Forum Replies Created
147 – Have you ever stopped and thought why indeed you feel this need to use this label when you refer to him ?
LogicianParticipantabcd2 – Please get a life. 99.99% of cleaning help in Lkwd are mexicans. Therefore the statement made perfect sense. There was no racism involved.
Besides the fact that with the street corners full of mexicans hoping to get picked up for menial labor, I don’t think they’re too sensitive about it.
LogicianParticipantIt’s incredible how many times a first date is a flop.
Therefore, I think it would save a lot of time/money/bother etc, for everyone to have one, or even two beshows before a typical date.
Wolf – what does it depend on ?
LogicianParticipantThe loss of a tzaddik def. affects us. But there was no “standing by and showing the way” coming from him for a while.
LogicianParticipant“Some women need a little break from their kids and feel rejuvenated after adult company and conversation”
Why does this require being a “working mother”, as opposed to getting out for a couple of hours etc ?
LogicianParticipantGAW – I don’t think I disagree with you, but please don’t put R’ H. Shechter in the same category as those other *#&!* you mentioned. Don’t call him a Gadol (whatever that is), but that was a bit much.
LogicianParticipantLogicianParticipantYou are mixing two issues. Daf Yomi may be superficial, but that does not necessitate learning halachah. You might suggest learning less than a Daf, but deeper.
And while you are entitled to dislike the idea, the Daf was instituted by Gedolim, who knew that people were not spending many hours on it, so your calling it the work of the yetzer hara is out of place.
March 14, 2012 3:07 am at 3:07 am in reply to: Do any Brooklyn Rabbonim say its OK to report molesters to police first? #860088LogicianParticipantAgree with nitpicker.
longarekel – while the issue at hand is truly terrible etc etc, from a halachic standpoint many cases are not “arayos”. Though I personally like your suggestion 🙂
LogicianParticipantIt is part of human nature to laugh when someone gets hurt. It does not mean you enjoy people’s pain. You may be horrified at the same time.
I heard a very deep pshat from an adam gadol why this is so (too much to post here).
Of course, to davka want to watch it is a different story…
LogicianParticipantNo. It does not “suffice it” to quote one person, and feel like the converation has been decided because you consider them the Gadol Hador. The purpose of his giving that title now was to show how we must listen – and that was absurd.
LogicianParticipantToi – Chazal say that Haman was happy that the Pur fell on Adar, because that’s when Moshe died. However, he did not know that he was born then too, and so “the birth atones for the death” (don’t know what it means, that what it says).
The way I heard from my Rebbe, is that you would assume that Moshe’s death is not an auspicious time for Klal Yisrael, because it represents the leaving of Torah. The fact that he was born then too, shows that his petirah wasn’t truly an end, but a “rebirth” (Chazal discuss how a talmid can reach greater heights after his Rebbe’s petirah – think Elisha.)
If so, a yartzeit is only a good day by tzadikkim, by whom the concept “hish’limu shi’nosum” applies.
LogicianParticipantsushe – huh ? obviously. Was just making the very simple point that you can’t advise someone to live in BP because it has more of a certain feel, without knowing who they are, because if they’re a typical FB person, they will want the feel of FB.
LogicianParticipantLR – it matters because you are who you are. If the OP is one of those people it matters to you not to be around, it will matter to him, just the opposite way!
LogicianParticipantIf you’re from Brooklyn, what’s up with the question.
If you’re not, chances are you’d hate both.
LogicianParticipant147 – No interesting current threads, eh ?
LogicianParticipantAgree with CA. You can do it in a way where its clear you are being respectful/caring etc.
LogicianParticipantI believe there exists a yetzer harah. Jews sin. Anything else ?
LogicianParticipantThere is an agency. They have lots of lousy people, but if you try a few you might find one you like.
LogicianParticipantlongarekel – va’yavor mordechai.
writersoul – guess you never stop being marbeh and mimaet.
LogicianParticipantToi – kdai haleidah she’tichaper al hamisah. sounds like Haman was happy about it being his yartzeit, and we’re happy because its his birthday.
LogicianParticipantI almost didn’t need to check which genius it was who felt like personally crowning someone specific as “The Gadol Hador”.
LogicianParticipantNat – you obviously don’t know what hanhagos we are talking about. These are innovations in Ger itself, and the Gedolim came out strongly, basically saying that one who acts as such is a “me’aneis”.
In Eretz Yisroel they keep a different standard than in America. That is a fact.
LogicianParticipantI like besalel’s advice.
1)I disagree with your order. Following a heart which is not directed by the brain can lead to some pretty nasty consequences.
2)There is certainly a place in Judaism for analyzing such questions. They deepen your understanding, and therefore appreciation, for your beliefs. I agree that one should not attempt to use them to guide their life, because you cannot know where you are truly holding, and how those principles apply to you.
LogicianParticipantI am sincerely glad for you. I can only imagine how wonderful it must feel to discover and keep an halachah that 99.99% of Jews and their leaders don’t bother with.
LogicianParticipantI would object to calling their behavior “chumros”.
Many Gedolei Yisroel have publicly protested these “hanhagos” as against the Torah.
LogicianParticipantThe “Aderes” says that the only time the Torah mentions a birthday celebration is by Paroh.
LogicianParticipant147 – Are you keeping count of how many threads you’ve posted this on ? I guess we’re still not going for it…
LogicianParticipant“To show affection physically in a tzniusdige way” sounds pretty funny to me 🙂
LogicianParticipantfar east – I agree with the sentiments. But why does affection need to be shown physically ? If you speak to each other lovingly, with respect, if its clear how you are always trying to please each other, if you compliment, etc. etc. don’t you think that shows the children a good model for marriage ? Why is it necessay for them to say “Ah! My parents express their affection by kissing”.
I’m not saying that it’s wrong – but what’s the big deal ?
LogicianParticipantkoillel101 – totally as an aside: Please don’t defend yourself. You are doing the right thing by allowing the wife to decide to give mishloach manos as she sees fit. Let her enjoy herself, let her make the impression she wants. Unless it conflicts with a real value in your home (such as overly ostentatious, or too expensive), show her you’re proud of her flair for making such a beautiful basket, v’zeh hu. Not my place to give anyone advice in marriage, so please don’t be offended, just my two cents.
LogicianParticipant“but you know yourself better than anyone”
Ain adam ro’eh nigei atzmo.
I do understand you, I in no way advocate hiding etc. We face our lives bravely, using our judgements, doing our best. But that’s OUR LIVES – we don’t look for nisyonos, to bring difficulties into our lives to face and overcome. And so why enter a potentially dangerous situation.
LogicianParticipantnitpicker – reading it over, I MAY be comprehending what you might have possibly been attempting to try to convey. Got it.
ZK – The Rishonim, as mentioned earlier, bring her actions as proof, meaning she was correct.
March 7, 2012 8:03 pm at 8:03 pm in reply to: Collecting Tzedaka during Davening..your opinion? #859113LogicianParticipantToi – lets hear the agenda
LogicianParticipantHow old was Esther when taken to the king ?
LogicianParticipantWolf – don’t want to get you any more worked up than you are, but believe it or not, in Eretz Yisrael the idea that a ben Torah shouldn’t drive is very much alive. [On the other hand, in eretz Yisrael there are plenty of bnei torah who aren’t into such ideas, and drive motorcycles.]
You can disagree with the notion that it doesn’t “pas” (or with the entire notion of “pasing” for that matter), but I think its obvious why there is room for the question. There is a clear image associated with the motorcycle, as opposed to the car. And if there were such a problem with a car, then there would at least be room for a discussion about that as well.
I also think we all understand that this association is not random, but has to do with the difference in the activity itself.
LogicianParticipantOh was I confused !
I mixed up the order, and thought everyone was answering the OP, not me!
Ok, a little harder – what is another name in the megilah some identify as Daniel ?
And from the same source – who was Charvonah ?
March 7, 2012 4:42 am at 4:42 am in reply to: Collecting Tzedaka during Davening..your opinion? #859106LogicianParticipantcherrybim – I share many of those thoughts. The mitzvah of giving, however, requires of us not only actions, but to feel compassionate as well, and so I think that to a certain extent, we have to draw the line at how much our ideas about life affect the way we relate and give to others.
LogicianParticipantGAW – I don’t know if you’re being serious, but I like your solution. This is who I am, take it or leave it. I don’t cook special for you. So if you wouldn’t eat it, I don’t give you at all.
LogicianParticipantI’m sorry nitpicker. Chazal had no problem with this conversation, why should we.
Sam2 – interesting. So a leader is different in that Tefilah cannot shorten or lengthen his life ? I dunno. I see your point from that Gemara though, gotta look at what they say there. Why should it be intrinsically different than anything else, which is also nigzar, and tefilah works ?
LogicianParticipantYou don’t have to assume anything. Reality is that sadly, a large number of frum Jews are very igorant of halacha. That’s all.
LogicianParticipantTo live according to Halacha, you do not need to be able to pasken the questions that arise. You need to understand the general idea, and have the ability to discern when to ask further.
In Hilchos Niddah, which has been raised as an example, you can buy any of a number of excellent seforim in english, spend several hours studying it, and voila! You know how to live your life, and when to ask a question.
Further study would be “necessary” only as the mitzvah of talmud Torah.
LogicianParticipantI know you didn’t maen it literally. But the point is important – trust yourself when you need to, why do so when you don’t have to.
I think we’ve reached the point when we’ve clarified our opinions, no point in continuing. Many people here feel they are able to judge situations, and their capabilities, without prejudice. The entire self-improvement in Torah, as seen (for example) in all sifrei mussar, is based on the assumption that we have extreme difficulties doing so. So…
LogicianParticipantYes, the Ran in Nedarim (40a) brings the story with Rebbe as proof that you may daven so.
ZK- why then are you mispalel not like the halachah ?
LogicianParticipantThere is a very clear difference. Perhaps you should have a plan how to do deal with walking out of your house ! But even if you don’t, you must walk out. So you deal with it as well as you can. You do not (and if you do, this discussion is not about you) need to be on FB.
Here’s a question. I have yet to meet someone who says “I am too stupid to deal with [FB]” (for illustrative purposes only). So everyone – those who ultimately are able to deal, and those who don’t – think they can. So how do you know which of those you are ?
Yes, I understand that we need to make decisions in life, and you just have to make the call sometimes. Let’s just not be so confident in ourselves. Yes “far east” – confidence could pump you up and help your bottom line. But with as its usually based on fluff, its quite a risky strategy with regards to milchemes hayetzer.
LogicianParticipantI hear your point. Let’s see: Water is something you don’t necessarily make a brocho on. In that regard, tea would be like any other drink, and elways require a brocho. I should think the difference should apply here as well.
LogicianParticipantBelieve me, I agree with all those reasons, plus many more. I wanted to hear what CR posters think of their own situation.
LogicianParticipantYes, for some reason people I know get confused with it.
Where is the source for “Doniel” ?
LogicianParticipantcherrybim – “nachon lizaher l’chatchilah”. That’s what he says. What’s not clear about that ?
LogicianParticipantSam2 – He will live as long as he’s supposed to anyway, so therefore daven ? 1)logic ? 2)I was under the impression that davening actually works ? Any reason to say that a lifetime cannot be shortened or lengthened for whatever reason ?
The Poskim discuss the possibility of davening that someone die, if he’s in pain.