☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748968
    ☕️coffee addict

    PS can anyone please cite the source that it is a mitzvah (from the word tzavaah meaning commandment)? You have what may be at best a d’rabbanan. Im not sure of even that.

    it is mentioned as a chiyuv in the gemara so i guess that makes it a dirabbanan and there are halachas about it, and we give importance to dirabanans like dioraysah

    you should take note in do way would anyone advocate getting plastered or even dangerous drinking, one gives his wife the keys and doesn’t overdo it

    A chilled 2010 Eau de Javel Blanc de Blancs is one of the best wines for the Purim seudah. It is sold in white jugs and is very inexpensive. Strength is 5.25 – 6.5%

    iyhbyu: White wine is lighter than red wine, which is why you may find it easier to swallow.

    Normally white wine is served with fish whereas red wine is served with red meat.

    As for a good wine to be mekayeim the mitzva on purim, try Chateuneuff (however you spell it). Its white not too sweet and not too dry. Be aware, that whatever you get too drunk on,you wont be able to look at again!! .

    thank you ill keep it in mind too

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748967
    ☕️coffee addict

    wow, go away long enough and the topic heats up, i’ll try to answer everyone specifically

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Birthday/Yartzeit in Leap Year (2 Adar's) #742308
    ☕️coffee addict

    birthday- adar sheini

    yahrtzeit- machlokes (so should be machmir and do both)

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1102175
    ☕️coffee addict


    oy my head!

    Rafu Yedeyhem Mdivrei Torah

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748937
    ☕️coffee addict

    I have never understood why this “mitzvah” inspires so many to be mekayem it so diligently

    the gemara (i don’t remember where, maybe someone can help me out) says a mitzvah taken on b’simcha stays with yiddishkeit forever

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748935
    ☕️coffee addict

    Thank you for the insight, i’ll keep it in mind (maybe i’ll try some beforehand for kiddush)

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Smart or Popular? #988733
    ☕️coffee addict

    I would rather be the guy that has a million friends (if it’s just in between these two choices)

    with friends it’s a lot easier to network and thereby get a job, whereas brains earns you a degree but if you dont have connections you’re “too qualified for the job”

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Mazal Tov Charlie Hall? #743688
    ☕️coffee addict

    btw everyone he posted on the regular newsfeeds

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748933
    ☕️coffee addict

    There is a reason rav zeira wouldn’t go back the next year

    thats true yossi, it’s because Rava wold get drunk again

    and it isn’t such a simple gemarrah and there is a lot of explanations and such going on there. Sorry even if it would be a proof it wouldn’t be usable.

    the classic answer when something doesn’t fit a person’s views (It’s not so pashut)

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748929
    ☕️coffee addict

    We have been through this last year. You can look it up. If you want to know which Rabbonim pasken on this, you can google it from YWN to Hatzolah. There is a lot of information on the subject.

    was this comment directed at me? i honestly don’t remember the conversation (i have a horrible memory)

    Oh and yossi what about Rav slaughtering R Zeira?

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748925
    ☕️coffee addict

    the makor why it should be yayin: the mishte was of yayin; the gemara connects Purim & Pesach, arba kosos are yayin so too seudas Purim! may we all be zoche to simchas Purim

    that’s true and like I said that’s why i think that too, but there are chashuva mattirim (if you want i’ll post it tomorrow)

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748924
    ☕️coffee addict

    You should drink less; it’s not purim yet. I understand you are doing hachanos.

    mishenichnas adar marbim b’simcha

    and as i stated above “Ein simcha eleh B’yayin” (though i don’t understand what you’re getting at)

    Itche are any of them semi-sweet? (I seriously don’t know)

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748921
    ☕️coffee addict

    as far as drinking, the mitzvah is ONLY with yayin

    i feel the same way, yet there are poskim that mater whiskey (look in piskei tshuva)

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748916
    ☕️coffee addict

    popa why can’t i see that post!

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748915
    ☕️coffee addict

    thank you aries! (i hope you’re feeling better btw)

    my wife is my designated driver

    I do throw up, but i try to minimize it (which is the reason why i want a good semi sweet wine, because the sugar is what makes you throw up (I tried semi-dry last year and it tasted horrible, so bad i couldn’t drink it so therefore i didn’t even get high)

    oh and my kid is 17 months (I don’t think i’ll be making an example of anything)

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1102171
    ☕️coffee addict

    I still don’t get it

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748909
    ☕️coffee addict

    Oh, mbachur. My father drinks a mixture of Concord Grape and Cream Niagra.

    I think those are sweet wines though (I want to get drunk not throw up)

    Does that compensate for what I’ve done?

    you didn’t do anything wrong, observateen, its a good topic to start and my wife totally agrees with you (and a lot of other wives i know) but we do it anyway and they concede in the end (I totally understand where you girls are coming from, and i wouldn’t want to be on the recieving end, and believe me if halcha didn’t say it I wouldn’t do it and hate it when bachurim get drunk at night or before the seudah b/c thenb theres no mitzvah to do it)

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Is Popa getting Gold?? #739911
    ☕️coffee addict

    I am getting Gold. I like it; you can’t eat it

    but you can put it in your mouth (as in gold teeth)

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748907
    ☕️coffee addict

    thank you observateen hopefully not last post from anyone (excluding me though)

    I really want to know good semi-sweet wines!

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748904
    ☕️coffee addict

    that is also a good point!

    not knowing the difference between arur haman and baruch mordechai has no connection to happiness

    :p> mbachur <d:

    please someone post wines

    in reply to: Purim Costumes for Families #744562
    ☕️coffee addict

    last year my wife and I were mexicains and my newborn son was a pepper

    and for mishloach manos we gave enchalada chips, guacamole,

    2 years ago we were israelis gave bamba and made magen dovid cookies

    we gave more than that just cant remember what

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1102167
    ☕️coffee addict


    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748902
    ☕️coffee addict

    So, can’t you be yotzei by just being happy?

    the gemara in pesachim says “ein simcha (bizman hazeh) eleh b’yayin” only simcha nowadays is with wine

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Purim Seudah Wine #748900
    ☕️coffee addict


    if you want you can post your own thread how people shouldn’t get drunk, not try to bash mine. I’m asking a legitamite question and I would like answers not bashes please!

    thank you!

    sorry keep on forgetting to put a signature

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: How to Add a New Thread #1184227
    ☕️coffee addict

    how did you just do it without knowing how?

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Post Here to Add/Change Your Subtitle #1198892
    ☕️coffee addict

    mbachur- id luv to hear about that day..

    Once upon a time when I was younger and stronger, i was attacked by a huge ferocious mountain lion! I took my left hand and tore off his head, end of story.

    Doo doo do do dooo

    mbachur… Once killed a Mountain Lion with his bare hands…

    Is that the time you woke up screaming??

    and yes I did wake up screaming b/c the mountain lion at first found me sleeping

    in reply to: What is your favorite smell? #740065
    ☕️coffee addict

    wow so many to choose from,

    as of now i would say cholent!

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Post Here to Add/Change Your Subtitle #1198883
    ☕️coffee addict

    I like mine the way it is

    thank you!

    in reply to: Do you smell Spring? #739159
    ☕️coffee addict

    What are you looking forward to doing as soon as the weather turns nice outside?

    as soon as the weather turns nice, the weather has been nice for months already 😛

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1102160
    ☕️coffee addict

    HaMikadesh Es HaShabbos

    in reply to: names… #739273
    ☕️coffee addict

    i think m was for mesivta (i got the name from my ebay account)

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1102158
    ☕️coffee addict

    Ein Bein Adar Aleph L’Adar Beis

    in reply to: cheap shalach manos #917726
    ☕️coffee addict

    give a can of soda and a bag of popcorn (you can make it a baseball theme)

    in reply to: Anyone Miss Dr. Pepper? #755752
    ☕️coffee addict

    yeah, i miss Dr Pepper too 🙁

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Chabad Houses in South/Southeast #739121
    ☕️coffee addict

    Lol Mr 80,

    you made a specific webpage just for him?

    also he should learn to do it on his own (maybe just a link to google would sufice and tell him what to type in

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: florentines???? #738685
    ☕️coffee addict

    i like fettucini florentine (idk whats in it, i usually get it in a restaurant)

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Doctor in Miami #738999
    ☕️coffee addict

    Stu? (stewart), or Dan

    in reply to: Chabad Houses in South/Southeast #739119
    ☕️coffee addict

    why don’t you google it

    in reply to: related to chayav #739687
    ☕️coffee addict

    chayav is a guy?

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Could you spare 5 seconds of you time? #739812
    ☕️coffee addict






    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Doctor in Miami #738994
    ☕️coffee addict

    oy refuah sheleimah b’karov aries!

    :/> mbachur <:

    in reply to: Doctor in Miami #738992
    ☕️coffee addict

    thank you for asking Health

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Doctor in Miami #738991
    ☕️coffee addict

    I was just about to post that!

    I have to stay at home with my kid today also, he still had diarrhea this morning, (looked yellowish) but other than that he’s fine.

    I’m giving him florastor (kids)for it (that’s what his pediatrician told us to do)

    if it’s an upper respritory infection it shouldn’t be doing this to him

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: The Latest On The Situation In Egypt #799933
    ☕️coffee addict


    btw its riding on a pony

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Jokes #1201572
    ☕️coffee addict

    oy shticky guy,


    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: HHHEEELLPP MMMEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #739699
    ☕️coffee addict

    end of makkos, with R Akiva happy and everyone upset when they see a fox go out from the makom hamikdash

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1102148
    ☕️coffee addict

    Peh Lahem V’lo Yidabeiru

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Doctor in Miami #738988
    ☕️coffee addict

    thank you, health!

    Ayun (look at) signed (the post)

    awwww always here! you gave it away!

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Doctor in Miami #738984
    ☕️coffee addict

    I was there yesterday and they said what health said, i just wanted a second opinion from health

    he hasn’t thrown up today which is good

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Doctor in Miami #738982
    ☕️coffee addict


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