☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: My New Subtitle #993333
    ☕️coffee addict

    May I remind you of my request to be The Human and remove Spellchecker?I really don’t proof anything I don’t get paid for!

    Hey Eclipse! Welcome Back (i thought you left for good, glad u didn’t though)

    in reply to: hcopahaniv uh (vinahapoch hu) #749036
    ☕️coffee addict


    ti dluohs eb nehcileirf,

    in reply to: where do u live #749220
    ☕️coffee addict

    I figured it might be him i just know him as Rabbi S (his son btw, who i guess makes him your cousin was my shadchan)

    in reply to: Random Praise Thread #867903
    ☕️coffee addict

    hey, it has to be true it’s my subtitle (and even if it’s not you’re not supposed to say that to a little kid, you’re supposed to say “oh, how nice or something like that)

    in reply to: concerts #748784
    ☕️coffee addict


    being that the OP didn’t say assur, when he/she says ok it means not advisable

    in reply to: Why Do Threads ALWAYS Change Direction? #883596
    ☕️coffee addict

    ADDing is great!

    in reply to: Random Praise Thread #867900
    ☕️coffee addict

    ok, but only if I can say my story too (I once killed a MOUNTAIN LION WITH MY BARE HANDS!)

    in reply to: Random Praise Thread #867898
    ☕️coffee addict

    k mbachur you are forgiven here is your milk and graham crackers

    Yaay, can i get a gold star sticker too?

    in reply to: concerts #748780
    ☕️coffee addict

    maybe concerts should be separate except for families with young kids (like boys on one side, girls on the distant other side and families in between

    in reply to: where do u live #749218
    ☕️coffee addict

    I am here,

    I’m originally from Providence (still go back for the chagim b/c my family lives there)

    now I’m trying to figure out who Y.S. is

    in reply to: Baby formula #748665
    ☕️coffee addict

    Also, many of the soy based formulas still contain milk products (I believe Similac’s does. . .)

    good start doesn’t

    in reply to: Corny Jokes #1208917
    ☕️coffee addict

    why can two geese be together but not two ducks?

    b/c then it would be a paradox!

    in reply to: Random Praise Thread #867886
    ☕️coffee addict

    mbachur~ if it had been a sem, I would have called it a sem., but it was the Diaspora Yeshiva on Har Tzion.

    i’ll post a reply on the new thread

    in reply to: Random Praise Thread #867885
    ☕️coffee addict

    mbachur this is the praise thread not the peeve thread sorry mb u need a timeout

    Waaaa, i want my mommy, I wanna go to a different school fine I’ll start a different thread!

    in reply to: Random Praise Thread #867880
    ☕️coffee addict


    refuah shleimah!

    take a steam bath

    in reply to: Random Praise Thread #867879
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’d like to thank a friend of mine for giving me an evening of almost non-stop laughs… reminiscing about our days in yeshiva in Israel in 1976. she came in from the Midwest

    sorry for hijacking this thread but this is one of my pet peeve!

    why do girls call seminary yeshiva, boys go to yeshiva girls don’t!

    in reply to: Why? #755431
    ☕️coffee addict


    are you new here (or maybe mod 80 in disguise ;))

    in reply to: Corny Jokes #1208901
    ☕️coffee addict

    that should put her out of her Missouri


    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Corny Jokes #1208900
    ☕️coffee addict

    one goal,

    i don’t know, Alaska

    in reply to: Random Praise Thread #867871
    ☕️coffee addict

    I would like to thank my wife for putting up with me (I can’t think of anyone else that would do it 24/7 without going insane)

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: The Pun Thread #1098918
    ☕️coffee addict


    I never thought you were a doe nut

    in reply to: where do u live #749202
    ☕️coffee addict

    and good luck with that!

    my sis and bro in law wanted to do that too, then they got married and realized it’s not shayich

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: paysach!!! #748107
    ☕️coffee addict

    good one Goq!

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Tzedakah/ chessed organization #747990
    ☕️coffee addict

    it’s called medicaid 🙂

    in reply to: Baby formula #748652
    ☕️coffee addict

    For those who consider CY a chumra, but do keep it, I think it’s a good question, whether one should use soy based formula instead of milk based formula, to avoid CS.

    what’s the question?

    in reply to: Baby formula #748650
    ☕️coffee addict

    If someone keeps CY as a chumra, I think it might still be consistent to not be makpid on formula if there was difficulty involved. But if CY formula is available at a cost differential similar to that of other dairy products, it would seem to me that there would not be grounds to be meikil purely based on the fact that the child is below the age of chinuch.

    sorry, been really busy today.

    Idk abt NY but WIC out of state only provides for the goyishe brands

    (admittedly, when good start, soy formula was available we got it)

    in reply to: Baby formula #748629
    ☕️coffee addict

    no daas, i’m not saying that, i’m stating that if it’s fine for a kid to eat basar b’chalav i don’t think chalav stam will harm him

    (I think i’m slowly seeing where this is going, I take CY as a chumra (which i follow), I eat dairy equipment, anbd would give someone else something that has an OU-D on it)

    in reply to: Baby formula #748625
    ☕️coffee addict

    i don’t know if it works halachicly though,

    i just heaard this past week that a kid below chinuch technically can eat basar b’chalav just you can’t feed him it

    in reply to: Baby formula #748622
    ☕️coffee addict


    similac has a soy formula that’s pareve

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: where do u live #749180
    ☕️coffee addict


    Until it’s a Flat bush (can even add “in Boro PARK”)

    in reply to: The Pun Thread #1098908
    ☕️coffee addict

    what happens when Pesach falls on Purim?

    You rush him to the hospital!

    in reply to: The Pun Thread #1098902
    ☕️coffee addict

    whenever im sick i say “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired”

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Sefer Tehillim Worldwide Daily #1229451
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: Jokes #1201601
    ☕️coffee addict

    I heard the joke with cabbies

    in reply to: The Pun Thread #1098898
    ☕️coffee addict

    every time I’m tired i always say i’m a bicycle (two tired)

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: where in the world? #746128
    ☕️coffee addict

    next to Carmen Sandiago?

    in reply to: PURIM TORAH!!!! #1062384
    ☕️coffee addict


    this is an old one of mine and has no shaychus to Purim, sorry (hey and maybe it’s true)

    there’s a Gemara that mentions what the Eitz HaDaas was, what it doesn’t mention is Onkelos’ pshat.

    If you look at when Chava took the fruit from the Eitz HaDaas (Bereishis 3:6) the Passuk says VaTikach MiPiryo (and she took from it’s fruit) Onkelos translates it as U’Nesivas MeiEBAY

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Small i #747178
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: PURIM TORAH!!!! #1062381
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’m sorry BallHaBooze for being serious, but Haman made a lot of lotteries (no pun intended but fine with it) he first did days then months (Listen to the Purim Story)

    :p> mbachur <d:

    ☕️coffee addict

    either b/c they don’t want to work to change who they married, or they truly don’t want to get married and are just making excuses

    that’s my take

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: 'Member' #745919
    ☕️coffee addict

    Kudos to the Goq

    it’s under my new subtitle

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: 'Member' #745918
    ☕️coffee addict

    wow thanks for the Honorable Mention!

    the moderators we’re giving them away like hotcakes 1-2 months ago, sorry you missed out

    maybe they’ll do it again

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: The Pun Thread #1098874
    ☕️coffee addict

    lol Gummy

    in reply to: The Pun Thread #1098871
    ☕️coffee addict

    Tony the Tiger, Toucan Sam, and the quaker oatmeal guy are all in hiding.

    A CEREAL KILLER is on the loose

    in reply to: Getting Up In The Morning #745907
    ☕️coffee addict

    A great way to wake up is get an annoying alarm clock (like the Modeh Ani alarm clock) and if you don’t wake up from it you’ll wake up from your roomates

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: family purim ideas #746259
    ☕️coffee addict

    for kids or adults?

    in reply to: The Pun Thread #1098866
    ☕️coffee addict

    whenever someone asks you “whats up?” tell them “the ceiling” or “lights” or call them an apikores (the mishna in Chagigah says these four things shouldn’t be asked one of them being what’s above the world (or in other words “what’s up”)

    Whenever someone asks you “what’s going on?” tell them “lights” or “cars”

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: family purim ideas #746256
    ☕️coffee addict


    none fit my kid’s size but anyway I wanted a family theme

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: family purim ideas #746253
    ☕️coffee addict


    we were thinking of doing UPS delivery people, but when I asked someone that works there where i can get costumes he said I can’t and then “an investigator for UPS told me I can’t do it b/c will look suspicious

    any quick ideas besides the ones which were mentioned above would be appreciated

    :p> mbachur <d:

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223408
    ☕️coffee addict

    yummy cupcake,

    there are certain sects of chassidim that get married young btw

    :p> mbachur <d:

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