Forum Replies Created
The drivers should be ticketed. That has nothing to do with pedestrians who are buried in their smartphones while blocking other pedestrians.
JosephParticipantUnless the lounge is full with all tables occupied, a couple sitting at a table that would otherwise had been unoccupied and ordering a couple of inexpensive beverages doesn’t reduce the waiter’s income as otherwise he would have had one less customer. Nor does ordering a couple of beverages take much of his time.
And, additionally, even if it did that is simply the nature of the business and they know and expect that. Some customers come in and order expensive wine and tip accordingly, providing an income far in excess to the effort in serving the customer. And some customers order little and thus don’t pay much. If the joint didn’t accept that they would have instituted a minimum charge for sitting.
JosephParticipantIs it the generally expected normative practice to tip more than the cost of the beverages when drinking soda in a lounge?
JosephParticipantJ’accuse 40 years of frum yidden causing widespread c”H with their soda ordering habits on lounge dates.
JosephParticipantHrmph, Wolf, so cat chasing mice is just Tom and Jerry cartoon style narishkeit? Besides, it ain’t just cartoons. Have you heard the ancient adage about “fighting like cats and dogs”?
JosephParticipantMatan: You missed the point, didn’t you. Explain how ordering a soda in the lounge (as ZD described) is worse than store browsing.
JosephParticipantZD: I hope you never walk into a store to window shop or just browse the products if you have no intention to make a purchase. The commissioned salesman who wasted his time coming over to you to see if he could help you could have made a commission assisting a real customer. Browsing a store without making any purchase at all is worse than where you’re kvetching the customer is spending money but not enough in your opinion.
JosephParticipantIndeed, Hashem very much protects us. Whether we are in Chicago, Sedorot, New York, Jerusalem, London or Samaria. Hashem isn’t sending us any messages that you are safer in Gush Katif than in Miami or safer in Sedorot than in Lakewood. Unless, of course, you claim to have a direct telepathy line to the heavens that you are informing us from. If we are to take cues from actual events occurring today in the real world, the derech hateva we see is that those in Sedorot are less safe than those in Lakewood and those Jews in Israel suffer more causalities, injuries and deaths targeted for being Jewish, than the Jews in Canada.
JosephParticipantOf course. Are there frum people that don’t?
JosephParticipantYou already put yourself in the 80%. Thinking Hashem can’t get you where you are because “Israel has one of the best military’s in the world” and “we are also far more self sufficient than ever” is the same attitude as the Zealots when instigating the Roman legions they were certain they would defeat (against the instructions of Chazal) and that of Ben Kusiba who, too, thought they would defend the Holy Land in their uprising.
JosephParticipantRashbi, in the Zohar on Vayikra states outright the earth is round. The Yerushalmi and Berashis Rabba imply this as well.
JosephParticipantNo, I have faith only in Hashem.
JosephParticipantSo long as you know better than the gedolei hador who were actually there, who is anyone to argue on you? You can determine the veracity, or lack thereof, merely by the “sound” of it!
JosephParticipantRY: It’s a highly acclaimed and very much accepted as reliable sefer by gedolei yisroel (i.e. Rav Chaim Kanievsky, et al). And it is sourced, too, many (including the story at hand) with living tzadikim who you can verify it directly with.
JosephParticipantI thought there’s no monthly/annual fee, so what’s a 30-day trial mean?
My main question was what does the program discount and how does the pricing, after discount, compare to local supermarket or discount club (i.e. Costco/BJs/Sam’s Club) shopping?
JosephParticipantyytz: Yet America has far more experience than Israel in nuclear weapons, including defending itself from nuclear or other biological and WMD attacks.
JosephParticipantEven a man is required to take off and change his clothing only under a blanket and never openly even in his own bedroom.
JosephParticipantSecular studies itself are Bittul Torah; you shouldn’t be getting to the point of having an exam altogether.
(If it’s a bechina on Limudei Kodesh, then the bechina itself is Limud Torah.)
JosephParticipantYes, Barry, your emunah most certainly is lacking with your misplaced faith in the Israeli Army from saving you from a holocaust c’v in Israel rather than placing your emunah in Hashem Yisborach who you apparently believe is c’v incapable of reaching Jews in Israel for a catastrophe there, G-d forbid.
JosephParticipantLOL. You’re grasping at straws.
JosephParticipantWait – the motzei shabbos troll threads are baaaaccckk!
May 17, 2015 4:52 am at 4:52 am in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082289JosephParticipantFedora. But I’m thinking of going Homburg.
JosephParticipantPAA: Zionism, Why the Big Debate?
Sure, it makes a halachic difference:
“He [The Chazon Ish] used to say: Who is an Apikores who keeps Torah and Mitzvos (“a frum Apikores”)? Someone who claims that it is the fault of the Gedolim that six million Jews were killed in Europe, and also anybody who celebrates Yom Ha’atzamut.”
JosephParticipantSyag was bar mitzvahd?
May 15, 2015 2:25 pm at 2:25 pm in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082286JosephParticipantThank you for the mussar. I’m mekabel it.
JosephParticipantBy that argument, *no* US President is legitimate.
The conversation wasn’t arguing against his legitimacy as President.
JosephParticipantHow can you order even soda? The cup could be non-kosher.
May 15, 2015 1:33 pm at 1:33 pm in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082282JosephParticipantOf course. I was proud to wear my hat on the street, especially so on a hot day. It was the second hat in my hand that was conspicuous since if someone saw me holding that before he noticed I was already wearing one, he may have momentarily thought why wasn’t it on the head where it belonged.
May 15, 2015 11:52 am at 11:52 am in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082280JosephParticipantNechomah, it turns out someone moved it to a closet. I retrieved it the next day. (I felt slightly conspicuous wearing one hat on my head and holding another in my hand as I walked the streets.)
May 15, 2015 3:24 am at 3:24 am in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082278JosephParticipantMy posek follows Rav Chaim on this.
JosephParticipantIsn’t the Marriott-Marquis a popular dating spot on their turning floor on top?
JosephParticipant” When did obama break the law “
JosephParticipantThe Chazon Ish held you could say it about him in particular. (The earlier story was regarding if a non-religious person is listening.)
JosephParticipantHe can take back his old job as “community activist”.
JosephParticipantAMI even somewhat more than Mishpacha. I wasn’t comparing them to each other. Both are in the same category. Them throwing in some kosher knoodles with each issue doesn’t kasher the pot.
JosephParticipantB”H my memory is good but not that good. 😉
It may have been 3:87 instead of 3:86. Other keywords I think were girls beis yaakov.
Edit: I found it.
I thought I made an OP from it earlier as well, but perhaps not?
JosephParticipantMods: Do you have any tools to search for a deleted thread? I had posted a thread years ago where the OP was an English translation of Igros Moshe YD 3:86. It was still up and available for years but is gone now, likely in error (can’t imagine any other reason.) Some keywords in the OP were Igros Moshe YD 3:86 Pirkei Avos. Can you work some magic to bring it back to life?
Can you give me a hint of which screen name it may have been under? 🙂
PAA: Rav Moshe says in Igros Moshe YD 3:86 that girls are not permitted to learn Torah Shebalpeh, including not Mishnayis or Gemorah, except they may learn Pirkei Avos. The VaYoel Moshe Maimer Lashon HaKodesh 33 (p. 436) says girls can’t even learn Rashi since it is Torah Shebalpeh. These are a couple of examples of contemporary sources. Rav Moshe apparently held Rashi on Chumash is still categorized as the simple pshat on Torah Shebksav.
P.S. I believe there’s a concerted effort to post your comments hours after they’ve been submitted/timestamped so that it can be easily missed under the hope that’ll occur and you will get the last word. You could just tell me you want the last word and I’d be happy to oblige. 😉
May 14, 2015 1:33 pm at 1:33 pm in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082273JosephParticipantWhy did you take it off to begin with?
Excellent question. The only reason was because the doctor didn’t let me lie down wearing it.
after you get your hat, run and catch a minyan!
It was the last minyan coming up. By time I got my other hat (it was embarrassing walking in public without a hat) my only choice was to make the zman b’yechidus.
May 14, 2015 12:12 pm at 12:12 pm in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082271JosephParticipantSo yesterday my hat went missing at the office I was at before Mincha. Unfortunately I had to daven b’yechidus (in accordance with Rav Chaim).
JosephParticipantWhy is it closed?
May 14, 2015 11:28 am at 11:28 am in reply to: question for democrats (and i guess anyone else that wants to chime in) #1145022JosephParticipantShould the minimum wage be eliminated entirely?
May 14, 2015 1:46 am at 1:46 am in reply to: question for democrats (and i guess anyone else that wants to chime in) #1145019JosephParticipantI said the minimum wage is designed to help the employee; I didn’t opine whether it is successful or not.
May 13, 2015 11:29 pm at 11:29 pm in reply to: question for democrats (and i guess anyone else that wants to chime in) #1145014JosephParticipantYes, the minimum wage raises the cost of products. No one, even Democrats, thinks otherwise. The minimum wage is designed to help the employee not the employer.
May 13, 2015 11:03 pm at 11:03 pm in reply to: Would I be Jewish ? Some orthodox say yes some no #1077301JosephParticipantColombianJew: I notice you posted your story on a couple of other sites about five years ago. Since that time have you yet had the opportunity to seek additional Orthodox rabbinic guidance on this matter?
May 13, 2015 8:22 pm at 8:22 pm in reply to: Would I be Jewish ? Some orthodox say yes some no #1077290JosephParticipantThe mohel is responsible for verifying whether the baby is halachicly Jewish?
JosephParticipantWhat does have relevance to this thread, btw, and what makes the other things irrelevant – and how did you get to judge relevance to the thread and decide all the things you’ve posted are relevant? You seem to keep repeating that line when things are cited that don’t fit the line of thought that you’re pursuing. Rav Volbe was simply addressing the mistaken concerns some wives expressed that their husband wasn’t far more knowledgeable than themselves on Torah matters. I think this point has been beaten to death here already. Rav Volbe made a point, v’zeh hu. His point wouldn’t have been cited and recorded in the kuntres if it weren’t relevant then and relevant now to the intended audience.
We’ll have to agree to disagree on the other points. I think we’re (both of us) at the stage of repetition with them.
As far as the Tur, the Sefer Hachasidim, the Aruch Hashulchan and the Torah Temimah, I thought they are at least as relevant to the discussion as the items you’ve cited such from MiPninei HaRav, R. Rakeffet, the Riaz, etc. And to that I was wondering your input to what I brought from them.
May 13, 2015 4:26 pm at 4:26 pm in reply to: Would I be Jewish ? Some orthodox say yes some no #1077283JosephParticipantAnother relevant question is are you living an Orthodox Jewish observant life today?
It is also notable that the Conservative movement has been outside of acceptable Jewish practice far longer than you assume. At least as far back as in the early 1950s there are formal rulings (by such as the preeminent Orthodox legal decisor Rabbi Moshe Feinstein among others) that the Conservatives are not considered to be practicing Judaism and is considered heretical. Indeed that would be the case from before the ’50s as well.