Forum Replies Created
☕️coffee addictParticipant
Thanks BH for the bump,
you could have just as well started your own thread but didn’t
☕️coffee addictParticipantMordechai Schmutter liver there, need I say more
☕️coffee addictParticipantsorry I wasn’t clear with all the details to my question. If someone dies Al Kiddush Hashem (Daniel Pearl) he goes straight to Gan Eden however if he gets beaten he still has the rest of his life ahead of him to do bad things and how can he go to Gan Eden. However, maybe this is worse because the person has more pain and constantly has to live with this pain and suffering for the rest of his life?
☕️coffee addictParticipantshlishi,
I know people do it on sunday, i dont think its coincidental
thank you smartcookie,
if im planning an event and inviting family (which i am) sunday is the most convenient day and that led to my question
August 16, 2012 2:55 am at 2:55 am in reply to: Would Rabbi Akiva Eiger z"l wear a "kippa sruga"?so why do you?? #892039☕️coffee addictParticipantlol
this is so funny
☕️coffee addictParticipantok, so find the manufacturer
☕️coffee addictParticipantsort of what nishtday say but better
sheker hachein
☕️coffee addictParticipantfor starters
stop going to the mikveh
☕️coffee addictParticipantshachris
i have to work early
August 12, 2012 3:24 am at 3:24 am in reply to: If you could live anywhere, where would you live? #891013☕️coffee addictParticipantback in Miami Beach
☕️coffee addictParticipantSorry to try to divert the thread away from our resident troll,
but I thought troll college was next to mod university
☕️coffee addictParticipantnever
☕️coffee addictParticipantwow, I don’t remember posting on this
☕️coffee addictParticipantnothing
☕️coffee addictParticipanttheres nothing wrong with looking at tarfus just eating it
☕️coffee addictParticipantkollel2,
thats only witth the buyer
☕️coffee addictParticipantno, why would there be
☕️coffee addictParticipantLOL!!!
I was wondering what UWS I was thinking it was unoccupy wall street or something like that
☕️coffee addictParticipantyytz,
I know a few vegetarians
But there’s nothing wrong with being vegetarian to avoid contributing to the severe violations of tzaar baalei chaim which are very common in this age of factory farming.
if that is so then they should be vegans due to the same problem of tzaar baalei chaim in factory farming, that goes with a side of eggs too
☕️coffee addictParticipantsam2,
☕️coffee addictParticipantpcoz,
the jews were saved in ammerica too
☕️coffee addictParticipantHaba Lihorecha HASHKEIM vhorgo
☕️coffee addictParticipantkudos sidi, bshaah tova!
we should keep on taking the cchf videos to heart (liros tov) and like i mentioned in another thread appreciation is the most essential part of a marraige (a reason why i feel the divorce rate is so high nowadays)
☕️coffee addictParticipantnope, all I see is calm and love and happiness,
Obama 2012
(maybe I should stop watching cnn)
August 1, 2012 2:56 pm at 2:56 pm in reply to: See Something Good, So You Can Say Something Nice #889153☕️coffee addictParticipantyup,
they work for insurance companies for sure
July 31, 2012 6:26 pm at 6:26 pm in reply to: See Something Good, So You Can Say Something Nice #889151☕️coffee addictParticipantsure 42,
there was one (and only one actually) that there’s a certain person in kew gardens (i don’t know him) that is very friendly with everyone (i havent met him though) and he says good shabbos to everybody after shul, he saw the good in everybody, makes everyone feel special.
one day he wins a ticket to EY and everyone is so happy for him (he wasnt there when they called his name) so r krohn calls him up aftewards to tell him and he answers back, thank you, youre the 7th person to tell me, the point being that people are friends, even close friends with people that are liros tov
(additionally the guy that didnt fire the adjuster was there with his son who just had a bar mitzva and that adjuster actually became the head adjuster he was so good
☕️coffee addictParticipantwhiteberry,
i don’t know, the yeshiva has moved to a more frum neighborhood (we used to be at the edge of south beach, a very busy place)
think first,
you’re right, i have a guy at my work that wants to “save” me and instead he makes me think of tirutzim to his answer which makes my emuna stronger
☕️coffee addictParticipantMissionaries know there are jews who can wipe the floor with them, its why you never see them in front of BMG or any other yeshiva.
actually we had some js for J in front of our yeshiva years back
☕️coffee addictParticipantI’m a fighter but sometimes I’m not interested in fighting so I usually start off “please don’t bother me” then if they persist then the kid gloves are off
☕️coffee addictParticipanta few puns for the occasion
i guess this makes you MODern
i present you with a sefer on MODeh ani
☕️coffee addictParticipantuh oh 20 already upstaged by 42 😉
☕️coffee addictParticipantI think the biggest problem couples (most of them at least) is respecting their spouse and apreciating what they do in the marraige
☕️coffee addictParticipantwe still have a few hours of it
July 29, 2012 9:46 pm at 9:46 pm in reply to: In honor of Tisha B'av. What you respect about… #1165162☕️coffee addictParticipanti respect pba for bumping this thread 🙂
it is funny that this was the topic for cchf’s video
July 29, 2012 9:42 pm at 9:42 pm in reply to: See Something Good, So You Can Say Something Nice #889145☕️coffee addictParticipantby our video r krohn was actually in the room where we were watching the video and told us stories that cchf edited out
July 27, 2012 3:01 pm at 3:01 pm in reply to: Hilchos Tisha b�Av & Tisha b�Av Shechal Lehiyos BeShabbos #887885☕️coffee addictParticipantadditionally
motzei tisha bav you can do everything you couldnt during the three weeks b/c it’s he eleventh (look in the mishna brurah)
☕️coffee addictParticipantyytz
i love yosef karduner too,x however what reallymakes me cry are the songs i mentioned
☕️coffee addictParticipantDon’t bother with anything put out over the last 10 years. Get some old Shmuel Brazil and Abie Rotenberg albums
I beg to differ, yes Abie and Shmuel Brazil have good spiritually uplifting songs however I think Shwekey’s Mama Rachel, Cry No More, Shema Yisrael, and MBD’s Ki Im Atah Mamin … are also good IMO.
July 26, 2012 1:20 am at 1:20 am in reply to: Why do people pick their noses while at a traffic light? #887416☕️coffee addictParticipantwhat should they do comb their hair orvpu on lipstick?
or what popa said
☕️coffee addictParticipantCA: That would be the same as the problem gavra described.
I thought that myself after I posted it, however it isn’t
his question was
How can we stop all of the new minyonim cropping up?
this is how! (there are more than one way to stop a fight, either leave or make the other guy leave :))
☕️coffee addictParticipantget the board to hire a new rav
☕️coffee addictParticipantIt wasnt Mars that you saw, but Venus. You cant see Mars during the Day as its not bright enough, BUT you can see Venus during the day , its tough and you have to know where to look but its there
in my dreams, I win the Mega Millions and never have to work again.
The Gemara in Brachos says there is always one part of dreams which is false
☕️coffee addictParticipantisn’t he chacham?
☕️coffee addictParticipantI’m at least glad BS has only one month of Bein Hazmanim in the summer
☕️coffee addictParticipantI haven’t seen the posting(s) but welcome back nonetheless
☕️coffee addictParticipantEverybody
that’s a general statement and I counted 1 maybe 2 bashers out of the whole thread (8 posts)
☕️coffee addictParticipantthank you choppy it seems like BS (pun intended) was the first reply to that one so he should’ve known about it
Secondly, when did he get married without telling us?
☕️coffee addictParticipantwho is 557?
☕️coffee addictParticipantNope not trolling
Accordng to multiple Rishonim, belief in an ancient universe does not automatically brand me a non believer.
I find that decades of peer reviews science and carbon dating support the conclusion that the planet is a wee bit older that 5772 years.
But that’s just me.
I second Sam2’s statement, we follow what our Gedolim say, there were Tannaim that said Bar Kochva was Moshiach yet he wasn’t just because Rishonim hold the view doesn’t mean we have to follow them as opposed to the Rishonim that say the opposite
secondly, I consider the act of trolling any comment meant to get people riled up and argue against you, which in essence is what you were trying to do
☕️coffee addictParticipantyekke
next time dont make a blonde joke without saying its a blonde