☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: Pickles #1019282
    ☕️coffee addict

    i love pickled tomatoes

    in reply to: bad,awful,puns #1018727
    ☕️coffee addict


    which one?

    in reply to: bad,awful,puns #1018725
    ☕️coffee addict

    A Czechoslovakian and a Frenchman went bear hunting and they haven’t been heard from for two days. They send out the search patrol and they find two bears (a male and female bear) with full stomachs, so the cut them open. First they cut open the female and find the Frenchman inside. So they concluded one thing and one thing only,

    The Czech was in the male

    And the father of all corny jokes is………


    in reply to: Why do YOU want Moshiach to come? #1058560
    ☕️coffee addict


    whats the point of life, to get schar? thats like having a kid do his chores to get a treat, the reason there is life is to give happiness to Hashem, and Hashem has the most happiness when the world completes its tachlis (kav v’yachol)

    in reply to: Celebrating good caused by bad #1018218
    ☕️coffee addict

    Rav Aharon Feldman told the bachurim on yom yerushalayim that he agreed saying hallel until the zionists said kochi v’otzem yadi, with their parades showing their “military might”, lhavdil that cannot be said by chanuka which everyone agreed it was a neis they won (the same went for purim)

    even with the da’ati community saying hallel and realizing it was a neis, which I believe it was, we only say hallel on nissim where the whole klal yisrael realizes it was a neis, a neis is basically hashem showing his presence, if people dont see it I wouldnt be surprised that we dont say hallel

    in reply to: Celebrating a Sports Team #1030730
    ☕️coffee addict

    Go Heat!

    there are still dynasties (the yankees arent one of them)

    in reply to: College Major #1016614
    ☕️coffee addict

    btl and sit in kollel for 25 years

    with a brain like that you dont know how much torah will grow

    in reply to: Apartment in Queens or Far Rockaway #1016117
    ☕️coffee addict

    you sound like my wife, do you have any prefrences besides washer dryer

    in reply to: Apartment in Queens or Far Rockaway #1016112
    ☕️coffee addict

    i know what u mean, we have 2 kids too, we put my older one in the front room which has a little privacy, i dont know how to go abt giving u my email

    in reply to: Apartment in Queens or Far Rockaway #1016109
    ☕️coffee addict

    btw i know which apt in bayswater ur referring to and my wife wants to go there, but id rather have fr

    in reply to: Apartment in Queens or Far Rockaway #1016108
    ☕️coffee addict



    i’m in a jr 4 (the small bedroom is a nice size if you have 1 kid) im paying 1450 a month, maybe the mods can give my email adress to u and we can talk over the phone it would be a lot easier (idk if u mind me finding out ur secret identity) but im glad to help, bc we STILL dont know what to do

    in reply to: Apartment in Queens or Far Rockaway #1016105
    ☕️coffee addict

    queens (thats how it went full circle)

    in reply to: The price of tznius #1016140
    ☕️coffee addict

    sorry for hijacking it then,

    old navy also sells skirts for cheap

    in reply to: The price of tznius #1016138
    ☕️coffee addict

    You trolls dwell in caves and basements

    and under bridges

    in reply to: The price of tznius #1016132
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’m shomer Negia when it comes to trolls too, I would never touch a female troll with my bare hands 🙂

    in reply to: The price of tznius #1016131
    ☕️coffee addict
    in reply to: Apartment in Queens or Far Rockaway #1016103
    ☕️coffee addict


    i guess i went full circle here

    in reply to: The price of tznius #1016127
    ☕️coffee addict

    nope, It was a guy troll (not all trolls are female), I was just stating that I heard b’shem R Trollkowitz that it was muttar for women troll to wear pants, so I figured that they would just buy pants because it was cheaper :p

    in reply to: The price of tznius #1016122
    ☕️coffee addict

    i didnt know trolls wear skirts

    in reply to: Israeli conscription – Worst case scenario – Not Likely #1015720
    ☕️coffee addict

    ben david,

    not true, they would try the same thing with the arabs hoping to get rid of them too

    in reply to: Bayswater Vs. Far Rockaway #1015701
    ☕️coffee addict


    thank you for your post!

    however it is a very big headache to move and than move again the next year, not including the mo9ving costs, when i move i plan on staying for at least 3 years

    in reply to: Bayswater Vs. Far Rockaway #1015699
    ☕️coffee addict

    so i just spent shabbos in FR and I must say I think its a great place to live, the only thing is now we need to find a big enough apt for our budget

    in reply to: Shaving on Friday??? #1015593
    ☕️coffee addict

    yeah, i heard that too

    in reply to: Bayswater Vs. Far Rockaway #1015694
    ☕️coffee addict

    well, we’re moving because my son was accepted to Darchei (I was that anonymous mailbag ranting about yeshivos being a business instead of a school) and we know that “bayswater is cheaper than FR” we found a big 3 bedroom for 1600 in bayswater, whereas in FR an ok apt was 1700 w/o gas. The downside was that bayswater was away from everything (no shopping whatsoever) and away from Darchei just in case my kid needed to be picked up.

    in reply to: What do trolls really want? #1014636
    ☕️coffee addict

    “what do trolls really want”

    billy goat gruffs?

    in reply to: The news everyone has been waiting for! Zuberman!'s return #1118244
    ☕️coffee addict

    i guess i dont have the correct number 🙁 (no one informed me of a number change)

    in reply to: ponevezh #1013650
    ☕️coffee addict

    the one that always puts it up for yom ha’atzmaut

    in reply to: I'M ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #1013191
    ☕️coffee addict

    mazal tov!


    communicate (you dont realize how much the other person cant read your mind)

    marraige is meant so you both should grow and part of that is realizing that youre not perfect and your spouse is working with you on your middos

    in reply to: Smartphone?! #1010080
    ☕️coffee addict

    sorry, i had to post this

    come on little froggie dont tell me you dont play FROGGER all day

    in reply to: Israeli chareidi draft bill #1007249
    ☕️coffee addict

    what im saying ROB is that if those things are in the bill then why would chetboun say its bad for lomdei torah bc they will be drafted in the army, if torah is considered national service then they wont

    i wish there was the straight text of the law from the knesset so i could read it myself

    in reply to: Israeli chareidi draft bill #1007247
    ☕️coffee addict


    please explain the front page article on arutz sheva if it is so good for the chareidim?

    in reply to: Israeli chareidi draft bill #1007241
    ☕️coffee addict

    from what i read (the first part) learning torah is a service to the state of israel

    the part for daati/chareidim is confusing bc what does this entail if learning is service

    in reply to: Israeli chareidi draft bill #1007229
    ☕️coffee addict

    can you provide the text or a link for the text (I can’t find it anywhere)

    in reply to: What's your style when poor people come collecting at your door? #1006194
    ☕️coffee addict

    sorry to go off topic here, but this is a good thread for a very relevant question

    If Eretz Yisrael has a universal healthcare program then why aren’t people covered for any reason they have to go to the hospital, yet mesulachim come to my neighborhood with flyers that “medical expenses total ….”?

    in reply to: Purim Kattan is greater then Purim #1138307
    ☕️coffee addict

    just popping in to give my 2 cents

    i dont know about you sidi, but i think ad dlo yada is during the seudah specifically, which happens after shachris and mincha, therefore you have all three tefillos before you get drunk. additionally to address oomis (and you along too sidi) matanos l’evyonim is where we learn kol haposhet yad nosnin lo, therefore if it doesnt apply in adar rishon it doesnt apply for our tefillos too

    sorry for being a wet blanket

    in reply to: Corn flakes #1000708
    ☕️coffee addict

    a wiki page about total says total corn flakes was discontinued

    in reply to: "To train up a child" #997745
    ☕️coffee addict

    I don’t understand your question, Amazon sells any book as long as its a book, like “Mein Kampf”, you name it they got it.

    in reply to: Your teachers were wrong. #990501
    ☕️coffee addict

    oomis, hadliku means they lit from it they used the whole thing on the first day but only 1/8 was consumed, they extinguished it the next day then relit it again because it was a new day so need a new lighting and this kept on repeating itself for 8 days

    in reply to: Your teachers were wrong. #990490
    ☕️coffee addict

    nope, I meant 9

    1 day for the war, the 25th plus 8 days of light (lit on 26th so the eight days of lights goes until the third)

    sorry I can’t remember the source

    in reply to: Your teachers were wrong. #990488
    ☕️coffee addict

    Makes sense

    it had enough oil to burn for 1 day however each day only 1/8 of the oil got used up

    I thought you were bringing up a point that the first day was because of the milchama and they didn’t light on the 25th rather on the 26 so really there should be 9 days.

    in reply to: Are ancient artifacts tamei? #989219
    ☕️coffee addict


    I’m not paskening any shailos, I try not to.

    anyway, your point is

    But even if you hold that Meisi Akum aren’t M’tamei B’ohel (P’shat in the Mechaber seems to be that we are Machmir L’chatchilah but it’s just a Chumra), everyone agrees that Min HaTorah they are still M’tamei B’maga Uv’masa.

    who said these “tools” are mitamei, since they might not be touched by the meis, and additionally we have a safeik if they’re from a meis to begin with

    we have a sfeik sfeika in metzius here, a safeik if it’s from a meis’s kever and if it is who said it touched the meis (according to the svara that not mitamei B’ohel

    in reply to: Not Being A Slave and other rants #990154
    ☕️coffee addict


    no the need a manager not a master

    in reply to: Are ancient artifacts tamei? #989217
    ☕️coffee addict
    in reply to: Not Being A Slave and other rants #990151
    ☕️coffee addict

    awwww, i didnt think it would be THAT easy 🙁

    in reply to: Are ancient artifacts tamei? #989215
    ☕️coffee addict

    mho is that theyre not forbidden bc theyre tools (not necessarily for AZ) and theyre not tamei bc tumah doesnt apply to goyim (tumah is the absence of kedusha, something which goyim dont have)

    in reply to: Not Being A Slave and other rants #990149
    ☕️coffee addict

    rebyid, i dont see a problem in saying she’asani isha (besides not going in the matbe’a shetava chachamim), also its not good to be a slave b/c we bore an eved ivri’s ear,

    charlie, possibly, however they looked white with a yarmulke and beard (one didnt have a beard, though, so he might be)

    in reply to: Not Being A Slave and other rants #990145
    ☕️coffee addict

    A riddle I thought of

    how is the tefillah in NY (and a lot of other places too) during Chanuka diferrent this year from most other years

    in reply to: Not Being A Slave and other rants #990143
    ☕️coffee addict


    if thats true then the title should be not being a woman, there are men slaves too, however all women are non jewish slaves

    in reply to: Not Being A Slave and other rants #990140
    ☕️coffee addict


    my op was that 1) the chazzan for shachris during the weekday says birchas hasachar out loud and omits the word lo (no) by slave, non jew, and woman

    the others should be easy to understand

    in reply to: Not Being A Slave and other rants #990136
    ☕️coffee addict


    what’s the question?


    a shifcha could be considered in the klal of eved (I’m guessing here)

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