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  • in reply to: Story of Larry- A moshal (guess the nimshal) #807370

    Though you are not taking this so seriously and though it is now Elul and every Jew should be more concerned for himself and the whole Klal nevertheless you hit on one correct nimshal : the painting for the Torah.

    in reply to: Story of Larry- A moshal (guess the nimshal) #807366

    Yes some clever and funny comments thanks for the chuckles but nothing in a moshal is what it appears rather a symbol for something else, think bigger.

    in reply to: Life Insurance; A chiyuv, or a lack of Bitachon? #804657

    Need to get back you on that later, col tuv.

    in reply to: Life Insurance; A chiyuv, or a lack of Bitachon? #804655

    I remember hearing that Gedolei Poskim of E. Y. were cholake on Reb Moshe and were against life ins. due to ayin hara or pischon peh l’satan. This could involve perhaps the greater chiyuv of bitachon and liphnei meshuras hadin of living in E. Y.

    in reply to: micheal savage??? #804617

    To littleapple: thanks

    To the patriot: you’re welcome i actually like that topic but i think you should change the title of the thread as you can see.

    in reply to: Fund for the family of R� Moshe Yosef Reichenberg, zt�l #825424

    The check is in the mail!

    in reply to: micheal savage??? #804610

    I think Ramat means he is an entertainer rather than an actor (who hides his true self and presents a picture of a character to the public). Savage, though he changed his name, talks about himself quite frequently. But this thread is supposed to be about the effect of Hollywood on society. Many have commented on people superficially copying the mannerisms and lines of actors, but don’t we really learn more from the actions and attitudes as evidenced by the lifechoices of others? This is where the celebrity culture is so destructive. People who are looked up to with respect because of their wit or looks or strength have been exposed as lowlives in the extreme; druggies, torturers of animals and children, misogynists and yet they don’t lose out they go right back in many cases to their status and continue film-making or quarterbacking or acting/singing or whatever, this is kind of frightening don’t you agree?

    in reply to: micheal savage??? #804605

    The root of the problem is that there is a false god that is being worshiped that some call the philosophy of art for art’s sake, and in the name of their work or art this god permits them all kinds of behaviors that amount to lives lived in arrogant self absorption that is dressed up as deep and meaningful. This takes a great toll on the society that admires these people and encourages youth to join them and is quite sad, especially Jewish youth that are talented and soulful and imagine they are joining some great, lofty community. Some of you may think I’m being ridiculous about that what with the true shallowness of these people constantly exposed in all the tabloid magazines, but the irony is they don’t seem to make the connection at all. Ask an average parent of college age kids how they would feel if their son or daughter wanted to study the arts with a goal to being an artist, actor, filmmaker,etc. see if they are concerned(other than about economic issues)?

    in reply to: Larger Kollels Ouside of New York #804003

    What Far Rockaway really has a different feel than rest of NY more small townie but close enough for jobs? Three or four medium sized kollels.

    in reply to: Married to a Black Berry #803049

    I am a bit older than the backberry crowd but I have always been a reader at the table type – mail, papers, sefer, etc.- and I know the frustration my family feels with trying to get my full attention so I try to give it to them and it is amazing how hard it is to change this habit but it does come down too giving them the respect they deserve, personally I find one on one quality time easier to manage.

    in reply to: Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story #819640

    Wonderful! Col Hacavod. Your attitude about your shidduch is exactly what helped my wife and myself in facing difficulties(due to a different issue) with a match for one of our children. The rejections are beneficial, time and effort saving and for the best. Hatzlochah ! May you find a shidduch hagon b’karov!

    in reply to: Ir Miklat and Murder #1076005

    Hi Stamper sorry I didn’t see your question till now. The Kesef Mishna says the Rambam meant aidus meyuchedes rather than regular one witness which is for instance a witness that saw the incident exactly from 3pm to 3:02 pm and then another that saw it from 3:03 to 3:06 pm or alternatively they saw it at the same time from two different windows and could not see each other; neither of these are acceptable to mechayiv misas beis din al pi 2 witnesses but according to this Rambam it seems the Bais din would not hold a goel culpable if he acted in these cases, so the Rambam advises the killer to protect himself from that time forward…

    in reply to: Wine in Moderation #1063114

    Orchos Tzaddikim shaar hasimcha criticizes bitterly drinking wine in the wrong way and then turns and calls drinking it in the right way tov meod! ayin sham

    in reply to: Wish me luck this week #800400

    Bracha v’haTZLACHA V’COL TUV!

    in reply to: Ir Miklat and Murder #1076001

    Hacham- I don’t believe the bais din can sentence anyone to galus without interviewing witnesses.

    in reply to: Ir Miklat and Murder #1076000

    MDG – You are a bit off with upswing and downswing. The Gem. and Rambam clearly say upswing is patur from galus and downswing is chayiv galus from the use of the word vayapol “and it fell” in the posuk in Bamidbar 35. The Rambam seems to explain it that things which fall downwards are more likely to damage because they move faster.

    in reply to: Ir Miklat and Murder #1075998

    The Raavad says on this Rambam – Taimah! How do we believe one witness to permit his blood to the goel hadam!!

    So from his words the answer to your question would be yes they “permit his blood to the goel hadam”

    BTw see kesef Mishna who answers Raavads kasha.

    in reply to: Ir Miklat and Murder #1075992

    Here is the psak of the Rambam- Sefer Nezikin, Hilchis Rotzeach V’Shmiras Nefesh(Laws of Murder), chapter 6, no. 5 – What should this one (who cannot be sent to galus) do? He should sit and guard himself from the goel hadam. And so too all killers that killed with only one witness or without hasra and the like, if they are killed by their goel hadam they(the goel hadam) are not treated more stringently than with the ones that killed with no intention.

    in reply to: Ir Miklat and Murder #1075985

    Actually the gemara implies above that Hashem will bring about his “execution” by arranging him to be in a place such as an inn and stand under a ladder where a Jew (who himself is chayiv galus but was not sent yet) will fall on him and he will be killed.

    in reply to: Ir Miklat and Murder #1075980

    It’s clear from the gemara above this one that the goel hadam has a chance to kill the rotzeach (whether shogeg or mazid) while he is traveling to the ir miklat. Two Talmidei Chachamim will accompany and try to convince him not to by saying acc. to the Maaratz Chayis, Hashem brought this about b’shogeg because the victim must have killed someone b’mazid previously and this man was just the unfortunate shaliach of Hashem to punish your relative, as the gamara says above also Hashem mazminim l’pundoc echad…

    BTW How do you know that after the beis din is m’chayiv him misa he is “given to the goel hadam” although those are the words of the posuk here what about the gem in Sanhedrin Vahavta l’reecha going on the one being led out to be executed?

    in reply to: Ir Miklat and Murder #1075977

    It could be the basis is Makkos 10b the braisa halfway down tanya R’Yosi b. Yehuda…

    in reply to: In honor of Tisha B'av. What you respect about… #1165149

    I respect Hatzolah members for dropping everything and running to the aid of their unknown brethren. I respect every Yid that comes to daven to Hashem with a minyan 3x a day.

    in reply to: Pressure in Yeshivos #797289

    What about Mir and Bais Hatalmud? Torah Vodass and Torah Tmimah

    in reply to: Am in need of Chizuk #791611

    I went through a very difficult time financially recently and one thought that has been helping me alot is telling myself it could not be that Hashem brought me this far to drop me , hang on and try to focus on the good things , sounds like you have what to be thankful for! Brocha v’ hatzlacha !

    in reply to: Do you watch movies? #800553

    If a Jew that worships Hashem would actually realize that when watching a film or play he or she is offering their heart and mind to a group of people that literally worship another god. 99% of the entertainment crowd are consciously or subconsciously in a cult called “art for arts sake” whose values are sunk in selfishness and Greek culture, exalting the human self. This is why the most sensitive films end up having the opposite effect and cause more callousness about the exact topic they dealt with. I heard Rav Feldman (R.Y. Ner Yisrael) bring a posuk from Mishlei with the commntary of the Gra to prove this and he said he saw it occur himself when a couple that had problems saw a Swedish artsy film about a marriage and divorce and immediately after their marriage took a turn for the worst.

    in reply to: Why I can't daven #791246

    Rav Shimshon Pincus writes in Shaarim B’Tefillah about Tzaaka which is one of the 13 loshonos of tefilla that it is crying out to Hashem without words which could mean without the ability to put ones feeling into words and Chazal say this prayer is very powerful and can break gezeiras!!

    in reply to: A Interesting (hopefully) Experiment #788070

    It should be 40 million inches , because 1 million times 1 thousand equals a billion times 1 thousand equals a trillion therefore 40 inches times 1 thousand times 1 thousand equals 40 million which is the answer, correct?

    in reply to: chassunah, who pays for what? #788454

    There are alot more things that will come up like invitations (kallah) benchers (CHASSAN) sheva brochas not to mention clothing gifts, transprtation etc. etc.


    The situation in Shanghai during the holocaust led to some very unusual pairings, there it was yeshiva bochurim with daughters of Jews of all types who “happened” to be in Shanghai. Reb Moshe clearly said a spiritual holocaust is worse than a physical one and this is an example, nevertheless we definitely need to think out of the box for our daughters sakes!

    in reply to: a problem with tefillah #780078

    i also find it easier to daven when other people are whatching me….. 🙁

    If so maybe you can go outside in, by that I mean set your outside appearance of body, face hands etc. as you imagine a super concentrated person would look and (even if you feel silly inside at first) hold that external appearance for the first few brachas of shemoneh esrei and see what happens, you really need to work physically to give this a serious try.

    in reply to: when people u dont know email u #779651

    I got phone calls at work from an incarcerated person regularly and I tried to respond to him kindly. He was seeking to warn me about a date in the future that he felt was destined for a city wide disaster therefore he was calling 718 and 212 numbers from his cell in the Midwest. The call always began with a recording warning that it was being monitored, and I could reject it. I later heard that a Rosh Yeshiva had been receiving calls from a prisoner and he sought to find help for him some way maybe through the Alef organization.

    in reply to: Giving Presents for Attending Simchas #779848

    18, 36, 54, or 72 when you multiply it by 100 or so guests adds up and most bar mitzva boys or chassan/kallahs have some better off relative or two they receive bigger gifts from so I have found that the simcha helps in receiving each gift in the right spirit as Mod 80 expressed above.

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004635

    What happens after they hold a luncheon at the public library?

    Reader’s digest.


    If one had to give one overall purpose to the world one could say it is the maintenance and production of life. Until Avraham it seems it was difficult for many to link seemingly conflicting forces together to understand they in fact work together to maintain and produce life. Therefore Not only the survival (and influence) of the Jews is evidence but the blessed growth of all humanity is evidence there is one force, driving it, the logic is one purpose indicates one force scientists seek one unified theory, but do they work consistently with the purpose of this force which we are saying is a blessed life for man?

    in reply to: People Who Should Never Get Married #777868

    krus shafcha can marry a giyores, no?

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