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  • in reply to: Teens ostracized for asking questions #1090039

    I believe what the Torah says is correct. Because G-d said it is correct. If you believe something that either a) the Torah doesn’t say is correct or b) the Torah says is incorrect, then the question for you is who said your belief is correct.

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208716

    Of course.

    in reply to: Teens ostracized for asking questions #1090037

    I believe that ethical behavior, simply put, is to reduce the suffering of conscious beings.

    So you believe that. Who said your belief is correct?

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208714

    We should daven they should all have a refuah. Some men can’t put on tefilin. Some people have permanent medical conditions that prevent them from ever fulfilling certain things. They’re anusim. We should pray for them all.

    in reply to: Teens ostracized for asking questions #1090032

    So if our morality is not in line with what to Torah says, how would we resolve such a conflict?

    He should change his morality to be in line with that of the Torah.

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208712

    What if someone doesn’t like his wife, does he ship her out with a Get? Of course not. He should work on liking her. Same there. Those who have trouble finding people they like should work on themselves to start liking more people.

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208710

    Not all men are married either. So our brocha is that the unmarried women should marry the unmarried men.

    in reply to: Teens ostracized for asking questions #1090030

    goofus: The Torah says about the kohein that “You shall sanctify him… he shall remain holy to you” and instructs us to give them honor and preferential treatment.

    in reply to: YCT Mechayev es ha'apikorsim #1089731

    You misunderstood my question, Sam. I was asking why didn’t the YCT guys call apikorsus about the thing the YCT guy said that they acknowledged crossed Orthodox boundaries.

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208708

    Igros Moshe, Orach Chaim IV #49

    Regarding the distinguished (Jewish) ladies who are fighting along with women of the nations of the world in their (social) movement. These (Jewish) ladies are observant of Torah and want to bring their fight to matters of relevance to Jewish law. Some (of these ladies) pray with tallaisim and so on. They seek my view in this matter and how the rabbi of the shul should handle the matter.

    Firstly, you must know that it is an essential matter of faith in our Torah that the written and oral Torah was given by The Holy One Himself at Mount Sinai through Moshe Rabbanu, o”h. It is impossible to change even one point (of the Torah) whether to be more strict or to be more lenient. But we were commanded that when there is a time to establish precautionary measures, it is incumbent on the Sanhedrin and the sages of the Torah to do so, by prohibiting certain things. They also may obligate others. They (the sages) must make it very clear that these are rabbinical obligations. Since our dispersion to foreign lands, we lack the power (to make such enactments). However, the wise men of every region (have the power) to make enactments only for their region and only for a short time.

    In view of this, the exemption of women from positive time bound commandments is a (decree) of the Torah. Also, the Rabbis never obligated women (in these commandments) since there is no reason to do so. Indeed, there is a reason to exempt women from these commandments specifically for the reasons that the Torah exempts them.

    And besides the reasons for the Torah which are unknown to regular people and to the great scholars, and we are required to believe that there are great reasons of Hashem who gave the Torah, (besides this), there are (non-ultimate) reasons revealed to everyone. (In the matter of the exemption of women from positive time bound mitzvahs) the average woman is not wealthy and has responsibility to raise sons and daughters. This (task) is most important work for Hashem and His Torah and so Hashem made each species so that the woman should raise the offspring. Humans are no exception. The nature of women enables them to raise children. Along those lines, it (the burden) was made easier on the women by not requiring them to learn Torah and to perform positive time bound mitzvahs.

    (However) even if the order of the world were to change and all women were wealthy all the time and it were possible to give over the children to men and women (to raise them as is done) in our country, the Torah’s law cannot change and neither can that of the Rabbis. It is useless to fight this. Even with the agreement of the entire world, there is no power to change (the Torah) one iota. The women who stubbornly wage war to make such changes are committing heresy.

    Women are permitted to perform (certain) commandments for which they are not obligated and receive divine reward for such performance. And also according to the view of Tosfos, (women) are permitted to make a blessing (on such commandments) as is our custom. (It is our custom also for women to be permitted) to fulfill the commandments of shofar and luluv and to make blessings (on these). Therefore, concerning tzitzis, a woman who wants can dress in a garment not designed for men, as long as this garment has four corners to it, and attach tzitzis to fulfill this commandment.

    Concerning the wearing of tfellin, Tosfos writes in Eruvin 96, divray hamaskil: myachal, that (this commandment) should not be performed (by women). Tfellin requires tremendous care to keep the body in (halachic) cleanliness and to focus one’s attention. For this reason even men who are obligated in tfellin limit their wearing (of tfellin) from all day to during morning prayers. The Rema holds similarly (Choshen Mishpat, 98:3). Targum Yonason, on the verse: “There should not be a man’s clothing on a woman” (holds) that (women should not wear) tzitzis or tfellin since they are garments of men. Tosfos does not believe there to be such a Targum Yonason. This (performance of non-obligatory commandments by a woman) applies only if her soul yearns to perform the commandment even though she is not commanded. (It is another matter) if her intention is to protest against the Holy One and His Torah. Such a posture is not congruent with the performance of a commandment. Indeed, it is a forbidden act and an act of apostasy. Since (such a woman) is trying to amend Torah law.

    You should know that all of this (the exemption of women from positive time bound commandments) is not because women are on a lower level of holiness than are men. While obligation in commandments results strictly from one’s having holiness, men and women, in that sense, are equal in holiness. All the verses in the Torah regarding holiness refer also to women. (This applies from) the beginning (with) the arrangement to receive the Torah (at Sinai). “You’ll be to me a treasure and you’ll be to me a holy nation.” Exodus 19:6. (The subject of this verse is all of the nation of Israel) as it says “house of Jacob” in referring to the women and “tell to the house of Israel” in referring to the men. Exodus 19:3.

    Therefore women also include in their blessings the words “you have sanctified us with your commandments.” (Women do this) even when performing commandments for which they are not obligated. (The exclusion of women from positive time bound commandments) is a leniency made by Hashem for his own reasons and not because of any diminution (regarding the women) Heaven forbid. We explained this earlier.

    And concerning the obligations between husband and wife, a husband is obligated to treat his wife with respect and a wife is obligated to treat her husband with respect. (Furthermore) many women were prophetesses and subject to the same laws concerning prophets as were the men (prophets). In many matters, women were praised more than the men by the (written) Torah and by the Rabbis. There is no denigration in their (women’s) respect in their exemption from the learning of Torah and positive time-bound commandments. There is no reason to have any gripes.

    The distinguished rabbi (of the congregation in question) should explain this every time and be strong and firm in his knowledge that this is all a matter of the Torah and he should correct these women. And after all this if (these women) still stand in their incorrect and stubborn view, (the rabbi) should not allow a single change in the holy customs of Israel.

    I end with a blessing for true peace and a good writing and sealing for a good year for the distinguished rabbi and to all that is his, to the whole holy congregation, the men, the women, and the children.

    in reply to: Teens ostracized for asking questions #1090018

    goofus, are you as bothered by your and all of ours inability to fully understand the need for a para adumah?

    in reply to: What happened to the Shabbos App? #1089720

    It was a prank all along.

    in reply to: What's the deal with Donald Trump? #1090382

    It’s fair to say criminals are from the worst people.

    in reply to: What's the deal with Donald Trump? #1090380

    The people that illegally sneak over the border are people who are more likely to do crimes once here. They already broke the law by illegally breaking into the country, showing their propensity to engage in illegal acts. And statistics do show that once here, the illegal aliens are far more likely to be criminals (meaning additional crimes than illegally entering the country) than immigrants who immigrate legally as well as American citizens.

    Trump spoke the truth too loud so the left went wild.

    in reply to: Who Would You Vote For? #1089717

    It isn’t against the law to tell a pervert that he is a pervert. (Even if much of secular society disagrees with that designation. It would not be wise though if it will engender violence.) It is also best not to work for a pervert.

    in reply to: YCT Mechayev es ha'apikorsim #1089727

    he went beyond the pale of Orthodoxy.

    Why didn’t they call a spade a spade and state it is apikorsus?

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208707

    In the word איש and אשה. [man and a female man – Editor, Isaac Levy] lay the guarantee for the equality in rank and mutually complementing calling of Man and Woman. As long as man and woman were איש and אשה. there was no need for man to be emancipated from woman nor woman from man, neither could make the other into a slave nor yet into a god or goddess. The first who altered this designation – as indeed our sages remark, in no other language are man and woman designated by words coming from the same root and so regarded from the same trend of thought – brought it about that one man would yoke his woman to the plough while the other would throw himself at her feet.

    R’ Samson Raphael Hirsch
    Genesis 11 :58

    “The change from singular to plural, which we have tried to reproduce in our translation of this first mention of man and woman in the story of the creation, already indicates the full equality of status, nay, the inner unity between man and woman in the conception and the destiny of “man formed in the image of God.” This term embraces both sexes. Only man and woman together make up the idea of “man”, and God created both of them alike without intermediary, and with the same conscious effort of will power.”

    R’ Samson Raphael Hirsch
    Judaism Eternal II, p. 51

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208706

    “The foremost distinguishing characteristic bestowed upon
    man is his Divine image, his tzelem Elohim, which denotes
    particular qualitative endowments, such as a moral sense, free
    will, and intellect. Man partakes of these attributes within
    human limitations, while God’s representation of these qualities is absolute. Maimonides embodied man’s likeness to God pri- marily in terms of his intellect (Guide 1: 1). This Divine gift was given to both men and women. “And God created man with His image. In the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them” (Gen. 1:27).7 In their spiritual natures, they were equally worthy.”

    R. Joseph B. Soloveitchik Man of Faith in the Modern World, p. 84

    in reply to: NYU Polytechnic #1089521

    ConEd (and some banks) have quite a number of frum folks working in Downtown Brooklyn.

    in reply to: Should under 21 be allowed to drink? #1114942

    You can get married at 16 in virtually any State. In New York you can get married at 14.

    in reply to: "Challah Connection" Supports Toeiva Marriage #1089433

    That’s a slight improvement but the banner ad highlighting that product is still objectionable, especially considering the background why it is being promoted.

    in reply to: Non religious argument against same sex marriage #1089769

    Why aren’t the toeiva “marriage” supporting hypocrites demanding legalization of polygamous marriage?

    in reply to: supreme decision #1089646

    An eved ivri could be married against his will irregardless of whether he or she were attracted to each other.

    in reply to: Teens ostracized for asking questions #1089961

    Can those saying they’ve been ostracized give examples of the most egregious questions they’ve posed challenges with that prompted the resulting ostracism?

    in reply to: Chillul Hashem — Avi Weiss Resigns from RCA #1095764

    Agreed with popa. And the RCA’s chillul Hashem was an ongoing one for the past 15 years that they didn’t boot him out.

    in reply to: supreme decision #1089629

    Sam: Rishon? Which Rishon says shituf isn’t avoda zora? AFAIK that citation comes from Achronim.

    Torah613: A Jew with homosexual desires can marry a woman and have a family.

    in reply to: supreme decision #1089622

    Sam: It is well known certain things were put in to many seforim at the behest of the censors. This has long been accepted in the Torah community. One of the more famous instances is in the Aruch Hashulchan where he praised the benevolent Czar of Russia as a great friend and protector of the Jews and then rules that mesira doesn’t apply when it comes to such a friend of the Jews as the Czar.

    And with issue at hand, as shituf directly relates to Christianity the seforim could not freely describe Christianity as idol worship and hope the Church censors would allow its publication.

    in reply to: supreme decision #1089618

    RY23: It’s against the law as animal cruelty.

    Avi: AFAIK, all the seforim that that the position that shituf isn’t avoda zora were seforim that needed to get past Church censors in Europe.

    As far as non-Trinity Christians, they are a tiny fraction of Christianity.

    in reply to: supreme decision #1089607

    chuck: Obama(*), like virtually all Trinity believing Christians, are polytheists.

    (*Taking your word he isn’t a closet Muslim.)

    goofus: A gentile is permitted to eat shellfish unlike the other abomination. And the penalty for those who are not permitted to eat shellfish isn’t being stoned to death as it is for the abomination in the news.

    in reply to: Open minded or gullible? #1089345

    There is no difference.

    in reply to: supreme decision #1089593

    DaMoshe: People who celebrated this decision should not be your friends.

    in reply to: Prisoner escapees #1093051

    The same two they replaced two weeks ago.

    in reply to: Prisoner escapees #1093048

    Second escapee shot and captured alive.

    in reply to: supreme decision #1089582

    Let’s give credit where credit is due. The RCA has published a far better statement than the OU’s sorry response:

    RCA Protests Court Ruling on Same Sex Marriage

    Jun 26, 2015 — The Rabbinical Council of America expresses deep concern over today’s ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States regarding same-sex marriage.

    While recognizing the civil rights of all who live in a democratic country as well as the diversity of religious and political opinions in a multireligious society, the RCA rejects the Court’s redefinition of marriage…

    They sure haven’t “accorded the process and its result the utmost respect”. Instead they protested and rejected it.

    Reject not respect.

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208702

    What I said was that men are spiritually superior in certain spiritual aspects of life and women are spiritually superior in certain other spiritual aspects of life.

    A. Let me ask you: Why do men wear yarmulkes? The answer is because Hakadosh Baruch Hu declared, “Atem tehiyu Ii mamleches kohanim ve’goy kadosh,” the Jewish people is to be a nation of exalted Kohanim. As we are well aware, a cap was among the four begadim that the Kohanim were required to wear; it was called a para hamigvaos. It is for this reason that we, too, wear yarmulkes and hats on our heads – to remind ourselves that we are a nation of Kohanim. In ancient times, it wasn’t necessary to wear a yarmulke, for little time had elapsed since Hashem had uttered His eternal declaration. Each and every Jew identified fully with this concept and viewed himself as a Kohen. But as the generations progressed and hundreds of years passed by, there were some Jews that began to forget their status as Kohanim. On account of this, Jews began to place yarmulkes on their heads as reminders. In the morning, we recite the berachah “Oter Yisrael be’tifarah,” thanking Hashem for crowning us with splendor. This berachah refers to the head coverings worn by Jewish men. Notice that the words tifarah and “para” migvaos share the same root. This is because the yarmulkes and hats that we don each day are meant to be reminders of our status as Kohanim and servants of Hashem! By wearing a yarmulke we show that we are yirei Shamayim and loyal servants of Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

    It is important for girls to know that leadership rests in the hands of their husbands. This is a very important lesson! Let us think about this for a moment: As we know, men are commanded to perform mitzvos asei she’haz’man grama, time-bound mitzvos. Women, on the other hand, are not required to perform these mitzvos. What is the reason for this difference? The answer is that women have other important obligations to tend to, which exempt her from these commandments. A woman must know that she is a briah shel chessed, she has been created for the purpose of performing chessed. Being a wife and mother is a very significant role, and it requires her to be selfless and totally dedicated to performing chessed! It takes a woman’s entire effort to succeed in being an efficient mother and wife. Investing her abilities in raising children is very time consuming but is a tremendous zechus for her! The Gemara goes so far as to tell us that the zechus of a woman is greater than the zechus of a man. Why is that? Because on occasion a man will do a certain mitzvah for the sake of kavod, in order to gain prestige. Women, however, don’t have any chance to show off, as they are always in their homes and tending to important things. It is for this reason that the zechus of a woman is greater than that of a man, and it therefore stands to reason that a man has to work much harder in order to be found zocheh in the eyes of Hashem. Now, of course, a woman is considered kadosh, holy; every Jew is a kadosh. But she has a different role than a man, and she must realize that. Don’t try to be an Orthodox feminist and do all of the same things that men do! Your job is to be a kosher Jewish woman who serves Hashem in the way that He intended! You must get married, have children, and raise them in the derech haTorah that they should grow to be decent frum Jews! What a tremendous accomplishment that would be! If you do this, you will one day sit on a golden throne in Gan Eden and reap a reward that is no less than any man! Just do it the way a woman is supposed to do it, that’s all. Just remember: A man puts on a yarmulke or a hat in order to resemble a Kohen who served Hashem in the Beis Hamikdash. A woman also has a beis hamikdash – her home. In that beis hamikdash, she needn’t wear a yarmulke – her snood is good enough! This is a woman’s role in mamleches kohanim, and it is Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s assurance that if a woman serves Him like she is supposed to, she will receive as great a share in Olam Haba as any man.

    Rabbi Avigdor Miller Speaks, pp. 271-3

    in reply to: supreme decision #1089576

    The OU “accords the process [of the court establishing toeiva marriage] and its result the utmost respect”. The Agudah does not; nor should it. And the OU refers to “LGBT Americans” as if that is some kind of normal thing.

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208700

    אגרות משה (אורח חיים ו:ב.ה): מעיר על מה שפירש רש”י שאשה שפחה לבעלה כעבד

    ]ועיין ברש”י [מנחות מג:] שפירש בפירוש ראשון על הקושיא היינו אשה, דאשה נמי שפחה לבעלה כעבד לרבו. ולולא דמסתפינא הייתי אומר שצריך למחקו דח”ו לרש”י לומר דברי הבל כזה, דמן התורה הא ליכא שום שעבוד על האשה לבעלה חוץ מתשמיש, ולענין תשמיש הוא משועבד לה יותר דהא עליו איכא גם איסור לאו, ורבנן שתיקנו שמעשה ידיה לבעלה הא כנגד זה חייב במזונות ואינה מחוייבת לעשות רק עניני הבית ולא עבודת שדה ומעט עשיה בצמר שהיא מלאכה קלה ממלאכות שדרכן של בנות העיר בזה, עיין בש”ע אהע”ז ריש סיי פ,’ והמזונות מחוייב שלא לגרוע מכפי דרך משפחתה ודרך משפחתו ובכל אופן לא פחות מכפי שהוא אוכל, וכן שמחוייב בכסות לפי מנהג בנות העיר ולפי דרך המשפחות שלו ושלה דעולה עמו ואינה יורדת עמו ומחוייב לכבדה ואינו יכול לילך מביתו בלא רשותה רק למלאכתו הידוע לה, והבעל אדרבה מחוייב לעשות כל המלאכות שצריך האדם לפרנסה כלשון שתיקנו לכתוב בכתובה, ואף להשכיר עצמו סברי התוסי בשם רי אליהו בכתובות דף ס”ג ד”ה באומר שהוא מחוייב, ונמצא שאדרבה הוא יותר עבד לה מכפי שהיא שפחתו

    in reply to: Dating without a car. #1088875

    You’re far better off without a jap.

    in reply to: Karlin-Stolin #1090560

    How do you reach the Stoliner Rebbe via e-mail? (Never heard that one before.)

    in reply to: Prisoner escapees #1093045

    The police now (reported over the past few hours) aren’t sure whether the second escapee was together with the one who was shot. They’ve expanded significantly the search area.

    in reply to: supreme decision #1089561

    The OU issued a convoluted and embarrassing statement about today’s outrageous and insane court ruling that reads in part:

    We also recognize that no religion has the right to dictate its beliefs to the entire body politic and we do not expect that secular law will always align with our viewpoint. Ultimately, decisions on social policy remain with the democratic process, and today the process has spoken and we accord the process and its result the utmost respect.

    “we accord the process and its result the utmost respect”? Wow. Words elude me. The OU statement then goes on about “LGBT Americans” as if that is some normal thing. When the court next rules about about the law needing to recognize, honor and respect the love of “Adulterous Americans”, doubtless with the further decadence of society the OU will, too, accord the utmost respect to its result.

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208698

    Who Leads?

    “This will-subordination of the wife to the husband is a necessary condition of the unity which man and wife should form together. The subordination cannot be the other way about, since the man as zachar has to carry forward the divine and human messages which through every marriage are to be a living force in the household, and to which the husband and wife are in union to devote their forces. Just as the first command of God though addressed to the man was given through him for the woman as well, just as in consequence Adam should not have thrown over the command of God for the sake of Eve but Eve ought to have subjected her desire to the will of God as expressed to her though Adam, so thenceforward the husband was to be responsible for the task imposed upon man by God and to carry it out in his marriage and household.”

    R’ Samson Raphael Hirsch, Judaism Eternal, vol. II, p. 58

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208697

    Q: If tzitizis and teffillin are so beneficial, why don’t women use them? And what do they have instead?

    A: The truth. is women do have it, because when men put tzitzis and tefillin, they’re not putting it on for themselves. That’s absolutely not true. Every father puts on tzitzis and tefllin for all of his children and for his wife, too. There’s no question that tzitzis and tefillin are the property of the Am Yisroel. But, more precisely, the family shares in all the mitzvos. So while he’s putting on tzitzis and tefillin in the shull, let’s say, and his wife is taking care of the children at home, somebody has to remain at home – he couldn’t go to the synagogue if she weren’t home. There’s no question that it’s her tzitzis and her tefillin. That’s the way to understand it. It’s silly otherwise! And when he comes to study Torah in the evening, who will babysit? And, therefore, she has one hundred percent partnership in all that the does.

    Q&A: Thursday Nights with Rabbi Miller, pp. 189-190.

    in reply to: Dating without a car. #1088867

    And in a lounge or kosher restaurant it is easier to have a private conversation than in a car service??

    For a girl to mind that her date came with a car service instead of driving is no better than for her to mind that his family uses a silver colored tablecloth for Shabbos instead of gold colored tablecloth or that he wears slip-on shoes instead of laces.

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208694

    Those are citations of various gedolim’s position on him. As you see, they run the gamut. Their positions speak for themselves and don’t need my affirmation.

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208692

    This isn’t the first time I quoted Rav Kook. I said his nationalism was wrong; I didn’t say he was treif.

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208690

    “The Gemara asks a question, if a blind man should wear tzitzis on his garment. He has a four corner garment, does he need tzitzis? Because it says uri’isem oso, ‘you should see it’ and a blind man cannot see it. So maybe it’s patur from tzitzis. So the Gemara says, no that’s no reason because sha’ani tzitzis sh’yeshnah b’riah etzel acharim (Menachos 43a) other people should see his tzitzis. So a blind man should wear tzitzis not really for himself, (but) for other people to see. Now that’s a remarkable thing we are hearing now. It means the tzitzis that you are wearing are not only for you to see, it’s for me to see too. So let’s say a woman thinks I’m not wearing tzitzis so it doesn’t apply. No, it applies to her too. As she sees her boys going around with tzitzis she should see the tzitzis uri’isem oso, you should see the tzitzis uzachartem, ‘you should remember’. And oso doesn’t mean only tzitzis, oso means you see Hashem when you see the tzitzis.”

    R’ Avigdor Miller, Lecture, “Forever and Ever”, #952

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208689

    R’ Kook on Shelo Asani Ishah

    “There are two kinds of souls. Those that make an imprint on life, on themselves and on existence and those that carry that imprint and cause it to grow. There are those that grow through their undertaking of making an impression on themselves and their world and there are those that grow through inspiration which is received from outside themselves. Man is superior in his yearning to create and impress and therefore recites the blessing “Blessed is He … that He did not make me a woman.

    “Man however has the distinct disadvantage of being limited to the narrow limitations of his spiritual and physical makeup, which can lead him astray from G-ds ultimate plan. Woman is superior by virtue of her receptivity. This superiority allows her to be impressed and inspired by the all encompassing bounty which G-d created in this world. She therefore recites the blessing “Blessed is He … who has made me according to His will. She can aspire to fulfill G-ds will without turning astray.” (Rabbi A.Y. Kook, Olas Rayah, pps 71-72)

    Translation from R’ Yaakov Haber’s TorahLab

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208688

    Woman is freed from a number of positive commands the observance of which depends on a certain time of the day or season of the year. The Jewish man thanks the Lord for having a much greater platform of duties. But woman has an excellent argument. She is willing to recognize the larger quantity of her husband’s obligations. Her major duties have to do with the spirit of the home and the education of the children which are decisive for the welfare of the family and the future of the nation. What she loses in quantity, she more than regains in quality. It is therefore that with a smile on her lips and deep satisfaction in her heart, she blesses the Lord, “Who has made me according His will.”

    Rabbi Leo Jung , Between Man and Man p. 22

    in reply to: Women's Bina Yeseira #1208685

    The modus operandi of feminists, much like their ideological comrades-in-arms in the toeiva lobby, is to create a new reality, not to reflect the actual or traditional reality.

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