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New York (and others) had it until 1965. It worked well then and it could work well again. People who aren’t encouraged on their own to do their civic duty and vote, probably shouldn’t be deciding how the government is run.
August 7, 2015 8:41 pm at 8:41 pm in reply to: But people don't get to choose their own schools in America #1097654JosephParticipantMoser is not needed by the parents. The parents could choose to send their child to another school with different secular studies standards, if they chose to, without resorting to Monster.
The parents specifically chose a yeshiva with a high level of Talmudical studies and a low level of scientific studies rather than a school with a lower level of Talmudical studies and a higher level of scientific studies.
JosephParticipantThe likelihood that that an air-war only, even with bunker busting bombs that Iran built to withstand, would destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities is an assumption that cannot be accurately said to be high. What is likely in such an event is that it would cause Iran to accelerate its nuclear development. An air war alone probably wouldn’t end Iran’s capabilities.
There is no certainty bombing Iran will get their deep underground nuclear facilities. Especially an air-war only. A ground war will result in significant Allied casualties.
The net result of a war might be an Iran that still has nuclear capabilities. And an Iran that will then rush to complete building nuclear weaponry.
There is also a near certainty that going to any war against Iran will result in Iran engaging in a worldwide terror retaliation.
War is an option but not necessarily the best option.
JosephParticipantAt this point the sanctions are gone even if Congress rejects the deal. A Congressional rejection will mean there’s no deal with the U.S. AND there’s no more international sanctions on Iran. The United Nations Security Council already voted to end international sanctions. Russia (and China) will veto any attempts to reimpose international sanctions. The U.S. rejecting the deal will not stop international sanctions from ending and soon Iran will be trading with Europe, Asia and Russia the goods that were previously sanctioned, irregardless of what Congress or the U.S. does.
Agreed with OP NeutiquamErro.
JosephParticipantNew York State had the literacy exam until 1965 and administered it very fairly. Orthodox Jews had been voting in New York before 1965 with above average participation in elections.
JosephParticipantThey can win a rluipa lawsuit and build it.
JosephParticipantYes, new voter registration will need to be done in person at a Board of Election office. Obviously new offices will be needed. I would guess the test shouldn’t take more than 10-15 minutes. But that’s just a guess. As far as current registered voters, it is debatable whether to require them to take the test. I would submit that they should take a quick written exam.
The thing is this isn’t novel. New York, yes New York State, and other States previously had exactly such a test. And New York’s voter literacy exam was reputed to be very fair. And, of course, photo identification should be required to insure the integrity of both the exams and of the voting itself.
JosephParticipantBut we are all delighted when squeak grace’s us to make smalltalk.
JosephParticipantHe wasn’t waiting for it to open, it was available before he got there. He was just waiting for traffic to clear so he could pull in. (Or so he claims.)
JosephParticipantSounds like you embarrassed your rebbi.
JosephParticipantYekke: It’s free street parking.
DaMoshe: And if it isn’t a u-turn but rather a two-way street with vertical parking, and a car is waiting for traffic to clear from the opposite direction so he can make a left-turn into the parking spot, when someone passing from the same side of the street as the parking spot pulls right into it?
JosephParticipantLet the band start playing!
JosephParticipantWell, that’s exactly it Goq. It wasn’t available after traffic cleared and he made the u-turn. That’s why he told the driver who made it unavailable that he was waiting to be able to get the spot when he saw that driver come from afar and take it.
JosephParticipantDM: The letters are from Loshon Kodesh, not Ivrit.
August 6, 2015 2:14 am at 2:14 am in reply to: ????? ???? Holiness is restricting unnecessary pleasures – to serve G-d properly #1095409JosephParticipantTrue. I should and would like to do so. I became gun-shy in attribution because at one time here (not sure if it’s still the case) if another blog was mentioned (forget linked) the post was unlikely to be approved.
JosephParticipantNo there hasn’t. There’s only been a 1965 law in Congress overturning it. Congress has the authority to authorize a literacy test.
August 5, 2015 10:01 pm at 10:01 pm in reply to: ????? ???? Holiness is restricting unnecessary pleasures – to serve G-d properly #1095407JosephParticipantIdeas? They’re all from Rabbeinu Bachye, the Mesilas Yeshorim and Yad Rama, not R. Eidonsohn. The translation is posted from RDE, but none of it are his words or “ideas”.
JosephParticipantIt’s a one-time test only administered at the time someone registers to vote.
August 5, 2015 8:29 pm at 8:29 pm in reply to: Shmuly Yanklowitz, Novominsker and OO theology #1095273JosephParticipantA brand new brainstorm today from the indefatigable Mr. Shmuly Yanklowitz:
(This is a real verbatim quote, believe it or not.)
“I’d like to suggest we stop referring to a category of people as “non-Jews.” There is no such group of collective identity consisting of “them,” “the goyim.” Each group has its own unique dignity. They are called Christians, Hindus, Muslims, atheists, Americans, nurses, neighbors, friends, etc. Furthermore I’m not a non-Christian or a non-Muslim.”
JosephParticipantWhat keeps adults from enslaving children or citizens from enslaving green card holders?
August 5, 2015 1:50 pm at 1:50 pm in reply to: ????? ???? Holiness is restricting unnecessary pleasures – to serve G-d properly #1095401JosephParticipantJosephParticipantI doubt anywhere close to 50% would fail. But even if that many did fail such a basic exam, the country would be better off having its leaders chosen by the 50% of the citizens who have the intellectual capacity to make vital decisions.
Just as most people can’t be CEO of the company or even in the position of choosing the CEO, but rather the best minds come together to pick the CEO, so too choosing our national leaders.
August 4, 2015 1:56 pm at 1:56 pm in reply to: ????? ???? Holiness is restricting unnecessary pleasures – to serve G-d properly #1095398JosephParticipantThanks Mods. (I haven’t checked what was edited but certainly most of it beats none of it.) Can you do the same for the Ravad in my second post?
August 3, 2015 11:44 pm at 11:44 pm in reply to: ????? ???? Holiness is restricting unnecessary pleasures – to serve G-d properly #1095393JosephParticipant??? ????? ????? ??? ??
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JosephParticipantWait, I thought aries2756 was the life coach…
JosephParticipantSyag: I cannot fathom how a wealthy individual such as yourself, with your three-car garage etc., has the chutzpah to come here to lecture poor people who can barely afford the food how three cars isn’t a luxury.
P.S. I hope you’ve regained your sense of humor. 😉
JosephParticipantThe same thing as a Shabbos Kallah. Kind of. For the Choson.
JosephParticipantLet us know when you get a mazal tov.
JosephParticipantThe Chofetz Chaim writes that it is a mitzvah to embarrass an apikorus. Clearly one is able to, and must, judge who is an apikorus.
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JosephParticipantIf the gabbai calls out “matana” by your misheberach, are you obligated to give something or can it mean that there will possibly be no donation?
JosephParticipantM-42: An apartment complex that recently renovated with the aforementioned technology enhancements. They were sued by some Orthodox tenants and the suit was in last weeks news.
JosephParticipantThere’s no mechanical key.
JosephParticipantSam: That’s a hardship. You were able to vote absentee even before the movement over the past decade and half moving towards mail voting.
gavra: The point is Congress can change the law and make it legal – or even mandatory. zdad: The high court never overruled it. It was Congress that did, as gavra noted.
akuperman: The literacy and history test needs only to be a very basic and minimal threshold to pass. Anyone failing such a basic level shouldn’t be deciding who carries the nuclear suitcase.
JosephParticipantWhen it comes to gittin we don’t go with b’dieveds. And almost all means some hold its not kosher.
JosephParticipantWhen it comes to a Get, you don’t want to write a Get that only some poskim hold is kosher. Because if such a Get is utilized while other poskim hold it isn’t a kosher Get, then she potentially remains an eishes ish and future children with a future husband will be mamzeirim according to the poskim who held the Get wasn’t kosher.
Of course in the Gemora when there was a machlokes where Beis Shammai held a person was a mamzer but Beis Hillel held the person wasn’t a mamzer, Beis Hillel would identify those people to Beis Shammai so that they shouldn’t marry someone they held was a mamzer, even though Beis Hillel didn’t hold so.
JosephParticipantAnd get rid of the motor voter law. We don’t need every maniac on the road voting between their DUIs.
Another good idea is to only permit voting in person at the voting booth, at designated voting precincts. Not mail-order voting for every yodle. An exception could allow only those with a hardship to vote absentee. If someone cares about their town and country, they’ll make the effort to pick themselves up and go vote.
JosephParticipantMy alter ego is mochel me.
JosephParticipantThat’s more of a question for my alter ego…
JosephParticipantDY: That’s why I changed…
JosephParticipantAlter-Ego13: I think Syag’s son spiked her Thursday Night chulent.
JosephParticipantSyag’s on a roll tonight. Here two commentators are nuts for making a point, while on the other thread a few minutes ago she called another poster a sick, sick man.
JosephParticipantSo you made an assumption. Yet you presented it as a fact.
JosephParticipantSyag: What makes you think he has not told to change to every Shira that came to him and that he knew her name was that? Or is that only an assumption on your part.
July 30, 2015 11:56 pm at 11:56 pm in reply to: Lakewood school board State monitor (and Five Towns) #1094487JosephParticipantThe law requires the State to provide busing to private school children living over two miles from the school. If one school finishes at 7 PM while another school finishes at 6 PM and a third finishes at 5 PM, the State is still obligated under the law to provide them busing. The State has no authority under the law to tell private schools what their hours are.
JosephParticipantSo I would suggest to anyone whose name is Shira and wants to keep it, not to tell it to R’ Chaim.
Similarly, many clean shaven men go to R’ Chaim only after not shaving for several days, so he shouldn’t tell them to grow a beard, and men with payos behind their ears take them out. I would probably take off my wristwatch as well.
Why would anyone take subversive action to attempt to fool the godol hador in order to avoid hearing something from the godol?
Rav Chaim knows better than any of us. Tell it to him as it is and let him tell you and I the emes.
Should people avoid telling him they have a TV because he will tell them to get rid of it? What’s the point of soliciting his eitzos if one will avoid it, close his ears, not follow it or thinks he is mistaken.
JosephParticipantI want Froggie on my team.
JosephParticipantBecause you never bought new shoes.
JosephParticipantSo you’d be okay with the US and Europe leveling the same economic sanctions on Israel as they did on Russia for Crimea?
JosephParticipantThe clothing clings to the body, when wet, making it tight. And the bathing skirt rides up causing the legs to be uncovered. So men couldn’t even be present, for those reasons alone if not others, when women are swimming even if they weren’t in the water with them.