Forum Replies Created
November 9, 2009 6:30 pm at 6:30 pm in reply to: Government Programs for Low Income Families #667274mazcaMember
Wow, now I see it pays to go to the US illegal or not. Tons of benifits for all. But I still believe it cripples a person to grow in life.
mazcaMemberI see . Thanks
How safe is to take a lot medicines that the doctor prescribes?
mazcaMembermazcaMemberJosh31 I go plenty to the US and if I can vote from here for a president and few other officials not all of the votes I can have a say.Whatever it is. The law is the law. Are you american?
mazcaMemberWell I don’t think a person should stop having children because there is a shidduch crisis it really sound silly to me. But the age-gap is part of the problem. People should really be less picky in picking a future wife or husband people should learn to accept all jews the same, everybody feels better than the other. I have suggested ashkenaz girls to shephardic boys and it looks like I am suggesting a goy and the other way around too.
mazcaMemberJosh sorry to tell you I am an american citizen as well. Any problem with that? I can go to the US and get medicaid, welfare and the works but I don’t so I have paid plenty of taxes too and I do have a say wether you like it or not. I have a very large family over there as well. My brother in law is a mexican jew that works in a hospital in the United States in a very high position, the hospital provided him with legal papers because he is GREAT.
mazcaMemberWhat about a Chanukah party? Who would you invite? What would you make? And since we are in the topic of Chanuka. Did you ever hear of a costum of lighting an extra light from the beginning? Is that mutar?
mazcaMemberJust-a-guy I do not desagreed with you that maybe in the U.S. a person feels safer but like mybat said in Latin America there are a lot of very powerful and influencial jews as well. But if we really want to be truthful even EY has a problem with antisemitisim. I ask the question even though I have a lot of thoughts in my mind because I like the challenge. We really including myself should try to be more humble a little hard in these days since we live in a very, very materialistic sociaty and we do not want to show less. The more the better. Is that correct?
mazcaMemberJust-a-guy. I think a jew should be worry about antisemitism any place in the world the laws are man made and people could always change them. Why do you feel so secure in the United States? I think you trust the legal system too much and never forget a goy is a goy. In the United States they found a lot of nazis as well after War World II. Do not fool yourself.
mazcaMemberestherh, you are definitly a courageous person just to say that you need to daven and Hashem will give you many more years to live to do mitzvas and shep nachas and to understand the seriousness of your illness, believe me I do not know you but you are a very coraugeous person just to write what you wrote. May Hashem give you a complete recovery and may you see many more years to come and if you ever feel down remember there are a lot of people that fought and won and you will win, I believe the Emuna in HASHEM and your positive state of mind will cure you completely. Best Wishes
mazcaMemberI believe the age gap is definitly a problem because boys are always thinking of younge girls and leaving the older girls behind for no reason. The shidduch problem is a worldwide phenomenom and we have to address it the right. It is not a simple solution but to think about and to try to solve it is a great mitzvah. I also find that people are picky I won’t marry a sephardic, I won’t marry an ashkenaz, I won’t marry a poor girl, I won’t marry a chasid, I won’t marry a litvach, etc. the list goes on and it makes it very difficult to find somebody.
mazcaMemberI do not know gemora but I do know a lot of people deserving of Olam Habah in many other ways.
mazcaMemberpookie isn’t if funny you have to kid about it?
mazcaMemberThe problem and one of the biggest problems that we have antisemitisim , well we cannot help it a jewish mind usually is always brighter than others. But we have to teach our people not to be so exhibitionist, not to have the best cars, not to have the best clothing, not to make the fanciests weddings, play it low. And of course daven, but we have in our hands the power to stop it. How I do not know but in my opinion stay away from them.
mazcaMemberMinimal or not we all comunicate in English wether we like it or not.
$300 dollars a month is in Mexico but one maid is never enough since they do not work properly so take your pick hire few maids that eat your house in an out or pay $400 a week in Brooklyn that work really hard. That is the reason they leave Mexico because over there they get paid much more no because the gobernment help. If you legalize all the illegal immegrants in U.S. they would stop working and go into welfare so you would be loosing a cheap man power.
mazcaMemberMy father always had all of our papers ready in case we had to flee the country, but in these days we really do not want to go away, we feel comfortable and we do not want to let go of our material posessions, it is a problem, in Venezuela were antisemitisim is very open these days the jews do not want to leave. What should we do about it? They do not want to let their properties go to waste. It used to be the ideal place to live but now with Chavez it is very scary and we see people are still there.Isn’t it scary.
mazcaMembermazcaMemberI woman can have a great Olam Habah in her own merits and can have spiritual children like Sara Shneirer did. So even if there is a shidduch crisis and a lot of girls are not getting married they still have a place in Am Ysrael. But of course I wish there should never be any single men or women.
mazcaMembermazcaMemberI meant he has to think of course Hashem first, but I meant his family before him.
mazcaMembermazcaMemberThe roll of a frum man is to bring Torah to his home, speak diver torah, educate his children, respect his wife, bring parnassah, provide for the family in a respecful way.
mazcaMemberYum, Yum I can’t hardly wait to go to the Empire State building Rosa’s Pizza maybe I should visit NY just for that this December vacations.
mazcaMemberYes if you have a stupid cleaning lady the best thing is to get rid of her, but when you pay $300 dollars a month you keep quiet and hope for the best.
mazcaMemberHey Mezonos Maven did you post in the wrong place?
mazcaMemberI see sometimes there is a problem before it starts I have suggested a very good guy to some families and even before asking questions the answer was NO. People sometimes say no even without investigating or giving themselves a try.
mazcaMemberany woman that can be pregnant is young , no question about it. In her thirties. I think health is right but how can we avoid to be in the first place suseptuble.
mazcaMemberA learning man is an ideal, but should he stop learning for a few minutes to learn with his kids, talk to his wife of throw out the garbage? Besides once I heard a renoun rabbi said if the money is not enough he should take a second job. What do you think?
mazcaMemberWell when a person has a disease and fights it, it is truly heroic people do not realize that that person fought in his mind and body to get better, prayed a lot and of course never allowed depression to overtake him. So I would consider heroisim a person that fought a disease and became better, a lot of doctors say that the cure usually depends on the persons will to live. So a doctor can do everything but the will has to be inside the person that fights it. I know few heroic people that fought the disease that way. We should always hear good things.
mazcaMemberThe torah teaches us that motivation is a major roll in our lives, we cannot make mitzvot without the right intention . That is what we call Kabanah, we have to say Berachos with Kavanah, we have to keep Shabbat with Kabbanah every aspect in our lives have to be done with the right intention otherwise is not the same. So if a person takea a job with the right intention I think the reward is great.
mazcaMembermazcaMemberI guess new ways of writing and communicating is becoming the way of these days.
mazcaMemberHere we are talking about illegal immegrants no languague but I guess it goes hand in hand, but like I said before if the United States didn’t want them they wouldn’t have them. Do not kid yourself there is illegal immegrants because the gobernment allows it. You do not need a wall to see all the illegal in the pizza stores or driving the subway. It is the choise of the US to keep them there and give them some benefits and if people need the jobs so badly why don’t they take the same pay as the illegals.
mazcaMemberSometimes people have the necessity to work, so to tell people to work or not it is not anybody business, it is best for a woman to stay home with her children but sometimes a person has the need wether the husband is in Kollel or not. Most people go to work out of necessity, people do not work just for fun. So the role of a jewish woman I think in my opinion is to be next to her husband support him and teach the children the way of Torah, When I say a woman has to support her husband I mean psychological, spiritual and give him courage to learn and work to provide for a jewish home so mitzvot should be kept. If she can help in the parnasah why Not? Of course there is also a role of a husband that should be discussed.
mazcaMemberYes it was a long, long time ago when Flatbush was not even that frum.
mazcaMembermake sure is completely dried, somethimes clothing get a smell because they are not fully dried.
mazcaMembertamazaball I really remember that before it was easier for the girls to find guys, people used to beg me to introduce them to girls, as a matter of fact I few girls from Mexico came to NY because there were not enough girls there.
mazcaMemberMaKesher I didnt want to mislead anybody. In the beginning it was hard specially those days when people thought that if you were not born in Brooklyn you were probably a goy or somebody from Mars, I had many neighbors some we became very friendly some we didnt.
mazcaMemberskates I learned in school that the most important part of writing is being creative and having imagination no making commas,,,,and periods……and question marks???
mazcaMemberNo it is the one they are talking about in the article. It was a blood clot combined with high blood pressure.
mazcaMemberMexico is not a country that treats immigrants very nicely , and if they are illegal I guess they don’t either, a foreigner in this country is a foreigner for few generations, when I turned 18 I had to deny my parents place of birth, now it has changed a little, the problem with the United States they know they need the labor, they allow them to immigrate illegal and they know how many people or wetbacks come in. If United States is such a powerful country and allows them in , it is because they know the country cannot run without them. So do not fool yourself the fact that a place like that gives a lot of benefits it just makes people not work, and the people that do not get the full benefits take the low jobs. They do get some benefits but nothing compared to medicaid, housing, food stamps and the whole welfare system that has made the native americans lazy.
mazcaMemberafterwards we became very good friends..
mazcaMemberI know of a young pregnant woman that got a stroke during pregnancy, she lost control of her right hand and speech, walked with a limp and neve fully recovered.
She ended up having her 8th baby lying down in bed and never lived a complete healthy live, so it is very important to recognize the simptons early on otherwise it is a complete disaster and anybody could have a stroke even a young person.
mazcaMemberShaatra: I didn’t mean to scare you, I was just trying to tell you that as jews we have the obligation to pray for all of our singles wether boys or girls. I didn’t know you were single I thought you were married especially with the name Shaatra I thought you were running a full house by now. Anyway my best wishes to you and to all the singles out there. Hashem should guide them to their right zivug. Hope to hear good news soon.
mazcaMemberSo in few words shidduch crisis is just about money.
mazcaMemberhaifagirl, it is nice of you to start something to teach us how to write, but you have to know some people that post here speak other languagues and we post in englsh, being english our second languague and please sometimes people make fun of the way I speak or write or say something and my answer to them is this: Try to say it in Spanish please..By the way people should learn Geography too.
mazcaMemberWhen I first bought a house in Brooklyn in a frum block you can imagine the neighbors were freaking out. “A mexican” bought a house in the block. lol
mazcaMembershaatra I really think there is a shidduch crisis, a lot of young girls and boys do not have anybody to go out and marry, we can say maybe there is not because we do not know them, but believe me it is dangerous and scary when young people cannot find their besheret and it is very important for us to try to help them, life without a marriage is not complete, all our religion is based on mitzvot that we can only do when we are married and not single, .we should pray for all the people that need to meet the right people
mazcaMemberIf Eretz Isroal was good for Yosef why not for the Breslevers.
mazcaMemberYes I just remembered when I used to live in Brooklyn the italian people we bought the house from used to own few guns and the story was that somebody came in and stole them.