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  • in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949717


    The Immunocompromised ‘community’ make up 3.6% of the US population, they are also in danger of the flu and remember, most of them will survive. It makes more sense to invest in keeping them protected – which we should have always done – then keeping the world under Covid restrictions forever.

    in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949699

    @Meno I’m also not a doctor but:

    1. I highly doubt the CDC would allow immunocompromised people to be vaccinated if it may be unsafe and likely ineffective.

    2. Many immunocompromised people are already in protected environments such as a hospital.

    in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949677

    >There are people who can’t get vaccinated because of medical conditions what about them?<

    Who? The CDC has a list on their website that lists all possible medical conditions and allows them all to be vaccinated but warns that there is limited information on side-effects.
    So to answer your question; there aren’t ‘people who can’t get vaccinated’.
    (Again, correct me if I’m wrong.)

    in reply to: Problems with the Covid vaccinations #1949608


    >The simplest explanation is that politicians use situation to attack their opponents<

    You’re right about that. However right-wingers in Israel who hate government involvement, were very critical of Bibi’s Covid strategy, until the amazing vaccine rollout, after which all was forgiven. In fact if not for the vaccines Bibi would be packing his bags.
    So I do think that this is a right-versas-left thing but governments all over lost control of the virus and freaked out, ignoring their voters and ideology.

    in reply to: Sick of the name calling! #1949600


    I don’t think even the mods know anything about us beyond our IP and Email addresses.

    Am I right Mod-29?


    >All Ethiopians undergo geirus misofek.<

    Not all and that is a real problem.

    in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949596

    Professor @charliehall, I really appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge and expertise in this field.
    You raised three main concerns that I feel may not be valid, so please show me were I am mistaken:

    1. It is not clear how long the antibodies last after being infected or after being vaccinated.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but when we do find out how long the antibodies last, that will be the time period after which it will be recommended to revaccinate, so we’re back to square one.

    2. It is necessary to achieve herd immunity.

    Why? The vaccinated are safe regardless and the unvaccinated have themselves to blame.

    3. Killing off the stupid is not something Jews should be advocating.

    Of course not, but this is not killing by intention, this is killing by living your life. For example, you wouldn’t run over a stupid person lying on the road, but you also wouldn’t give up driving completely in case a stupid person will run into the road and you’ll kill him.

    in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949440

    >CDC says that we are unsure whether the vaccine protects against infecting others not vaccinated as the virus is dormant in you and protects you against infection by creating antibodies.<
    >There are preliminary studies saying that vaccinated people have lower load and thus decrease probability of infecting others.<

    Infecting who?
    The vaccinated? No problem.
    The unvaccinated? Their problem.

    So again, why not reopen?

    in reply to: Problems with the Covid vaccinations #1949438

    >right-wing government tries to close<

    It didn’t just try, it literally closed down three times and that’s why covid barely effected us at all.
    Oh, wait, maybe it did…

    >In Israel, being the highest vaccinated country in the world seemingly leads to yet another election…<

    “Israel, being the most Israeli country in the world seemingly leads to yet another election..”

    in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949402

    >Most of the reason why there’s a pandemic is that the approach of “to each their own” doesn’t work since it puts other people in danger.<

    That is true until ‘vaccines will be easily available for all’.

    >Meaning that one out of 20 people aren’t affected by it and still have to be careful<

    I clearly said in the OP that even those who are vaccinated and catch the virus are ‘EXTREMELY unlikely to have serious reactions’ (correct me if I’m wrong).
    So why not go back to ‘partying like it’s 2019’?

    in reply to: Sick of the name calling! #1948915

    People turn into monsters when they’re anonymous.
    I think I speak for most of us when I admit that I have said things online which I regret and never would have said in person (especially to @jackk, I am sorry 😔).
    As G-D fearing jews, we need to constantly keep ourselves in check and remember the One who is not fooled by screen names.



    >I see you just posted to the thread regarding name calling and you are all for it since it means that you made a good point. I am thinking about that right now.<

    I never said I was for it, I said it was a last resort for those who don’t how to admit they were wrong,
    so it’s good to see you are ”thinking about that right now”.
    Always happy to help you.

    in reply to: Sick of the name calling! #1948797

    Name calling is a last resort for some Coffee Roomers. When they realise they are wrong or mistaken they use names.
    So if someone calls you a name, you can pat yourself on the back, knowing you made a good point and just move on.



    So you see the contradiction but don’t see who made the contradiction.
    It’s hard to argue with logic like that.


    >Lindsey Graham is one of the biggest idiotic fools and trump sycophants of the senate.<

    >He was 100% right when he tweeted on May 3 2016 – ‘If we nominate trump we will get destroyed … and we will deserve it.'<

    Am I the only one to see the contradiction?

    in reply to: democrats stupid argument #1948478


    >don’t worry I got that it was a typo<

    Phew. For a moment there I was afraid that you and I would walk off into the sunset telling the tales of the Great Typo That Was(n’t) and The Fighting Students Who Fought.

    Thank goodness it came to an END.

    in reply to: democrats stupid argument #1948461


    >What I am about to write is complete sarcasm in my point of view , but complete truth in the republican view.
    Since student B can scream from the roof tops that student A is the biggest hypocrite in the entire universe from Adam Harishon, ergo Student B is completely blameless for what he did. Not only blameless, he is a courageous warrior and admired fighter. He is the saviour of the school and he deserves to be the leader.<

    I’m so sorry to have to destroy your ‘I knew Reps were morons!’ moment, but it was a typo.

    in reply to: democrats stupid argument #1948453

    Wooops, this is what happens when you overuse copy-paste.

    Here is what I ment to post:

    A better example would be:
    Now imagine Student A talks all day, every day, loudly, about how the school is systematically discriminating against them. A group of Student A supporters then go roaming the School smashing windows and destroying desks, chairs, doors, and equipment while looting and killing people, and the Teacher does nothing. Student B tells his classmates day in and day out for months that teacher isnt legitimate and unless they “fight” they will never get the class back. A group of Student B supporters then Go roaming the School looking for Teacher to hang him while smashing windows. Student A says “Teacher, Student B is ruining our school.” Student B says “You are the biggest hypocrite to ever exist on planet earth.”

    I can’t belive nobody realised it was a typo.

    in reply to: democrats stupid argument #1948380

    >Now imagine Student A talks all day, every day, loudly, and teacher does nothing. Student B tells his classmates day in and day out for months that teacher isnt legitimate and unless they “fight” they will never get the class back. A group of Student B supporters then Go roaming the School looking for Teacher to hang him while smashing windows. Teacher says “Student B, you have got to go” Student B says “Yeah but Student A talks all day and that was ok why the double standard”<

    This mashal has no connection to reality.

    A better example would be:
    Now imagine Student A talks all day, every day, loudly, about how the school is systematically discriminating against them. A group of Student B supporters then go roaming the School smashing windows and destroying desks, chairs, doors, and equipment while looting and killing people, and the Teacher does nothing. Student B tells his classmates day in and day out for months that teacher isnt legitimate and unless they “fight” they will never get the class back. A group of Student B supporters then Go roaming the School looking for Teacher to hang him while smashing windows. Student A says “Teacher, Student B is ruining our school.” Student B says “You are the biggest hypocrite to ever exist on planet earth.”

    in reply to: democrats stupid argument #1948362

    @Reb Eliezer

    >An insurrection on the Federal Capitol which reflects the central government, wanting to overthtow it, is different than the state cities and the democrats<
    That right. There were huge differences in deaths, damage, duration and participants, in which “state cities and the democrats” were worse by far.

    >Bidem condemned the riots but Trump never did<
    Fact-check: False.

    >Peiple close to Trump said that they saw him being joyful and happy with it.<
    Can you give us a name or source?

    in reply to: democrats stupid argument #1948102

    @jackk I guess the puzzle is too hard, so here goes:

    >The stupid whataboutism defense put forth by defenders of trump was that trump can never be held accountable for his actions until the BLM rioters are prosecuted.
    That is moronic.<
    When “defenders of trump” use the “what about BLM” defence, they are not asking for prosecution, they are asking for a single-standard.
    To Dems that phrase has no meaning.
    That is moronic.

    >It is obvious that you and MadeAliyah did not listen to the trial.
    Was OJ’s trial also a PR stunt since it was clear that the minority population was never going to convict him ? They came back with a verdict after an hour.<
    I did listen to the trial.
    How does OJ’s trial have anything to do with this?

    >The Senate trial did not get the conviction of trump but it did convict 43 republicans of supporting insurrection <
    The Republicans who voted not to convict were not “supporting insurrection”, they did not believe Trump was guilty of inciting it, as the case against him was very weak.

    >and allowing every future president free reign after he is a lame duck to overthrow the government.<
    Wrong again.
    A President who tries to “overthrow the government” will be prosecuted. Trump didn’t come close to doing that.


    in reply to: democrats stupid argument #1948055

    @Reb Eliezer

    >Examine all fights of Trump from before the election that we must win or it is rigged in context.<
    Okay, now what?

    > Even Mitch agreed on Trump’s incited insurrection guilt but pushed away the senate trial after Trump was out and argued that a former president cannot be convicted.<
    Mitch doesn’t want to take sides so don’t take him seriously.

    >Did Trump ever say, you misunderstood me? I did not mean to fight physically, I meant it figuratively. Stop it. I don’t want you to hurt Pence.<
    To whom? To sane people, it is self understood. To Dems and Rioters, it will never be understood.

    in reply to: democrats stupid argument #1948022

    @jackk here is a puzzle for you:

    Find three huge logical flaws in the following post:
    The stupid whataboutism defense put forth by defenders of trump was that trump can never be held accountable for his actions until the BLM rioters are prosecuted.
    That is moronic.

    It is obvious that you and MadeAliyah did not listen to the trial.
    Was OJ’s trial also a PR stunt since it was clear that the minority population was never going to convict him ? They came back with a verdict after an hour.

    The Senate trial did not get the conviction of trump but it did convict 43 republicans of supporting insurrection and allowing every future president free reign after he is a lame duck to overthrow the government. MAGA.
    Please submit your answer to to win credibility.
    The answers will be posted soon Be’H.


    in reply to: democrats stupid argument #1947969

    The impeachment of Trump was a PR campaign for the dems, so ‘logic’ or ‘defences’ are irrelevant and off-topic.

    in reply to: Cuomo covered up nursing home deaths #1947880

    >when he told the country that the virus was a hoax<
    Fact-check: False.

    >that it would magically go away<
    Fact-check: False.
    He did say it would disappear like a miracle, was he referring to a medical miracle such as the vaccine? Who knows.

    >that it would be gone by Easter<
    Fact-check: False.
    He said he wanted to reopen by Easter.

    >that it can be cured with an untested drug<
    Fact-check: You guessed it, False.
    While there are conflicting studies on the use of Hydroxychloroquine, it is far from untested.

    Your baseless outrage is showing.

    in reply to: Cuomo covered up nursing home deaths #1947825

    @Anan Sahadi

    Welcome to the YWNCR!

    A small tip; NEVER EVER use the ‘Good intentions’ card, it may very well backfire.

    Nice screen name BTW.

    in reply to: Cuomo covered up nursing home deaths #1947728

    >The coverup is inexcusable and wasn’t even necessary.<

    Of course it was necessary, he was directly responsible by placing COVID patients into nursing homes.

    Besides, he needed to sell a book. Why should pesky facts stop him?

    in reply to: Recapping some of Biden admin. steps negative effects #1947526

    >Endorsing neo-Nazis is in the interest of Jews and Israel?<

    I know you love to use that line, but it is mostly false:

    1. Trump never supported neo-Nazis. He did support Pual Nelhen who is more correctly identified as a white supremacist.

    2. Even if you view Pual as a neo-nazi, please show us the other neo-nazi in order to use the misleading ‘neo-nazis’ in plural.

    3. Using an endorsement from 2016 which was clearly more of a ‘disindorsement’ for his opponent, to ignore all that Trump has done ‘in the interest of Jews & Israel’ is just wrong.

    4. For the record; yes, the endorsement of Nelhen will forever be a taint on Trump’s legacy and rightly so.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1947110

    You’ve annoyed a democrat. You’re being cancelled!!!<

    Syag, I think by now I’ve annoyed pretty much every Dem in the YWNCR. (Sorry guys, it’s just too easy. Nothing personal. 😎)

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1947103

    >If you watch the footage shown today, (never seen before and from the body cameras) you will see hand to hand combat between Trump rioters and capitol police.
    They violently attacked the capitol police and we’re ready to attack politicians.
    There is no defense for R senators except to stick their heads in the sand.<

    There is no defense for RIOTERS except to stick their heads in the sand.
    “R senators” weren’t part of the mob, they were targeted by the mob. (There is a slight difference. You might notice if you close CNN for a minute)

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1947085

    ”Can you tell me MadeAliyah why you get involved in the first place? Worry about Natanyohu.”

    Eliezer when you attack a poster based on identity, I believe it means you view his posts as a threat to your agenda, but have no good response.
    Now to answer your question; I don’t need to worry about Bibi, he’s a political heavyweight. But the US is Israel’s backbone and it worries me when someone like Joe Biden gets elected to lead it.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946980


    >“The ‘trial run’ was done by BLM and Antifa.”
    Republicans don’t get their own reality created by the web of lies that they are constantly reading and listening to.<
    You don’t get to respond to my point by making a random irrelevant statement.

    >“The next time the police will be prepared and will succeed in defending the Capital.”
    The president has lot of power over security in DC and if he is in favor of an insurrection, there will not be more security. In fact, the weak security this time was due to the president’s administration ordering the capitol police to not be properly prepared and not to engage the rioters. The capitol police revealed the letter that he received from the administration.<
    Are you referring to the letter that Steven A. Sund sent to Nancy Pelosi? I read all eight pages of that letter looking for the ‘president’s administration ordering the capitol police to not be properly prepared’ and didn’t find it. The letter-writer pointed out frustrating bureaucracy
    and incompetent officers who have since resigned. If your allegations may be true and Trump or his appointees are responsible, then of course we should have an investigation and the offenders must be punished. However the DOJ and FBI are under Biden now, so why don’t you complain about his inaction?
    (No, the impeachment doesn’t cover that)

    >“Please tell us more.”
    I assume that you know exactly what I am referring to.<
    Excuse my ignorance, but I do not.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946986

    >I will admit that if I believed in what Trump said at the rally that the election was stolen, that he won by a landslide and the Dem’s are destroying democracy and stealing the next 4 years, I would have been part of the riot and not left the capitol building without a few politicians in handcuffs. ( or worse.)<
    Be honest, did you see it coming BEFORE it took place?

    >Republicans Defenses of Trump that are worthless.<
    Are you a lawyer or judge?

    >If next time a democrat president does exactly what trump did , would you still be opposed to removal from office?<
    ABSOLUTELY! Who has asked for Bernie Sanders or Maxine Waters to be removed from office?
    Some of us have one standard.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946919

    >Let’s just drop the last word in the title of this thread,
    He is also two faced, a liar and not to be trusted<

    ‘When out of arguments, resort to name-calling’ – @CTLAWYER 2021

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946824

    @Reb Eliezer this thread is incredible. We have the stupidest impeachment, of a former president , for stupid reasons, by some of the stupidest politicians the US has ever seen, and you’re like ‘A senator from South Carolina made a stupid argument! The horror!’.
    Keep those threads coming!

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946822

    >he encouraged people to fight<

    Politicians use that type of language. All. The. Time.
    Nobody normal took ‘fight’ as physical.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946777

    >Once incited it is too late to say go home.<

    Incite? What part of ‘peacefully protest’ means ‘break into the capital, kill a policeman, be shirtless and wear horns’? This was planned in advance!
    Did anybody watching Trump’s speech live expect this?

    in reply to: Recapping some of Biden admin. steps negative effects #1946778

    @jackk, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are you jewish?

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946749

    Republicans of the YWNCR:

    Can you guys please make a thread for every stupid argument made by a Dem?
    Do you think your keyboards can handle the pressure?

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946746

    >If there are no consequences then this was only a trial run by trump and his supporters.<
    The ‘trial run’ was done by BLM and Antifa.

    >The next time they will be better prepared and will succeed.<
    The next time the police will be prepared and will succeed in defending the Capital.
    Jake Turx, who was reporting on the riot, said the rioters were surprised by how easy it was to enter the building.

    >There is a historical parallel to such a situation.<
    Please tell us more.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946745

    >Trump commended the insurrectionists and condemned them after the fact, closing the door after the horse escaped the barn.<

    Trump told the rioters – as they were rioting – to “GO HOME”.
    Why couldn’t we have that from Dems over the summer?

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946670

    >we have to remember that Haman was engaging in protected speech when he argued to destroy, kill, and annihilate all the yidden—young and old, women and children—and steal their possessions on 13 Adar. In reality, he was only engaged in political hyperbole and was a true ohev yisroel.<

    Bad comparison. We don’t celebrate Purim because of his speech, we celebrate because he had a plan in place for total annihilation and it backfired.

    >what happened in the Capitol, people dying, is not funny and people encouraging it need to be accountable because it can happen in the future.<

    I think we all agree on that, however Trump never encouraged it and in fact condemned it

    in reply to: Sinking Inside The Box #1946522

    DISCLAIMER: This post contains ideas that are abusive and illegal and they do not represent the views of YWN or the poster.


    Keep your precious child safe!

    You will need:

    > Face paint
    > A safe large enough for your child

    1. Paint a dollar sign on your child’s face.
    2. Place your child in the safe.
    3. Lock the safe.

    in reply to: Sinking Inside The Box #1946478

    Happy Purim!

    in reply to: Sinking Inside The Box #1946477


    Why not?

    You will need:

    > A suit, tie and mask with a slogan.
    > Camara
    > Comfy chair

    1. Shoot a video of your child ranting about some random topic.
    2. Have your child warm the chair.

    in reply to: Sinking Inside The Box #1946476


    Your child will spook out the MTGs of the world!

    You will need:

    > A space laser costume.
    > Paint
    > A map of CA forests

    1. Paint a bigly Star of David on the costume.
    2. Put the costume on your child and have them study the map.

    in reply to: Sinking Inside The Box #1946474

    Since you guys think this is normal, I have some more suggestions for you:

    in reply to: Biden’s destructive rule re Houthis #1946351


    ”Clever move by Biden. He denies the Iranians what they desperately want (relief from sanctions, which are destroying their economy), and gives them an irrelevant bone (the US will stop helping the Saudis from beating up the Iranian’s friends in Yemen, as if the Saudi’s really need our help).”

    So he gave them an ‘irrelevant bone’ without receiving anything in return?
    That not a ‘clever move’, that’s a bad move and it projects weakness.

    in reply to: Biden’s destructive rule re Houthis #1946290

    @jackk can I rephrase your post?
    Here goes:

    <After calling Trump’s policy worse than Biden’s because it wasn’t lishmah, I’ve decided that this whole posting is a false accusation against Biden.

    As the State Department spokesperson explained this has everything to do with a humanitarian effort to help millions of Yemenis that are starving so don’t notice the whole ‘Houthis not being a terrorist organization’ thing.

    In explaining the reversal of the US view of the Houthis, the State Department spokesperson said the move “has nothing to do with our view of the Houthis and their reprehensible conduct, including attacks against civilians and the kidnapping of American citizens.”

    “We have formally notified Congress of the Secretary’s intent to revoke these designations and will share more details in the coming days,” the spokesperson added. “Our action is due entirely to the humanitarian consequences of this last-minute designation from the prior administration, which the United Nations and humanitarian organizations have since made clear would accelerate the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.”

    Ergo: I think Pompeo’s last minute designation of Ansarallah as a terrorist organization would have been a disaster for millions of starving Yemenis. I think that is a lot worse than what Pompeo did, because I think he defended Trump when he – I think – was overthrowing the American government .>

    How’s that?

    in reply to: Media “explains/justifies” Israeli law enforcement only when.. #1946245


    I also understand your point, and I think we all agree that we should ‘take precautions to save their lives and their Torah’, however I don’t think this is a ‘wider look’ but a different point entirely .

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