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  • in reply to: KOSHER-SWITCH #1075244

    Do you think R’ Dovid Feinstein and R’ Shmuel Kamenetsky etc were reading the coffee room and decided to publsih the kol koreh and coincidentally Ami and Mishpacha decided to publish pages on it too?

    Should I think like you that R’ Dovid Feinstein and R’ Shmuel Kamenetsky and the other gedolei rabbonim are manipulable simpletons and whom scaremongers can twist these multitudes of gedolei rabbonim to do their bidding?

    in reply to: KOSHER-SWITCH #1075240

    ubiq: The net effect of your words is that rabbonim such as Rav Feinstein, Rav Kaminetzky, Rav Belsky, Rav Miller, etc. are scaremonger enablers. That, and that you think that Rav Feinstein, Rav Kaminetzky, Rav Belsky, Rav Miller and a bunch of other gedolei rabbonim are nincompoops that fall for scaremongers tactics – and all those rabbonim couldn’t see the “truth”, as you do, and see right through those scaremongers and stupidly sign their haskama to untruths.

    in reply to: KOSHER-SWITCH #1075236

    Do you think the list of heimishe stores (including some seforim stores) in the ad have stopped selling the device?

    in reply to: cheap wedding halls #1073719

    nishtdayngesheft: Isn’t Tiferes Rifka one of the fancier halls?

    in reply to: cheap wedding halls #1073718

    The downside was it was midweek and 80% of the relatives and almost all the friends did not come because of the 4 hour round trip drive.

    That’s the upside. He saved 80% off the catering (in addition to the cheaper hall).

    in reply to: KOSHER-SWITCH #1075233

    ubiq: So in your opinion “those rabbis” like Rav Feinstein, Rav Kaminetzky, Rav Belsky, Rav Miller, etc. are just “scare mongerers” trying to scare away Jews from following other rabbis who permit? But you are off the mark about the rabbis you cite. i.e. Rabbi Oelbaum disavowed permitting it, said the developer misrepresented his view, and said it is Mechallel Shabbos with the issur of Zilzul Shabbos:


    In any event, you’re okay with the Shabbos Switch being advertised in the Hamodia etc. and sold in local seforim stores?

    in reply to: Why people ignore you #1073929

    even messages on the CR

    Uh oh. I was wondering why we haven’t seen chaplaintzvi in a long time.

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074165

    Not that the evidence of his treachery is lacking. Even after the war, Zionist Kastner defended Nazi SS Officer Kurt Becher in the Nuremberg Trials, saving this Nazi who killed numerous Jews from the gallows.

    in reply to: cheap wedding halls #1073709

    Which town?

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074164

    Sam: Have you read Min Hameitzar (or its English translation The Unheeded Cry) by Hagaon Harav Michael Dov Weissmandl?

    Regarding Kastner, even Israeli Judge Benjamin Halevy said of him that he “sold his soul to the devil”.

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074160

    DM: That’s a boldfaced lie that does not contain a single shred of truth in its deceitful untruthful attack against one of the Gedolei HaDor of the last generation.

    Despite that, it is certainly true that Rav Elchonon Wasserman hy’d wrote (the ksav yad is available) that it is better to die a physical death at the hands of the Nazis than to be saved by YU which could cause one’s spiritual death.

    in reply to: KOSHER-SWITCH #1075231

    How is it that Hamodia had the chutzpa to accept an ad for KosherSwitch in this week’s US paper and stores such as Eichler’s are selling it?

    in reply to: my friend is going off #1073785

    Of course there’s support for that. Regarding the MO OTD rate, it is well established that it is far far higher than any other Orthodox group. Rabbi Pruzansky of Teaneck, MO himself, famously discussed this a couple of years ago. (See: for a discussion of that.)

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074158

    He had a paid-for seat on the train that Eichmann allowed out of Hungary. He should thank Eichmann more for allowing the train out

    (there was no way for the train ride to exist or be able to leave if not for Eichmann’s approval) than to thank Eichmann’s Kapo Kastner for selling the leftover seats that were still available after he gave away most of the seats to his entire immediate and extended family and zionist colleagues, after he traded receiving all that for the price of Kastner facilitating Eichmann’s liquidation of Hungarian Jewry and keeping quiet about the Vrba-Wetzler Report.

    in reply to: my friend is going off #1073780

    flatbusher: The more cloistered/chumaradik the community, the less likely the people are to go off. The Meah Shearim/New Square have from the least dropouts. More mainstream chasidim have less dropouts than yeshivish. And yeshivish have less dropouts than MO. So your theory holds no water.

    in reply to: my friend is going off #1073764

    Bring him back on track.

    in reply to: Is seeing a doctor dangerous #1074443

    The Gemara suggests that the Shichvas Zera of a Nochri has different properties from that of a Jew, since the Nochri eats non-Kosher foods and is physically affected by his diet. The Chasam Sofer (Teshuvos YD 175) writes that this Gemara is relevant in practice. He rules that we cannot assume that a medical treatment that was tested successfully on a Nochri will also be successful on a Jew. Rav Elyashev zt’l pointed out that the Chasam Sofer writes that the physical characteristics of a Yid are different than a Goy, and that what applies to one may not apply to the other. Therefore, said Rav Elyashev, how much more so regarding the mind/soul?

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074136

    Avi: Israel’s wars don’t fit the halachic definition of a milchemes mitzvah. And Limud Torah is fully effective without any misheberachs.

    in reply to: The bait for kj chusid #1074015

    Yes, RY23 took my bait! Good one, no, DM? We got him right where he wanted to see KJC.

    in reply to: The bait for kj chusid #1074010

    No mention of their collaboration with the Nazis?

    in reply to: Dennis Prager #1145151

    YWN should advertise that Dennis Prager is a member and posts here.

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074123

    You already agreed that a Ptur from the Army should be given to anyone who wants to learn once the Army has enough people. (And the Army has more than enough even if every yeshiva guy wants to continue learning.)

    “Which means as many people in the army as the experts determine necessary and everyone else learning as much as possible.”

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074120
    in reply to: Is seeing a doctor dangerous #1074435

    You should always daven before during and after doctor, ditto for crossing the street.

    So what’s your beef in your first post? newbee also said to daven before seeing the doctor. He didn’t say anything about not davening any other times.

    in reply to: Convalescing from a hospital stay #1073700

    Refuah Shelamo.

    in reply to: Baal Yeshiva dating is this scenario a problem? #1073625

    What is your thought on that point, DY?

    in reply to: Dennis Prager #1145149

    Nevertheless it isn’t comparable. He didn’t use Ben Franklin’s teachings on Tanach to learn from. It would be more understandable if you suggested learning an ethics book of Mr. Praeger than a book from him on what to learn out of the Torah (Aseres HaDibros).

    in reply to: Is seeing a doctor dangerous #1074429

    newbee is 100% correct. You should daven before going to see the doctor. What’s so earth-shattering or objectionable about that idea?

    Bad comparison, ubiq. You can daven before crossing the street too. But definitely look. No one said not to see a doctor. newbee specifically said to see a doctor “after” davening.

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074114

    Sam: “Which means as many people in the army as the experts determine necessary and everyone else learning as much as possible.”

    Beautiful. The army has an oversupply as it is. They certainly are not short personnel. If everybody who wants to learn full-time does so, the army will still not be short. So everyone who wants to learn should, and must, be in the Beis Medrash.

    in reply to: A loss to the community: Dr. Saul G. Agus #1073571
    in reply to: Dennis Prager #1145146

    Wasn’t R. Lefin a maskil?

    in reply to: Dennis Prager #1145143

    An Orthodox person getting Jewish inspiration from someone non-Orthodox? This is a book about the Aseres HaDibros.

    in reply to: KOSHER-SWITCH #1075228

    Is there any reason not to leave the switch in Shabbos Mode all week?

    in reply to: KOSHER-SWITCH #1075223

    YWM-42: I supposed you could leave it on Shabbos Mode all week, if that was your goal. About the green light, I thought it is on the entire time when it is in Shabbos Mode. (IOW, that the green light is only there to let you know it is on Shabbos Mode.)

    in reply to: Is Aliyah a wise choice in the nuclear age? #1073494

    in reply to: Who Are The Most Influential Posters? #1073320

    Why are only my pseudonyms getting listed on this thread? I think some other posters should get some mentions too.

    in reply to: Proof that Women are Better than Men #1092354

    If I started a serious thread entitled “Proof that men are better than women” with real proofs from the Torah and Chazal that breached every concept of political correctness but nevertheless was almost unassailable from a Torah hashkafic viewpoint that ignored all the modern apologetics trying to explain away the so many open pesukim in Tanach, mishnas, gemoras and rishonim, would the CR go into an uproar? (Or is the more likely probability that the thread would be rejected?)

    in reply to: Is Aliyah a wise choice in the nuclear age? #1073489

    Yes, I quoted that as well right above rob’s comment – right in the opening of my comment.

    I think that was PAA’s original point about why argue altogether if it is all irrelevant anyways. But we argue over how to bring a korbon too, don’t we. One good reason to keep alive the fact that the State was and is a violation is to educate everyone as such so that they don’t think that its establishment was a positive event. Another is because it was a violation it has ramifications on how we interact with it today. (There are, of course, great disagreements on how to interact with it after-the-fact. Brisk doesn’t vote. Agudah does but doesn’t take a cabinet level position. etc.) As far as protesting against the leadership, that usually occurs (with the mainstream klal) when the leadership is pursuing negative actions such as drafting yeshiva bochorim, digging up kevarim, etc.

    in reply to: dating someone your height #1073558

    Rav Moshe’s rebbetzin was taller than him.

    in reply to: Moshiach Rumors? #1074813

    A Jew is obligated to believe Moshiach will be coming any moment and to be prepared for Moshiach on a moment’s notice.

    Which tzadik was it (the Chofetz Chaim) that famously always had a bag ready with him with everything he needed to go to Eretz Yisroel should Moshiach suddenly appear?

    in reply to: Men withholding a Get #1188135

    akuperma: See my earlier comment above that I addressed to you. If the husband is offering his wife support in his home then the beis din halachicly can’t make him send her money in lieu of the support he’s offering her in his home.

    “There is and has always been a wide gap between the halacha in the sefarim and what happens in the real world.”

    The consequences of failing to follow the halachic laws on gittin is severe when a Get is pressured kneged halacha resulting in a Get Me’usa and the potential for future mamzeirim.

    “One or both of them want the other to be out of his/her life.”

    In the halachic system, unless there are specific halachicly recognized (and proven) “grounds”, a divorce can only be obtained with the mutual consent of both spouses. One spouse cannot impose a divorce upon the other unwillingly.

    “Creating an economic incentive to give a get is no coercion”

    An economic penalty for not granting it is recognized as coercion under halacha.

    “if the husband goes to civil courts”

    Neither party is permitted to initiate proceedings in civil courts to adjudicate any dispute. (An exception might be granted if one party defies beis din.)

    In terms of reconciliation, if either spouse is seeking that then the general rule under halacha is that the beis din must pursue that and cannot force a divorce.

    in reply to: Men withholding a Get #1188132

    Kovetz Teshuvos vol. 1 #174. See also the teshuva I referred above from Rav Shternbuch. The rare cases where he can be forced require proof that the claim she makes is true. In any case, you’re overstating when it can be done. Read those two teshuvos as well as the Rishonim and Achronim and especially Shulchan Aruch and Rema that Rav Elyashev and Rav Shternbuch refer to in their teshuvos. Read Rav Elyashev again. He says very clearly and repeatedly that we don’t (and beis din can’t) force him.

    in reply to: Baal Yeshiva dating is this scenario a problem? #1073614

    Whats wrong with a convert?!?!?!

    It’s from six and half years ago and I was going on memory, so you’ll have to cut some slack about the bt/ger switcharoo. 😉

    in reply to: Baal Yeshiva dating is this scenario a problem? #1073613

    It was simply a thought that occurred to me that the kosher keeping aspect probably wasn’t a factor in answering the OP’s question.

    What brought that thought to mind was remembering that Feivel (aka Mod-80), who said he’s a bt, opined that it is a legitimate consideration in shidduchim whether a bt is more likely to fry-out. (Thinking about it now, I’m starting to wonder if it was actually about considering a shidduch with a Ger that he made this point about.)

    in reply to: Is Aliyah a wise choice in the nuclear age? #1073484

    Rav Henkin said that after the against-the-Torah establishment of the State of Israel, the fact is there are now millions of Jews living there and whose safety depends on the physical security of the country, and so nobody should do anything that puts Jews in danger and the fact that the creation of Israel was an aveira is no excuse to support the Arabs.

    Of course, nobody disagrees with that. The Satmar Rebbe writes more than once that now that the State is established, we cannot allow the Arabs to take over, and only prayer – and Moshiach – can safely dismantle the State and that we cannot allow the nations to dismantle it because that would be a sakanah for the Jews living there.

    Rav Henkin zt’l in Kisvei Rav Henkin vol. 2 5719 #109, vol. 2 in the haskomos, vol. 1 #206, vol. 2 p. 103 states “I opposed with all my might the creation of the Medina”. He also quotes that it is against the 3 oaths and that Hashem will punish us for it. He also says that the holocaust came about as a punishment for the violation of the Oaths:

    Kisvei Rav Henkin vol 2 5719 #109, vol 2 in the haskomos, vol. 1 #206, vol. 2 p. 103:

    “Dechikas Haketz [i.e. one of the three Oaths – not to “pressure the time of the geulah] pushes the time of Geulah further away, and because the different types of Baryonim wielded the sword and participated in various rebellions, one thing led to another and the result was that we lost the majority of our nation, who were killed through horrible deaths, the like of which has never been seen in all of history, and thousands of holy congregations were razed to the ground, and b’avonoseinu harabim it has fueled the warning of Chazal – “and if not [i.e. if you do not follow the Three Oaths], then I shall permit your flesh to be hunted like game in the field” – Hashem should have mercy on those who survived.”

    He also adds about how Jews are not allowed to be involved in wars and our approach should be totally one of submission, and how the Baryonim are still involved in antagonizing the nations.

    in reply to: Frum Jews and College #1073212

    avodat HaShem

    Moving to Israel turned you into a Sefardi? It isn’t proper for one to change their havara.

    in reply to: Baal Yeshiva dating is this scenario a problem? #1073611

    Avram: You’re wrong. The first quote of mine you cited (made yesterday) was *only* referring to my immediate previous post addressed to Sam’s point. The second comment you quoted (which was my first comment here and was made over a month ago and unrelated to my subsequent comments) was addressing the OP’s comment. (In that the op’s question isn’t limited to a bt who used to only keep kosher but could similarly be asked on a bt who didn’t keep anything.)

    in reply to: KOSHER-SWITCH #1075202

    I believe it can be switched repeatedly. It works the same on the first change as all other changes.

    in reply to: Self Esteem & Not giving up. #1073254

    I mean you’re still in 12th grade. You still have a year or two before you are allowed to start worrying…

    in reply to: Men withholding a Get #1188130

    Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv (Kovetz Teshuvos 134):

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