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  • in reply to: will katia follow irene? #806463
    ☕️coffee addict

    jose fizzled

    in reply to: will katia follow irene? #806458
    ☕️coffee addict


    or better yet was Hashem angry at Virginia or NC?

    (place where the earthquake and Irene hit strong)

    in reply to: New Hangman! Join the fun! thread (to replace the broken one) #863930
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: new new new!! #806118
    ☕️coffee addict

    a day at a time (don’t look at it as a whole year) always start small

    in reply to: I want to be the most perfect wife be'esras hashem bekorov! #806420
    ☕️coffee addict


    I can see that from a string of posts that he/she made

    in reply to: New Hangman! Join the fun! thread (to replace the broken one) #863922
    ☕️coffee addict

    Ur post goes up you just get the message don’t worry your post is still there

    in reply to: I want to be the most perfect wife be'esras hashem bekorov! #806414
    ☕️coffee addict

    Geshmake MENSCH is a girl?

    in reply to: Friends #805991
    ☕️coffee addict

    maybe you can team up with workinonit

    in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840693
    ☕️coffee addict

    theres a famous made up story called Moshiach’s Hat

    I’ll post below

    “Twas the night of the Geulah, – And in every single Shtiebel. Sounds of the Torah could be heard coming from every kind of Yeedel.

    This one in English Some in Hebrew, some in Yiddish. Some saying Pshat And some saying a Chiddish. And up in Shamayim The Aibishter decreed: “The time has come for My Children to be freed.”

    “Rouse the Moshiach From his heavenly berth. Have him get in his chariot, And head down to earth.” The Moshiach got dressed And with a heart full of glee, Went down to earth and entered The first Shtiebel he did see.

    “I am the Moshiach! Hashem has heard your plea! Your Geulah has come! It’s time to go free!” They all stopped their learning; This was quite a surprise. And they looked at him carefully, With piercing sharp eyes.

    “He’s not the Moshiach!” Said one with a grin, “Just look at his hat, At the pinches and brim!” “That’s right!” cried another With a grimace and frown, “Whoever heard of Moshiach With a brim that’s turned down?”

    “Well,” thought Moshiach, “If this is the rule, I’ll turn my brim up Before I go to the next shul.” So he walked right on over To the next shul in town. Sure to be accepted, Since his brim was no longer down. “I’m the Moshiach!” he cried, As he began to enter, But the Jews wanted to know first If he was Left, Right, or Center.

    “You’re clothes are so black!” They cried out in fright. “You can’t be Moshiach You’re much too far right!” “If you want to be Moshiach, You must be properly outfitted.” So they replaced his black hat with a kippah that was knitted. Wearing his new Kippah, Moshiach went out and said: “No difference to me what I wear on my head.”

    So he went to the next shul, For his mission was dear, But he was getting frustrated with the Yidden down here. “I’m the Moshiach!” he cried, And they all stopped to stare, And a complete eerie stillness filled up the air.

    “You’re the Moshiach?! just imagine that! Whoever heard of Moshiach – without a black hat?!” “But I do have a hat!” the Moshiach then said. So he pulled it right out and plunked it down on his head.

    The shul started laughing, And one said: “where’s your kop?” You can’t have a Moshiach With a brim that’s turned up!” “If you want to be Moshiach And be accepted in this town, Put some pinches in your hat And turn that brim down!”

    Moshiach walked out and said: “I guess my time hasn’t come. I’ll just have to return to where I came from.” So he went to his chariot, But as he began to enter, All sort of Jews appeared From the Left, Right, and Center.

    “Please wait – do not leave. It’s all their fault!” they said, And they pointed to each other And to what was on each other’s head. Moshiach just looked sad And said, “you don’t understand.”

    And then started up his chariot to get out of this land. “Yes, it’s very wonderful That you all learn Torah, But you seem to have forgotten a crucial part of our Mesorah.

    “What does he mean?” “what’s he talked about?” And they all looked bewildered, And all began to shout. Moshiach looked back and answered, “The first place to start, Is to shut up your mouths and open up your hearts. “To each of you, certain Yidden Seem too frum or too frei, But all yidden are beloved In the Aibishter’s eye.”

    And on his way up he shouted: “If you want me to come, Try working a little harder On some Ahavat Chinam!”

    sorry I just think it drives the point home

    in reply to: Heels on Dates #1126039
    ☕️coffee addict

    i didn’t know fish needed laughter too (sole)

    in reply to: Friends #805987
    ☕️coffee addict


    whats ur age range?

    in reply to: ???? ????? #825056
    ☕️coffee addict


    Don’t you think that might be too deep or high pitched

    in reply to: Heels on Dates #1126037
    ☕️coffee addict


    here’s a real pun though

    don’t look down because I think your going overboard with my puns

    in reply to: ???? ????? #825053
    ☕️coffee addict


    I guess I forgot it was a machlokes (it’s been a while since I learned Sanhedrin)

    in reply to: Heels on Dates #1126032
    ☕️coffee addict

    thank you,

    I’m glad I unwittingly made a pun

    in reply to: ???? ????? #825050
    ☕️coffee addict


    I don’t agree, the parents have to have the same voice and look the same the only way that can happen is either with a sris or an aylonis (look at their simanim)

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1132171
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840691
    ☕️coffee addict


    L’Havdil, when my wife came to shul one week where theree were a lot of ladies in shul (she came by laining and wanted to start davening) the rebitzen pulled her over to all the other ladies to introduce her to everybody that she couldn’t daven

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1132169
    ☕️coffee addict

    oh thanks you didnt put the second h

    high school

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1132168
    ☕️coffee addict

    oh thanks you didnt put the second h

    high school

    in reply to: What type of Shul do you prefer and why? #806480
    ☕️coffee addict


    I love it that you can find a minyan anytime

    (also I daven Nusach Sfard)

    in reply to: Dating Other Posters #1207776
    ☕️coffee addict

    Dont lots of chasidish guys have braids? They take them out for shmone esray…

    braids? (I think ur getting confused with peyos)

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1132165
    ☕️coffee addict

    home school

    in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840687
    ☕️coffee addict

    however they have to be the ones that practice what they preach

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1132163
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840685
    ☕️coffee addict

    I was thinking that might help, like getting the CCHF to make a video about it, but I think it will fall by the wayside like all videos right after Tisha B’av

    what I think is needed is have their rav give speeches with all the other ravs (1 sfardi, 1 ashkenazi, 1 lubavitcher, 1 MO)

    or have the rav make it a point to do it then everyone will see it

    in reply to: ???? ????? #825048
    ☕️coffee addict

    This is one of my all time favorite vorts (which I’ll be saying at my Bro-In-Law’s sheva Brachos)

    The Passuk says Ki Yikach….V’Hayah Im Lo Simsa Chein B’Einav

    also another passuk says Ki Yikach….U’Saneiah

    the passuk is teaching us a fundamental yesod, if you’re looking for a wife in a way of kicha (scrutinizing your purchase, like a lot of people do when they buy a car or a house)(the wife is too short (clearing throat)) then this will happen, either getting a divorce or hating her.

    however there is a passuk in Mishlei, Matzah Isha Matzah Tov

    If you look at your wife as a metziah (not interested in fine detaills, like all metziahs) then all you would find is tov

    (it’s interesting to note that by ki yikach it says the passuk says matzah bah ervas davar)

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1132161
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: My Zivug #806051
    ☕️coffee addict

    It is quite known that the Steipler said that in all of Lakewood only two people married their zivvug rishon!!

    when and where did he say this and why did he say Lakewood and not Bnei Brak where he’s from

    in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840683
    ☕️coffee addict

    mr taxman,

    so ur saying you can do it if you want to

    I’m saying it doesn’t seem like people in these communities in Brooklyn want to

    the question is how do we get them to want to

    in reply to: Heels on Dates #1126027
    ☕️coffee addict



    my wife is a foot shorter than me

    in reply to: Free album download #805916
    ☕️coffee addict

    I heard about it too

    but no thanks, if the guy needs to be liked on facebook

    1) can’t do it

    2) not really interested in doing it

    in reply to: Sheltering kids #809107
    ☕️coffee addict

    and then when he grows older?

    in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840680
    ☕️coffee addict

    the topic at hand was how to fix it in Brooklyn

    in reply to: My Zivug #806044
    ☕️coffee addict

    Mazal tov ronrsr!

    personally The way I knew is that as the dating progressed I felt more and more comfortable to the point where I felt like she was my sister

    in reply to: Coffeeroom page 2 question #806013
    ☕️coffee addict

    maybe this can be made a shticky until people get the hang of it

    in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840677
    ☕️coffee addict

    mr taxman,

    that’s like saying how does someone break an addiction?

    simple, just do it

    I don’t think anyone will because they already have an aversion for it

    in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840676
    ☕️coffee addict

    thats a good question AYC

    I don’t know if it could be changed until Moshiach comes

    (Yehuda won’t hate Ephraim and Ephraim won’t be jealous of Yehuda)

    in reply to: My Zivug #806040
    ☕️coffee addict


    I saw that story recently

    (I don’t know how she knew he was telling the truth, though)

    in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840672
    ☕️coffee addict

    This reminds me of a song that I was thinking about yesterday by Abie Rottenberg on Journeys about a sfardi and a chosid who try to ignore each other but sing the same song and realize because of it theyre both jewish

    in reply to: Sheltering kids #809104
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’m not sure what the circumstances are that led you to that neighborhood/city. But have you thought about relocating? (at least once your child gets a little older)

    to exactly where?

    I would not shelter children from guns. I had them in the house, the children were aware of what they were for and what they can do, and the respect and caution required. Lelamed es benei Yisrael keshes, halo hee kesuva al sefer Hayashar.

    and for those of us that don’t have guns ourselves what do you suggest

    in reply to: Sheltering kids #809100
    ☕️coffee addict

    exactly mytake

    That’s what I’m worried about

    (Hopefully it won’t be a problem b/c Moshiach will be here before my kid goes to school, however he already knows about elmo)

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1132147
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840665
    ☕️coffee addict

    I hate to say this, but Brooklyn has this reputation of being VERY unfriendly. They never say Good Shabbos unless they know the person. There is no out of town community that behaves like that, and the further you go from Brooklyn, the friendlier they get! I think individual people just have to start being nicer, in order to change Brooklyn’s reputation. Then maybe we can expect Mashiach!

    actually, to tell you a story I had over Shabbos while I was in Flatbush, while I was walking home from Hashkama (around 9) and people were going to shul, I said good Shabbos to people as I passed them by, some people didn’t answer me but others did and one person even greeted me before I had a chance to say good Shaabos

    in reply to: Sheltering kids #809095
    ☕️coffee addict

    yes mytake

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1132144
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: Sheltering kids #809094
    ☕️coffee addict

    like let’s say there are a bunch of kids on the block or in his school that watch tv (fairly common in oot day schools where there’s a mix of kids) and then the kids make certain references to tv shows and your kid repeats it how do you teach him that it’s not proper to do it yet at the same time show that the other kids aren’t bad and you shouldn’t hate them

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1132142
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: Who believes the Talking Fish Story from 2003? #805815
    ☕️coffee addict

    600 kilo bear,

    Are they bettas?

    in reply to: Heels on Dates #1126019
    ☕️coffee addict


    Now its a chazaka

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