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  • in reply to: Talking During Davening #776060

    There was a guy who sat behind me in yeshiva years ago who said I davened too loudly. I guess I must have quieted down, because nobody has complained since.

    in reply to: hat or not? #776031

    Why not close this thread now, since we’ve made the obligatory topic change to something more controversial?

    in reply to: Are you in Israel? #776601

    oh, and even if you’re working in secular place: i know of someone who worked in a completely secular hospital in a totally secular city, but during pesach the guards would ask everyone as they would enter if they have chametz in their bags.

    I worked in a place in Kfar Saba where the admin assistant went through the kitchen before Pesach, cleaned everything, kashered the oven, put the toasters away, etc., then covered the counters and table. Afterwards, she put up signs about not bringing in any outside food over Pesach, and sent out emails saying the same thing. This was in a place where there were only two outwardly dati people, although many were “traditional” sfardim.

    Maybe I’ve been lucky, but I’ve worked (and live) in some great places where people are generally tolerant of those who are not like them between the dati’im and those who are secular.

    in reply to: please pass along; cars being TOWED from toys r us parking lot!! #1017292

    Are there signs that it’s a private lot, and not to park there?

    in reply to: hat or not? #776024

    Wearing a necktie or shoes is also not halacha.

    That’s entirely true. One can wear sandals and skip the tie.

    in reply to: hat or not? #776020

    R-B, if it’s not halacha, then why wear a hat on a date?

    in reply to: hat or not? #776017

    Why does he need to wear a hat on a date? Is this halacha?

    in reply to: Are you in Israel? #776594

    Im just curious how did you emotionaly handle giving up certain things like saying goodbye to your family and yes i will say this but luxery items as well?

    Saying goodbye to family and close friends was the hardest thing about leaving. At that point, I had only seen my father cry twice (when his mother died, and his sister several year later). My in-laws came in for our last few days as well. As hard as it was, we knew that we were doing the right thing. It was hard for all our parents as well, as we have their only grandchildren.

    Everything else was easier. We weren’t living with tons of luxuries, so it wasn’t so hard. We sold the house and van and that was that.

    Yes when ppl move to Israel they give up certain things that in America are must haves

    Most of those things you are talking about are not “must haves” here. We even manage without a car. (Our kids are older, they can take buses or tremp.) It’s a simpler life, which I am grateful for. I live in a pretty quiet neighborhood, the shule has shiurim and minyanim all the time. Some of the streets are closed on Shabbat and chagim. There is compromise on certain things with the secular folks that shows respect between them and the dati’im. I paid far, far less to have my kids in high school here than I did in America. B”H, we are managing.

    I understand that we (my wife and I) will always be “greeners,” but my kids are well integrated and are at least half Israeli now.

    do people realy suffer finacialy even with 2 incomes like in America?

    Lil B, what do you mean by “suffer?”

    in reply to: Shavuos Night For Girls #775358

    It is the latest krumkeit and is totally wrong. Women and girls belong at home dealing with house things – the meal, kids etc.

    I wish when people write these things they would add in my opinion, since there is no halacha backing this up.

    That being said, my youngest daughter stayed up either last year or the year before, and told me at lunch the next day that she had stayed up and had the best learning she ever had. That’s fine by me.

    in reply to: How much davening do you say from the siddur, how much by heart? #774948

    I just felt that since I was making a special effort to daven from a siddur in shule, perhaps I should do the same when making kiddish and benching. My kids had never seen me say kiddish on a regular Friday night from a bencher, which led to the inevitable jokes (Abba, what’s wrong, are you forgetting the words?)

    in reply to: How much davening do you say from the siddur, how much by heart? #774945

    AYC, I just did this – used a bencher for kiddush this past Friday night – for the first time in many, many years.

    in reply to: Bentchers – Bal Tashchis #775098

    Put it in shaimot in shule. I would donate it to the shule itself, but they have more than they need as well.

    in reply to: Bentchers – Bal Tashchis #775096

    We stopped taking benchers home unless they are unusual in some respect. Mrs. Mamashtakah says for every bencher I bring home now, I have to get rid of one. We have two drawers full, and there’s no room for new ones!

    in reply to: Are you in Israel? #776564

    I’m here. Almost 4 years.

    in reply to: drinking out of a bottle #774255

    Beer is meant to be consumed from a bottle or chilled beer mug.

    in reply to: Israeli Territorial Concessions #773689

    The Arabs won’t be offering you citizenship. Abu Mazen has said many times, publicly, that a Palestinian state will be Jew-free.

    in reply to: Ger Disowns Pre-Conversion Family #833014

    I know several geirim; all have maintained ties with their “pre-conversion” families.

    in reply to: Favorite Cheesecake #773420

    We had one with peanut butter either last year or the year before. It was fantastic!

    in reply to: Jerusalem Day #773753

    Davening a mostly Shabbat P’sukei D’zimra, Hallel with a bracha, some extra learning. Unfortunately, it’s not a legal holiday, so I don’t have off work. I say every year that I’ll take the day off next year, just to spend the day in Yerushalayim. I was there last Shabbat, so that’s some consolation for not being there today.

    in reply to: BTL degree in Israel #772016

    Fully accredited by whom or what?

    in reply to: Milchigs vs. Fleishigs Revisited( I cant find my original Thread) #770605

    You didn’t look very hard for your original thread:

    in reply to: wedding dresses and walking down the aisle #770329

    I’m not chassidish. I’ve been to a couple of chassunahs here over the years. As far as I know, this is how everyone does it here.

    Which I find a bit sad – I truly looked forward to walking my daughters to their chupah when the time comes.

    in reply to: wedding dresses and walking down the aisle #770267

    My wife wore a black burqua instead of a wedding gown. Of course, if didn’t matter anyway, because she was up in the ezrat nashim/balcony. I said “??? ?? ?????? ??” with a megaphone.

    in reply to: men banned from girls graduations #769107

    Back in the mid-70s I went to a non-musical HS play at a BY. I was invited because I was a friend of one of the girls in the play. There were plenty of other males in the audience – fathers, brothers, etc.

    No, the BY was not in New York.

    I’m not sure which is funnier – that I went to a BY play, or that I had a friend who was a girl that went to BY.

    in reply to: Whats Going In Your Suitcase? #767973

    Nothing. I’m already here.

    in reply to: Milchigs and/or fleishings on Shavous #770069

    Milchigs at night, because who feels like eating meat when the chag starts so late?

    Milchigs during the day, because who feels like sleeping until noon and then eating a heavy meal?

    (Besides, if one can have ice cream or cheesecake for dessert, why eat meat?)

    And that’s it – one day, as it was meant to be.

    in reply to: What makes your blood pressure go up on a scale of 1-10? #765867

    My blood pressure? Reading some of the comments in the CR.

    in reply to: men banned from girls graduations #769047

    Back in the old days you never had men going to womens graduations.

    Really? You’re old enough to know this? Please enlighten all of us and tell us where you picked up this particular pearl of wisdom. Let us know which schools and which years.

    in reply to: Yom Hazikaron #765383

    There are 22,867 soldiers who lost their lives defending the state of Israel and 2,443 civilians who were murdered in terrorist attacks. HY”D

    in reply to: Who's going to be wearing blue and white tomorrow? #943834

    Today all is takes is $1500 for an plane ticket and you are there in 12 hours

    When we made aliyah I told my kids that they would be able to do things here that their friends in America could only dream about. I said, “If your friends want to come, they have to make plans ahead of time, and spend mucho money, and spend hours traveling to the airport, waiting at the airport, then on the plane. If you want to go to Yerushalayim, you hop on a bus for 15 shekels, and 1 hour later, you’re there. Always be grateful for that.”

    in reply to: Who's going to be wearing blue and white tomorrow? #943829

    I’m wearing blue and white.

    I’m saying Hallel tomorrow with a bracha.

    I’m saying the additions to Ma’ariv tonight that were sanctioned by the chief Rabbinate for Yom Ha’atzmaut.

    We have food prepared for a major BBQ tomorrow. One of my daughters is making blue and white cupcakes even as I type this.

    (Of course, I live in an area where everyone does this, not just me.)

    in reply to: Live-in Nanny #765427

    Just make sure to pay full tuition for all the kinderlach first.

    in reply to: Lifting Weights On Shabbos #765207

    Why not ask a Rav? You’ll get a clear answer without shtusim, and you’ll have a reliable answer.

    in reply to: Where were You….. #763993

    I was at work, having an email argument with a friend about the efficacy of internet petitions. Then the friend emailed me saying something about the WTC being hit by a plane. I tried to get to and couldn’t (the site was overloaded), so I knew something was really happening. I walked to the center of our building, where there was a TV hanging from the ceiling with CNN going 24 hours a day. There were already about 100 people standing there; I got there just in time to see the second plane hit. Our building and all buildings on the campus were evacuated a few hours later, as it was the headquarters of a major government agency.

    in reply to: Can I use Bounty paper towels? #1193730

    Why don’t you call or email the OU and get an informed answer, rather than relying on halachic guidance from people you don’t know?

    in reply to: Shul Etiquette #760807

    I Agree with you till this point …. A SHUL IS MEANT TO DAVEN IN yes and people that come to shul and mumble to themselves the davening! that’s not the proper way of tefillah. PSDZ till shema and tefillah is supposed to be BEKOL ROM. If it bothers you that means you are not davening. Se haist nisht gedavent

    Jewish Source, can you please tell me where it says this? What is the actual inside source?

    in reply to: which city/borough/area do you live in??? #789995

    The Shomron.

    in reply to: Can You Say A D'var Torah In Two Sentences?? #759768

    Moshe received the Torah on Har Sinai.

    There, I did it in one.

    in reply to: How do people pull all nighters at work? #759133

    I used to do all-nighters at work, back when I was young, single, and had the energy. I usually worked from 4 a.m. to 9 or 10 p.m., five days a week, and from about 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays. I was hourly, and cleared much more than my boss, who was salaried. I was working for a food wholesaler, and we were moving from an old computer system to a new one. There were occasions when we stayed all night; I’d go home for an hour or two around 5 p.m., and return with clean clothes and food for the next day.

    in reply to: Shopping on Chol Hamoed #759274

    Mischiefmaker, are you also asking a Rav, or are you relying on the opinions of anonymous posters who may or may not know what they are talking about?

    in reply to: Motzai Pesach: Buying the First Pie of Pizza #942303

    People can’t manage without pizza for 9 days? How often do you eat that stuff?

    in reply to: Jury duty (shakes fist) :( #758062

    In Baltimore City they show movies in the jury rooms.

    in reply to: solutions to violence in israel #756762

    You want to help? Make aliyah. Help make E”Y a frum place.

    in reply to: when are you planning to change over your kitchen for Pesach? #753977

    Until now I thought it was only guys so who cares (they dont help either way)

    As a person of the male gender, I resent that. I clean the oven, broiler, refrigerator, and (in the old days) the second refrigerator. I also do all the garbage shlepping.

    I know plenty of guys who help with the Pesach cleaning. Why wouldn’t they help?

    in reply to: "The Japan Song" – new video #755652

    Why is the tsunami footage included? What does it have to do with the rest of the video?

    in reply to: CR getting out of hand #753816

    I, for one, think that anything that advocates breaking the law of the land, whether it’s “halachically permissible” or not, should be taken down and/or blocked.

    in reply to: Blowing Candles Out #752763

    don’t use kedushas sheviis for havdala – you are supposed to overflow it – how can you be sure you won’t waste any.

    We use it because that’s what was on sale, so that’s what we have in the house.

    in reply to: Bochrim Spray-Paint Over �Not Tzniyus� Advertisement #759929

    I don’t care. Something can be illegal, and yet be the right thing to do. We follow the halacha everywhere, anytime, no matter what.

    Good – so after these kids are arrested and convicted, they can request glatt kosher food while they sit in prison.

    in reply to: Blowing Candles Out #752746

    Grandmaster, what do you do if the wine is kedushat shevi’it?

    in reply to: Tatti, Abba, or Daddy #779804

    My father is Dad, my shver (to me) is Pop.

    My kids call me Abba, although in attempts at humor they will sometimes call me Poppa or Tatty.

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