Forum Replies Created
July 29, 2015 5:09 pm at 5:09 pm in reply to: Is the Outrage Over The Killing of Cecil the Lion Justified? #1154154JosephParticipant
Killing animals for sport IS outrageous and should be made illegal. No animal should be killed for no useful purpose. Killing animals for food or skin for clothing is perfectly correct.
This guy killed for nothing but sport. The outrage is well placed.
OTOH, the animal rights wackos and psychopaths at PETA called for this guy to be hanged. (On their twitter feed.) Even though what he did was wrong and should be punishable (IF illegal as it should be), it isn’t and shouldn’t be a capital offense. And it demonstrates that the animal crazies value animal life over human life, and are thus far crazier than these hunters.
JosephParticipantThere’s no need to guess. is unregistered, doesn’t exist and is still available for anyone to register. (Get it before brother sends the email!)
JosephParticipantSuperpowers are kishif (magic) and assur. Anyone practicing it is chayiv misa.
JosephParticipantOf course, there is chiyuv lehalachah – not just a nice minhag, but a chiyuv – to avoid any unnecessary interaction with immodesty. Going to a mixed beach where there is certain pritzus is assur for any Jewish male. I think the only hetter is going to be ?? ???? ??? ??????; if it is possible to order clothes without going to a shopping mall in the summer, you may well be mechuyav to do that.
Agreed. The question, how do we define “unnecessary”? For example, what if I can get a nicer or cheaper shirt in the mall?
I don’t understand the doubt. Is there really a question whether it is permitted to violate shmiras einayim in order to secure a “nicer shirt”? That’s a “necessity”?
JosephParticipantA tomboy?
JosephParticipantSam, I explained to you the point mdd is driving at. That not every hashkafa is acceptable.
July 28, 2015 4:39 pm at 4:39 pm in reply to: Lakewood school board State monitor (and Five Towns) #1094476JosephParticipantThe government cannot impose celebrating Christian holidays on any student or anyone else. Nor can they impose any diet on anyone.
lc: Circus didn’t make a threat; he made a point.
JosephParticipantOr some people won’t like the answers to the questions. So they’d rather it not be asked.
JosephParticipantSam – mdd’s point is to prove to you from these two Gemorah’s that hashkofo is important and that people need to have the correct hashkofo not the wrong hashkofo.
July 28, 2015 3:29 am at 3:29 am in reply to: The IRAN DEAL and THE LETTER TO KILL THE JEWS #1093892JosephParticipantSo it’s pretty simple. On Purim Israel’s gonna bomb Tehran.
JosephParticipantSam: What is your source that Rava was wrong about R’ Tarfon and the Tanna was wrong about R’ Akiva in criticizing R’ Tarfon and R’ Akiva for ever expressing their shitta?
JosephParticipantMarriage isn’t something to push off.
JosephParticipantDoes Hebrewbooks publish historical Hebrew books from the Haskala?
JosephParticipantMy vote is that it Rova is more likely correct in the Gemora with R’ Tarfon, and the same regarding R’ Akiva, then Rova being wrong and Sam being correct.
July 27, 2015 4:33 pm at 4:33 pm in reply to: Issues of National Security and Foreign Policy #1093444JosephParticipantsushibagel: You’re going to need a national security background check conducted by the Department of Homeland Security via the FBI.
July 27, 2015 3:56 pm at 3:56 pm in reply to: Issues of National Security and Foreign Policy #1093440JosephParticipantOf course. The original dedication still stands in your name. Though you should answer the OP’s three questions, as it is dedicated to you. (Consider that to be your clearance. Though I hadn’t indicated it being required.)
July 27, 2015 2:24 pm at 2:24 pm in reply to: Issues of National Security and Foreign Policy #1093437JosephParticipantakuperman: This thread’s for you. (Re-dedication.)
JosephParticipantakuperman: You inadvertently left your webcam running. You should probably turn it off.
JosephParticipantJosephParticipantEmes L’Ya’akov (Bereishis 27:12):
JosephParticipantThey disobey gedolei haposkim in organizing tours of the Har HaBayis. Their official plan is to knock down the mosque and build a Temple so it is ready for Moshiach.
JosephParticipantIgnore them.
July 27, 2015 2:42 am at 2:42 am in reply to: Lakewood school board State monitor (and Five Towns) #1094463JosephParticipantlc:
1. Statistically, there are likely to be more students living between over a mile up to two and a half miles from the yeshiva as there are students living a mile or less from the school. People do not choose a Yeshiva because it is the closest Yeshiva to their home.
2. Shuls are much closer to people’s homes, and there are far more of them, than yeshivos.
3. Some children speak Yiddish as their primary language. Some even as their only language at a young age.
July 27, 2015 1:46 am at 1:46 am in reply to: Replacement idiom for "when the fat lady sings" #1134823JosephParticipantSinging ladies aren’t tznius.
JosephParticipantI would just like to add to that that the only conspirators are the ones who use words like “few”, “handful”, “uncommon” and “isolated cases” when discussing abuse, abusers and outright protectors.
There you go, NeutiquamErro. You have just been identified as a conspirator protecting abusers.
JosephParticipantWe can use the Hillel example that DY correctly cited as our guideline. There can be a fee for the shiur. But those unable to afford it should be exempted from the fee.
JosephParticipantapy: A shiur is “entertainment”?
JosephParticipantca: ein hochi nomi that he couldn’t afford it.
After the incident of Hillel taking unofficial steps to circumvent/avoid the fee, he was officially permanently exempted from the shiur fee.
JosephParticipantDY: Yet Hillel took steps to hear the shiur while avoiding the fee.
July 26, 2015 5:43 pm at 5:43 pm in reply to: In honor of Tisha B'av. What you respect about… #1165197JosephParticipantI respect the women who spend Tisha B’Av preparing a sumptuous feast so that their husbands can break their fast in fashion.
July 26, 2015 5:37 pm at 5:37 pm in reply to: Lakewood school board State monitor (and Five Towns) #1094459JosephParticipantzsdad: There are tons of frum girls, including many who speak yiddish, in NY & NJ who are fully qualified and certified special ed teachers. So many, in fact, that some of them can’t find jobs.
Syag: In many States, including NY, the child has the right to be taught in the language he is fluent in. Even if it is a language other than English and Spanish.
JosephParticipantNeutiquam: Well stated and 100% accurate.
JosephParticipantYWN beat the WSJ for the scoop by five days:
July 24, 2015 7:27 pm at 7:27 pm in reply to: Lakewood school board State monitor (and Five Towns) #1094452JosephParticipantWhat if Flatbush makes sure no one sells homes to Muslims since they only eat Halal meat and that would cause the butchers to lose out? Would the Department of Justice/HUD consider that an anti-Muslim violation of the Fair Housing Act?
JosephParticipantRY23, Mod29 is correct in that you made a bad assumption here. I am not a woman. (Please give the flowers to golfer.) So when golfer called me dense on the last post of the previous page she was not calling a woman dense. I, on the other hand, subsequently only asked if she is.
JosephParticipantAre you dense, golfer? Those threads, especially the first, have a whole host of sources directly cited with verbatim translated quotations, from a whole host of Seforim that you’ve heard of (Rambam, Gemora et al) and others you probably did not. Why not take a look at them and read the sources before spouting.
July 24, 2015 3:40 pm at 3:40 pm in reply to: Lakewood school board State monitor (and Five Towns) #1094447JosephParticipantDaMoshe: In Ramapo, Monroe and Lakewood, I know of no case where the infrastructure became insufficient due to the quick growth. The water kept running, the electric kept flowing and the sewers didn’t overflow. Certainly not to any greater extent than many other non-Jewish towns. So while we keep hearing the mantra “the infrastructure won’t be able to keep up” by opponents using that claim for well over 25 years already, the reality is that the infrastructure has kept up – despite the great amount of growth.
The school funding issue you describe is a formula problem. The State formula doesn’t account for private school students to determine funding; it only accounts for public school students to determine funding. The law mandates certain services for all children, public or private. So the problem that needs to be fixed by the legislature is fixing the formula to account for the fact that there are children in private schools.
Regarding your Ramapo example, both in ’08 and ’12, by your own cited figures, they were in both years above State average spending! (Of course the spending growth didn’t keep up; that’s because of the aforementioned formula problem. And a 7.5% increase in four years is not small potatoes in any event.)
gaw: Your point is well taken but you have to remember increasing property/school taxes is a public referendum decided upon by the voters. The realpolitik reality is that voters who are denied funding for their children’s school education are unlikely to vote for a school tax increase. The voters take the position that the government should fund their children’s secular education in private schools (or charter schools). They’re not asking for the religious studies to be funded; but they do want the secular studies in private school to be tax funded. And it isn’t. In some States (i.e. Florida and some other Republican States) they do fund private school education (for the secular studies portion.) So it certainly is legal to do so, yet many States refuse to do it. So if it is legal to fund their schools and the government doesn’t, naturally they will vote down school tax initiatives.
July 24, 2015 1:50 pm at 1:50 pm in reply to: Lakewood school board State monitor (and Five Towns) #1094444JosephParticipantDaMoshe: Considering the fact that they do have large families, and the (many) children get married and need homes for their own new (large) families, housing needs to be built. Somewhere. That much is obvious. So if wherever the Jews go the locals wont want them because their families are too big, they grow too fast, and they use too much resources, should the Jews move into the sea?
What you describe is the natural phenomenon of growth that will happen anywhere we live. And Jews need to live near fellow observant Jews for (walking distance) shuls, yeshivos, etc.
As far as public school funding, that is a red herring. The Jews pay property (and other) taxes to pay for public school education. These Jews don’t send their children to public schools. So the PS are coming out way ahead with religious Jews paying for PS but not using the PSs. As far as them getting special ed and busing for their children, they’re entitled to it by law as much as anyone else. Just because they have long peyos or speak yiddish doesn’t disentitle Jewish special ed needing children from obtaining those services. And, remember, the community overall is putting far more money into the public school, without using the schools (other than special ed), than the average non-Jewish families that are sending children to PS and thus getting about a $20,000 per year, per child free PS education. So calling a spade a spade indicates that Jews underutilize and receive less public school benefits, while their net pay into the local public school system is way above average.
If they don’t want Jews because the Jews do things that are uniquely Jewish, that I would call anti-semitism. But even if you are too shy to call it that, call it what you want, but Jewish growth isn’t going to stop because some locals don’t like it.
JosephParticipantIs one of the new rules here that assumptions or even being wrong about an issue is reason for deletion?
No. But you wrote a very harsh, accusatory, personal attack on people in regard to a very sensitive topic, making some very general, loose assumptions that may not apply at all and would therefore cause undo pain to a huge number of people. I do not consider that post-worthy. Add to that that OP’s cannot be edited, and that you are fully conscious when you are typing, leaving deleting as the only option.
JosephParticipantIf that is the case, why doesn’t the Torah permit beis din to enforce his remaining debt, if it is still a valid debt post-shmitta?
JosephParticipantIf the thief was sold as an eved ivri half a year before shmitta, and shmitta freed him while his victim didn’t receive full repayment of his loss from the theft by the thief’s sale as an eved ivri, the thief is still mechuyiv to repay the remaining balance (i.e. theft value minus sale price as an eved ivri) even though beis din cannot enforce that?
JosephParticipantJosephParticipantYet shmitta does end one’s status as an eved ivri resulting from theft.
JosephParticipantYou have my vote, lc.
JosephParticipantMake a knas for yourself. Anytime you missed saying a bracha, you send $25 to your least favorite yeshiva.
JosephParticipantA husband is a rebbe to his wife and children.
JosephParticipantAs far as I’m concerned, commercial advertising should be banished.
JosephParticipantAdvising a wife (or children) to ask the husband about a halachic or hashkafic issue shouldn’t be any more insulting to females than advising to ask your rabbi. A husband is the halachic authority in the home. That is part of the normal duties of a husband/father. His wife should be consulting him on halachic questions. If a rabbi needs to be consulted, it is part of his responsibilities to make that inquiry.
July 23, 2015 2:42 pm at 2:42 pm in reply to: Lakewood school board State monitor (and Five Towns) #1094437JosephParticipantgaw: Where should the Jews move to? In Monroe and Bloomingburg they want to stop the Jews from expanding because it is “rural”. In Ramapo and Lakewood those opposed to the Jews expanding say it is “suburban”. Boro Park is urban and like the rest of NYC there’s physically nowhere to build. So the rural don’t want building because they want to stay rural; the suburbans don’t want building because don’t want to become urban; and the urban is saturated.
Or is it that they don’t want the Jews? Or at least those Jews’ Jews who dress and act funny and refuse to integrate into the melting pot.