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  • in reply to: ‘Zichron Moishe- style’ Yom Kippur Kotton in BP? #1060305

    In over six years not a single person could help this poor woman?

    in reply to: When is a good time to start? #1060946

    21 may be quite late to start for some folks.

    in reply to: shidduchim: what's all this about middos? #1093669

    Middos are much more important than looks.

    in reply to: Torah Dating (from the smile4aminute blog) #1059802

    Is mamashtakah the same user as the frequent poster takahmamash?

    in reply to: Placebos Work Wonders #1125658

    Easily make your own.

    in reply to: Shidduch pictures of boys #1059701

    They don’t exist.

    in reply to: 198 Year Land Lease #1059727

    Why didn’t you outright own the backyard immediately when you bought the house? How did the former owner of the house still own part of the property after you bought it off him?

    in reply to: How Much Below the Knee Should a Skirt be? #1059913

    “Now where’s the halacha that says that “covered in any position” is the appropriate measure?”

    Very strange question. That’s like asking “Now where’s the halacha that says that “all ingredients are kosher” is the appropriate determination of kashrus?” For something to be kosher, all the ingredients must be kosher. You can’t say, well, 11 out of the 12 ingredients are kosher so we’ll certify the product as kosher.

    If something has to be covered, obviously it must be covered at all times. Why would there be an exception for when its a hot day or a windy day or walking up a staircase or sitting down? If it can be uncovered when sitting down why must it be covered when standing or walking? If something has to be covered, obviously it means always covered, not covered 85% of the time.

    in reply to: dating #1059936
    in reply to: Seizing retail merchandise after being shortchanged #1136917

    So if someone grabbed $5 out of my hand and spent it, you maintain I cannot grab a different $5 bill from him?

    in reply to: Is Brooklyn becoming a retirement town? #1063566

    So what should people do about this housing shortage if they want to continue living in Brooklyn but they aren’t wealthy?

    in reply to: "Distance Your Path from It" � The Dangers of Academic Study #1141239

    Avram: “old man” also vouched for the letter’s bonafides. Also, despite a couple of posters saying they cannot find this letter posted anywhere else, I easily found it (by googling the first sentence of the letter) posted over a month ago on the unofficial website of the Hebrew Yated that for the last 15 years has been posting translated articles from the Yated.

    Most of the dangers mentioned by the RY are equally applicable in the U.S.

    1. The shock of going from an environment of kedusha to secularism.

    2. Kefira in academia.

    3. Influence from secular professor with improper values.

    (I’m not sure where you get the idea that U.S. professors are “supportive of Orthodox Judaism”. U.S. universities are a major hotbed of liberalism and anti-religiosity [and anti-Israel, for that matter.])

    4. Influence from secular students. (kefira discussions, mode of dress, etc.)

    5. Even in chareidi colleges there are instructors who aren’t 100% yirei shamayim.

    The RY may have been concerned about the perception you mention (i.e. ivory towers) due to the illegitimate external criticism made on these topics which inevitably filters back into our communities. About the Borsalino thing, maybe there’s some kind of mishegas going around the more well-to-do families in EY about frequently getting a new hat. Who knows; there are certainly far worse bad habits in the secular world.

    in reply to: How Much Below the Knee Should a Skirt be? #1059903

    Same source that says to cover the belly.

    in reply to: Seizing retail merchandise after being shortchanged #1136915

    there’s a difference between taking your own item and taking something as compensation for a different item.

    So (instead of my original idea of grabbing equivalent merchandise) then you’re okay (halachicly) with me prying open the cash register and taking my $5 change that she didn’t return.

    in reply to: Shaleshuddus, Motzei Shabbos, etc. #1058926

    Yom Tov / Yuntif

    in reply to: Lavish Kiddush #1058954

    No way I say add more!

    Don’t limit what other people do though, that isn’t nice

    There are takanos in many shuls limiting what is and is not permitted to give at a kiddush. Do you think the rabbis who enforce these rules in their shul are wrong for enacting them so that some people don’t feel pressured into sponsoring a kiddush that costs more than they can afford?

    in reply to: Seizing retail merchandise after being shortchanged #1136904

    Is that Gemara how we pasken the halacha per S”A?

    in reply to: Is Brooklyn becoming a retirement town? #1063562

    For the right price the nochrim on the edges on the neighborhoods would be willing to sell, and thus allowing us to expand the frum neighborhoods.

    in reply to: Best bakery in NY #1058789

    Don’t you miss those days, Poster?

    in reply to: Annual dues in shuls #1058819

    Shuls should minimize their expenses to focus on maintaining the shul rather than fancy staffs and services, thus reducing membership fees. This is the general heimishe approach.

    in reply to: Seizing retail merchandise after being shortchanged #1136901

    I’m asking strictly from a halachic perpspective. Assume that there’s no risk of civil involvement, i.e. he can get away with it from a civil perspective.

    in reply to: If u created Google #1059711

    Use yeshivanet to universally filter all results.

    in reply to: Annual dues in shuls #1058817

    If a person davens in different places a) Friday night Kabbalos Shabbos b) Shabbos morning Shachris / Mussaf c) Shabbos Mincha / Motzei Shabbos Maariv and d) Weekdays, should he have to purchase a seat in all four of the aforementioned shuls?

    in reply to: wife away on a pleasure trip #1058873

    ???? ?? ????? ???? ???? ????, ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ???? (???).

    in reply to: Service dogs in shul #1058886

    sue them under the ADA.

    Religious facilities are not subject to the provisions in the ADA (especially if they believe it to violate their religious practice.)

    In secular court.

    It’s forbidden to use secular courts (especially without a heter arkaos.)

    in reply to: "Distance Your Path from It" � The Dangers of Academic Study #1141220

    The RY makes many valid points explaining why so many frum yidden choose to forgo college.

    in reply to: Is Brooklyn becoming a retirement town? #1063556

    High housing costs in frum Brooklyn may be an intractable problem without any good solution considering that there isn’t much room to build further in our neighborhoods. A potential solution is to buy out adjacent non-frum neighborhoods, expanding block-by-block starting from the last blocks of our neighborhoods. But even that may be prohibitively expensive.

    in reply to: Annual dues in shuls #1058810

    So MO shuls charge so much more because they pay their rabbi so much more than chareidi shuls and they have larger shul staffs?

    in reply to: Best bakery in NY #1058787

    The bakery in Fialkoff’s in South Fallsburg makes delicious cakes and rugelech.

    in reply to: Annual dues in shuls #1058797

    The yeshivish shuls often have Pirchei for the kids Shabbos afternoon (with the Pirchei costing only a very nominal fee). And there are kiddushes often (which is typically sponsored by a member.) Yet, somehow, the annual dues costs are generally about a couple hundred bucks not over a thousand or even a couple thousand bucks.

    in reply to: Is Brooklyn becoming a retirement town? #1063549

    Charlie: Where do you build it? I haven’t noticed many open parcels of land in frum Brooklyn.

    Sam: Where is there any BMG type yeshiva (in the US) other than BMG itself?

    KJC: Why are the frum selling out on 10th Ave. and below? Considering the dire housing shortage in BP, one would expect that the buyers would be other frum families rather than outsiders.

    in reply to: Everybody's Doing It #1058351

    “Why, then, is there a tendency in some circles to denigrate Yeshiva bachurim for following the crowd?”

    Those circles who denigrate Yeshiva bachurim for following the crowd, also denigrate Yeshiva bachurim for any other pretext they can find. They simply don’t like yeshiva guys and will take any opportunity to knock them.

    in reply to: "Distance Your Path from It" � The Dangers of Academic Study #1141185

    There isn’t a homeless problem in Bnei Brak nor is the cemetery being filled with folks who starved to death. Lower living standards? Yes. That’s what the RY said, in fact, people should accept. Almost all, if not all, the problems the RY listed with college would be applicable in the U.S. as well. He doesn’t exclude frum colleges, though notes additional pitfalls in secular colleges. Hishtadlus does not demand college and there are other forms of hishtadlus available. If anyone thinks putting themselves in a spiritually unsound environment will not have lasting effects on themselves, they’re probably fooling only themselves.

    Anyways, I counted up the votes above and, clearly, the RY is outvoted by far. Since as we all know we go by the majority, we should start doling out free scholarships to Harvard. Yeshiva guys who go to Harvard don’t come out any less ruchniyus than yeshiva guys who instead of going to college, say, run a seforim store for parnassa.

    in reply to: Kiryas joel granted lead agency status #1057332

    a mamin, whose your Rebbe?

    in reply to: I was Moichel my worst enemy and>>>>> #1058207

    I know many people who never had any worst enemies or even any enemies at all.

    in reply to: How to Deal with a Request for a Shidduch Picture #1136494

    If you’re photoshopping anyways, you don’t need a celebrity photo. Just start out with her own photo and photoshop out her baldspots, all her birthmarks, wrinkles, pimples, dimples and thin out her stomach by taking off 150 pounds.

    in reply to: How to Deal with a Request for a Shidduch Picture #1136489

    No celebrity is tznius, so any photo you send will be lifnei iver.

    in reply to: Kollel Life – Reality? #1065860

    Well, you know already who you’re marrying. So why can’t you just ask him what he’s open to?

    in reply to: Is Hertz German #1056742

    I am pointing out the people are held responsible for their parents and grandparents sins.

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056460

    Very. (Please don’t report me to the cops.)

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056457

    Please first pour them into chocolate milk bottles to lessen the likelihood of law enforcement busting you for shipping alcoholic beverages.

    in reply to: Is Hertz German #1056739

    ubiquitin: We are commanded to kill Amaleikim for what their grandparents did to us.

    in reply to: Kollel Life – Reality? #1065800

    FFBBT613: I’m really curious to know which non-chasidish communities commonly has people getting engaged starting the summer following the end of 12th grade. Is it also common for people to start dating in 9th grade, as you’ve done with this boy?

    in reply to: Is Hertz German #1056737

    Shouldn’t Spanish goods be boycotted by Jews due to the Inquisition, expulsion and burning Jews at the stake?

    in reply to: For Young Couples #1056823

    You mean it might be a love/hate relationship?

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056454

    Is Kaluah from Mexico readily available for purchase in NY or is it difficult to procure?

    in reply to: Touro or Brookdale College #1057230

    dhl144: The reasons you gave for going to Touro, IMHO, far outweigh the reasons you gave to stay put.

    About Time: Touro isn’t a block away from the Mir Yeshiva. Before its current location is was situated in the Shulamis building.

    in reply to: Teenage Girls Travelling camp #1056828

    I believe Barnum & Bailey has a travelling camp.

    in reply to: Dating #1056490

    What kind of date is it, if not a shidduch date?

    in reply to: Vitamins #1058418

    I get my vitamins with the natural foods that contain them. Clearly the most healthy method to do so.

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