☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? #853004
    ☕️coffee addict


    No I didn’t, my implication was that its her job to be an eizer kinegdo, not a secretary (she can choose whoever she wants, for all I care)

    Ill answer everyone else replies later IyH, I’m on my phone, not a regular computer.

    in reply to: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? #852993
    ☕️coffee addict


    Where did I state otherwise?,


    As I’ve stated before I’m just commenting on queen bees post (I know it has nothing to do with voting)

    in reply to: Buzz!! #858266
    ☕️coffee addict

    …..Wrestling three girls in need of rachamei shamayim……

    in reply to: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? #852988
    ☕️coffee addict

    I also think that QB was using it as an extreme example to try to show that a system where women are completely reliant on men isn’t foolproof. I’m not sure what your point has to do with that (let’s leave Women’s Lib out of it).

    she specifically said she’s a feminist and she believes in women’s lib, did you read her post or just mine?, if you didn’t, (and even if you did) I’ll provide it below with bold for emphasis

    I just realized that in essence that would mean that the tannaim and amoraim always sided with the husband which isn’t true

    Now a different scenario: husband gets sick of wife and kicks her out. So the woman is homeless without a job or money and five kids. She has no degree so she can’t get a good job, and if women don’t work how could she get any job? So what happens to her and the kids?

    By women going out and working it gives them confidence and gratification.

    I Just realized something else, women don’t get gratification from housework?, I think they used to (now they want a cleaning lady)

    In a perfect world, all men would be sweet and awesome guys who would take care, provide, and love their wife and kids. But we don’t live in a perfect world and women all over the world suffer due to the men. I think every woman should have the means to provide for herself just in case she may have to be on her own one day. To rely on a man and be so helpless is actually pretty scary.

    in reply to: cry no more #852929
    ☕️coffee addict


    there are 30 days in Nisan it can be any one of them

    in reply to: Buzz!! #858263
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’ll start

    Let’s start with posts here

    once there was a feministic Brit that wore techeiles

    in reply to: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? #852985
    ☕️coffee addict

    But I guess you weren’t. Men feel threatened by their wives because they work? The only way I could see that panning out is:

    a) Freud was really right about everything

    b) The man has some issues.

    I personally favor b. And IMHO, “getting sick of their wives” would be a manifestation of such issues. (Because no one in their right mind would see that as a healthy reaction, even if the wife were at fault…right?)

    I’m replying to Queen Bee’s assertion that

    Now a different scenario: husband gets sick of wife and kicks her out. So the woman is homeless without a job or money and five kids. She has no degree so she can’t get a good job, and if women don’t work how could she get any job? So what happens to her and the kids?

    so I used the words “getting sick of their wives” as if that is what you believe, maybe it’s because of women’s lib. Never did I ever think of men getting sick of their wives.

    in reply to: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? #852980
    ☕️coffee addict

    One Of,

    Oh sorry just got caught up (really I’m starting to go off topic with QB’s off topic of working (not just voting)

    Queen Bee,

    I understand what you are saying, and I understand that you don’t know what happened 100 years ago, however I think there was a lot fewer cases of abuse, (maybe that was the metzius, or maybe they didn’t talk about it, I don’t know, IMHO I think it’s the former)


    Lol (remember their is still such a thing as Father In Laws)

    in reply to: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? #852976
    ☕️coffee addict


    you’re confusing me

    in reply to: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? #852975
    ☕️coffee addict

    Coffee addict, I don’t know what happened 100 years ago in every household, but this is what I think: 100 years ago, women had nowhere to go and no one to turn to. Their husbands took care of them. So if a woman did want to escape where would she go? So she just dealt with it. Now women realize that they CAN leave, that they CAN take care of themselves, that they don’t have to rely on a man or to deal with the mistreatment because they can take care of themselves.

    so you’re saying now instead of dealing with their problem’s they’re running away from it?

    don’t you think that people not “knowing their purpose” has brought a rise to fights

    The Torah calls an Eesha an Eizer Kinegdo, that is their Tachlis

    in reply to: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? #852970
    ☕️coffee addict


    you’re right, I don’t know if a lot of men follow politics enough to give educated decisions, however I think a higher percentage of men do than women

    in reply to: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? #852969
    ☕️coffee addict



    there is no correlation between voting and divorces (maybe I’m taking suffrage as women’s lib, instead of specifically voting, sorry about that)

    I’m addressing QB’s point of women not getting jobs

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227552
    ☕️coffee addict

    so your husband made an account for himself, and he’s a “student” (i.e. not in kollel) and now he gave the account to you and you have an “office job” (i.e. not a secretary) in jerusalem

    Ohhhhhh I seeeeeeeee

    in reply to: Purim costume #852358
    ☕️coffee addict

    there are numerous threads already on this topic (Oh how I wish I was a mod so I can provide the link and close this thread)

    in reply to: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? #852965
    ☕️coffee addict

    husband gets sick of wife and kicks her out.

    Queen bee,

    why do you think there were less divorces 100 years ago, were less men abusive, or got sick of their wives less and if so why is that?

    maybe they feel threatened by their wives and this wouldn’t happen if they didn’t have jobs and took care of the kids instead

    as to “getting sick of their wives” I think men only get “sick of their wives” if they are attracted to something else and wouldn’t be if there was no women’s sufferage

    in reply to: Americanishe Meshugasim #854195
    ☕️coffee addict

    Americanishe meshugasim

    My real answer? Fancy Shaitels. But now Americans are bringing it over to EY as well.

    Inviting anyone and everyone you’ve ever said hello to, to your simchas

    Going to the bungalow colony for THREE months every year. Women sit at the pool with their kids for THREE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS, if that’s not a meshugas, what is??

    Fancy Weddings

    Since when do you need a Smogosboard, 5 course dinner along with a 5 piece band in a fancy hall.

    IMO we can learn alot from the goyim in this and have simplier wedding with maybe 50 people people with a smogosboard or in a restaurant

    Lol I love it how NYers think they’re America (Outside of NY is it’s own country)

    in reply to: Women's Suffrage: Right or Wrong? #852961
    ☕️coffee addict

    Lol Uneeq,

    thanks for the chuckle

    the question is do women follow politics enough to give educated decisions (this applies to other groups of people as well)

    in reply to: Birthright #852868
    ☕️coffee addict

    wasn’t this asked on a different thread?

    in reply to: cry no more #852924
    ☕️coffee addict

    No one mourns,

    And iyH well cry no more soon

    in reply to: Giving A Year To R' Elyashiv #893033
    ☕️coffee addict

    Derech hamelech,

    I’m sorry for being so blunt but not wanting moshiach b/c of ones growth sounds selfish, the point of existence is for Hashem, and if the world reaches moshiach then that’s also for Hashem

    in reply to: cry no more #852920
    ☕️coffee addict

    Anyone see the music video?

    Its moving but (I think) highly unlikely that it’ll happen on pesach

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227547
    ☕️coffee addict

    To pay him back I made him come to that same resterant for our anniversary so that I can eat the dessert comfortably that time.

    you’re married yet you still call yourself a student?

    oh, and you’re account is only 3 hours old


    in reply to: Random Thoughts #953022
    ☕️coffee addict

    The anger, biases, and closed-mindedness of some posters is dismaying and never ceases to amaze me.

    The fact that these posters are totally unaware of these characteristics in their posts is equally surprising.

    I’m sorry, that’s how Hashem made me 🙁

    in reply to: Seeking house For weekend #852056
    ☕️coffee addict
    in reply to: 'WHY ARE WE SILENT?' #852340
    ☕️coffee addict

    The reason is stated in the passuk hinei anochi

    Everyone is waiting for eliyahu hanavi to make us do teshuva

    in reply to: Giving A Year To R' Elyashiv #893021
    ☕️coffee addict

    coffee addict: It doesn’t matter who’s making the decision. Even if there is a safeik it is assur. See Choshen Mishpat 426 with piskei tshuva.

    it’s not so pashut (hence it’s muttar to be a kidney donor) (Iyun R Moshe)

    but anyway I don’t remember where I heard it I’ll get back to you when i find out

    in reply to: Jokes #1202070
    ☕️coffee addict

    you’re a marked man cb1


    I actually got the math one and the ones after it right

    in reply to: Giving A Year To R' Elyashiv #893018
    ☕️coffee addict


    I’m surprised that all these posters only heard about this for the first time this is the first time

    I’ve heard it before regarding talmidim of a gadol doing it for the gadol (can’t remember who)

    oh and Wolf, you only say don’t save someone else if you’re not the one making the decision (In other words if I can save someone by killing myself then I can do it if I want to, but I don’t have to, I can’t kill you to save someone else because of the reason you provided)

    I hope I’m being clear

    in reply to: Frum Birthright Trip? #1112700
    ☕️coffee addict


    I was going to go on one 8 years ago but missed out, and then a kol korei went out against birthright

    in reply to: MESSAGE FROM AYC #851654
    ☕️coffee addict


    Ayc was referring to mods too

    “And then a mod says something that I totally did not say”

    There are others

    in reply to: Where's PBA?? #852147
    ☕️coffee addict

    I just saw a bumper sticker with P.B.A written on it, so maybe he’s in Queens

    in reply to: Cheer Up Chevra… #851854
    ☕️coffee addict


    What part of pesach do you like?

    in reply to: Cheer Up Chevra… #851850
    ☕️coffee addict

    Uneeq, not for naught is it yom ki”purim”

    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064439
    ☕️coffee addict

    Welcome back deiyezooger

    in reply to: MESSAGE FROM AYC #851649
    ☕️coffee addict

    Hey deiy (hmm that rhymes, never noticed that) welcome back!

    in reply to: Thread for LOOSERS #851401
    ☕️coffee addict


    You got me thinking actually that if it was reversed with the women sitting in the “front” the men wouldn’t have any problem with it

    in reply to: Thread for LOOSERS #851397
    ☕️coffee addict

    Great idea zk!

    He would be a backseat driver!

    in reply to: MESSAGE FROM AYC #851641
    ☕️coffee addict

    Regarding her email address – you will have to look more closely at the post links, or find some undercover mod to give you mine.

    to many to be ma’ayan and I wish I knew an undercover mod (maybe I do but they don’t tell me because they’re undercover)

    in reply to: Thread for LOOSERS #851391
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’m a Looser (my pants are very loose)

    BH I’m not a Loser 😉

    in reply to: MESSAGE FROM AYC #851638
    ☕️coffee addict

    It is hardly for you to decide who should live and who should die.

    I see my reply wasn’t understood correctly, CH”V did I say that someone should die (I don’t know where you got that from!) I’m just saying that I haven’t noticed Jothar around recently (Kick me was his last post)

    If you want to write to AYC then do it yourself, please! She posted her email twice.

    Huh? Where?

    in reply to: Purim Costumes #929325
    ☕️coffee addict

    glad you asked

    next time try checking “searching the CR for old threads” post which is shitckied on the top


    and seeing that I’m #2 (as in purim-costumes-2) there is a

    Purim Costumes

    but it was closed

    also I found this thread

    The Funniest Purim Costume


    (if I was a mod (clearing throat) I would close this thread)

    in reply to: MESSAGE FROM AYC #851635
    ☕️coffee addict

    however he hasn’t apologized like he has by the “Motzei Shabbos Troll”

    in reply to: MESSAGE FROM AYC #851633
    ☕️coffee addict

    please Baal HaBooze please forward this post to AYC


    you know with this I’ve realized that he hasn’t been around either

    (Is this analogous to “meisim kol adam hamavakshim es nafshecha” please don’t correct my transliteration, you know what I mean)

    in reply to: MESSAGE FROM AYC #851632
    ☕️coffee addict


    this wasn’t BaalHaBooze’s writing it was AYC’s read the title

    and I guess you haven’t learned in school yet “If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all”

    in reply to: What beracha do you make on a hot pretzel? #997365
    ☕️coffee addict

    I thought since its pas haba b’kisnin its hamotzee if you’re eating it for a meal

    in reply to: Breaking News: AYC speaks out! #851264
    ☕️coffee addict

    Ty baalhabooze,

    Please send him my regards and that he is really missed

    in reply to: wouldnt it be great if israel attackes Iran on Purim #851334
    ☕️coffee addict

    If that does happen and moshiach comes because of that are you going to be ready?,

    War is never great

    in reply to: !!!!!!RFDOS!!!!!!!RFDOS #1097700
    ☕️coffee addict

    Really fun dancing on stage

    in reply to: here's a new one for this page – MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!! #851482
    ☕️coffee addict

    Ask a financial advisor

    in reply to: A Year of ZeesKite!! #851106
    ☕️coffee addict

    Yom huledes sameach

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