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Perhaps the rabbi had made arrangements with the corporate owners to have the TVs off on that day of chol hamoed and the local yodel working that day was being obnoxious because he didn’t know the bosses wanted the TVs and radios turned off and already arranged it so that a busload of boys could be there.
JosephParticipantWho said you gotta complete the circle around the bima?
JosephParticipantsdd, how’d you do your calculation?
JosephParticipantHow about a wife who gets the same schar as her husband, for her enabling and assisting her husband to reach his level in Torah and Avoda. i.e. What Rabi Akiva said regarding his wife Rochel – all that is mine and yours (his talmidim) is hers, etc.
JosephParticipantWhat’s the chilik between divrei mussar and chasidus?
JosephParticipantThe answer is befeirush in Bereishus.
JosephParticipantOffhand I think there’s a teshuva in kovetz teshuvos.
September 25, 2015 1:03 pm at 1:03 pm in reply to: I am having a Euro Obsession at the Moment… #1104604JosephParticipantHow about the Yiddish-British accent. Are their accents more similar to their Yiddish speaking cousins in Williamsburg or to their native British contemporaries?
JosephParticipantYes, there certainly are written teshuvos by them and earlier poskim.
Even when Sir Montefiore ascended to the Har Habayis in the late 1800s, the gedolim of Yerushalayim publicly denounced him the following Shabbos in Shul. He tearfully and publicly apologized to the rabbonom saying he hadn’t realized it was assur and promising never to do so again, and the rabbonim said he was forgiven. And he was one of the most powerful figures and wealthy Jewish benefactors of Eretz Yisroel of the time. This is hardly anything new or “political”, as you attempt to malign the gedolei yisroel and poskim of our dor.
JosephParticipant“What is your greatest challenge in learning to play Jewish music?”
Hitting play on the CD player.
JosephParticipantI’d have to look inside. But it stands to reason that there was population growth in the hundreds of years between bayis rishon and bayis sheini. With a larger population and not a (much) larger bayis, it was still a neis that they all fit in. Perhaps an even bigger neis.
JosephParticipantYou’re still challenging Chazal based on claims of Roman historians. Rather you should challenge the Roman historians claims based on the emes from Chazal.
JosephParticipantSam, why would you so willingly eat up and accept the record of Roman historians? Btw, the Roman historians whose record survived all are from a later era than Nero. And why would you accept that over Chazal?
JosephParticipantSam, Roman historians aren’t renown for their honesty. L’havdil, much like today’s liberal historians who read into history their agenda.
Nero’s conversion was an embarrassment to the Roman establishment and it would be no wonder that they’d falsely write him out of history as a miscreant and try to whitewash and ignore his conversion. Indeed, today the historians view is that the idea that Nero fiddled while Rome burned is a falsehood.
JosephParticipantIn the Bais HaMikdash, miraculously, all the Yidden fit in and were comfortable, even though it wasn’t naturally big enough. And when the Yidden bowed down for the Avoda, miraculously, there was enough space for everyone to bow even though moments earlier there was only enough space for them to stand.
September 25, 2015 2:05 am at 2:05 am in reply to: I am having a Euro Obsession at the Moment… #1104600JosephParticipantDo the Northern Irish have an accent more similar to the British or to the Irish (from the Republic)?
JosephParticipantWhat is the chilik between Divrei Torah and Chasidus?
JosephParticipantIt was only Uncle Moshe movies I relied on your psak for. I deeply regret it.
JosephParticipantI’ve read that the accusation that “Nero fiddled while Rome burned” was a falsehood and libel issued against him by some ancient historians embarrassed that a Roman Emperor became a Jew. He was in fact out of Rome during the fire.
September 24, 2015 11:08 pm at 11:08 pm in reply to: I am having a Euro Obsession at the Moment… #1104596JosephParticipantI would still like to know how to tell apart a Brit from an Australian, based upon his accent.
And how about those Irish?
JosephParticipantIs there an inyan to be buried in the same kittel one wore during his lifetime?
JosephParticipantHow are you differentiating nusach from melodies?
JosephParticipantWhat would be an example of what you refer to?
JosephParticipantDM: FWIW, the organizers of the center in the news story you’re referring to, on the bottom of their posters advertising their location, write “Long live the Rebbe King Moshiach forever and ever”.
JosephParticipantI want to make clear, since it is before Yom Kippur, that nothing I wrote here was intended to pasken, and that anything I discussed was just talking in learning. As seen by the different kashas against me, most of what I said may not have a solid backing in the Poskim and if anybody relies on anything I said here is making a big mistake since I am not a posek nor anywhere close to being one (and even if I was, I was not intending to pasken.)
Besides, there could be other issues with movies besides pritzus that was not enumerated.
Now you tell me? For the past six months I’ve been relying on your psak.
JosephParticipant2,000 years ago today’s anti kapporos wackos would have been protesting the animal cruelty of kapporos on the mizbeach.
JosephParticipantpcoz might not know many Chasidim but he does read some news media about them to form his opinions.
JosephParticipantHe said it ain’t over till it’s over. It’s now over.
Yogi Berra, R.I.P.
JosephParticipantGmar Chasima Tova.
September 22, 2015 7:38 am at 7:38 am in reply to: Mochel Loch… time to forgive and be forgiven! #1184935JosephParticipantPlease forgive me, be ye young or be ye old, for all my sins against you new or old.
Gmar Chasima Tova.
JosephParticipantOff topic somewhat, but the plague in the mid 1300s killed about half of Europe’s population and a third of the world’s population. It took about 300 years for the world population to recover to pre-plague levels.
JosephParticipantWhy your equivocation, Sam?
September 22, 2015 2:57 am at 2:57 am in reply to: Is it wrong to secretly not want moshiach to come #1132542JosephParticipantYes, it is very wrong. And one who doesn’t want Moshiach may find himself left behind by Moshiach when he does come.
Very very soon, IY”H.
JosephParticipantIf someone is driving away with your stolen chickens, you have every moral and legal right to stop them before they disappear.
JosephParticipantMazal Tov!!! What’s the lucky Choson’s coffee room screen name ?!?
JosephParticipantThe animal activists in that car had stolen chickens. The first part of the video was posted on ywn yesterday.
JosephParticipantWhat is the historical timeframe when medical science materially increased the survival rate of twin pregnancies?
JosephParticipantDoing the same thing over and over is not very exciting.
Marriage isn’t about getting excited. In life we need to do many things over and over.
Chassidim do not believe in emotional personal living so do not relate to the issue.
Chasidim believe in emotional personal living more than non-Chasidim do.
JosephParticipantSam, so if I take a detour route out of my way to avoid passing an area where women congregate I got no mitzvah and did no good deed?
JosephParticipantThe chickens that weren’t kosher or schechted properly are sold to non-Jews. So it isn’t wasted and the tzedaka profits from that as well. Additionally, even on a farm there is a certain percentage of spoilage. The spoilage by kapporos isn’t a lot despite the anti-semites’ (both the Jewish and PETA variety) lies.
Sam: The vast majority of kapporos centers treat the chickens halachicly and appropriately for animals and are appropriately taken care of.
JosephParticipantMachul loch.
And can you be me mochel?
JosephParticipantWhat makes you think that more twins have been born more recently than in the past? Because your neighbor and friend had twins?
September 21, 2015 9:15 pm at 9:15 pm in reply to: I am having a Euro Obsession at the Moment… #1104589JosephParticipantThere’s also a Brooklyn Bridge that Jews use.
JosephParticipantSo to your very core you’re a tzadik. Even your fibers and kishkas simply naturally react like a Torah Yid should to the point in your anivus (which you don’t even recognize as your anivus) you simply attribute it to a natural non-commendable reaction.
JosephParticipantMocehl loch, mochel loch, mochel loch.
September 21, 2015 4:06 pm at 4:06 pm in reply to: I am having a Euro Obsession at the Moment… #1104587JosephParticipantGeordie, once your laughter has died down, please do describe those differences between the accents of the British, Irish, Australians and South Africans.
akuperma, you seem to have forgotten than England had Jews at one time and they were expelled from the land.