i didn’t see anywhere that someone wanted to kiss the “boo boo” while it was still bleeding, and no, kissing a bleeding boo boo makes you a vampire not a Tzaddik.
first you clean up the mess and make sure the bleeding stops, bandage it if necessary and then you can kiss next to the boo boo.
it seems some of the writers were never parents. same as a candy makes a child forget his hurt and pain, a kiss will do the same. often the crying comes from the pain of a hurt heart NOT a hurt finger or “boo boo”. kissing the area (no, you don’t need to kiss the actual exact bloody spot – a kiss close by will also work). a kiss allows the child to feel loved, to feel that you are sharing his pain, and the calm in his heart will also heal the physical pain. a kiss can do wonders and miracles, don’t underestimate the power of a kiss.
and by the way, you can read up studies of this, but making someone feel loved, caring for them, visiting them, singing to them, all these things help a person heal much faster. so yes, a kiss has the power to heal.
so all of you, start kissing your children more, it can do them wonders and miracles and give you loads of extra nachas.