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What do you do?
Truly means I don’t care about your profession as long as it makes me look good associating with you or you can offer me something.
LostsparkParticipantWhen thinking about vaccine efficacy I’m always reminded to the story poking fun at Hasidic Tzadikim:
A yid walks by a stone wall eating a ham sandwich and is seen by a Hasidic master walking with his disciples.
Years later the disciples recounted the stories of what a miracle it was. it was decreed above the stone wall should have fallen on the sinful Jew but the Hasidic master appealed and had reversed the death sentence.
Much like when I had covid after I had the shots and every masking lunatic let me know how much worse it could of been if I hadn’t had it.
LostsparkParticipantI always thought Georgia looked green, they have so many tall trees!
LostsparkParticipant“The US needs a thoughtful, serious conservative political party. That surely isn’t the GOP.”
Impossible, the only way to get an education that us accepted in this country is to attend left wing indoctrination center aka “college”. High level academics would consider someone with right wing thinking to be dissident if not racist/fascist.
All of western civ in Ivy League schools is being introduced as a history of racism if taught at all.
So where is conservative intelligence supposed to come from if it’s not taught in high level academia? Now we are stuck with populist leaders which are only reactionary and honestly becoming less and less intelligent with articulating their stances.
LostsparkParticipant“Our enemies think that he is part of them and approves their behavior.”
Are these the same enemies of ours that want our yeshivos to be forced to teach our children secular drek?
LostsparkParticipant“ I am a democrat and respect some Republicans as John Kasich, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney and Adam Kitzinger.”
You look up to ideological traitors?
LostsparkParticipantWell you convinced me I should vote for late term abortion, toiveh being taught in schools, bris is mutilation, yeshivas should be closed and my tax dollars should be used for imperialism to be foisted upon every country in the world that doesn’t promote liberal values.
LostsparkParticipantI’ve said it before, just vote blue. Accelerate this inevitable process and put the reigns of control in the lefts hands. Voting Republican is doing nothing but staving off the inevitable.
Once everyone is miserable under a one party secular liberal government then we can have a hard reset.
LostsparkParticipantIf you do live in the US spare us the pontificating, move to EY, join an Anglo community, vote for the Chareidi m and pat yourself and your community members backs for how holy you are for leaving golus.
The pro Aliyah crowd that remains in the US is hilarious.
LostsparkParticipantRightwriter: do you live in the US or EY?
LostsparkParticipantLeft wing Jews seem only to remember being Jewish when they perceive a grievance.
If the media stopped broadcasting every slight they would have a lot more spare time on their hands.
LostsparkParticipantI stand by what I said, this man is insane or is masterful at playing the incoherent uneducated bigot.
The fools platforming if this guy on the right have totally lost their cause. In todays society you are guilty by association merely by having a controversial guest on a platform. All the people having him on are thinking very short term and it is going to cost them.
All of you trying to perform mental gymnastics to defend this are wasting your time, the damage has been done whether by design or lunacy. Blaming the left for BDS associations will fall upon deaf ears, literally nobody cares no matter how wrong it is.
I also have strong suspicions Fuentes is an informant. Anybody that thinks I’m nuts on this can read about cointelpro and see this is too big not to be strategic politically.
LostsparkParticipantCommon I have a similar story: my wife was in the grocery store and she was wearing a mask, while my three year old was not. This was a little after the merciful overlords told lifted the ban. A purple haired troll of a woman yelled at my wife and daughter telling my terrified daughter her mother was a bad person while filming them both telling them it was going on YouTube.
My wife tried to remain calm but eventually went for the jugular and told the nut job that just because no one didn’t want to have children with her doesn’t mean she has the right to raise other peoples children.
My daughter is still weary of masked people now, I think that will serve her well in life.
LostsparkParticipant“It can be avoided if you live in a very sheltered and restrictive life in KJ or New Square which isn’t the practical really for most people and don’t have any business activity beyond that”
And this method only biding time before legislation is passed to infiltrate yeshivos to teach our children the goyish “mitzvah” of toivah.
LostsparkParticipantEmes, like I said lone wolf terrorist attacks are a threat from the right, I don’t think we will see it systemized at a government level unless the economy takes a steep dive or we go through some sort of existential crisis.
The left is far more dangerous in the fact they control the mainstream narrative and will have the ability to pass sweeping legislation in the near future if trends continue.
The rural uneducated votes will wane as secular education continues to indoctrinate young minds to join the cause. All serious high level secular acedemia is consolidating further left by the day, all of this will have a serious effect on future voting demographics.
I think it’s time to admit conservatives have lost the game, and this last election was proof. Attaining the house will further the problem as republicans will continuously be blamed for holding up any progress. Even though Biden has been a lackluster president much fewer people than predicted cared to send a message.
LostsparkParticipantSA makes it clear we shouldn’t dress like the goyim regardless. We shouldn’t have worn them before Ye lost him mind.
LostsparkParticipantIf there is Covid amnesty for the liberal cathedral there should equal Jan 6th amnesty for the right wing populists. Nobody will cede any ground hence the situation we are all in here in America.
LostsparkParticipantI also find it funny that people like to be patriotic for mother 🇺🇦 here in America what the same folks hate their own country for being too nationalist.
All this American self hatred is sublimated into Ukrainian nationalism, a country which has historically hated Jews.
Please know if you have own Ukrainian flag in America you are a very useful idiot.
LostsparkParticipantLet the Russian nazis go to war against the Ukrainian nazis at let the two countries wipe each other off the map without American involvement.
The global political hegemony supporting the Ukrainians has interest in undermining Russian culture. I couldn’t care less about Russian culture but a can respect them fighting against the liberal secularism that seeks to destroy Russia. As things progress politically in this country we will be faced with the same challenges as liberal secularism will fight to close our schools, sue us for not letting women lead services in our shuls, let our children be multilated for the sake of whims or confusion. I know people will call me crazy for holding this opinion, Russia vs Ukraine is a war of culture, not morality and we will have our turn in the near future if this continue they way they are. Secular liberalism has an objective truth that they are determined to impose at all costs, Russia is a test run for bigger things.
November 21, 2022 12:03 am at 12:03 am in reply to: BHI (No, not the Business Halacha Institute) #2140886LostsparkParticipantI find the whole movement very sad. I wish they could have chosen to appropriate Vietnamese culture instead, or even make the intellectual effort rediscover their own roots. I guess it’s easier to read certain parts of the Christian bible and yell at everyone though.
LostsparkParticipantIf democracy changed anything, the government would make it illegal.
November 10, 2022 1:10 am at 1:10 am in reply to: Let’s Say Republicans Win the Midterm Elections? #2137201LostsparkParticipantI’m about to start voting a straight blue ticket so I can accelerate the inevitable Socialist take over. I say give these people the reigns so they can truly show us how out of touch they are, then after everything falls apart true progress will be made.
LostsparkParticipantEverytime I hear about landslides or colored waves usually nothing surprising happens. I believe we have two extremely vocal minorities on either side of the aisle that think saying a wipe out is going to happen politically is some sort of social engineering tactic to garner results.
It’s honestly getting boring to listen to all of these adult children cry and point fingers at each other, and you never can seem to find truth in any of it.
I’m predicting mild shifts to the right, maybe a couple minor blowouts but on a macro level nothing significant, just like last time a red wave was predicted.
LostsparkParticipant“I’ve heard that when one is being meikil in one thing he’s being machmir in something else”
I know some that are meikil in everything, and I don’t think they are up late at night studying Zohar by candlelight! 😂
LostsparkParticipantAre we factoring in every yid being a big tzadik?
LostsparkParticipant@Commnsaychel 🤣😭
LostsparkParticipantThe Tzemak Tzedek & the Rebbe Maharash made money from the Russian lottery. It’s ok to buy one ticket every so often.
LostsparkParticipantYmribiat, what a vile comment calling for yidden to be gassed, I wouldn’t call for the same fate for these idiot toiveh evangelicals. You should be ashamed of the hateful person you have become.
LostsparkParticipantAmoraim didn’t make jokes, they made witty statements.
LostsparkParticipantI’ll vote for Trump in 2024 and they will go down, he knows the art of the deal.
LostsparkParticipant@jackk, If all of that happens chas v’shalom besides gas prices, I predict we will have to listen to you float for four more years, and continue to complain everything is still Trumps fault. Nothing of substance will be addressed.
LostsparkParticipantI’m I wrong to really not care if these two nations of edom tear themselves apart. Like Russia’s chief Rabbi said, leave. Both Russia and Ukraine have terrible past with the Jews that lived there. Babi Yar is a testament to Ukrainian sentiments towards Jews and it doesn’t help that statues of Khmelnytsky Yimach Shmo still standing.
LostsparkParticipantIs there an article related to this outrageous issue?!?
LostsparkParticipantMy sister decided against STEM, she got a degree though. Now she has purple hair, dates a girl and can’t get a job outside of restaurant work.
September 20, 2022 8:22 pm at 8:22 pm in reply to: At first I thought, what are the Libs thinking (or are they?) #2126824LostsparkParticipantAnd I know realize I’m debating someone who has deeper issues than I realized.
Jackk please get the help you need.
September 20, 2022 6:23 pm at 6:23 pm in reply to: At first I thought, what are the Libs thinking (or are they?) #2126769LostsparkParticipantHuju@
I’ve noticed when people longer have grounds for an argument they resort to pointing out minor flaws in spelling and grammar. I hope your antics have fulfilled your superiority complex.
Please join the debate and defend illegal immigration.
September 19, 2022 10:56 pm at 10:56 pm in reply to: At first I thought, what are the Libs thinking (or are they?) #2126437LostsparkParticipantJackk, is it your or my responsibility to take these people in after they broke the law?
How many illegal immigrants have you invited to your home?
Why should the people of Texas be held responsible for the mess the federal government has created? Are they responsible because of mere proximity to the border?
If anything this was the kind thing to do, as the locations they are being sent to cities where the leadership has proclaimed they care about these people the most, now everyone is discovering that is mere rhetoric, much like your feeble response.
September 19, 2022 9:49 pm at 9:49 pm in reply to: At first I thought, what are the Libs thinking (or are they?) #2126396LostsparkParticipantParticipant:
Make sure to give extra time for those that are against this checkmate move in order to reply.
That have a lot of chazarah to do on CNN, NYT, the Atlantic…etc , in order for them to have a formed opinion given to them.
LostsparkParticipantWould there be this much commotion if there was a pro Avoda Zara club, or a pro Frankist/Sabbatean club? This club is no different in my eyes. LGBTQ+ is a evangelical and corrupting movement.
Banning all clubs was the cowardly move that causes many people to lose opportunities to network.
LostsparkParticipant“The better question is why didn’t YU shut down all their clubs at their graduate schools over the last 25 years, in order legally to shut down the toeiva clubs.“
YU has a bottom line, let’s not be fooled into believing this has anything to do with yiras HaShem.
LostsparkParticipant@gadol, it’s funny you should mention this, I had just done the same and four of my shirts have be ruined.
I have seen &collar shirts are popular with some of the younger crowd. They look pretty resilient.
LostsparkParticipant@common, do you do a review of every posts author’s history before you reply or do I have a distinct honor?
You’ll be happy to hear I have gotten a way better job as a consultant now! I’ll thank you for your congratulations in advance.
LostsparkParticipantWars of attrition always look like losses.
September 13, 2022 10:33 pm at 10:33 pm in reply to: Can we have an adult conversation about education? #2124308LostsparkParticipantI wonder if there is a long game strategy to undermine the yeshivos that lay hidden behind the idea of compulsory education.
A yeshiva with a staff for secular studies is twice the budget, or the MO dayschool model.
MO folks have to get very involved jobs and commonly both spouses have to work to be able to pay for these schools. Typically these neighborhoods are very pricey too so professional status precedes everything in life.
Sadly MO is emphasizing Derech Eretz a lot more than Torah, for the sake of necessity at this point. I’m watching it happen to a Shul nearby where every young family is working themselves into the ground trying to make ends meet and always looking to move somewhere less expensive. Look a Boston, it’s MO community is shelled out because of this very problem. Multiple MO Shula there only have lingering aging communities left because the younger crowd left, became more frum or fried out.
Mandatory secular studies being foisted upon all yeshivos would create this same problem for the chassidishe crowd, if they complied at all. I really wonder if that is the long game in these efforts.
LostsparkParticipantWhy are yidden surprised when goyim with malchus akum act like goyim with malchus akum?
This will to power is present on both sides, and I’m afraid our obsession with it on feeds it. I’m guilty of it to but am trying to ignore it more.
September 13, 2022 9:51 am at 9:51 am in reply to: Can we have an adult conversation about education? #2123938LostsparkParticipant“ Some would argue drug addicts too have a right to education.
Moreover the reason WHY they are drop outs and nebachs, is because the system failed them, which is by design.”I guess YVN should make a counter article where they visit a federal prison and interview felons who attended public schools. Obviously it’s the schools fault they are socially compromised and we should call this burden to the taxpayers out.
September 12, 2022 10:08 pm at 10:08 pm in reply to: Can we have an adult conversation about education? #2123810LostsparkParticipantMy secular neighbor sends her two daughters to public school. She gave my wife and I a long talk about how the yeshiva system is failing so many boys, and how they would have no opportunities for parnassa. Many off hand comments about how we were disadvantaging our boys.
Years later her eldest daughter (12) is dressing like a boy and lecturing her family about gender ideology and oppression of these new neo“minorities”.
She expressed to my wife how distraught she was and explained how pervasive this narrative is in what used to be a very esteemed public school.
All I could do is smile.
September 11, 2022 2:07 pm at 2:07 pm in reply to: The coffee room is ussor and I’m trying to make sure people chap #2123367LostsparkParticipantI just logged on to to CR for the first time in months,
Who knew it was my yetzer hara testing me during the month of Elul.
It’s been nice ladies and gentlemen the case has been made that CR is assur. A gut yor
LostsparkParticipantGadolhatorah watches SNL?!? I’m not in the least surprised, I’m sure you find CNN to be objective reporting as well!!!
LostsparkParticipantIt is announced Moshiach is to arrive in a months time.
Confident in this prediction the Litvish community heads to the beis midrash in order to formulate an extravagant pilpul in honor of the Moshiach.
ChaBaD hears the news and immediately brings out all the mashke and begin to farbreng.
A month passes and indeed Moshiach arrives.
He arrives at the Litvish Beis Midrash and they deliver their lofty pilpul.
“That’s it? is there anymore?” He asks
Dismayed they reply “If only you arrived later we would have more for you”
Moshiach then heads to 770,
The farbrengen had carried on for a whole month,
The jubilant Chassidus greet the Moshiach and he asks for a L’Chaim,All the Chassidim look at each other in shock and a tell Moshiach “If you arrived sooner we would have had some mashke left”
Sorry if I butchered this the mobile YWN is wonky on my phone