☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: Sinas chinam #2206611
    ☕️coffee addict

    Thank you haleivi

    I want to comment I was reading an article in the mishpacha from a few weeks ago about a baalas teshuva and how she went to an in town community and they made her feel like an outcast (sorry if I’m not being too wordy, if anyone wants to give more details כל הכבוד)

    This is what sinas chinam is

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2206477
    ☕️coffee addict


    So you’re using the source that he can come from the dead by a person that says his father is moshiach but you’re arguing that his father is moshiach?

    He would say the rebbe isn’t moshiach because it’s his father

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2206263
    ☕️coffee addict

    “i think every chabadsker loves rav shach“

    Well you’re mistaken

    I’m sorry

    I know a Lubavitcher that put up his middle finger when Rav shach’s name was mentioned

    If you loved misnagdim you wouldn’t call them snags it’s like a person that’s calls Jews the k word and says he loves all jews

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2205974
    ☕️coffee addict

    “i hope one day soon chabad’s love for every jew“

    Except for Rav Shach and every snag

    in reply to: Summer camps #2205930
    ☕️coffee addict

    Food and board for starters

    in reply to: Sinas chinam #2205655
    ☕️coffee addict

    To get back to the main topic at hand

    How is אבילות (not getting a haircut, not getting married, and not listening to music etc) supposed to help

    If the problem is שנאת חינם the things we should be doing is more chessed not אבילות and why the connection to ספירת העומר with the תלמידים of rabbi Akiva

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2205615
    ☕️coffee addict


    I have had the same experience with chabad at my city of birth

    in reply to: Sinas chinam #2205428
    ☕️coffee addict

    Thank you yungermanS,

    In order to solve a problem you have to figure out what the problem is, and it seems like we haven’t figured out the problem because we’re still here and we’re still doing the same things

    I highly doubt if we really knew what the problem is then the gedolim wouldn’t help us fix it

    in reply to: Sinas chinam #2205266
    ☕️coffee addict


    Women off the wall (mistyped on purpose) sing explicitly in front of men (לפני עור) and touch a Sefer Torah when they are possibly נדות

    There probably are other עבירות that they do

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2204969
    ☕️coffee addict


    Did any Lubavitcher believe that before the rebbe passed away?

    in reply to: Problem with Melech HaMashiach from the Dead #2204953
    ☕️coffee addict


    “And yet he also says bar kochba was a melech and rabbi Akiva thought he was moshiach. How strange! The Rambam pashut says a king and ur gonna tell me bar kochba was a king without fitting how the Rambam says a king is established?!”

    He minted his own currency, something which kings do

    in reply to: Problem with Melech HaMashiach from the Dead #2204777
    ☕️coffee addict

    Is the Lubavitcher rebbe the only person that fits the criteria

    What about bar kochba, or even other gedolim?

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2203846
    ☕️coffee addict


    The answer is, is that chabad is a great sect in yiddishkeit and it would be even better if it cut out “the rebbe is moshiach” naarishkeitin so the frum non chabadniks that you meet are trying to make chabad (and in essence the whole religion) better

    in reply to: Problem with Melech HaMashiach from the Dead #2203461
    ☕️coffee addict


    To answer you, if you don’t feed the trolls the CR becomes dead

    in reply to: Problem with Melech HaMashiach from the Dead #2203244
    ☕️coffee addict


    Sinas chinam is looking how each of us is different and accentuating it

    So Lubavitchers believe their rebbe is moshiach and can come from the dead, so what? It isn’t an aveirah (maybe a shtus) and they won’t listen to you and you won’t listen to them

    You’ll think they’re crazy and they’ll think you’re crazy

    I don’t see a point to multiple “rebbe being moshiach” threads and why now?

    in reply to: Problem with Melech HaMashiach from the Dead #2203078
    ☕️coffee addict

    We need another anti lubavitch thread? You couldn’t just piggy back on a different thread?

    Anyways is this a pre three weeks thread so we can get ready for sinas chinam?

    in reply to: Any pet owners here? #2203022
    ☕️coffee addict

    As I’ve stated in another thread

    I have two goldfish

    in reply to: Side Hustle idea for kollel yungerman #2202720
    ☕️coffee addict

    Night mashgiach

    in reply to: Is there a greater meaning to the Titan accident? #2202596
    ☕️coffee addict


    It wasn’t but I guess the guy talked a lot on the titanic

    The definition of drone (before drones were invented) is to speak tediously in a low monotonic sound

    in reply to: Out Of The Mailbag: Jewish Kindness #2201645
    ☕️coffee addict

    Maybe we can revive this thread with those stories!

    in reply to: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO #2200933
    ☕️coffee addict

    “If they clean the bugs off their lettuce it’s the same as any other lettuce.

    It’s not like even the frummest kitchens are guaranteed to know how to be bug free.”


    Not sure where you live but the frummest kitchens are somech on a vaad hakashrus and don’t check their own vegetables

    in reply to: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO #2200647
    ☕️coffee addict


    What are you talking about?

    in reply to: Chrstians claiming Rabbi wrote note naming Moshiach #2200524
    ☕️coffee addict


    Where is he in the Gemara? Spelled ישו?

    in reply to: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO #2200492
    ☕️coffee addict

    “@coffee-addict I’m not sure what to take from that story. Obviously you viewed things one way, but I don’t know the precise circumstances, nor the people involved, to say that it’s an indictment of MO Yiddishkeit.“

    I was saying a compliment to MO (at least to that MO kid) not sure where you got that I was bashing MO

    in reply to: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO #2200490
    ☕️coffee addict

    “You can eat salads from most Barely Orthodox homes.“

    Where do you get that from? You know there are bugs in lettuce that three washes can’t take out

    in reply to: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO #2200421
    ☕️coffee addict


    I figured you would nitpick

    A pessimist always sees the glass half full and the Mishnah in pirkei avos calls this an Ayin Rah

    Btw lobster is a sheretz so it’s six lavin that makes it worse than chazir

    I’m not dealing with the older generation they might be a lost cause

    And in my case the salad is also sheratzim however it seems like MO has gone away from the shittah that lettuce is a miyoot hamatzoi

    in reply to: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO #2200292
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’m sorry to hijack this thread, not really interested in starting a new one and not interested in looking for one that it will fit into better

    The shul that I daven shachris in (because it’s near my job) is MO. Today in between the first and second minyan I eavesdropped a little on a conversation that the rabbi of the shul was having with a father and his teenage son, it seems like there is going to be an engagement in the family and the other side might want to do it in a restaurant that’s not so kosher so the son wanted to know what he should do if that is the case. The rabbi said obviously you can’t eat the meat, but the cold food shouldn’t be a problem and that includes the salads

    The boy wasn’t comfortable with it

    End of story one

    A few nights ago I was at a simcha of the Rav of my shul where I live and one of the attendees (who is a big part of the shul) was asking who’s the caterer and found out that it was a well known caterer, so he tells this story that he was at a different simcha a while ago and asked about the meat to the mashgichim over there and they didn’t know, so he goes around to the rabbanim at the simcha and tells them the mashgichim don’t know who gives hashgacha on the meat and everyone just kept on eating

    I’m sorry if the point of my stories aren’t clear, but what I’m saying is, is that everyone is judged on his level, the MO kid that will be going to a not so kosher restaurant is giving more nachas to Hashem than the rabbanim that was ok with the meat

    in reply to: Chrstians claiming Rabbi wrote note naming Moshiach #2199942
    ☕️coffee addict

    I don’t understand

    I haven’t heard what you’re talking about and I don’t follow what you’re saying

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199514
    ☕️coffee addict


    But if your “chumrah” is preventing you from doing it…..

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199311
    ☕️coffee addict

    Why can’t the “machmirim” just shop their chametz in a goyish store (ShopRite) and everything else in the Jewish store

    in reply to: Rav Itche Meir Morganstern Yeshiva #2199277
    ☕️coffee addict

    It’s bein hazmanim already?

    Seriously you’ve only posted three times and it was all OP never a reply to someone

    in reply to: Check the Air Quality in your Location #2198230
    ☕️coffee addict


    Never thought of that, I don’t even know where my local Audubon society is!


    I work in an MO neighborhood and live in a mixed neighborhood so not sure what you’re getting at

    in reply to: Check the Air Quality in your Location #2198145
    ☕️coffee addict


    Never thought this thread would get political 🙄

    in reply to: Check the Air Quality in your Location #2198098
    ☕️coffee addict


    Where are you located? I see a lot of birds flying around

    in reply to: Check the Air Quality in your Location #2198046
    ☕️coffee addict

    This is probably the best place to put my question (not interested in starting a new one)

    I’ve heard that exposure to this smoke (air quality) for 24 hours is like smoking either 6 or 12 cigarettes

    If so why aren’t birds and outdoor animals dying left and right?

    in reply to: Check the Air Quality in your Location #2197822
    ☕️coffee addict

    My phone has a weather app and it gives air quality

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2197762
    ☕️coffee addict

    “The chamets sold before Pesach should be batel in the chametz bought after Pesach.“

    כל קבוע כמחצה על מחצה דמי


    in reply to: Chris Christie for President #2197147
    ☕️coffee addict

    Thought my comment went through

    Get off the $!?&@? beach

    in reply to: The Liozna Rebbe #2196965
    ☕️coffee addict

    “CA: Actually, I didn’t intend to trigger a debate on the rebbe. I read enough of those to the point where some breaking news on the shidduch crisis would seem more relevant.“

    And a lot of political threads don’t intend to trigger something about Trump

    in reply to: More than One Type of Toeiva #2196926
    ☕️coffee addict

    I like akuperma’s reply

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2196732
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Yes its call the troller supermarket“

    One way to spot a troll is if they haven’t posted anything from n the CR since they opened their account (3 years and 11 months ago) and they start by posting a new thread that could be inflammatory

    in reply to: The Liozna Rebbe #2196375
    ☕️coffee addict

    My point was that when it comes to the midrash, you look in mefarshim to understand what it meant.
    When it comes to a sicha, you refuse to even open up the sicha itself and see what it says, let alone ask someone learned in these subjects to explain it properly (excluding those in the CR. Online discussions just go in circles.)

    I’m going to bring up Rav Shach זצ״ל again

    Do Lubavitchers know the context of what he said regarding the rebbe, you don’t

    Nowhere in the Torah or Halacha does it say that we have to view אחרונים as תנאים

    in reply to: The Liozna Rebbe #2195940
    ☕️coffee addict

    “I did not intend for the OP to morph into a debate on the Rebbe, Z’L.“

    That’s the funniest line I’ve seen you write

    That’s like saying someone didn’t intend for the OP to morph into something about Trump 😂😂😂

    (Now we can’t start about trump just for the fun of it)

    in reply to: The Liozna Rebbe #2195392
    ☕️coffee addict

    If you mean the living Torah museum then yes

    in reply to: Yeshivish Girls/Wives/Rebbetzins in College #2194975
    ☕️coffee addict

    Lol at commonsaychel’s mod, I like the comment!

    Re the OP I think it’s bittul Torah mixed with pritzus on college campuses both which women don’t have a problem with

    in reply to: Chabad Inspires all Jews to Yearn for Mashiach #2194879
    ☕️coffee addict

    “I would never disrespect Rav Soloveitchik the way the Rebbe was disparaged on this forum shame on you.“


    What about Rav Shach

    I’ve seen Lubavitchers stick their middle finger when his name was said
    You will never find an Avi Ezri in any Lubavitcher home

    I wonder why

    in reply to: Cheesecake for squirrels #2194454
    ☕️coffee addict

    “The whole inyan of cheesecake is only to remind us of the Bikurum which is brought from the 7 species of the Land, flowing with Milk and Honey“

    Do you have a source for that?

    There are numerous reasons why having dairy is a minuag for shavuos

    To the OP

    Why is that different than food in general that numerous stores and people make in excess that gets thrown out daily

    in reply to: Chabad Inspires all Jews to Yearn for Mashiach #2193690
    ☕️coffee addict


    Another chabad moshiach thread?

    in reply to: Why אחדות is a condition for קבה”ת? #2193165
    ☕️coffee addict

    ישראל ואורייתא וקודשא בריך הוא חד הוא

    When klal yisrael is באחדות then we can be called ישראל

    That’s why ויחן שם ״ישראל״ נגד ההר

    I want to make an observation though

    It seems like klal yisrael’s problem by קבלת התורה was the ג עבירות חמורות (we see that by the חטא העיגל) as such the first beis hamikdash was destroyed for those things

    The next”קבלת התורה” was Purim (קימו וקיבלו) but they didn’t have אחדות (they were מפוזר ומפורד בין העמים) which is why the second beis hamikdash was destroyed because of שנאת חינם

    Makes sense?

    in reply to: Oorahthon #2192745
    ☕️coffee addict


    I don’t follow

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