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  • in reply to: Latest Arrests In Flatbush & Monsey #981431

    showjoe-Im sorry this is not halacha. THey did not do anything according to halacha.A beis din needs two sides the husband was not even there. THey never even bothered to hear his side of the story.Torturing someone like that is inhuman and illegal.Exactly what the halachos are as far as forcing a get I do not know, but I know that what they did is obviously not what Hashem wants.And charging such enormous fees, they are obviously not doing this lishem shamayim.Any REAL rabbi would not allow this to happen.I am horrified and ashamed that people in my community did this.

    in reply to: Latest Arrests In Flatbush & Monsey #981414

    I can’t believe such rishus like this went on!!and for so long!

    why didnt anyone stop them earlier??Congrats to the FBI and nypd on a job well done. Tremendous chillul Hashem.THis really saddens me how yidden can act this way.Their torah observance means nothing if they have no middos!I still cant get over it and these people are Rabbis???Nothing is hidden from Hashem he sees and knows all and everyone ends up getting what they deserve.

    in reply to: kollel #811028

    you dont have to be rich to be in kollel, you just need to be rich to get married to a kollel boy!

    in reply to: "Wearing Perfume" #814229

    I wear perfume, just a little, for myself. I dont see anything wrong with that.IS THERE anything wrong with wearing perfume on a date?

    in reply to: TOTALLY MESSED UP!! #804278

    babygoose, thats exactly my point!

    popa, of course you could still be and oved Hashem!and I’m not saying working boys are 2nd class at all!just if someone wants to live that kind of life of learning why should she not be able to because of the messed up priorities of our society??

    in reply to: TOTALLY MESSED UP!! #804269

    Chein, why do boys have this problem?the girls are the one who are expected to support.

    Popa, Its a totally different life, marring someone working or learning

    in reply to: TOTALLY MESSED UP!! #804268

    It’s not that you can’t afford it. just you cant give full support, nice apartment, car, vacations..I think the boys have too much demands!what happened to living the real kollel life?now all boys want $ and gashmiyus..anyone else agree?

    in reply to: TOTALLY MESSED UP!! #804264

    SO you’re trying to say that if you cant afford it you cant marry a learning boy??so the girls should give up on their dreams and marry a working boy?like i said the system is messed up!

    in reply to: Seminary Advice #796862

    you must live up every day!!!its the most amazing experience ever!!!in the beg it might be hard till get used to it but everyones in the same boat and adjusting together. In the beg you’ll be all into the thrill of being in sem- going all over and finding the funnest places to go for shabbos..staying up all night..but you shouldnt waste your year on that. make time to go to the kotel once a week, go to get brachos, go to inspiring places for shabbos.. and try to go to sleep at a normal time so you can gain all you can from the classes!!seriously appreciate all the learning and classes before its over!hatzlacha!

    in reply to: In honor of Tisha B'av. What you respect about… #1165076

    I respect lubavitch for all their work in kiruv, chasidim for their immense hacnosos archim

    in reply to: RAV EISENBERGER'S SPEECH BY LEVAYA #789650


    in reply to: Sefer Tehillim: Zechus For Leiby Kletsky #785395

    ill do 120-139 iyh

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