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JosephParticipantThe difference is you are asking MO rabbis. In the Chareidi world, which according to the Pew Research study less than two years ago constitute 71% of American Orthodoxy and 81% of American Orthodoxy aged 30 or younger, it is by far the mainstream to rule on this issue in line with Rav Moshe, the Chazon Ish, the Steipler, the Debretziner and the Ben Ish Chai that it is prohibited to shake hands with a woman and that it is objectively derech chiba.
JosephParticipant“The question is whether the food is still pareve”? The bigger question seems to be whether those makpid on CY or permitted to consume DE or not.
I was also wondering if DE kosher certified commercial food has the same halachic implications as Cholov Yisroel food made in Cholov Stam keilim at home, for those makpid on eating CY. (Obviously in the latter case the food is milichigs.)
JosephParticipantIs using cholov stam keilim the same idea as consuming food that is “DE” (from the hechsheirim that label dairy equipment certified food differently than dairy)?
JosephParticipantThose kind of shticklech only come from mo rabbis, if you’ll pardon my candor. He could just as well have sold his chometz to a man instead of being such an egalitarian in need of shaking her hand.
JosephParticipantThere’s a machlokes whether one must be machmir on keilim if he’s machmir on not eating Cholov Stam.
Which shitta that requires one avoid Cholov Stam then permits one to utilize Cholov Stam keilim without it affecting the status of the CY food on said keilim?
JosephParticipantRav Heinemann only said that about it being permissible to see a doctor of the opposite gender (and him physically handling the patient) and it not being chiba. He did not apply it to any other situation such as handshaking.
You can check this with Rav Heinemann. (Or with any talmid of Rav Ahron.) You also provided no source for your claim that he was lenient in the face of virtually universal prohibition by the gedolei haposkim.
JosephParticipantbenignuman: The mainstream position, by far, is like the Chazon Ish and the Steipler. Which is how mik5 correctly explained it. Rav Moshe, in the Igros Moshe, repeatedly in multiple teshuvos (EH I #5, OC I 113, EH IV 32.9) says it is impermissible to shake a woman’s hand. Even if she sticks it out. And Rav Moshe specifically paskens that claiming there is no chiba is unjustifiable.
Please cite any first-rate posek who disagrees with this strong position of the Chazon Ish, the Steipler and Rav Moshe amongst many others.
The Chazon Ish stated [re: a man shaking a woman’s hand who is not his spouse, his mother, his daughter, or his granddaughter] [p.p. 130-131])
A Yeshiva student from England refused to shake hands with his step-mother when greeting her. His father was extremely upset with his refusal. He demanded his son display “derech eretz” towards his step-mother and shake her hand. The son refused stating he was taught it was impermissable with a non close blood relative. This affected the fathers relationship with the son. Some family members told the son to give in al sholom bayis. The son asked a shaila from the Chazon Ish. The Chazon Ish responded with a short and sharp answer – “Chok V’lo Yaavor, Issur Gamur” (It is a prohibition that one dare not violate; It is absolutely forbidden,) Violating this halacha was out of the question despite sholom bayis and kibud av.
Its also paskened assur in Responsa Be’er Moshe 4:130, and the Od Yosef Chai (by the Gaon Ben Ish Chai zt’l) Shoftim #22 where they rule it is totally assur. The Sefer Chassidim # 1090 writes one should not shake hands even if the person of the opposite gender is not Jewish.
JosephParticipantHe usually does fraternal twins simultaneously.
JosephParticipantWhy are you capitalizing “Quotation”, squeak? 😉
Welcome back!
JosephParticipantIs a Kohein equal to a Yisroel? Are rabbonim equal to laymen? Are men equal to women? Is a Talmid Chochom equal to am ha’aretz? Of course not.
JosephParticipantNo, Judaism does not guarantee or grant equality or have it as a value.
JosephParticipantWhy can I kill a mouse in my house but not the cat that keeps on digging up my front lawn
According to Halacha can a person kill a mouse running around his house? According to Halacha can a person kill a cat repeatedly digging up his front lawn?
JosephParticipantI found this on the ricola dot com website’s FAQ section:
Are all your products Kosher?
All of our bagged cough, throat and vitamin C drops sold in the US are kosher (Ricola Kosher Certificate (PDF-Download) attached). Our drops that are sold in sticks are not.
The linked PDF is a hashgacha from a Rav Avraham Yaffe-Schlesinger in Geneve, Switzerland, whom I’m not familiar with.
JosephParticipantIs the kashrus status of Ricola any different whether it has the special kosher sticker on it?
July 7, 2015 1:25 pm at 1:25 pm in reply to: Best places to find honest, good cleaning help #1090646JosephParticipantIt’ll cost you $22/hour.
JosephParticipantAvi: YU’s medical and legal schools already for years have YU-funded lgbt clubs.
JosephParticipantAlways, always, have an anti-virus software running on your PC. They can be had for free. The best one, imo, is “Avast”. Get the free version.
This is in addition to the Malewarebytes that Feivel recommended and which runs “on demand” rather than constantly like antivirus software. Both can be had on the same PC and they do separate things.
JosephParticipantDY – What do you mean nogeia b’dovor? Is everyone in the world nogeia b’dovor since they listen to music so therefore no one can comment? I have nothing to do with the music industry or its products.
The one’s who are nogeia b’dovor are the music industry who misrepresent both the law and halacha into making everyone think that which is muttar is assur by putting claims on their products that do not represent the true halacha.
I don’t hear you complaining about the nogeia b’dovor aspect regarding CDs that print a notice stating that one can’t even make a personal copy for the car.
The reality is that the issue at most is hasgas gvul, not stealing as the nogeia b’dovor music industry falsely claims. If you wouldn’t have bought it there’s no issur. I can refer you to a recognized Rov if you think I came up with this chiddush on my own.
JosephParticipantRIAA is an advocacy group for secular music copyright holders that is notorious for routinely over-representing and mis-representing copyright law. They are not an impartial group.
U.S. law is exactly as I represented it above. And the halacha as I represented it is as I was given a psak.
July 6, 2015 12:55 pm at 12:55 pm in reply to: Is it socially responsible to repel mosquitoes? #1090608JosephParticipantIf someone shoots at you and you duck the bullet will hit the guy behind you. It is permissible to duck?
July 6, 2015 9:48 am at 9:48 am in reply to: How come I got a headache after the fast instead of during it? #1174314JosephParticipantPerhaps you overate after having not eaten all day?
JosephParticipantFair Use is specifically designed to permit copying by those without the rights to the copyright. See my first two comments above describing some examples of Fair Use.
JosephParticipantYes. The halachic issue is hasagas gvul. If downloading it from youtube will not cause you to not purchase a song that you would have otherwise purchased if you didn’t download it, it is permissible to download.
(I’ve seen others say that the halachic issue with copying is dina d’malchusa. Even if they’re correct (which is a machlokes), there’s no problem of dina d’malchusa in the above situations where the law exempts fair use copying, as previously described.)
JosephParticipantActually, it was akuperman who said that, not Curiosity. But his point was that, ideally, it should be enjoyable. And it is for many and very likely most.
JosephParticipantUnited States Copyright Law provides important exceptions to the rights of copyright holders that are specifically aimed at nonprofit educational institutions and libraries. Three provisions of the copyright statute are of particular importance to teachers and researchers:
A provision that grants teachers and students the right to publicly display and perform copyrighted works in the classroom (Section 110 of U.S. Copyright Law).
A provision that establishes special exemptions for the reproduction of copyrighted works by libraries and archives (Section 108 of US Copyright Law).
A provision that codifies the doctrine of “fair use,” which allows limited copying of copyrighted works without the permission of the owner for certain teaching and research purposes (Section 107 of US Copyright Law).
JosephParticipantLiving amongs Yishmaelim isn’t better than among Eisav. The State of Israel is a pagan State that brings much spiritual danger to its Jewish inhabitants. And the physical threat from the Islamists is greater than the physical threat of the Church outside the State.
JosephParticipantIgros Moshe.
JosephParticipantCopying for personal use is legal under U.S., Canadian and British law.
In the United States the AHRA (Audio Home Recording Act Codified in Section 10, 1992) prohibits action against consumers making noncommercial recordings of music. In Canada, private copying for personal use has been expressly permitted by statute. In the United Kingdom and many other Commonwealth countries, a similar notion of fair dealing was established by the courts or through legislation.
JosephParticipantWhy would you want to go jeeping in EY? You can do that in your own country. Has EY become a disney-like vacationland instead of a Holy Land?
JosephParticipantakuperman: What was pioneered by the Jews in Eretz Yisrael?
JosephParticipantIs it geneiva to use an ad blocker on a frum site?
July 5, 2015 4:57 am at 4:57 am in reply to: If you could only do one fun thing this summer….. #1090751JosephParticipantWaterboarding.
JosephParticipantHow much do you give her for an allowance each week?
JosephParticipantMy other half says I’d better get off the CR
Who wears the pants in the family?
JosephParticipantHe’s supposed to marry a Bas Talmid Chochom, so he should also be giving the potential shver a farher.
JosephParticipantThat’s why we have Gedolim. They’re qualified to explain a Chazal.
JosephParticipantShe’s posted as recently as a week and a half ago:
JosephParticipantI earned a grand total of $1 an hour, which was the going rate back then.
As a member of the “greatest generation” I salute you for your service to this nation during the Second World War.
JosephParticipantDY, is the reality that amateurs are not being compensated when successful?
JosephParticipantAs a vegetarian, you assume eating any meat is not kosher.
JosephParticipantgoofus, only with kosher ingredients.
JosephParticipantAbsolutely I disagree.
If you disagree with the Torah, I take it that you don’t consider yourself to be Orthodox.
JosephParticipantWhy don’t boys work as babysitters and generally only girls do?
JosephParticipantThe fact that an apikorus as him was in, and was allowed to remain in until he chose to leave, speaks much about the RCA.
JosephParticipantWhat are portobello mushrooms and what kind of black stuff is inside it?
JosephParticipantgoofus, I take it that you believe it is unethical to cause a Sabbath desecrator or an idol-worshiper or someone who committed aroyos to, as a conscious being, be caused to suffer.
JosephParticipantSo Joseph, why do you believe G-d said it is correct?
If it is in the Torah then I know G-d said it is correct since He wrote the Torah. I might not know why G-d said it is correct, but I know that G-d said it is correct.
And that is good enough to know that it is correct, whether I know why it is correct or whether I don’t know why it is correct.
It is good to know why it is correct. But my knowledge of that (or lack thereof) doesn’t affect its correctness. And I hope to know why it is correct.
JosephParticipantIf they live in their parents home it resides in their father as the head of household. If they live alone they call their own shots.