☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2381909
    ☕️coffee addict


    100% agree

    The thing is that they use it for Florida too

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2380742
    ☕️coffee addict

    Sorry I just read your previous thread, if we do hold ספיקא דיומא so why do chassidim gebrokt (not sure what Chabad does) on the last day of pesach?

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2380741
    ☕️coffee addict

    “That was the Mitteler Rebbe”

    I guess I was misinformed then, I was told that the last Lubavitcher rebbe made that

    Nu, wasn’t the first probably won’t be the last

    “Go attack the non-Chabad chassidim who paskened that one doesn’t need to eat in the Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres anymore.“

    No one ever ate in the sukkah on shmini atzeres, the reason chassidim (which I am noheg) (it’s not limited to Chabad chassidim) do it is because of ספיקא דיומא whereas litvaks don’t consider it.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2380085
    ☕️coffee addict

    “When he blatantly rejects Torah, as Shabtai Tzevi, r”l.“

    Like by paskening that one doesn’t have to sleep in the sukkah anymore?

    in reply to: Any good Jewish jokes L’Kavod Purim? #2378993
    ☕️coffee addict

    Why did the שכור cross the road?

    What road?

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2378839
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Was the problem that they misunderstood their rebbe’s statement or that they obeyed their rebbe?

    Were they meant to say “Our rebbe is not infallible, he must have been wrong in saying אל תהיו כעבדים” – as you seem to be implying in this discussion about Chabad?”

    Their fault was that they didn’t ask what their rebbe meant, they thought since their rebbe is never wrong and this is what our rebbe meant to say it must be that this is what he said

    Torah is meant to be asked on and not accepted Carter Blanche

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2378016
    ☕️coffee addict

    “So you agree with me that there is such a thing as accepting a “daas torah” and obeying them unquestionably even when you don’t understand. “

    Menachem does have a point, just ask tzadok and beisus, their rebbe said “אל תהיו כעבדים…” and they obeyed their rebbe without asking any questions

    And a new sect was formed

    in reply to: Why I’m voting for Biden #2376838
    ☕️coffee addict

    Square root,

    The same could be said of the republicans (including trump’s first term)

    in reply to: Purim on friday/ Motza #2376400
    ☕️coffee addict

    Different communities have different minhagim

    The more chassidish the more they do

    Is there a mekor for not saying tachnun on Sunday (today)?
    Arts roll and the Ezras Torah luach don’t mention anything

    in reply to: Why I’m voting for Biden #2372426
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Actually, Sesame Street in Iraq may be not bad.“


    I don’t think it was funding American Sesame Street I think it was geared towards Iraqis ( with big bird having a suicide vest)

    in reply to: How Trump can become problematic #2371640
    ☕️coffee addict

    “CA: Zelensky met with members of Congress from BOTH parties before his WH meeting.“

    GH (and by extension Aaq) that could be true but I can fairly assume that the democrats talked Zelensky out of this deal with trump and even told him to argue with trump “to get a better deal” whereas the republicans said nothing when Zelensky met them

    Extra kneich to Aaq if GH told you not to believe me because GH says I will go lower if you just disrespect me you only have yourself to blame

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2371495
    ☕️coffee addict

    “But these are different accounts“

    It seems (to me) that cs forgot how to log into her account but cs’ last post was a month ago and Chabad shlucha started three weeks ago

    in reply to: How Trump can become problematic #2371406
    ☕️coffee addict

    Can anyone verify if Zelensky met with democrats before coming to the White House

    If it did happen then there’s your reason

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2370948
    ☕️coffee addict

    “At what point did “CS” become “Chabad Shlucha” and is the same person behind both accounts?”

    Cs used to be Chabad Shlucha and then she shortened it to cs and now she’s back to being Chabad Shelucha again

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2369509
    ☕️coffee addict

    “True, that’s an option. Especially in a very civil, respectful conversation.“

    Personally I think this thread has been much more respectful sans אותו האיש 🤫)

    in reply to: Ya’amod! #2369315
    ☕️coffee addict

    Refuah sheleimah wolf, im sorry, I didn’t know…..

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2369285
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Or 2) I don’t know the answer (I never claimed to have all the answers. That would be absurd.)“

    A way to have humility is by saying “I don’t know, I’ll ask and get back to you”

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2369051
    ☕️coffee addict


    What yankel was doing was goading a lubavitcher to post so the thread can get some life into it (which was what happened) if he didn’t constantly post it would have fallen off and no one would’ve commented (until a few months later or the 4th coming of CS)

    in reply to: Sorry, you must be logged in to comment. #2368872
    ☕️coffee addict

    It has happened to me too, are you on your phone when it happens?

    in reply to: Ya’amod! #2368666
    ☕️coffee addict

    Very funny wolf

    in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2368485
    ☕️coffee addict


    I’ve shown numerous times how you’re a democrat (you’ve even agreed) wow you voted for a republican 👏 you know good and well they would never win against the democrat who you hold so highly of!

    A person that lives in filth doesnt smell the filth he’s in until someone that hasn’t been around it can smell it for him, the same way an outside the swamp person can smell the stench of corruption

    Btw dumrepcrat? 😂 you put dumbocrat and just switched bo for rep? Really? But I guess I shouldn’t have expected more

    in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2368273
    ☕️coffee addict

    Yecheill obviously doesn’t want to address me because he knows I’ve outed him as a phony dumbocrat

    And obviously he’s lying about the “checks and balances” the government is horrible in “checking and balancing” themselves

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Idea #2367959
    ☕️coffee addict

    The shadchanim are pushing the girls to get married younger

    They also want to get paid if there’s more than a certain amount of dates as opposed to if there’s an engagement

    in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2367918
    ☕️coffee addict


    Keep on dreaming, republicans aren’t lemmings like democrats

    in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2366123
    ☕️coffee addict

    Yechiell doesn’t have any answer so tries to make a joke but it’s on a first grade level

    Nothing new here

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2365870
    ☕️coffee addict

    You guys don’t realize

    You will never win against Lubavitch until moshiach comes and he won’t be the rebbe (and will tell them it בפה מלא)

    Until then they know that arguments are pointless

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2364209
    ☕️coffee addict

    “as usual you distort and lie about the truth
    an example (re transgender surgeries)

    No, that is not true (that surgeries performed on children without parental consent)).
    In the vast majority of cases,“

    Wow you’re that far off?

    You can’t even tell when you’re contradicting yourself?

    “Vast majority” means there is a minority (albeit tiny) which means it is true

    If it wasn’t true you would’ve started without those words

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2361252
    ☕️coffee addict

    “You know nothing about Moshiach and Geula AFAIK (you don’t learn like we do) so your concept of both is probably flawed to a similar extent”

    I didn’t know you spell cop out with a CS

    And I’ll say it again

    I don’t see how your claims are any different than the notzrim

    And btw your גאוה is showing (and telling)

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2360748
    ☕️coffee addict

    “I guess you don’t believe in G-d as the missionary claims he does too“

    Jews believe in a different G-d in essence, their G-d had a “son” that is part of their trinity

    A svara is totally different but hey I wouldn’t put that past you

    in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2360582
    ☕️coffee addict

    “President Joe Biden has implemented several strategies to combat the fentanyl crisis in the United States.“

    Like a person fixing a bathroom flood by changing pipes, putting drano and using a snake when in essence all he should have done is turn off the tap

    in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2360578
    ☕️coffee addict

    “The idea that they should be allowed to stay here definitively means you believe in open boarders“

    Life isnt all or nothing, black and white

    Would you agree to staying with a fee (somewhat like a ticket to the speeding driver)

    If I believed in open borders that would mean that illegals that committed a crime wouldn’t be deported which is false

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2360156
    ☕️coffee addict

    “The Rebbe back while not actually DOING it, and litvish sincerely want Moshiach someday sometime, and think he’s some kind of Elvis (whatever that means…)”

    No we don’t believe moshiach is Elvis, Elvis died (some people don’t think so) but what we believe is that if moshiach was going to come from the dead (which is highly unlikely) he could be from the thousands of tzaddikim that lived before the rebbe

    “It’s like this. Remember Bnei Yisrael protested that the Torah is for everyone and shouldn’t be just for shevet Levi? So as Rebbetzin Vechter put it when her husband revealed to her that he was teaching her TheRebbes Torah, “If this is what I thought I’d go to Gehennom for learning, it’s worth it!!””

    Tell that to any missionary and he laugh you out of town because that is his reasoning too

    in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2360095
    ☕️coffee addict

    “he’s done so many more damaging things, from threatening to annex Greenland to handing the Department of Treasury over to that African American immigrant running DOGE.“

    “He has been handed unprecedented access and control over the government and it’s terrifying. If you don’t think it’s a problem for the president to threaten military force to break multiple international treaties and take sovereign land because it has good resources,“

    Neither of those things has damaged America instead as we’ve seen with Canada and Mexico it has helped America and Elon musk has so far cut wasteful spending

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2359918
    ☕️coffee addict


    Kiruv isnt proselytizing

    Ncsy doesn’t try to get people to be “modern”, they get people to be “frum” ohr somayach or chazaq don’t try to make people ashkenazim or sfardim (based on their respective nusach) yet chabad gets frum people to agree with their mehalach (so much so that people that don’t learn “moshiach’s torah, will have to be taught) that’s what I mean by “proselytize“

    in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2359870
    ☕️coffee addict

    The problem that I have with “The Donald” is what he’s doing with the illegals, I understand that those with a criminal record should be deported but to say everyone here is a criminal because they came here illegally is in essence true but that’s like arresting people for speeding or holding a phone while driving because they broke a law

    in reply to: The Historic Presidency of President Donald John Trump #2359867
    ☕️coffee addict


    How are those things damaging?

    It’s easy to throw out words when they don’t mean anything

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2359855
    ☕️coffee addict

    One of the things that yiddishkeit is known for is that we don’t proselytize to get more people to join our faith, because when you have the truth you don’t need to force other people to agree with you

    When it comes to these chabad threads it seems like the Lubavitchers start them so they can be “understood and accepted” something that yiddishkeit doesn’t do

    It gets one wondering…..

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2358919
    ☕️coffee addict



    The rambam was a closet Lubavitcher

    You didn’t know that?

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2358773
    ☕️coffee addict

    “coffee addict- thats why i added the every single other gadol part“


    Lubavitchers would say

    “1) how do you know they didn’t?

    2) if you do know then it obviously means that he’s not a gadol”

    Now you know why they don’t hold highly gedolim

    in reply to: Dangerous scooters #2358222
    ☕️coffee addict


    Rabbi Bender has banned them from being brought to school (electric scooters) because of safety concerns to the rider

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2357871
    ☕️coffee addict


    “will moshe rabeinu need your services as a tutor when mashiach comes since he didnt learn chasidus?“

    CS thinks that’s exactly what he learned! Why do you think he was up there for 40 days?


    Our mesorah is זריזים מקדימים

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2357603
    ☕️coffee addict

    Interesting enough, in the circle magazine the main feature is about the people that still think shabtzai tzvi is moshiach and coming back

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2357602
    ☕️coffee addict

    “You misread me. I meant that if you open a likutei Torah with no preparatory background in Chassidus, you will be completely lost even if you know the whole Gemara by heart. You don’t need to be second class but if you wait until Moshiach comes you may use my services as a tutor assuming you’re female/ ruach hatumah and male YH eradicated.“

    You made no sense

    It’s probably the “soap” that’s in your brain that made you answer like that, i understand

    “ Perhaps for a brilliantly stupid person”

    or someone who thinks they know what Torah will be like when moshiach comes and whatever it is, it’s (Lubavitch) chassidus

    Really, I want to know, is it dawn? Softsoap? Dove?

    in reply to: Songs for Lo Saivoshi #2357193
    ☕️coffee addict

    Take me out to the ball game

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2357192
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Toras Moshiach”

    Or in other words “a New Testament”

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2357191
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Likutei Torah on Shir Hashirim for starters…“

    Wow! It says in your Torah that you’re the best and everyone else is second class! I can’t believe it!

    It sounds like another religion (which I posted on the other Chabad) or very cultish

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2356598
    ☕️coffee addict

    “You got my reference to you. Well done. Without learning chassidus, non chassidim will need lots of tutoring to understand Moshiachs Torah. Since we are born with it and educated with it, it’s easier for Lubavitchers“

    What brand of soap do you use? It looks like it does wonders!

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2355625
    ☕️coffee addict

    “A tzaddik gamur (a given for the sake of argument) has no yetzer hara, this defeats the purpose of bechirah“,


    The Gemara says there are four צדיקים גמורים and they are עמרם בנימין ישי & I can’t remember the fourth but anyways that disproves your claim

    in reply to: Overuse of the word “neis” #2354627
    ☕️coffee addict

    “The word neis should be reserved for something clearly outside the realm of nature
    Another case in point from this week
    Shrapnel from a downed missile falling on a house and not causing injuries is not, as YW reported, a “neis”
    Had the missile been intact , and the warhead not gone off when it hit the house, that would have been a “neis””


    Let’s change the dynamics over here

    We say the oil in the menorah lasted 8 days when it really was supposed to last for one, according to you it’s not a נס because oil burning is within the realm of nature so it just burned slowly

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2354102
    ☕️coffee addict

    How long is this one going to go for before it’s shut down

    Any guesses?

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