Forum Replies Created
☕️coffee addictParticipant
sorry PAA,
Hashem gives a reason over there (and therefore it doesnt apply anywhere else) “because she is a neviah”
☕️coffee addictParticipantI agree with fiesta,
I keep on trying to check back with ywn constantly, yet I still come up with the same page, as opposed to the past
☕️coffee addictParticipanttwo elephants are in a tub
one says pass the soap
the other says no soap…
August 20, 2014 10:47 pm at 10:47 pm in reply to: how do i make a subtitle underneath my username #1031742☕️coffee addictParticipantor we could nominate you for one, I think
how about a wolf in sheep’s clothing
☕️coffee addictParticipantSam2,
I heard that also applies to Boston
☕️coffee addictParticipantits funny bc I think everyone here is a “guy” unless I find out otherwise
☕️coffee addictParticipantisn’t there “only one” brisk iced tea?
☕️coffee addictParticipantPAA,
that’s true, the reason I brought that in was because this was what I was told from someone that lives in Staten island and knows him, regarding the Obama piece (which was why I brought this in. I’m extending it to the NYT as well
☕️coffee addictParticipantPAA did you see his article on Obama?
I was told he has to say certain things (that’s what spokesmen do) so people don’t get mad, even though he might not mean it
☕️coffee addictParticipantyes, and therefore?
☕️coffee addictParticipant2b,
oh please, don’t give me that! he made another username to lead people on
anyone that makes a second username to “support” his theories are blacklisted from my book
☕️coffee addictParticipant2b,
that was a near bump experience
and anyways how close to the body were you? (I probably wouldn’t call that near)
☕️coffee addictParticipantwhy isn’t malbim blocked, only his alter ego? (and coincidentally he stopped posting a few hours before “rashi” started
☕️coffee addictParticipantbrisk iced tea?
☕️coffee addictParticipant42,
I like their iced tea
☕️coffee addictParticipantand Mexican food too!
☕️coffee addictParticipant2b,
I sort of am, I would expect if nothing happens they wouldn’t report anything
that’s nice, so you don’t have to patronize this thread, I started it and I can post whatever I want!
so you Buzz off :p
☕️coffee addictParticipant2b,
I sort of am, I would expect if nothing happens they wouldn’t report anything
that’s nice, so you don’t have to patronize this thread, I started it and I can post whatever I want!
so you Buzz off :p
☕️coffee addictParticipantthe Times are at it again with a picture of a broken house in Gaza, what shaychis why is this front page news? only the anti-Semitic hags that work for them know the answer to this
☕️coffee addictParticipantsorry, I still like rebyidds posts better
☕️coffee addictParticipantmalbim are you trying to get personal here? b/c if you are I can start making fun of Austin Texas if you’d like
☕️coffee addictParticipantmalbim,
shlomo hamelech, the wisest person in the world said “a fools brain tends to his left”
☕️coffee addictParticipantmaybe people should call it exmas (in Spanish mas means more and ex means no so in essence we’re saying no more)
☕️coffee addictParticipantEhud was a lefty,
so was the steipler, and I think the chafetz chaim was also but he forced himself to be a rightly b/c it pasuls for kehuna
☕️coffee addictParticipantmalbim,
I blame t9word for that
also I looked at wiki, they quote sources
☕️coffee addictParticipantMalibu,
yeah I understand
☕️coffee addictParticipantsorry Wikipedia says some say like you other say they’re Shiites
August 15, 2014 12:55 pm at 12:55 pm in reply to: Jew becoming a lawyer or judge -halachic problems ✡️⚖️ #1028083☕️coffee addictParticipantwhy can’t you work in criminal law and Jews are forced to go into that system?
August 15, 2014 12:32 am at 12:32 am in reply to: If You Had Access to the CR Administration… #1029080☕️coffee addictParticipantI would make threads go yup sooner (clearing throat)
☕️coffee addictParticipantand I thought this was about Jimmy Kimmel
August 13, 2014 1:18 am at 1:18 am in reply to: how you know you are drinking too much coffee! #1113532☕️coffee addictParticipant2b,
Yes to the IV
☕️coffee addictParticipantmod-29,
I agree, they should shmooze during lunch
☕️coffee addictParticipantI finally found it!
its an arizal (not zohar, sorry)
if you Google korach future kohen gadol you’ll find it (from r pinto)
☕️coffee addictParticipant2010 Hyundai sonata
☕️coffee addictParticipantLF
My my, this thread was supposed to be an attempt at humor, not the morbid.
giving yourself away, are you?
☕️coffee addictParticipantprobably
☕️coffee addictParticipantI’ll try to find it tomorrow iyH
☕️coffee addictParticipantSam2,
understood, I’m just quoting the zohar
☕️coffee addictParticipantadditionally,
free water will be supplied by be’er miriam
☕️coffee addictParticipantsidi,
actually the zohar says (my rosh yeshiva said it) that when moshiach comes Korach is going to be Kohen Gadol
☕️coffee addictParticipantI wouldn’t get too excited. The Chofetz Chaim said it was Ikvesa d’Meshicha, and he was niftar in ’33. Now it’s ’14.
and your point is? Ikvesa means he’s close, like hearing footsteps of someone approaching outside your door, and 80 years in relation to 5774 is close
☕️coffee addictParticipantMy Brother in law heard from R’ Don Segal’s mouth that “Moshiach Uht Uht”
☕️coffee addictParticipantlol! it sounds like my old shul
July 23, 2014 10:39 pm at 10:39 pm in reply to: The Shmira Project – For Active Duty Combat Soldiers #1026254☕️coffee addictParticipanttexting works,
got a name
thanks for the tip
July 22, 2014 3:39 pm at 3:39 pm in reply to: Kerry: U.S. will provide $47 million to help humanitarian situation in Gaza #1024489☕️coffee addictParticipantbut on the bright side I get my taxes back at the end of the year, so my money is not really going to them
July 22, 2014 3:38 pm at 3:38 pm in reply to: Kerry: U.S. will provide $47 million to help humanitarian situation in Gaza #1024488☕️coffee addictParticipantyup,
I know, and there’s nothing that can be done about it
like Obamacare
☕️coffee addictParticipantdy asked
“in all fairness is there something obama has done right”
the answer is yes
countless jews have been saved by something called “the iron dome” (even though ultimately Hashem is the matzil) which was given to israel during obamas watch
ultimately Hashem is mamlich melachim (even though he doesnt have a din melech Hashem still chose him and lev saarim umalachim b’yad Hashem even if you dont like what he does)
☕️coffee addictParticipantcharlie,
i’m amazed at you!
why is it that an albert einstein professor (of neurology no less) willing to stoop to answering for a president that just happens to be a democrat, you realize that the people you could be arguing with are about as old as someone that could be your son/daughter! the gemara states (i think in kesubos) that the reason the passul guy answers back to accusations is because there is a point to their words if they were “crazy” there would be no need to answer back.
its not like he’s running for a third term anyway
☕️coffee addictParticipantgolfer
the first line gave it away (additionally when you add women to the mix it gets further skewed, jk dont get worked up)