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I was reading in one of the recent jewish weeklies, about cholov yisrael cheese making and the article mentioned something about cows that had some kind of surgery that made those cows not halachally permissible to use the milk from. The CY companies do not use these cows that had the surgery. Being that is the case, and the CS companies use these surgically altered cows, definetly makes the case for myself to use only CY products.
May 17, 2010 3:43 am at 3:43 am in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1024991mazal77ParticipantFrom the Book “Daughters of Dignity”
Spritual Rewards for Tzinus
A) Kedusha rests upon a Tznua – one who behaves modestly merits to be close to Hashem
B) The Shechinah Dwells in the home of a Tznuah
Medrash Tanchuma teaches a awesome analogy of When a woman is modest in her home, she is compared to a Mizbach. Just as a Mizba’ach generates Kedusha, for it atones for the sins of Klal Yisroel, so too a tznua generates Kedusha in her home and serves as an atonement for her household
C) Through Tznius, we not only generate holiness onto to ourselves and our homes, but we cause kedusha to permeate the whole world.
Rabbi Shmuel Dishon Shilta, relates a story, when he was in Russia a non jewish lady came to him and 2 other rabbonim and begged that she wanted to become a jew. As required by Halachah, they tried to dissuade her by telling her to keep the 7 mitzvos of Noah & still get Olam Haba. She answered that she read some where, that when a Ben Noach performs a mitzvah, he received reward but does not bring holiness into the world. She wanted to become a Bas Yisroel so she could bring kedusha into the world through her mitzvos.
Fortunate are wer to be born Jewish Women and have the constant opportunity throught overcoming challenges in tzinus to bring kedusha into the world.
May 17, 2010 3:27 am at 3:27 am in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1024984mazal77Participant“Experience has proven that it is impossible to avoid erring in these matters without routine study of the details of the laws of modesty in dress and behavior. This is especially true in our generation in which the impurity of the street is eating away at the fabric of modesty. As such study of these laws is even more imperative than ever.
Accordingly, we address our Daughters of Israel and ask that each one of you establish for yourselves a set time for learning the laws of modesty ind dress AND behavior. Since it is natural that our desires and inclinations lead us astray, it is only through the study of these laws that we will have the necessary strenth to withstand the challenge and properly observe the mitzvah in accordance with Halacha. It is important that these laws be taught to school girls.
All women who observe these laws with the proper care and consideration should be blessed with strong and healthy children, live, food, and an abundane of blessings, and they will merit other benefits. May Hashem protect their homes from all evil and may they be successful in body and soul- in this world and in the World to Come. It is the merit of these righteous women which will bring the future Redemption. (Rus Rabbah 3:4)
May 17, 2010 3:18 am at 3:18 am in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1024982mazal77ParticipantQuote from the book
“Dear Jewish Daughters,
We are living in times of increased immodesty. Impure non-jewish influences are threatening the sanctity of Jewish women and girls and of our entire people.
The Jewish principle of modesty, the fundamental cornerstone of our nations’s existence is under attack and in danger. Indeed Hashem’s presence and protection are dependent upon the observence of these laws. When Modesty is weakened, the holy Shechinah disappears from Israel, asi it is written, Va Lo yirah Bach Ervat Davar – Va shav Ma acrach” In the Event that Hashem will see immodesty amongst you, He will turn away from you”
It is of supreme importence for us to be particularly meticulous regarding the obeservance of this mitzvah. One must vigoroulsy pay attention to its details, lest one violate the fundamental laws for which a woman – in but a brief moment- may cause others to commit thousands of sins, thereby destroying many generations.
May 17, 2010 3:10 am at 3:10 am in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1024981mazal77ParticipantDaughters of Dignity is a very good book on the laws of Tznius.
May 17, 2010 3:08 am at 3:08 am in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1024979mazal77ParticipantYou can still look pretty and follow the laws of Tzinus. Wearing clothes and behavior that does not attract attention. No one says you should look ugly and dress in a burlap bag. It is an awareness, that Hashem is watching at all times. Even when you are home alone, you need to be aware of Hashem and be Tzinus.
May 17, 2010 2:53 am at 2:53 am in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1024970mazal77ParticipantOomis, I was at another class and the Rav mentioned that celebrites, L’Havdil, do good deeds as well, but they don’t dress properly. The laws of Tzinus are imporant as well as other mitvoth. There are many Halachos that are involved as well. They serve as a protection for Women, Spritually and Physically. There are many books, (can’t think of them now), that explain the whys without the fire and brimstone of why we should keep these laws, just as well as Shabbos, and Kashrus. They are part of the Jewish Woman who has the most important and crucial task in this world, running a jewish home.
May 17, 2010 2:42 am at 2:42 am in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1024968mazal77ParticipantI was at a shiur and the speaker mentioned at the class, about why there are so many more tragedies in the Summertime R”L, then normal, and the speaker mentioned because the there is a breach in the laws of Tzinius. The Yeter Hara makes the Summer a little more difficult for some women to be Tzinus. When some posters say, well, what they want to wear is their business, their thinking is incorrect, because how they dress does effect Klal Yisrael. At this same class, we were told how we when we are hot and sweaty, and we still make sure that we are dressed properly, Hashem collects those drops, and B”H, when the time for Ticiyas Hamasim, comes, Hashem will turn the sweat in to the dew that will revive them. So girls, in the merit of keeping the laws of Tzinus, only good can come of it.
mazal77Participantthose wondering about Youthcorp, should know that there will be less funding for it this year due to budget cuts and the NYC gov website is suggesting that kids get actual jobs, where they will be paid. It maybe much harder to get Youthcorp this year. Also, some camps will not hire counselors, unless they can get Youthcorp.
mazal77Participantif you look up on wikipedia, you will find info about the Indian meal moth or pantry moth. It is possible that they have laid eggs in your cabinets. These moths can infiltrate packages, even into tupperware. The eggs are tiny, with Pesach coming, and having to purchase new products, maybe try spraying with raid or cleaning with bleach products. Also, when you buy new products, try putting in a bay leaf.
mazal77ParticipantBemused, just read it as it is spelled. Bazergan is a sweet and sour cracked wheat salad. Sephardim serve this salad as part of “Maza” which is a course constisting of various appetizers and salads. In the Maza course you can have Tehina, Hummus, Syrian potato salad, Tabouli, Babaghonoush, Pickles, olives and finger foods like Lechmeagin, Kibbe, Meat Phyllo fingers, meat sambusaks, & meat borekas. As we have become more americanized in our cooking, I’ll make franks in blankets, mini potato knishes, and chicken nuggets. Don’t think I make all these foods everytime, though there are some families that do. In our area, many of these foods can be purchased ready made. I usually have Maza on Shabbat Lunch and after, will serve the Hamin.
mazal77ParticipantBazergan is made with Bulgur – which is cracked wheat, but use the fine grade, as there are coarser grades. Bulgur is also a staple ingredient in Tabouli salad.
Bazergan receipe:
1 cup fine cracked wheat
1 small onion, finely chopped
3 Tbs oil
2 T. lemon juice
8 TBS. Temerhindi (Tamarind concentrate, Setton’s make a jar) or you can subsitute prune butter
3 TBS. Tomato paste
2 teaspoons cumin
Salt to taste
1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pinenuts (optional)
Soak the bulgur in hot water for 15 minutes and drain (use fine mesh colander as the bulgur is small) Add the drained bulgur to a mixing bowl. Add all the ingredients except for nuts, and combine well. Before serving garnish with nuts &/or chopped parsly. Enjoy. You can make it spicy by adding a little crushed red pepper. But Syrians don’t really make their food spicy in the hot sense. Enjoy and let us know if it came out tasty!!
The Deal Delights cookbook was a great cook book put together by the Sisterhood of Deal. It has been out of print for a while. Poopa Dweck who wrote the Aleppo cookbook, was the Editor of the Deal cookbook.
January 22, 2010 4:17 pm at 4:17 pm in reply to: Yeshiva Students Make Kiddush Hashem On NYC Bus #673249mazal77ParticipantSo did I do a Kiddush Hashem by picking up the wrappers off the floor at the zoo?? Just asking because I think my situation was similar…
January 22, 2010 4:13 pm at 4:13 pm in reply to: Yeshiva Students Make Kiddush Hashem On NYC Bus #673248mazal77ParticipantI was just trying to make people aware that they shouldn’t drop their wrappers.
Yesterday, while picking my son off his bus stop, I saw he threw a paper on the ground. I asked him why did he throw it on the floor, and made him pick it up and throw it away till he got home to put it in the garbage. Unfortunately, many parents don’t show their children.
mazal77ParticipantLakewoodhouse wife, I never heard of using ketchup in Lachemagin meat??!! I use tomato paste. Also, you are missing 2 very important spices, Allspice and Cinnamon. These spices are very important in Sephardic cooking.
I find when I use the Mazor’s dough, the dough part becames to crunchy and very difficult to eat. My relative offered a solution. She lets the dough rise for 2 hours and then bakes it(with the meat on top). I always bake them first, then freeze, as you can pull them out if you have unexpected company and warm up.
Feif Un, I have that cookbook too, it is also has a history of the Aleppo Jews. Beautiful pictures. It is a must have in the Sephardic Kitchen.
January 22, 2010 3:51 pm at 3:51 pm in reply to: Yeshiva Students Make Kiddush Hashem On NYC Bus #673243mazal77ParticipantI am glad this boy had a proper upbringing, because this is very, very rare. Parents please teach your children to use a trash can, and not just drop things till where they see fit!!
mazal77ParticipantSorry, Campgaw is one word. It is located in Mahwah, New Jersey. Like I wrote previously, it is very close to Monsey, so you can grab a bite there, also you can do some local shopping in the Palisides Mall, which is a pretty big mall. There are arcades and a few indoor things(like a Ferris Wheel and carousel. They also have an indoor ice skating rink, but I am not sure what the public skating hours are.
We ended up at the mall because all the snow tubing sessions at Campgaw were booked, so therefore I recommend making reservations.
mazal77ParticipantHow about ice skating? Aviator in Brooklyn has an indoor rink. There is also Chelsea Piers in the city. For snowtubing, there is Camp Gaw, which if I am not mistaken, on the New Jersey border, but about 5-10 minutes from Monsey. It is the closet snow tubing to NYC area. You might need to make reservations(depending on how busy they are) so check out the website.
Bowling is also a nice, and during the daytime you may get special pricing. After school hours though, bring in the league crowds.
mazal77ParticipantPashuteh, how about sticking them in the freezer, would that be considered humane? Because, I read somewhere, that a humane way to take care of a sick pet gold fish, was to put it in the freezer.(when I had a fish tank, I would put them in the freezer, before they were flushed, letting the ice defrost first of course) I was just wondering would it work for a rodent?
mazal77ParticipantHow mod 42- what am i, chopped liver??
mazal77ParticipantNow that Chanukah has passed, I really miss my Grandma’s Punchkees (Doughnuts) She came to live with us after my Grandfather passed away. (My mother was an only child and my parents decided that there was no way she could live alone.) Every Chanukah, she would make her delicious doughnuts. She memorized that receipe, and unfortunately, she never wrote it down. My mother always regretted never writing down the ingredients. My mother is always on the look out for any receipe that may be similar, but she has never found “the right receipe” I think it was no coincidence that my Grandmother was niftar on Chanukah, on Rosh Chodesh Tevet.
mazal77Participanthey aussieboy, haven’t read from you in a while, and could to see you back in the CR. I am still around, but doing more lurking. I just haven’t been posting as much. I rather read, unless something interesting turns up and just have to reply, like this thread. But it does seem like there are many new members and alot of the old times have drifted off. I feel the CR has kind of changed. So if your reading, just let us know your around.
mazal77Participant“Neshomele” off of Journeys. I listened to it after a misscarriage and I cry everytime I hear it. Also, another vote for the “Place where I belong” from Journeys
December 16, 2009 9:35 pm at 9:35 pm in reply to: Please Share Recommendations For Children’s Fiction #670147mazal77ParticipantI just want to warn everyone to please, please, make sure that your children do not attend the public library on their own. Do not let them have their own library card. I know of someones teenage son, who has been going to library and unfortunately, one time, checked out very inappropriate reading material. The cover gave no clue to what would be inside. The father found the book his son’s room, while looking for something he misplaced. He could not believe it. This was a good boy and his parents trusted him to make the right decisions on his reading materal. He has parents are very involved with their children. It was very upsetting. All it takes is one look to undo everything. It looked like an innocent adventure book, unfortunately, it had the worst pervertions in it. When asked how he picked it up, he said it was in the young adult section.
The parents spoke with their Rabbi. He suggested not to let the childen read or bring home any secular material, because, once the appetite is whet, it becomes insatiable. It is the parents responblity to make sure that the children have reading material in accordance with proper jewish ethics and beliefs.
It just so happened, min Ha’Shamayim, that my childrens school, also discussed the public library and said that the children should not attend the library whatsover. But besides inappropriate reading material, the yeshiva warned about the possible mingling of teenagers and the children would have access to the computers.
mazal77ParticipantI just want to know why there are always more girls to boys at the singles events. My realitive who went to a recent singles event told me there where about 60 boys and over a hundred girls. Also, she said there were still many girls who wanted to attend and were placed on waiting lists and still could not go.
My husband’s good friend, a single man, also told us, at the single events he goes to, there are always more girls then boys. The events are always trying to find boys to attend these events, yet they have no problem finding girls to come and even have to turn the girls away, from these events.
So, where are the boys??
mazal77Participantdid you have to use “77”??
mazal77ParticipantIn my daughters school, the girls are not allowed to have a Bat Mitzvah party(birthday parties are not allowed either). They tell the parents that it is a special time to be shared with the girl’s family only.
Another girls yeshiva nearby also, banned the Bat Mitzvah parties. Some of the wealthier families were just making really big parties and it was getting out of hand.
A realitive of mine made her daughter a bat mitzvah party at home. She made a Meleve Malka and as an activity, for the girls, she bought a paint by number kit, which she found very cheap. They played music and danced after. Very nice and very simple.
November 9, 2009 9:16 pm at 9:16 pm in reply to: How Long Have You Been Part of the YWN Coffee Room? #719241mazal77Participantthanks, Mazca
mazal77ParticipantI do agree with tamazaball, that there are way too many shidduch threads. Why can’t they all be combined. This is getting crazy.
mazal77ParticipantI live in Brooklyn(born & raised) and I constantly get asked if I am from out of town. Anyway, what does it mean to be from out of town anyway? Does it mean that I don’t talk with a brooklyn accent??(I’ve been told I have a mid-western accent)
Many years ago, I went to seminary with girls from other states & countries, and from what I understood from them was that New Yorkers(in-towners) seemed less friendly, and they don’t say Good Shabbos. Is it because I do say Good Shabbos/Shabbat Shalom, that I am considered like an of out of towner?? I always thought that it was the proper thing to do, to wish another jew, a Shabbat Shalom, no matter where you lived or what shul they went to/ or had different minhagim. A Jew is a Jew. Say “Good Shabbos”/”Shabbat Shalom”, and do it with a smile!!
mazal77ParticipantAlmost everyone here is joking, but seriously, I have a very close relative who is very tall, and she is having a very difficult time getting set up. She is in her 30’s and she is constantly calling the Shadchanim, who basically tell her to stop calling them and they’ll call her if they have someone. Basically, the phone doesn’t ring anymore. She feels that the Shadchanmim are concentrating on the younger girls and that they are only concerned with them getting set up. She has even told the matchmakers, that the boy can be shorter, the height doesn’t make a difference to her. She doesn’t even own a pair of heels. I see her suffering and it hurts. Everyone please try to show some sensitivty.
mazal77Participantto light the menorah for eight nights, adding a new one for each day.
mazal77ParticipantJust-a-guy, I think with what is going on recently in the world. Especially with the media terrified to call this recent terrorist act in Ft. Hood for what it is, and bowing to the Jihadists, I’d be very concerned as a Jew in this country. Yes, so B’H there has been minimal Anti-Semitism, and we have to be very thankful that we have the USA to live in, and we can vote and go to schools and not be discrimantated against. but Anti-Semitism is out there!! When I think of Crown Heights, when Dinkins was in charge and didn’t do anything and let the rioters do what ever they wanted. The Police were scared to act. Things like that make you realize, that one shouldn’t feel too comfortable in Golus. Don’t ever let your guard down and rememeber that we are in America temporarily and this is not the true home of the Jews.
mazal77ParticipantI think now, that with so many American people being unemployed and desperately looking for work, they would go for those jobs, they had once thought were beneath them. Unemployment benefits only last so much. I think Americans will only get angrier at the illegals, because they can’t get those jobs that the illegals are doing, because, they work for less and don’t get any benefits.
mazal77ParticipantIn the Empire State building on the 1st floor is Rosa’s Pizza and Pasta. It was originally not kosher, but recently it became kosher(under the OU). I have eaten here about 3 times and can’t wait to go back. The pizza is amazing and they have nice variety to choose from. They also have Pasta, Salads, & Sushi, but I haven’t tried those items. Prices are average.
mazal77ParticipantI use to have a Peg Perego double stroller, about 14 years ago back, it was great and lasted a long time. The last carriage I had was also a front to back double stroller for for my twins, was a Graco, which I purchased for under $100.00. For the price, it couldn’t be beat and I definetly got my money’s worth out of it.
I wouldn’t recommend the front seat to use for a newborn, because it does not recline all the way in the front seat. I also was give a side by side for the twins, but I had a hard time fitting through doors.
I am noticing alot of people using the jogging strollers, but they seem so bulky. I guess those are good for people who jog or do alot of walking.
mazal77ParticipantChasidic marriages have lower divorce rates, because, the couples usually come from similar background and upbringings.
Therefore they have the same goals and ideals.
So no, I don’t think short term dating is the problem.
mazal77ParticipantAlso, tell your schools to make a copy of this alert and hand it out to the entire parent body and make sure they vote. The Teacher’s Union says this will save them 54. million dollars!! If this important service is eliminated, guess who will have to pay up??!!
mazal77ParticipantImportant, Important!!
I don’t know if anyone noticed, but on the home page, there was on alert to make sure to vote, because the Teacher’s Union want to eliminate funding for Bus Transportation to Private Schools. This would be a disaster. If parents have to pay for extra funding for transportation, it would be chaos. Please spread the word to vote, this Tuesday!! I just wish it would say who to vote for. Anyone know??!!
mazal77ParticipantIt helps to know exactly what you want to order online, because, while shopping from home is convienient, the returning of items is harder. Most, if not all, online companies, charge for the return of items, which may cut out any saving you may have had,had you purchased it directly from the store, where clothes and shoes can be tried on for exact fit. I do shop at the children’s place online store, you can usually find online codes, to get additional discounts off. I have a Children’s place store within walking distance from me, so I usually check there first, if they do not have the item, I usually request a free shipping coupon to use online.
But I also like to shop at Daffy’s, where you can find some pretty good deals. A few weeks ago, I purchased, italian shoes for my daughters, for $40.00 a per. This same brand was selling on Zappos for $150.00. Zappos doesn’t offer codes(at least I never found them) I found that while purchasing and buying from Zappos to be it easy, the shoes they sell are very overpriced, so you are already paying for shipping and returns already, should you decide to purchase. I have purchased from Shoebuy and have gotten some good deals from them.
mazal77ParticipantIt depends how you look at things Poster. When your realize that taking care of your family and doing all those things you find so mundane, actually is the biggest chesed you can do. Chesed starts at home. When we do those things we are actually emulating Hashem by taking care of the needs of our family members. You have such in important job in creating a Mikdash Ma’at.
Just yesterday, as I was folding the laundry, I was thinking ” Hashem, I am doing this L’Shem Shamayim, that my family has clean clothing to wear”.
When you cook, think I am preparing nutrious meals, L’Shem Shamayim, that my family will be strong enough to serve Hashem.
It really helps to put things in perspective and realize that the housework is not a burden, but a mitzvah!! Hatzlacha in all you do!!
mazal77ParticipantI think it’s the parents of the boys who should suggest to their sons that maybe they should look for a girl over 20 years old. I think some boys wouldn’t mind, but it’s their parents that have that mindset.
mazal77ParticipantSJS, I can’t resist the temptation.
Gafflige, I hope when you get married you, you can afford to have your own personal chef. I come from a sephardic background where the Women all pride themselves on their cooking skills and their hospitality. Most of the grandmothers did not even know how to read, yet somehow most managed to raise orthodox families.
As far as kiruv is concerned, most families involved in kiruv realize that good cooking brings people back to Yiddishkeit along with teaching them Torah, they invite the non-observant to their homes for Shabbats and Yom Tov meals so they can experience these special times. But let your husband do the teaching and you do the cooking. When your children see how you treat your guests and you show them all the Chesed that you are doing, that is Torah in it’s self that you are teaching to your children.
mazal77ParticipantIn NYC, Grades 6 and under can get school bus transportation, but all grades, 7 and up, can not, and must use public Transportation.
My sons yeshiva realize this is a big problem and really prefer the boys not use public transportaion. They offer a van service, at additional cost. Also, many mothers carpool.
Yank you don’t seem to understand how it works in the states. Some yeshivas do have their own private school buses and it is not an issue. Go to Williamsburg and Boro Park and see all the buses with the yeshivas name on the side. The parents pay extra to use that service.
The yeshivas also have the option to have the city pay for the childrens transportion to and from school, using the public transportation system which is free, which is great, but on the Ruchinus side, the adverts plastered all over the buses and trains are terrible and when the Public Schools get out, the kids are yelling obscenities, running, and fighting each other. I live on a block with a public school and do not like to be around when they get out.
mazal77ParticipantI live in the flatbush area and I hear the Shabbat siren. I think it is wonderful. But the goyim have their church bells ringing as well!! I think it’s coming from the church on Ave P or the one on Ave O. I hear them ringing every hour.(except at night) (I nickname them the Golus Bells and use it as a reminder that we are in Golus) On Sunday mornings at 9:00 am, I hear organ music as well.
October 19, 2009 8:08 pm at 8:08 pm in reply to: What Food Item Would You Like To See Get A Hecsher? #895404mazal77ParticipantI bought and used the Old City Mac & Cheese and they aren’t too bad, but the way I remember the commercials when I use to watch TV, before I was frum, they looked so good and chessy. The Wacky Mac is not Cholov yisrael. Come to think of it, I have not seen the Old City package at the supermarket in a while, too. I hope it’s in production and they can return it to the shelves soon.
October 19, 2009 6:51 pm at 6:51 pm in reply to: What Food Item Would You Like To See Get A Hecsher? #895398mazal77ParticipantOutoftowner, I did see the Israeli Doritos around in the NY area, though not recently(if anyone can verify they have see please state otherwise). I would love to see A Cholov Yisrael Dairy Doritos and Cheetos, & Kraft Macaroni and cheese.
Do you know the kids eat so much nosh as it is, can you imagine how fat we would all become if all these products became kosher & Chalav yisrael??!! It’s a bracha in disguise that all haven’t.
mazal77ParticipantYour welcome Tamazaball! B”H I am not in the situation, but unfortunately have a few friends in similar situation. Hope B’H that everything will work out okay.
mazal77ParticipantBeing wealthy is a very hard nisayon. As my Rabbi always says “it’s a test that everyone wants Hashem to give them” Did you ever wonder why it’s such a hard nisayon??
mazal77ParticipantIf you make a party, and not invite your father, there is always a chance he may find out, and be very hurt. Like a said earlier, maybe talk to him and explain to him that you are having a party for you daughter, but your mother will be there and it may be uncomfortable for both of them. Suggest maybe having a small party with just him or even having him over for Shabbat Lunch and serving Birthday cake for dessert, or going out to a restaurant(not sure in Mexico how it works out) But honesty and communication are very important and reassure him that you love him very much.