getting colder here

    in reply to: Share Cholent Recipes? #1038204
    ☕️coffee addict

    I use meat, barley, beans, baby onions, garlic cloves, salt, pepper, bbq sauce, complete seasoning.

    in reply to: No Women On The Seruv List? #746815
    ☕️coffee addict

    good point deiyezooger

    in reply to: CPA exam advice #722164
    ☕️coffee addict

    Mazal Tov!

    I’m just starting my master’s program for an MBA with a focus in accounting so can’t really help you there


    What do you think, if i got into the MBA program using undergraduate courses and my yeshivas BTL is it going to take a really long time to sit for my CPA exam?

    in reply to: No Women On The Seruv List? #746796
    ☕️coffee addict


    you answered your own question!

    If a man withholds a get the woman is stuck an agunah forever

    If a woman withhold getting a get the guy CAN remarry with the condition of 100 rabbis

    in reply to: Boys Who Learn & Go To College At Night #724292
    ☕️coffee addict

    I did this for two and a half years.

    To those who don’t like me: let that be your guide.

    To those who do like me: let that be your guide.

    I don’t like you (jk) but I go to college at night and learn during the day.

    in reply to: How Could A Yeshiva Bochur Make Money #1133679
    ☕️coffee addict

    run a canteen,

    tutoring is a very good idea wolf (unless can’t handle teaching)

    in reply to: would you go into a shidduch with a boy from a divorced home? #721035
    ☕️coffee addict

    eclipse I don’t get your comment.

    Personally my parents are divorced, but i never saw them trying to work out their problems together. This teaches me that if I don’t want to end up like them then just do the oppisite, i would assume others whose parents are divorced feel the same way.

    in reply to: would you go into a shidduch with a boy from a divorced home? #721006
    ☕️coffee addict

    why don’t you try it out and ask him how it affects him

    in reply to: Fun Things To Do In Boca Raton #844743
    ☕️coffee addict

    For kids: Boomers (mini golf, go-karts, bumper boats, etc.), near the Boca FAU campus/airport.

    For the whole family: Butterfly World (just south of Boca off the Turnpike).

    butterfly world is great!

    boomers is also good, if you like arcades.

    in reply to: If You Could Be ANYONE For One Day,Who Would It Be? #720720
    ☕️coffee addict

    myself (I think one more day is enough) jk.

    seriously, idk who i would want to be.

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