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Whatever criticisms Weiss, Katz and OO receives in the blogosphere, they all have their strong and vocal supporters consistently coming to their defense online. The rabbonim I am referring to generally have few standing up for them in the blogosphere. Generally speaking criticisms of them will result in a bunch of yes-men commenting how correct the attacks on them really and truly are.
JosephParticipantThen you should have no trouble at all easily answering this stuff (without cheating, of course). Nu, let’s hear some numbers.
JosephParticipantThe dates in Question 1 didn’t format very well. Here they are, again:
May 15 16 19
June 17 18
July 14 16
August 14 15 17
JosephParticipantThis site is swarmed out in a sea of the opposite. This little corner is hardly representative of the Jblogosphere.
JosephParticipantThey take some live virus, reduce it into vaccines and inject it into the patient.
Something like that.
JosephParticipantI’m speaking specifically about the Orthodox online chatter. No idea about general political comments. I don’t read Huffington or Daily Kos.
JosephParticipantWhy not? I admit it. I’m liberal.
JosephParticipantLubavitch’s minhag is to crop it to two fingers’ length.
August 30, 2015 3:28 am at 3:28 am in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098277JosephParticipantFrom HaGaon HaRav Avigdor Miller zt’l:
“The woman’s career and happiness are in her home – absolutely and entirely. Her husband, her children and her home are the expressions of her personality and her free will, and they are her chief forms of serving Hashem. The modern wife with a college degree and a job in secular professions is a misfit even in a non-Jewish home. The ideas of revolt against a husband’s authority and the unrealistic dream of equal leadership in the family, lead only to unhappiness and failure, and very frequently to divorce.”
Nobody disagrees with the fact that it is better to have the mother home to raise the kids full time. But in a situation where you cant have that AND a Kollel father and husband at the same time, which of those two has to fall by the wayside? The answer is, you take whichever you think is MORE important: a mother always being home or a father who is the biggest talmid chacham he can be.
Someone in Lakewood once expressed to Rav Schenuer Kotler ZT’L about how if he stays in Kollel his children will be deprived of many things they would have otherwise. Rav Schenuer responded that providing them with a father who is a Talmid Chacham is more important than any of those things. And he should think hard before depriving them of that.
Yes, a woman’s place is at home. But also yes, the type of home you are supposed to have is a Torah home, a Torah-husband and Torah-father at its helm. The question is, if you can only have one of those two positive elements of a home, which is more important? The answer is having a husband and father who is a Talmid Chacham, or better yet, the biggest Talmid Chacham he can be, is the more important of the two. So if you can have both, fine; if not, then we choose learning. This is not considered making a “compromise” in religion, since either way you will have to give up something – the only question is what has to give.
Rav Miller said if a wife is working she should give her paycheck to her husband. He also wrote:
“There cannot be two kings. The marriage relationship is two-fold. 1) The wife is submissive. This is not only Jewish but natural. There can be no harmony when there are two commanders. Without this indispensable condition, the home is disordered. “Arrogance is unbecoming a woman” – Megillah 14B. For a man it is not an ornament, but for a woman it is as if she wore a mustache. 2) The second, but equally essential foundation: a man must always demonstrate respect for his wife. This is “the way of Jewish men that… honor and support their wives in truth” as stated in the Jewish marriage contract. “He honors her more than his own body” – Yevamos 62B, Bava Metzia 59A. He is the captain, but she is the First Mate whose counsel is respected. She cannot be made a doormat, she need not beg for money, she deserves some assistance in the house chores, and the husband sides with her against his kin. He must express frequent appreciation and give words of encouragement, and he should remember his wife from time to time with gifts, big or little. Husband and wife should always say “Please” and “Thank You” and never forget to be always polite to each other.”
JosephParticipantBeing liberal is bad?
JosephParticipantAh gut voch!
JosephParticipantIf it ain’t broke don’t fix it. What’s wrong with Windows 7 that 10 fixes?
August 30, 2015 2:17 am at 2:17 am in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098273JosephParticipantKach hi darkah shel Torah – pas b’melach tochal.
August 30, 2015 1:02 am at 1:02 am in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098271JosephParticipantThe mother is the akeres habayis, staying home and watching the children, raising them together with her husband. What are the men’s jobs and what are the women’s jobs are the same they’ve been throughout the course of human history. It is obvious, common sense and well known.
August 28, 2015 10:09 pm at 10:09 pm in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098269JosephParticipantOy, Syag, have you read the entire thread? I specified from the outset that husband and wife should help each other. And every now and then that’ll mean the husband does the dishes, for example. But that doesn’t detract from the fact that certain functions are men’s jobs while certain functions are women’s jobs.
I’ve long advocated wives remaining SAHM.
JosephParticipantThat story sounds familiar. I read it in Bubbe Maaisas vol. 3, page 178.
August 28, 2015 8:28 pm at 8:28 pm in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098265JosephParticipantThe Mitzrim forced our men to do women’s work and our women to do men’s work. Nowadays the feminist lecture us that there is no such thing as men’s work or women’s work. It’s all an equal partnership.
August 28, 2015 5:50 pm at 5:50 pm in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098262JosephParticipantComlink: Look at what a mess you made. Couldn’t you think of starting a less provocative topic than this!?! ;p
August 28, 2015 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098259JosephParticipantSam, if you were a woman we could always teach you how to be a cook. 🙂
Is a potential wife’s unwillingness or lack of enthusiasm to cook less important than her wealth, looks or yichus?
August 28, 2015 4:34 pm at 4:34 pm in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098256JosephParticipantI’m glad you’re keeping an eye on all your neighbors and making sure the guys are taking out the garbage! You keep up the good work and you’ll be getting your certificate from NOW, especially in light of all the liberal-leaning positions you’ve espoused on this forum over the years.
August 28, 2015 4:03 pm at 4:03 pm in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098253JosephParticipantThere’s nothing needing vindication other than I don’t know how happy he’ll be after the chasuna, IY”H, when you yell out “Zecharia, I resent the implication that it is my duty to cook. Can we eat out in Glatt Chow after you take out the garbage that is too heavy for me since its been building up for the past week?”
JosephParticipantThe poll offered multiple choices to respondents who indicated they are Orthodox. They included Yeshivish, Hasidic, and Hareidi, all of which was categorized under Ultra-Orthodox. The MO category also had some other descriptors that fell under it.
Another interesting data point from the recent Avi Chai study shows that the number of schoolchildren in Modern Orthodox schools in the United States actually fell in the five year period from the previous Avi Chai study.
August 28, 2015 11:20 am at 11:20 am in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098249JosephParticipantSuch a farbrente feministic outlook is very unhealthy going into a marriage. The divorce rate has gotten terribly high r’l, and this is a large factor why.
August 27, 2015 7:00 pm at 7:00 pm in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098243JosephParticipantalthough I doubt it affected his decision.
T613: You’re underrating yourself.
RY: How much are you paid to be her spokesman?
JosephParticipantcherrybim: You’re doing the calculation wrong. You would need to calculate 2/3 of 530,000 not of 408,0000, since Pew is specifying Chareidim constitute 2/3 of their definition of Orthodox.
gavra: According to the most recent Avi Chai study, there are now notably more children in U.S. Chasidish schools than children in Chareidi non-Chasidish schools. (The previous Avi Chai study still showed more non-Chasidic schoolchildren than Chasidic.) So another takeaway from all this, is that within the Chareidi world, Chareidim are becoming more Chasidic. This is not often noticed since Chasidim tend to congregate in living in their own enclaves, thus non-Chasidim don’t see them as much than if they had been more geographically spread out. (That same point holds true to a lesser extent regarding the geographic living clusters of Orthodox Jews compared to non-Orthodox.)
While often they’ll vote Democrat for local races (Councilman, Assemblyman, etc.) based on bread-and-butter issues, they overwhelmingly tend to vote Republican in Statewide and Federal elections. This can be easily corroborated by viewing Board of Election results in overwhelmingly Orthodox, including Chasidic, voting precincts.
August 27, 2015 5:17 pm at 5:17 pm in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098240JosephParticipantIf you find that offensive, you might need more time before being ready for shidduchim.
JosephParticipantcherrybim: The figures I cited come from a newly released data-laden report from the Pew Research Center entitled “A Portrait of American Orthodox Jews”, dated August 26, 2015. It is available on their website. The JTA has an article on it, dated the same day, entitled “Most Orthodox Jews are Republicans and 11 other findings from Pew”.
The percentage of American Orthodox Jews aged 30 and younger that are Chareidim is significantly higher than the 2/3 overall figure mentioned above.
JosephParticipantToday, Pew Research released additional data points from their 2013 Jewish census. Some of the interesting points were:
2/3 of American Orthodox Jews identify as Hareidi whereas 1/3 identify as MO.
96% of Hareidim and 77% of MO believe in G-d with absolute certainty. (Compared with 41% and 29% of Conservatives and Reform, respectively.)
60% of Hareidim and 55% of MO are Republicans.
25% of Hareidim and 65% of MO have college degrees.
90% of Hareidim live in the Northeast and 1% live out West.
75% of Hareidim and 48% of MO are married by age 25.
97% of Hareidim and 65% of MO say all (or most) of their friends are Jewish.
August 27, 2015 3:39 am at 3:39 am in reply to: Orthodox & Mormon Shidduch Crisis comparison – Time Magazine #1098024JosephParticipantIt may. Or it may not.
August 27, 2015 2:42 am at 2:42 am in reply to: Letter from Rabbonim that Schools Must Accept Non-Vaccinated Children #1099216JosephParticipantI say this in this circumstances, but if you get a “Psak” to eat cholov stam, you need to get another Psak and if necessary get another Rav as well.
August 27, 2015 2:40 am at 2:40 am in reply to: Orthodox & Mormon Shidduch Crisis comparison – Time Magazine #1098022JosephParticipant(I’m waiting for squeak to now jump in and yell, “I told you all this years ago!!”)
August 27, 2015 2:37 am at 2:37 am in reply to: Orthodox & Mormon Shidduch Crisis comparison – Time Magazine #1098021JosephParticipantDY: That’s true. Or, potentially, it may primarily be caused by far more male OTDs than female OTDs. (I read somewhere that females, across societies, tend to remain more pios/religious than males who are more likely than women to quit religion. It’s certainly true by Mormons. And I read an infamous OTD organization say that their clientele is majority men.) And the age gap may be a factor, albeit a minor one compared to the OTD gap. It would seem which is the primary factor remains, thus far, indeterminate.
August 27, 2015 12:58 am at 12:58 am in reply to: Orthodox & Mormon Shidduch Crisis comparison – Time Magazine #1098016JosephParticipantDid it? I hadn’t noticed it say that. Even if it had, I would hardly take a non Jewish journalists guess on how many male OTDs vs female OTDs there are.
August 26, 2015 9:39 pm at 9:39 pm in reply to: Letter from Rabbonim that Schools Must Accept Non-Vaccinated Children #1099210JosephParticipantAbba_S: Vaccinations aren’t 100% effective. They’re only about 90-95% effective. So there is still up to a 10% chance a vaccinated child will get infected by a non-vaccinated child.
August 26, 2015 9:28 pm at 9:28 pm in reply to: Orthodox & Mormon Shidduch Crisis comparison – Time Magazine #1098014JosephParticipantThe Time article asserts a far larger number of Mormon men leave their religion than Mormon women. I wonder if there is a notable OTD gender disparity within Orthodoxy that may be playing a greater role in our marriageable gender gap that might be incorrectly being entirely attributed to the age gap when it is more of an OTD gap.
August 26, 2015 2:59 pm at 2:59 pm in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098227JosephParticipanttakahmamash: You did the right thing by tasting her food before engagement.
oomis: Taking out the garbage is part of a wife’s domestic duties. (Not to say that the husband shouldn’t help out sometimes.)
The girl doesn’t need to be a cook before marriage. But she needs to be willing to learn to cook.
JosephParticipantIt isn’t the most refined mode of eyewear. It may come across as baal gaaivadik.
August 26, 2015 5:18 am at 5:18 am in reply to: Orthodox & Mormon Shidduch Crisis comparison – Time Magazine #1098005JosephParticipantThey instituted their own cherem over 100 years ago, in order to allow Utah to become a State.
August 26, 2015 4:28 am at 4:28 am in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098219JosephParticipantThey should be taught to cook.
August 26, 2015 3:40 am at 3:40 am in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098215JosephParticipantCooking is one of the most important jobs of a wife.
JosephParticipantCricket is the most wonderful game.
August 26, 2015 3:19 am at 3:19 am in reply to: Asking to taste the girl's cooking before agreeing to a shidduch #1098211JosephParticipantDefinitely make sure the girl can cook – or is willing to learn to – before getting engaged.
August 26, 2015 2:08 am at 2:08 am in reply to: Letter from Rabbonim that Schools Must Accept Non-Vaccinated Children #1099204JosephParticipantHas anyone verified the claimed letter is real?
In any event, Yeshivos haven’t been in the tradition of kicking out children who aren’t vaccinated, so an instructive to maintain existing school policy is hardly revolutionary.
JosephParticipantHis point was that North Korea got the bomb while under heavy sanctions.
JosephParticipantThe better question is how it is accepted that a gentile masquerading as Jew based on a phony avi weiss/haskel lookstein type conversion is permitted to consistently attack basic Jewish values using sophistry to push liberal values anathema to the Torah and Yiddishkeit.
JosephParticipantIt is funny how liberals have no sense of humor. The reference to Obama’s white mother was an obvious gag.
August 24, 2015 2:54 pm at 2:54 pm in reply to: But people don't get to choose their own schools in America #1097692JosephParticipantWhy should he pay if he finds willing s-ers putting it up for free?
JosephParticipantNPR, August 2013:
Despite promises by President Obama that people can keep the insurance they have once Obamacare is in full effect, millions will have to upgrade their policies to meet the benefit standards laid out by the Affordable Care Act. The measure will be in full swing this January.