☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: My Weird Dream #1094815
    ☕️coffee addict

    It wasnt Mars that you saw, but Venus. You cant see Mars during the Day as its not bright enough, BUT you can see Venus during the day , its tough and you have to know where to look but its there

    in my dreams, I win the Mega Millions and never have to work again.

    The Gemara in Brachos says there is always one part of dreams which is false

    in reply to: My Weird Dream #1094807
    ☕️coffee addict

    isn’t he chacham?

    in reply to: Bnai Torah with Trophy Wives?! #1089466
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’m at least glad BS has only one month of Bein Hazmanim in the summer

    in reply to: Welcome back aries2756 #887087
    ☕️coffee addict

    I haven’t seen the posting(s) but welcome back nonetheless

    in reply to: And all you do is bash #887217
    ☕️coffee addict


    that’s a general statement and I counted 1 maybe 2 bashers out of the whole thread (8 posts)

    in reply to: Bnai Torah with Trophy Wives?! #1089457
    ☕️coffee addict

    thank you choppy it seems like BS (pun intended) was the first reply to that one so he should’ve known about it

    Secondly, when did he get married without telling us?

    in reply to: inspirational stories #886851
    ☕️coffee addict

    who is 557?

    in reply to: World events. #887321
    ☕️coffee addict

    Nope not trolling

    Accordng to multiple Rishonim, belief in an ancient universe does not automatically brand me a non believer.

    I find that decades of peer reviews science and carbon dating support the conclusion that the planet is a wee bit older that 5772 years.

    But that’s just me.

    I second Sam2’s statement, we follow what our Gedolim say, there were Tannaim that said Bar Kochva was Moshiach yet he wasn’t just because Rishonim hold the view doesn’t mean we have to follow them as opposed to the Rishonim that say the opposite

    secondly, I consider the act of trolling any comment meant to get people riled up and argue against you, which in essence is what you were trying to do

    in reply to: Jokes #1202301
    ☕️coffee addict


    next time dont make a blonde joke without saying its a blonde

    in reply to: Why is it so close? #886727
    ☕️coffee addict

    bc the main street media (cnn) plls democrats heavily over republicains

    in reply to: Netanyahu's office #886473
    ☕️coffee addict


    Oh I guess that was what I was doing, it just struck me that a political figure has a shulchan aruch on the wall and I was thinking where else besides EY

    in reply to: Netanyahu's office #886470
    ☕️coffee addict

    R’ Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev would be proud of you.


    in reply to: World events. #887317
    ☕️coffee addict


    I saw that too and figured that he was trolling too

    in reply to: World events. #887314
    ☕️coffee addict


    sorry to bring up older posts now however I was just looking at this thread now.

    you stated how is the Arab Spring different then Russia etc.

    there is a Baal Haturim that says by Yishmael’s descendats “al pnei kol echav nafal” that when the descendants of Yishmael fall then Moshiach will be “Yatzmich” people are saying the Arab Spring is actually the Arab “Fall”

    in reply to: Dying Al Kiddush Hashem #886338
    ☕️coffee addict

    I indicated that a rasha mrusha apikorus gamur who is killed for being Jewish while maintaining his heretical beliefs and evil behavior unto his dying breath, is not going straight into Gan Eden. That’s all I indicated.

    choppy is right, the reason being is because he is considered not Jewish anymore, so much so that his wine is treif

    in reply to: Dying Al Kiddush Hashem #886335
    ☕️coffee addict

    Do we not have the belief that a Jew who dies SOLELY because he is a JEW, no matter how far removed he may have been, might have done teshuvah with his last breath, and therefore merits Olam haba? In any case, it is for Hashem to decide, not us.

    you’re saying MIGHT have done teshuva therefore he DEFENITELY gets Olam Haba

    in reply to: Dying Al Kiddush Hashem #886332
    ☕️coffee addict

    His violent death provides a full or a partial kaporah for him.

    if it’s a partial kaporah he/she should still get Gehenom, secondly why is that, there was no Teshuva?

    If he doesn’t believe in the Torah, however he died it wasn’t Al Kiddush Hashem.

    Choppy, do you have a mekor, besides one made up

    If someone dies becuase they are Jewish, that means they have left an indelible marker in history that there was such a thing as a Jew.

    this answer makes sense

    Coffee addict, I thought Beit Din Shel Ma’ala made those decisions. Wrong again! Instead, “we” should take over from Beit Din Shel Ma’ala and rule against people who can no longer testify about what they ate, did on Shabbat, and believed or didn’t believe about the Torah — and on this basis bar them from olam haba.

    Naftush, I’m not ruling out anything, I’m just saying it sounds like a goyish zach (getting olam haba for believing in Yoshko, or for what the Arabs do

    Check sefer Vayikro and the death of Nodov Ve-avihu- inspite of the possuk saying they died because of ‘aish zoroh”, Moshe rabbeinu said’ :”Bikrovay ekodesh”. if it is good enough for Moshe rasbbeinu , it is good enough for me.

    Nadav and Avihu weren’t living their life like a frei yid

    in reply to: Who is the Manhig Hador? #898975
    ☕️coffee addict

    I think R Aaron Leib Shteirman fits that description

    in reply to: YKK in KGH #886239
    ☕️coffee addict

    There’s a shul in Kew Gardens (Khal Adas Yereim) has a 6 oclock it’s only 2 miles away

    in reply to: ZAP!!! #885419
    ☕️coffee addict


    no but I think you’re hearing a BUZZ

    in reply to: Some pple are good at giving themselves away.. #885954
    ☕️coffee addict

    or really it’s to all of us because we’re all the same person? 😛

    in reply to: ALL TORAH IS TRUE #885691
    ☕️coffee addict

    I agree with HaLeivi,

    I was actually going to quote that gemara

    in reply to: Some pple are good at giving themselves away.. #885950
    ☕️coffee addict


    is this directed at me?

    in reply to: Better to Wear a Hat for Davening at Home than to Daven with a Minyan #886053
    ☕️coffee addict

    my mashgiach in Miami said the same thing (better to daven b’yachid) additionally when I was in Ner, R Aaron Feldman said the same thing

    in reply to: ??? ?? ??? ??? #885663
    ☕️coffee addict

    I know a guy named Saadia and his father’s name is Rashi

    in reply to: ??? ?? ??? ??? #885638
    ☕️coffee addict

    Why is no-one utilizing her name nowadays? If, because “Sorach” means “Stink”, then why is anyone utilizing the name “Miriam” which means “Bitter Water”?

    I actually know someone named Serach

    in reply to: XNWT1DScaf #884813
    ☕️coffee addict

    if you aren’t one you can become a troll

    in reply to: Why Was Woman Created? #1188035
    ☕️coffee addict

    i think i heard in the name of rabbi miller that women were created to look nice and be quiet

    in reply to: IDEA: Let the 100,000 attendees at the Siyum Hashas #884869
    ☕️coffee addict


    if thats the idea (media coverage) I can tell you for sure it won’t go too well in the lame street media, just like the asifa and well be potrayed as anti israel etc and it will only make things worse

    in reply to: IDEA: Let the 100,000 attendees at the Siyum Hashas #884867
    ☕️coffee addict


    I don’t think the charedi velt that will go to the siyum hashas are strong money supporters of Israel

    in reply to: IDEA: Let the 100,000 attendees at the Siyum Hashas #884861
    ☕️coffee addict


    why would the israeli government care about americains?

    in reply to: Who Are The Most Liberal Posters in the Coffee room? #888292
    ☕️coffee addict

    Charlie hall (he hasn’t been around though)

    in absence YonasanW (not sure if he posts here though)

    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064642
    ☕️coffee addict

    unnamed mod,

    you see thats why you have mods in EY so you dont have to post at 2 am (9 their time)

    in reply to: Responsibility to serve – without the politics #884330
    ☕️coffee addict

    it seems like were all going around in circles

    in reply to: Responsibility to serve – without the politics #884318
    ☕️coffee addict

    you see zd

    theres your problem you would make a great dictator and I would hate to be one of your children

    youre punishing for not doing something instead of rewarding for doing the oppisite

    for example you dont eat your vegitables then you dont get dessert as opposed to you eat your vegitablesv you do get dessert

    which do you like better? (it sounds like the first option)

    in reply to: BUYING SEGULOS #884932
    ☕️coffee addict

    so by a chinese auction you’re Buying a raffle ticket hoping to win something and you get a little disappointed when you don’t win, totally forgetting the “correct” reason as to why you should give to this mosad

    ☕️coffee addict

    the good names were already taken

    the back of the beis

    in reply to: What does everyone do all day? #884380
    ☕️coffee addict

    wow, he’s a good sleeper then

    mine not so much, my wife gets headaches every morning due to lack of sleep

    in reply to: Responsibility to serve – without the politics #884312
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’m not the one relying on the miracle the Israeli Government is, they don’t know it’s happening therefore they’re the ones relying I’m the one knowing (meaning which, I can’t go into the army (I’m not Israeli anyway) without a gun saying there is a miracle going to happen, the government does it’s hishtadlus whatever that is, draft no draft, 10,000 people willing etc and then they aren’t relying on miracles

    does that make any sense?

    in reply to: What does everyone do all day? #884373
    ☕️coffee addict

    well I’m a mashgiach so when I’m not at work (except for breaks) (tuesday is my day off) I come here

    oh and if I didn’t wish you mazel tov, then mazel tov, secondly when your baby naps isn’t that your time to nap too (how can you sleep at night, I for sure can’t)

    in reply to: Responsibility to serve – without the politics #884308
    ☕️coffee addict

    thank you sam and mdd I already stated that

    (I know you can’t rely on miracles, however I still believe they WILL happen)

    however they are not relying on nissim I think it WILL happen, therefore however many people are in the army for various different reasons will not affect the arabs OVERRUNNING EY unless Hashem really wants them to (it’s like telling the chasmonaim not to fight)

    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064634
    ☕️coffee addict

    let’s try it

    Hey Goq- Check it out



    And BTW why didn’t you listen to THIS THREAD?

    from one of them the SN was only around for three months, I presume it to be a copycat poster (like fake brisker did for ayc)

    I’m not too sure about my double though

    in reply to: Responsibility to serve – without the politics #884304
    ☕️coffee addict

    But what will also happen is the reponsibility of being the majority, If 75% of the population is Charedi and wont serve, Lets assume a good chunk of the other 25% wont serve either (If “They” wont serve, than neither will I) Do you really think that the 25% of the non-charedi population will serve 100%?

    Even if a law is passed that all non-charedi MUST serve, Its likely that the 25% of the non-charedi population will either dodge the draft or just leave the country

    or be given incentives to serve (like we have in America) which is we’ll pay your college plus tax incentives for those that served

    secondly, I believe EVERYTHING that happens is in Hashem’s will (regarding something like this) there have been numerous outright nisim in whatever war we have had (I know you can’t rely on miracles, however I still believe they WILL happen) therefore even if 100 people serve in the army if Hashem wills it EY will be saved

    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064631
    ☕️coffee addict

    can I get clarification please?

    or at least an answer as to will it get approved if I put it up again?

    in reply to: Why do YOU want Moshiach to come? #1058507
    ☕️coffee addict


    it’s a machlokes

    the reason I want Moshiach to come is b/c I feel the world is upside down, and the reason for that is Hashem’s hester panim.

    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064627
    ☕️coffee addict

    mr mod did I do something wrong with my post?

    in reply to: Responsibility to serve – without the politics #884297
    ☕️coffee addict

    If they are 75%, you cant assume that the 25% will work like dogs , serve in the army and do whatever the majority will want without a fight.

    At 75% you will need charedi doctors, Charedi bus drivers, charedi construction workers, charedi farmers , charedi policemen and charedi soldiers etc.

    ok, let’s take it that there will be 75% chareidi, and let’s makke it a given that the chareidim won’t serve in the army unless drastic measures are taken (no women singers shomer shabbos, shomer kashrus badatz) the only other option is that there will be an amendment to the law that you don’t need to work in the army in order to get a job

    do you have any better ideas? (and no, cutting funding, etc will only make it worse)

    additionally when it is 75% of the population then they will elect a religious cabinet that will implement something totally drastic

    in reply to: Deals for kosher resteraunts in NYC #883718
    ☕️coffee addict


    in reply to: Responsibility to serve – without the politics #884292
    ☕️coffee addict

    I am not taking out of thin air that Charedim will be the Majority of the jewish population, the demographicers are saying that and considering that Charedi Families have 10 kids or more and non relgious generally have 2 or less and and Dati-Leumi have 4-5 Kids.

    They estimate I think 2050-2075 is when they will be the Super Majority

    I see you misunderstood my question

    you made a deduction that since they will be the majority (which I agree on) then more responsibility comes with it (which I don’t agree on) (see what I brought about women still being considered a “minority” even though they are a majority in the US)

    in reply to: BUYING SEGULOS #884930
    ☕️coffee addict

    I don’t mean to make fun of the ????, C”V – Just how over-exaggerated the entire ???? is of buying a ????? rather than giving ?????

    you want them to buy a chinese auction ticket instead? I think this way is better

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